Severity.. Chapter 08

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If yall readin this you already know the TWS of Hanahaki, blood, mentions of illness, coughing, vomiting, ext. read at your own risk :D

{Chapter 08. Severity.. }

{Gems POV}

"what in the suns name-?!" i hissed out of pure shock, the bright cyan light from scotts teleportation soon removed from the room as we all looked at the newly empty chair
"why in the name of saint pearl did he leave so abruptly?" sausage questioned
"i dont know.. but it concerns me. given.. " i didnt finish my sentence as i trailed off in my thoughts
"probably just another stupid excuse. its clear he never wants to be here." jimmy scoffed
"but he never just.. leaves?" lizzie quizzed
"what were you saying though gem?" fwhip asked, curious
"He was brought into my hospital care a few days ago.. five i believe? for a fainting spell. but given his records.. i feel like it may be something more serious. he tends to blow things off very easily.." i spoke attempting to keep calm
"when we had the meeting at my empire a couple days ago he claimed to be fine but he still remained unusually pale." Katherine informed
"Theres clearly something wrong." lizzie hissed.

{Owens POV}

I was walking around chromia that morning, there was a letter at my bar saying not to open the tavern today, confusing but okay
I noticed the colorful lands lacked the colorful man
So i decided to go and see if he was at his house
He should be back from the meeting now
So i knocked

No reply

I slowly creeped open the door as when katherine and jimmy broke in the hinges weren't fully fixed
He wasnt in the kitchen.
Or at his desk for what i could see
Not in the living room either
I climbed the ladder 
peeking above slightly and caught a glimpse of the back of him, lying on his bed
That was.. unusual
not lately though..
I stood up on the loft and sat down on the ledge of his bed
Placing my hand gently on his side i could feel him flinch at impact

"Hey, its alright, its just me" i assured him and i could feel him relax slightly
His arms were wrapped around his abdomen and he was insanely tense
"Scott, whats wrong.?" i asked gently, my whole body was filled with concern
"..don' feel.. we-well.." he muttered and shifted slightly, jolting up into a harsh coughing fit
i stayed at his side, rubbing gentle circles on his back as the coughing fit died down
lowering him back down onto the pillows i turned him over, continuing to rub his back as his arms again tightened around his stomach

i felt terrible seeing him like this
but i knew i couldnt help fully..
so i did as much as i could
to hopefully provide atleast the smallest bit of comfort
quiet sobs escaped his mouth which only turned into harsher coughing, i sat him up quickly 
this continued for around 10 minutes 
this was the most ide ever seen him cry
and the worst condition ide ever seen him in
and that was saying something-

I lied him back down and moved blankets over his shivering body
he cuddled up in the blankets tightly 
though i frowned at the sight of seeing him in this state
his breathing was heavy and staggered as if something was blocking his lungs
ide put a show on
though i flung my head over when i heard a gag and saw him swiftly sit up beside me 
I was quick grabbing a small trashcan off the floor and placed it under his chin
the thought was disturbing but i continued to rub his back 
He had barely been eating as making an excise every time offered food
But the little he had managed to eat exited his mouth, but.. 
most of it was.. blood?!
I saw a thorn escape his throat, aswell as one singular flower petal
What.. was.. going.. on.
His coughs turned into heavy breathing as he wiped the dripping blood from his mouth

"How long.." i muttered
"..all.. w..week.." he muttered
"i-im fin-fine.." he mumbled quickly
"you just threw up blood, thorns and a flower petal, and not to forget every little bit of food youve eaten. Your not fine." i hissed
" was mo-more petals..?" he asked fearfully
"just one, its alright, im here" i spoke quickly and he leaned his head on my chest
"have.. you been throwing up petals.. frequently..?" i asked purely concerned and rightfully horrified
"..o-only thr-ee.. ti- ti-" he was cut off by another few harsh coughs which turned back into hopeless gagging
I stayed close to him, i hated seeing him like this..
but why didnt he tell me..
or anyone..?
no more petals
just a few thorns.. and.. a lot of blood..
It stopped at nearly 10 minutes once more
"i am not letting you leave this bed." i hissed, all he could do was nod

Was he dying..?

what was happening to him?!

why was this happening!?


and that much blood..

this is not normal..

{A/N here! Im getting more comfortable writing the- bloody petals and throwing up scenes- so if this gets more descriptive i heavily apologize :,D 
I myself have emetophobia (fear of vomiting) so why am i doing this?
because i crave angst and hanahaki
More of the flower husbands accent will appear next chapter!!}


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