WHITE ROSE: Coriolanus Snow

By mlxncc

42.8K 473 57

Marietta Plinth, older sister of Sejanus Plinth finds out that Coriolanus Snow who she mistook to be her brot... More



1.9K 23 8
By mlxncc

The couple arrived at 12 the following day. Coriolanus gently shook Marietta awake. He only got an hour of so of sleep. He was reminding himself how horrible of a choice he made to allow her to convince him to come here. He hated it here. He hated the memories even when he was happy. He was only happy because of Lucy Gray. And he hated her too. But then he remembered that the Covey no longer played music here. The new head peacekeeper made sure of that. Which made Coryo feel slightly better.

They gotten off the train.

(M): Do you plan to head to the lake first?
(C): Well we should find some place to settle in.

They had stumbled across this motel and checked in. They had gotten changed and into their swimsuits and put clothes to cover them. They started walking.

(C): It's kind of a long walk from here. But it's worth it.
(M): I bet it is. I'm sorry for dragging you here. I feel like you're uncomfortable.

Which was true. Coriolanus was tense ever since he set foot off the train.

(C): No it's alright. We're here to have fun. But yes this does bring back unsettling memories. We could have gone to 4. They have a nice ocean.
(M): That doesn't bring good memories either. My dad, when he liked me, used to bring me and Sejanus on trips with him whenever he had meetings. I was maybe about 6 and Sejanus 5.  I saw someone get killed there. An old man starting an altercation with a peacekeeper. Had nightmares for months after.

Coriolanus nodded. They both had seen traumatic events. Then he saw it. The tree. The tree he was trying to avoid. The tree Sejanus had gotten killed at. The tree he heard the mockingjays sing. The tree he dreaded. And not only him, but Marietta saw it too. In history, they learned that's where 12 has there executions.  She stopped in her tracks.

Thats where Sejanus must have died at.

She thought.

My brother died there. He died while everyone watched. Coriolanus watched my brother die. Knowing it was because of him. Was he happy to hear him scream? I was his last words. He screamed for me to help him when he was about to die. My baby brother.

She clenches her fist. Tears start to form in her eyes. She wants them to stop but they keep going. Coriolanus thought about comforting her but has no idea how. He's the reason she is feeling this way. Comforting her is cruel. But he walks up to her anyway. Right before he can reach her she starts walking.

(M): Let's keep going.

Coriolanus says nothing but follows her. Then she stops again.

(M): You have to go in front of me. I have no idea where I'm going.

He walks besides her and they continued walking again. They didn't say a word to each other. One because they didn't know what to say. Coriolanus felt like anything that could come out of his mouth would be wrong. Changing the subject would seem like he was ignoring her grieving. Comforting her would be cruel because he was the reason her brother was dead and he didn't feel like apologizing. They were here for fun. But even Marietta was thinking it was bad to come here. But only a little bit. Thankfully, Marietta was the one to change the subject. Telling Coriolanus it was okay to talk now.

(M): The flowers are beautiful here.

She touched the flowers in bushes while she walked. Coriolanus smiled then quickly adjusted himself. He was doing exactly what he wanted not to; getting too attached.

Kill her.

He thought. But then he also thought that was crazy.

You did it before with Lucy Gray. She knew too much. She could've used it against you. Marietta knows the exact same thing. Who knows if she could use it against you too? She could over power you. And you wouldn't be president of Panem. You need to kill her.

(C): Tell me, what are you scared of?

Marietta looked at him with confusion.

(M): Why would I tell you my fears? That's silly.
(C): Well, everyone is afraid of something. I just want to know yours.
(M): You first.
(C): I asked first. Do you not trust me?

Marietta didn't say anything. Coriolanus nodded.

(C): I thought you said you trusted me.
(M): And I don't. You still lied. That was me trusting that you didn't kill my brother. And guess what? You did.

She snapped at him which made their walk quiet again.

(C): One love hate relationship we have here.
(M): I guess so. Tell me about what you've been working on. As head Gamemaker.
(C): Well the 11th Hunger Games is in progress. The arena is being perfected. We are still working up new challenges.
(M): I have an idea.
(C): Do tell.
(M): Jabberjays.

Coriolanus got visibly tense. She was messing with him.

(C): Marietta-
(M): We could send them into the arena. They mimic the words of their loved ones screaming out for help. Mess with them a little bit. Then they would peck at them. Causing the one's who's beak they touch to swell up. Like the snakes. Obviously it wouldn't be the actual screams of their loved ones. But we can modify a voice recording. You know high tech Capitol stuff. So what do you think?

Marietta skipped and laughed and smiled as if she didn't just say a gut wrenching thing that would make Coriolanus ball his eyes out if he were experiencing that in the arena. But then it was also a good plan.

(C): That's actually an excellent idea. I'll mail the pitch to the Capitol later on. I'll even give you credit.
(M): Oh how thoughtful of you. You must be in a good mood today to do something like that for me.
(C): Something like that.


They soon made it to the lake. Marietta smiled. She saw a family of geese floating on the water in a line not far from where they were standing. Oh she wished to be like them. Having loving family to care for. Floating on the water as if not a care in the world. Not worrying about other's liking her or their approval. Marietta wished to be happy again.

She took her clothes off to reveal her bathing suit underneath. She ran and jumped into the water. The cold running through her body. The sound of the splash made the corners of Coriolanus's mouth turn up into a grin. She rose above the water and smiled at Coryo.

(M): You coming or what?

He threw off his shirt and his pants to reveal his blue swim trunks. He cannonballed into the water.

(C): Yahoo!

Water splashed in Marietta's face which made her laugh. They splashed as played in the water for a while. Marietta started to float on her back. Coriolanus smiled.

(C): How do you do that?
(M): It's easy really. Just lay back and rotate your legs as if your riding a bike. Or kick up and down. Spread your arms out and push them against the waves also.

She demonstrated and he followed her movement. He got it in no time.

(M): Your doing great Coryo.


They picked fruits and berries on the way back, well Marietta did. Coriolanus just walked watching her as if he was madly inlove with her. As if he didn't wish he was inlove with her. As if he wasn't planning it kill her.

Marietta had her plan. She knew what she was doing in 12. She knew this place would mess with Coriolanus. She knew how to win.

They checked in their rooms and Coriolanus started on his letter to the Capitol.

(M): Coryo you know that was just something I came up with right? It's silly. You don't have it follow through with it.
(C): But I want to. It's brilliant.
(M): Why do you say that?

Coriolanus thought about it. He couldn't say what he wanted to say. Even though he still didn't know what to say. But again, anything he said felt wrong.

(C): Because I didn't think about it. And now I wished I thought about it first. Making it a brilliant idea.
(M): Hmm. What else is there to do in 12? Besides nature walks and the lake.
(C): Well it has transformed sense my last visit. We'd have to see.

Coryo finishes up his letter and seals it.

(M): I could deliver it for you. Then I could look around for things to do.
(C): That'd be delightful. Thank you.

Marietta took the envelope and walked out of the motel. She went to the post office and after, took a look around the District.

She stumbled upon an alleyway. She saw a boy. Light skin, brown short hair, small facial hair, sharp jawline, skinny but muscular, just about 6 feet tall. The boy made her freeze. He bent down and picked up two pickaxes and mimicked a swing to see if they were fit to use. He soon noticed and recognized her.

(R): Marietta?
(M): Roman.

His muscled tensed. He was wearing a gray worn out tank top and gray pants. Ash smudged on his cheeks.

(R): What are you doing here?
(M): I'm in town for a little while.

Roman nodded. They stood feet away from each other. Not daring to get any closer. Marietta hadn't seen him in over two years.

(M): The real question is, what are you doing here?
(R): C'mon now you know why I'm here.
(M): Actually I never gotten the full story. Care to enlighten me?

Roman chuckled and shook his head.

(R): Always so curious.
(M): You'd be one to know.

Roman sighed.

(R): After I was failing my class, my Mom grew worried that I wouldn't make it into the university. She talked to Gaul and she said if I could pass my history test then she could maybe pull some strings for me to get into the university. I had gotten drunk that night and forgot about studying. I stole the test paper from my history teacher to cheat off on. They found out and sent me here. I work in the mines now.
(M): Always getting yourself into trouble.
(R): You'd be one to know.

Marietta chuckled. Roman smiled a little.

(R): I'm glad to see you smile again.
(M): Why you've missed me?
(R): Somewhat. But I moved on now. I'm seeing someone.
(M): Who might that be?

A short, redhead walks down the alleyway; a lift in her step as if she was happy. The look on her face didn't prove it much. She stood by Roman's side and kissed his cheek.

(R): Marietta this is Lily Rose. Lily Rose this is-
(M): Marietta Plinth.
(L): Oh I know who you are. You're Coriolanus's girl. What brings you round here? And what brings you round Roman?

Lily Rose talked like Bridgette would. Gave the same face too.

(M): Wouldn't you like to know?

Marietta balled up her fist. Her blood red colored nails piercing into her palms. Roman turned towards Lilly Rose.

(R): Babe why don't you go take these pickaxes down to the mine and I'll be right behind you okay? I just have to talk to Marietta real quick.
(L): Don't take too long.

Lily Rose gives Marietta a disgusted look before taking the pickaxes and walking away; the lift still in her step. Roman shook his head again.

(R): Always gotta be so snappy.
(M): You should be saying the same to your girlfriend.
(R): She doesn't like you because she still thinks we have a thing going on. Why come to 12 then run across me?
(M): We stopped dating two years ago Roman she needs to get over it. You obviously are.
(R): So are you. I hear about you and Coriolanus. I knew you were harsh but cruel enough to date him again? Marietta you do know what he did right?

Roman's voice starts to raise as he gets visibly angry. Marietta closes the gap between them and walks up to him.

(M): I know what he did Roman. If you know I know.
(R): And your okay with that?!

This reminded her of the last conversation she had with Valorie. But she didn't know as much as she did now.

(M): Shh, calm yourself.

She looked around to see if anyone was near.

(M): He won't be around for a while. I plan on taking him down. I know I'm harsh but you think I'm harsh enough to stay around someone that killed my baby brother? You know the love I had for him.
(R): Didn't show it that well.
(M): Look,

Marietta snapped at him. His attitude was annoying her now.

(M): I know I broke your heart when I gotten with Coriolanus but can we please put that aside? You don't have to act all cold now.

Roman took a deep breath.

(R): Alright. But they really do hate him here.
(M): Who Coryo?
(R): Mhm. Some talked about getting rid of him like you, others talked about how he did what he had to. How do you plan on taking him down Marietta?
(M): I have a plan. But I might not tell you. You're gonna think of me cruel again.
(R): Might as well tell me now.
(M): Roman I don't want you to get involved. You'd ruin it.
(R): Look, when you tell me what you're planning, no matter how bad it is I'll keep quiet. I won't interfere in any way. I pinky promise.

Marietta smiled has Roman extended his pinky finger out to lace with hers.

(M): Alright. With the information you just told me it made my plan a little easier. I wanted to kill him out in the woods like Lucy Gray but Coryo is smart. He'll catch on if I try anything fishy. So here's what I want to do,

Marietta went on to tell Roman her plan and by the end of it Roman was left wide eyed.

(R): Your crazy. You're really crazy.
(M): Look but that's the only way I could kick him out! Roman you have to understand, I'm willing to do whatever it takes. He took away the only family that made me feel special. My brother was there for me when my parents weren't. He was there to wipe the tears from my eyes when I tried to hide my sobs from my parents. He was the one to give me boy advice and to tell anyone I dated not to hurt me. He was everything. And now he's gone. And Coriolanus knew how much he meant to me. The only reason he's even in the university is because of my parents! They did so much for him and he repays them how? By killing their son!

Marietta tears to form tears in her eyes. She tries to choke them back but they're too powerful and fall down her face. She's lucky she is just in front of Roman. She didn't care to cry in front of him. He'd seen her do it before. He pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair. She calmed down by the smell of him. It never failed to calm her. She pulled away and adjusted herself.

(R): You really plan to follow through with this?

Marietta nodded. If it was anything she was certain about, it was this.

(R): Fine. I'll help you.

Marietta's mouth parted in shock.

(M): Seriously? Roman you don't-
(R): I know I don't. But it matters to you and you're gonna need muscle strength that you clearly don't have yet.

Marietta playfully punched his shoulder. Roman chuckled.

(M): Thank you. I mean it.
(R): No problem Mari. But I need to get going. Lilly Rose is probably waiting for me.
(M): Have fun with that.

Roman smiled.

(R): Bye Marietta.
(M): Goodbye Roman. But what one more favor. What's fun to do around here?

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