Pools Of Poppy Petals

By LeoAnimatics

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The Start of it all. Chapter. 01
A missed meeting.. Chapter. 02
A Visit with gifts of help Chapter 03.
Back to life, Chapter 04.
Pools Of Petals, Chapter 05
A Short lived reappearance Chapter 07
Severity.. Chapter 08
A 𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 Visit Chapter 09
Bloom Chapter 10
Caretaker Chapter. 11
An unexpected discovery Chapter. 12

an unknown awakening Chapter 06

191 10 3
By LeoAnimatics

If yall readin this you already know the TWS of Hanahaki, blood, mentions of illness, coughing, vomiting, ext. read at your own risk :D

{Chapter 06, An Unknown Awakening}

{Owens POV}

i screamed out of pure horror watching scotts body hit lifeless on the ground suddenly
what in the name of llamas just happened!?
i ran upto him , falling at his side, lifting his head onto my knees
screaming for someone to help a few of the villagers ran over, one of them calling Gemini. She had a hospital back at Dawn. which is something we should probably have in chromia.. but dont.
soon later gem arrived. gasping in shock as she landed near my side

"I- oh my.. what happened?!" gem exclaimed 
"i dont know! i was coming out of the tavern to check on him and- and all i- sa-saw  was- hi-him falling!" i panicked, my voice was fast and heavy
"can you follow me back to dawn.?" she asked 
"..mhm. scott mended me and elytra a while back.." i mumbled
"alright. heres some extra rockets.. follow me." gem sighed, pulling scott into her arms and flapping her large butterfly wings

~5 hours later..~

i sat anxiously tapping the heel of my boot on the wooden ground, next to the bed scott lied in
i hadnt known what happened
i was horrified
i didnt know what to do
it had been atleast five hours.
then i looked up quickly, hearing something next to me

"..owen?" scott questioned, sitting up a little
"scott! please stay laying down.." i said quickly, standing up and grabbing his hand as his head slowly hit the pillows once more
"stay right here i-ill be right back i promise" i stuttered before going out of the room to get gem
"GEM!!" i called down the hallway and she peeked around, a very confused sausage also stood with her
"Yes Owen?" she called
"Hes up" i smiled
"Oh goodness! thank you i- uh- give me a moment sausage" she smiled before running down, next to me, picking up her dress as the both of us entered the room
"can- can i ask wh-what happened..?" scott mumbled as gem sat down on a chair next to his bed
"Well we arnt exactly sure. owen saw you pass out, thats all" gem frowned
"..oh..o-okay" scott mumbled
"may i ask how your feeling?" gem asked
"..fine? i- i think?.. im k-kinda dizzy b-but thats- al-all i think..." he mumbled
"alright. im going to get you some water, owen make sure he stays lying down until i get back" gem smiled
"will do" i assured her as she walked out

{Gems POV}

I walked out of the room, closing the door gently
i headed down the hallway, opening up a counter and turning on the small faucet and filling the cup with cold water

"Gem?" sausage questioned
"yes sausage?" i asked, my head turning around as i turned off the faucet
"what exactly is going on?"
"awoken patient" i smiled
"can i ask who? and why the heck is scotts bartender here-?" he asked confused
"because scott is said patient" i replied, turning back to the cup and carefully turning around
"i- oh- that makes more sense.. is he alright?" he said/asked
"as hes awake we're assuming so. owen saw him pass out, thats all the information we have" i sighed
"atleast he woke up" he smiled and i nodded
"ill be back" i smiled and he nodded in return before i headed down the hallway
Carefully opening the door i headed in, giving a smile to the both of them as i set the cup down on the table before pressing a button on the bed that would help him sit up without him actually doing it, even knowing he still would because hes stubborn-

(I ACTUALLY DID THIS ONCE- it was like- a year and a half ago i think?  i had just woken up on an anesthetic directly after having surgery ON MY EYES- and uh- i just- tried to sit up- and started TOUCHING MY EYES-.. they gave me more medicine and i- i uh passed out again- )

Handing him the small glass of water he smiled at me weakly, i gave him a soft smile back
"do you have any clue on what happened?" i asked him 
"..i- i dont know- i mean.. i have felt sick for the past few days and did pass out the night before... but-" i cut him off
"so you passed out twice?!"i asked shocked and concerned
"yeah at like- three am maybe?" he quizzed
"what the heck were you doing up at three in the morning-?" owen asked
"genuinely, i dont remember" he sighed
"well, you do seem stable. thats a good sign. all we can really hope is it was some sort of fainting spell" i sighed
"im going to be honest here gem- i really wouldnt worry about it.. im prone to illness and fainting spells, ive been in hospitals more times than i can count without even knowing where i am, this time i just got heavily lucky it was in chromia" scott explained
"you did manage to get lucky this time, im going to monitor you for around an hour or two just to be one hundred percent sure" i smiled and he nodded
"normally ide refuse but im used to this" he sighed
"how many times have you been in the hospital-?" owen asked confused
"...uhh- over 50?" scott smiled
"you- you have a problem" owen joked and scott chuckled a little

{Scotts POV}

I was talking with Gem and Owen despite how much it physically hurt to talk
I was still questioning how i got to dawn.
but that continuing thought was only giving me a headache to try and figure out. i didnt want to add to what i was already feeling.
A few times gem walked out and me and owen would talk
But most of the time i tried to avoid talking as much as i could
i tried to hold back coughs aswell, but progressively failed

"you sure your alright?" owen confirmed
"im fine you two" i sighed
"the consistent harsh coughing says otherwise" gem protested
"ive had the couch for days gem- im fine i swear" i argued, attempting to keep a smile
"alright.. well it has been two hours. and you seem stable. at this point its within protocol to discharge you" gem smiled
"BUT! that does not mean you can immediately go back to working scott major." she spoke, sounding more serious
"fineeeee" i fake-ly complained, owen helping me down off my bed by grabbing my fingers

soon, wed went back to chromia. 
Owen had made my bed comfortable for rest, and honestly i didnt mind it
he made tea and we both rested on my bed, watching tv.
but the cough didnt go away
but no more petals.. or blood.
not yet anyways.. i dont know what the future has to hold..
but it still felt like i was suffocating constantly
like there was something blocking my throat from the inside of my chest
but in typical 'Me' fashion i ignored it
and soon both me and owen fell asleep to the tv in the background
for feeling as if i was suffocating,

it was..

oddly relaxing..

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