Always Forever (me and you un...

Autorstwa larry4ever0928

16.5K 809 934

Never did Louis Tomlinson think his life would turn out this way. Not only is his first love back in his life... Więcej

Chapter 1 Louis
Chapter 2 Harry
Chapter 3 Louis
Chapter 4 Harry
Chapter 5 Louis
Chapter 6 Liam
Chapter 7 Harry
Chapter 8 Louis
Chapter 9 Harry
Chapter 10 Louis
Chapter 11 Harry
Chapter 12 Liam
Chapter 13 Harry
Chapter 14 Louis
Chapter 15 Harry
Chapter 16 Louis
Chapter 17 Harry
Chapter 18 Louis
Chapter 19 Harry
Chapter 20 Louis
Chapter 21 Harry
Chapter 22 Louis
Chapter 23 Liam
Chapter 24 Harry
Chapter 25 Louis
Chapter 26 Harry
Chapter 27 Louis
Chapter 28 Harry
Chapter 29 Louis
Chapter 30 Harry
Chapter 31 Louis
Chapter 32 Liam
Chapter 33 Harry
Chapter 34 Louis
Chapter 35 Harry
Chapter 36 Louis
Chapter 37 Harry
Chapter 38 Louis
Chapter 39 Harry
Chapter 40 Louis
Chapter 41 Harry
Chapter 42 Louis
Chapter 43 Harry
Chapter 44 Louis
Chapter 45 Louis
Chapter 46 Harry
Chapter 47 Louis
Chapter 48 Harry
Chapter 49 Louis
Chapter 50 Gemma
Chapter 51 Louis
Chapter 52 Harry
Chapter 53 Louis
chapter 54 Harry
Chapter 55 Louis
Chapter 57 Louis
Chapter 58 Harry Epilogue

Chapter 56 Harry

275 12 46
Autorstwa larry4ever0928

Thank you for your patience.
I am so sorry if this is a bit long, I just wanted to capture the moments.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

Sorry if there are any errors.
As with the previous chapter these pictures are my own and they took a long time to get the exact ones I wanted, so please dont share, if you do then please give credits.

Let me know what you think. Hope it met expectations.

There is one chapter left and then the epilogue 

Wow. I did it. I stood here in front of our family and friends and spoke from my heart. Louis' hands are in mine, so small yet so comforting holding me together. I nearly lost it at one point especially when he started crying. He looks so beautiful standing here in front of me. The sun is reflecting off the water's surface which is reflecting into his eyes.

When I first stepped out of the car I was feeling so nervous. Not to Marry Louis, more nervous of the fact that I was worried he would change his mind. I was overwhelmed initially when I got out and had the bridesmaids around me. I didn't even know where to look or what to do. I felt sick. I have played in front of 1000s of people and yet I have never felt as sick as I did when I stepped out of that car. As soon as I looked up though and saw Louis that was it. His eyes were calm and settled as he smiled holding Evans hand next to him and I feel complete. I know this is what I have been waiting my whole life for. The nausea stops and instead of feeling sick all I felt was a wash of calmness move over me. As if Louis had cast some sort of spell on me. I just wanted to get to him, to stand by his side and to become his husband.

"Thank you Harry for your words" The officiator says bringing me out of my daydream. He gestures for Louis who looks up at me. I watch as Louis composes himself. I know this is something he has been dreading but I know whatever he says will mean so much to me. I squeeze his hand giving him a nod. This is it, I am sure I am going to be as emotional as him. Fuck, everyone is emotional as I look around and see everyone with tissues in there hands. "

Louis, are you ready to read your words to Harry"?

Louis stands up straighter, his body more poised as he nods his head giving me a smile.

"Harry, Firstly, I want to say thank you for your beautiful words. I wish now though I would have gone first, as how can I compete with a lyrical genius, someone so good at words" He chuckles to himself before taking a deep breath in. "Anyhow here we go"

My heart is racing as I watch Louis lick his bottom lip before starting to speak

"Harry, you could say we were only kids when our love started but I knew from the first moment we met that you were going to become someone important in my life. What started off for us, that foundation of friendship, smiles, laughter and fun soon turned into something so huge for me that I didn't even realise I had fallen for you until it was suddenly there, hitting me in the face. Not only were you completely gorgeous, and still are by the way, it was more than that. I couldn't believe that my best friend had fast became my most favourite person"

"You captured me wholeheartedly, became my rock and confidant and our love grew so much over those years together. We had so many firsts and new experiences yet it was easy. So easy that I didn't realise how lucky I was to find you so soon in my life. Being with you was so natural. You were the first person I spoke to in the morning and the last person I spoke to at night before I closed my eyes and I took everything for granted. I thought nothing could come between you and I. It was not until you left and we were separated that I realised what a huge part you played in my life and how much I needed you. You brought so much happiness and joy into my world, that when you were gone I felt like you had taken half of my heart with you. You had opened up something so deep within me and yet it was that, that has made me who I am today. You taught me how it was ok to be myself, how to love and know what real love was and how it feels to be loved in return and for that I am grateful"

God, it didn't take long and the tears are already falling. Louis holds my gaze as he squeezes my hand in comfort.

"As you said your thanks to me, I also want to thank you Harry, for giving Evan to me. For sharing a piece of yourself with me and making me a father. Having Evan allowed me to live again, to feel a bond so strong. I grew in strength with my love for him made with love from you. Raising him to be the perfect boy he is today was easy because I had already learned so much from you and how you are, that I knew I wanted our little boy to be like his daddy. To love fully, to be strong and fierce, confident and independent. To treat people with respect and kindness, for him to have all those qualities of his dad that I admire and love so much. You are a fantastic dad to our boy Harry and I want to tell you how this past year, I have watched you grow as a parent and I am so proud of you. The love and support you give to Evan daily and the way you nurture and teach him to grow, I feel blessed that it is with you that I share this special boy with. To know how much you care and love him as much as I do and as much as we both love you equally in return"

The sob comes out before I can stop it. To hear Louis talk about Evan and how he sees me as a parent. It hits hard. The fact I could have missed all of this and yet now I have it all and even when I doubt myself. To hear Louis talk so openly and lovingly, hearing him say I am doing a good job means the world to me. For him to say Evan as having my qualities, when actually Louis doesn't realise that all of those are him too. This strong beautiful boy standing before me, so brave and fearless. To be a single parent takes strength and courage and yet he thanks me for it. I can't even comprehend what I am feeling. The respect and love for this boy is bursting out of my chest. I know its not the time but I need to. I pull him into my chest and wrap my arms around him, whispering thank you in his ear.

Louis pulls away leaving a kiss on my cheek as our hands join together again. I wipe the tears from my face, giving Louis a nod, letting him know to continue.

"The journey we have been on already through our life has already challenged us as a couple, yet working through our hardships, the obstacles we have faced, we have come out stronger. I have bore witness to the biggest growth between us, and what I thought was unbelievable back when we were kids, finding our way in this world, is nothing compared to how we are now. Our relationship is so full of more love and support than I could have ever dreamed of, and with the utmost of kindness, respect, trust and loyalty I promise to stick by your side through any other challenges that we may face as we take this journey and create this wonderful life together"

Just as Louis did with me its now my turn to show him I am listening as I bring his hand up to my face and gently kiss his palm.

"I want to thank you for choosing me. You, more than anyone else, knows my insecurities and fears and I thank you for making sure I never feel inadequate. You have such a gentle and selfless way of showing your love Harry. It's in the way you look at me with such kindness and compassion, even when I am ranting, am upset, feeling vulnerable or even just rambling like I am doing now."

His cheeks blush a little pink as he takes a breath. I see the tears fill his eyes again. God, who would have thought that weddings could be this intense and emotional. I don't think I was expecting it. I just want to stand closer, to wrap my arms around him and hold him, tell him I am always going to be there holding him up and supporting him. I run my thumbs over his delicate wrists. Louis swallows clearing his throat before continuing

"You bring out the best version of myself and always see the beauty in my flaws"

"I want to thank you for taking care of me Haz, and for the way you believe in me, even when I don't believe in myself and for pushing me to try even when I think I can't"

"In front of everyone here today and especially to you Harry, I promise to put you and Evan first and above anything else, always. I promise to take care of you, more than you take care of me and to always fight with you and for you, but never against you. To step away from my stubbornness and accept my mistakes. I know I have a bit of a dramatic flair and can fly off on one, but I promise to try and listen to you and try to remember I am not always right. Even though most of the time, I usually am, you just don't want to admit it.

I laugh out loud at his little speech. My little pocket rocket. He ain't wrong, he is dramatic, although I would have to dispute him saying he is right all the time

"Hmm, not right all the time Lou. We may have to still work on that I reckon" I grin at him raising my eyebrows as Louis rolls his eyes dramatically, but laughing to himself as everyone laughs along with us. Louis meets my gaze again and I can't help mouthing 'love you' to him.

"Joking aside, I promise to be your biggest fan. Yes, I know you have loads of those, but none of them will ever feel more proud of you or see you as I do, and for that I am privileged. I see you and I know you. To me you are just my dorky Harry, and it's that version of you that I want to love completely and forever. To get to see you as my Harry at all times. I promise to treat you as he and not Harry Styles and to be that normality for you, to be your guiding light that brings you out of the dark"

"I cannot promise I will be the perfect husband, but I can promise to love you through the good times and the bad without hesitation for the rest of my life. I promise to hold you in my arms as we sleep, and to let you drape your long legs and arms all over me to keep you safe and comforted"

He winks at me, his eyes shining in happiness. I could argue how I know full well, he equally loves my body wrapped all around him. I can't help it though. My body gravitates towards him all the time. He is my safe haven. I feel most content when I fall asleep in his arms and I am glad Louis knows this. We never talked about it but it is obvious he knows my little quirks.

"I can not wait to become your husband. Saying yes to you was such an easy decision. No amount of words could portray how amazing it feels to have you back in my life and I promise I will spend the rest of my life showing you, and telling you everyday how amazing you are. I promise to always make you laugh, even if its at me, and not with me, just so I can see those beautiful dimples of yours that appear when you are truly happy"

"I know I have rambled on and on but I have so many feelings and words I could say about you, yet even then, there would never be enough time to convey to you how you make me feel and how in love with you I am"

He reaches forward, grazing his fingers softly, across my chin, looking at me with so much fondness and love. The butterflies are going manic and my eyes seem to be permanently blinded with tears. I turn my head kissing his fingers as he smiles beautifully at me, before reaching down and taking my hand again. I feel like I am living in a dream. A perfect dream.

"Finally though, I will finish by saying I promise to be faithful, loyal and supportive to you Harry, and I will make it my mission that you smile everyday. Your happiness and our families happiness is my priority and I vow that I will choose you everyday, without doubt and without pause, not cause I have to, but because I want to"

"I choose you Harry, love of my life. Everything in me recognises your heart as my home and your arms as my safe space, and I promise to walk hand in hand with you, side by side now and forever"

Louis releases his breath as our eyes meet. Smiling at each other, I am aware all eyes are on us and yet I can't see or hear them at the moment. My eyes are on the man in front of me.

"Those were beautiful words. Sharing them in front of your family and friends here today has meant they are able to witness the love between you. I know that you both have a poem that you would like to be read out so if you are ready Liam"

Liam stands up and walks to the front, facing towards our families and friends. Me and Louis found this verse when we were laying in bed one night and we both felt it was a pure representation of our values about marriage and wanted to include it. Liam clears his throat as he starts to read clearly. Louis hands are still in mine as we listen to the words that mean so much to us

"Love is patient and kind;

Love is not jealous or boastful;

It is not arrogant or rude.

Love does not insist on its own way;

It is not easily angered.

Love keeps no record of wrongs, but rejoices with the truth.

Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes and never gives up.

Three things always remain; Faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is Love"

Liam turns around hugging us both before going back to his seat.

"Thank you Liam" the officiator says before he turns to face us, me and Louis stand closer together, facing him, but our hands still join. Nothing else matters, It is just us.

"Harry and Louis, you have chosen each other today to be your life partner. Will you love and respect each other? Will you be honest with them always? Will you stand by each other through whatever may come? Do you both promise to make the necessary adjustments in your lives in order to be able to live in a harmonious relationship together, to have and to hold from this day forward?"

I look over to Louis who is already looking at me, the words so easy on the tip of my tongue ready to promise.

"Say yes dads, say yes"

An excitable yell from Evan disrupts the moment, me and Louis turning round to see My mom and Jayne pulling Evan back onto his seats where he had obviously jumped up to yell at us. Both of them laughing and whispering in his ear, Louis grinning just as much, looking so much like our dear boy. I squeeze Louis hand as we both say in perfect synchronisation

"We Will"

"Now, if Evan and Liam would like to bring the rings please"

Evan jumps off his chair, skipping over as he carefully takes the ring Louis had given him out of his pocket and places it on the velvet pillow. Liam does the same before he carries Evan back with him and sits him on his lap next to him and the girls.

My heart is racing. It's nearly time and soon that ring will be safely and securely on my finger and Louis will officially be my husband.

"Harry if you could take the ring, and Louis hand in yours as you repeat after me"

I take the ring, my hands now slightly shaking, My emotions feel heavy inside consumed with love and I hear the officiant say the words. The words that I know by heart because me and Louis chose them. We chose the promises we are about to be binded to in marriage. Looking into Louis' eyes, he is smiling, the crinkles appearing and suddenly it feels easy. I swallow down the lump that had appeared in my throat yet no longer wanting to cry but instead wanting to celebrate and show everyone my commitment for this man

"Louis, I give you this ring, that you may wear it, as a symbol of the vows and promises we have made today to each other. I pledge to you, my love, my respect, my truth, my laughter and my tears. With all that I am I honour you"

I place the ring upon his finger. The platinum band covering over the number 2 tattooed there, like I promised him I would all those years ago. I look up at Louis and know he is thinking the same as tears of emotion fall down his cheek. I feel as Louis now cradles my hand. His hand looking small against mine, yet so perfect together. His voice wavers a bit but his eyes don't leave mine

"Harry, I give you this ring, that you may wear it, as a symbol of the vows and promises we have made today to each other. I pledge to you, my love, my respect, my truth, my laughter and my tears. With all that I am I honour you"

He slides the ring on my finger and my insides erupt. The warmth spreads through me. My tears matching Louis' own as they slide down my face, yet they are happy tears. I never dreamed this day would come for someone like me, and yet here I stand surrounded by family and friends and my son on my wedding day.

We join our hands together, looking down at the rings that now bind us, there to show the world, a commitment for eternity

"To those who wear the rings that have been placed on your fingers. May you live in love for all your days. May the love that brought you together, continue to grow and enrich your lives. May your relationship be one of Love and trust and may the happiness you share today be with you always. It is now with the greatest pleasure"

Get on with it, I want to say, eagerly squeezing Louis' hands. I just want to kiss him. I need to feel him. I feel like we been apart to long

"I now pronounce you husbands. You may seal it with a kiss"

I know there is cheering, whistles, loads of applause, but the sound feels miles away as I pull Louis towards me, my hand cups his face as finally his lips meet mine. The electricity flows through me as I feel his warm lips, gently caressing mine as we kiss for the first time today. His arms come around my neck as he tilts my head to the side as we share the most perfect kiss. The first one as husbands.

We pull apart, both of us grinning like the mother fucking sun as Louis' hand moves my fringe from my eyes

"We did it baby" he says through his smile

"We did. I love you Lou"

I can't resist pulling him back in for another quick chaste kiss as he says he loves me too into my mouth before I feel little arms around my legs. Scoping down I bring a happy Evan up into my arms, holding him between me and Louis as we turn to face our family and friends. Mobile phones are held up in the air taking pictures, as well as Lloyd, who worked with me on tour crouching down with his camera to get our wedding pictures.

"I am so happy daddies. We all have the same name now"

I place a kiss on his cheek.

"That we do mate. Harry Tomlinson. How does that sound?" Evan places his thumb on his chin as he appears to be thinking about it

"I like it" he tells me seriously before I plaster his face with kisses causing him to squeal as Louis does the same on the other side.

"Harry and Louis I am so happy that I got to perform this service today" I turn around shaking hand with Paul, the wedding officiator as Louis does the same

"Thank you. It was perfect for us" Louis tells him and I agree. It was all perfect and yet the day is still young. We still have the rest of the evening to go.

"If you could just make your way to the table over there, so you can sign the register"

Shit I forgot about that. I call over to Niall and Liam who of course, are going to be our witnesses as we make our way to the table and sit ourselves down.

Reaching for the pen as we sign our name on the register, stopping to pose for some pictures, before standing up and thanking Liam and Niall for all they have done for us. The Place looks amazing and I am so grateful for what Niall has pulled off, to achieve such beauty and memories in our spot.

Our family and friends all come over, me and Louis being passed from one to the other, yet never letting go of each other's hand as they congratulate us. Both our moms being over emotional before I excuse ourselves. With Louis' hand in mine I gesture for the lads to follow me as I walk over to the bench. The picture of us all there in the frame on the bench where we have all spent many times. We stand there for a moment in silence, all holding each other as we think of our friend. The piece of all of us that is missing. Liam quickly wipes a tea that has fallen from his eye as I squeeze him tighter.

"This is for you Zayn. I know you are watching us and I just want to tell you, we wish you were here mate. Life may go on but there is not a day that goes by that we don't all think about you, or we are reminded of something you may have said or done. We miss you. I thank you Zayn. Thank you for guiding me home. I love you mate"

I feel Louis' arm as it is wrapped around me squeezing it in comfort. Sniffing back their tears, I lay my head on his shoulder as we all cherish each other and well aware that we are the lucky ones.

We walk back to where everyone is waiting. Liam goes to Sarah who hugs him. I know she is comforting him as he nods and smiles and gives her a kiss. I can smile at that. I feel comforted knowing Liam has found someone special. He will never forget Zayn but he now has a second chance at happiness and that is all I want for him. I watch as he takes the twins' hands in his and Sarah takes lexis.

The sound of the song starts up from the speakers as everyone stands at their seats, ready for me and Louis to walk out of here as husbands.

Love, love, love

Love, love, love

Love, love, love

(Love, love, love)

There's nothing you can do that can't be done

(Love, love, love)

Nothing you can sing that can't be sung

(Love, love, love)

Nothing you can say

But you can learn how to play the game

It's easy

We walk down the aisle, stopping to pick Evan up on the way as he stands between us holding both our hands. This is my life, my family, my world

Love, love, love)

Nothing you can know that isn't known

(Love, love, love)

Nothing you can see that isn't shown

(Love, love, love)

There's nowhere you can be

That isn't where you're meant to be

It's easy

All you need is love

All you need is love

All you need is love, love

Love is all you need

Everyone walks behind us as we get to the car I arrived in. My mom takes Evan to go with them as me and Louis grab a glass of champagne and get into the back of the car. I take a sip. My mouth feels so dry.

"So are you happy Mr Tomlinson?" Louis says to me as the car pulls away towards home. Home to where we start our new adventure and celebrate with all our family and friends

"I couldn't be happier...... Husband" I tell him. He smiles as I lean forward and catch his lips in a kiss once more.

"I love you Haz"

"I love you more"

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