will never forget

By hiiks100

883 129 122

'you think she can get rid of me ?' 'yes , I'll let her be ' 'hahahaha... try it if you can ' ✨Got rankings u... More

so she's the one
will he be impressed?
it's familiar
nothing was right
how could you ?
is it orange flavour?
coincidence and mistake
everything's fine?
it's beginning
let's begin
he killed
it's more easy
I'll play
He knows
it was you

do I know you ?

20 7 2
By hiiks100

I was approaching that figure when someone pulled me by my hand and hugged me .

I was shocked by the sudden behaviour but when I saw that person after breaking the hug I was more shocked .

The glamorous figure , those killer eyes , that perfectly done hair . It was the girl we met on the first of the university.

And I just controlled my emotions and a big loud voice let out my mouth.
"Yes sweetie , how're ya ?,you remember me ? ", She said in response.

I was still shocked by her sudden behaviour, I don't even know still she is treating me like she knows me for years .

"Yes i remember you ", i said giving an awkward smile .
"Haha no need to be uncomfortable around me , you can be relaxed ", she said smelling my emotions.

"H h ha ha , no no it just nothing ", i said again giving an awkward smile .

"So how's going yn , are you enjoying the party ?",

I was to say when i stopped ,

"Y y you know my name ", i said .

"Yeah ",she said in confusion.
"I mean we just met once and we didn't had any proper convo neither do I know your name ", i said again in confusion.

"Oh ha ha , so that's the thing ", she said giving a slight laugh .

"Well I'm Russel Engle your senior", she said passing another smile.

Her smile is indeed angelic. Than when her name hit my head .

"Oh you sent us the dresses today?", I asked in shocked expression.

"Um we can talk about that later , btw how are you doing at the party , ?",

"Yeah it's quite interesting here and what just happened gonna memorable",i said now giving a genuine smile.

"Oh ha ha yeah, Alex and that guy  ", she said as we both laughed

She was talking when someone came and

"Ok yn enjoy the party , I gotta spare 5 minutes ", she said as she left from there giving her angelic smile.

"She is freaking amazing ",as I said in a very low voice but seems like was audible for someone intruppted me.

"Who's so good with my yn darling ", Emily said raising one eyebrow snapping me out of my thoughts .

"Russel "
"Oh the girl ", she said while i shaked my head .

"Oh yn I was to ask when you slipped from that freaking hilarious moment",she asked as

I realised what I was doing but got intruppted I gave a look towards that direction but seems like it's already too late .

"I guess I'm thinking too much ", i said in my mouth but she read my expression.

"What ?", She said arching her eyebrows.


When all lights got focused at the front where Russel was standing.

"So everyone attention here ", she said as she tapped the mic.

"I hope you all are enjoying the welcome party , so as you all are enjoying it's time for a dance ,YEAH ", she said as the whole screemed in yeah .

"But but but let's make it a little more interesting", she said .

As all the lights went out and the only thing is the darkness.

"Find your partners for dance guys ",heard her voice from I don't know where .

As she stopped a music started playing.

"Man I'm gonna tip toed in this darkness , I'm already so bad at dancing", i said to myself.

"Emily you're here ?"i asked but no response seems like she already found one .

So it's just me dumbfolded here .

I was in my thoughts when a hand gasped my waist.
I don't know why that touch gives me tickles all around my body for so sudden.
When that person held my one hand and interlocked it with them .

"Hey I'm so bad at it ", i said giving him a trigger warning.
But no response.
"I'm going to tip toed over you ", i said again.
But still no response I was to say again when.

"Trust me and just move along the rhythm with me", he said in a husky voice  leaning towards my ears, his breath was hitting my neck.

But wait that voice , is it true ? No no how is it possible, his voice , why it's so similiar to his voice .i was in my thoughts when he started moving and controlling me with his steps .

This MF light , I want to see , who's he ? It's the same feeling, i remember very well , that domination over me when I know nothing about dance .

He was swaying with the song and making me sway with him .

He held my one hand while another one on the waist controlling my steps .

He moved his hands alongside my body with the music , it was giving me shivers and tickles at the same time .

He let go of my hand and sway me away with one side pulling me back towards him. I was so close to him that i can feel his heart beat now . His hot breath was hitting my neck again.

"Why the hell I'm getting goosebumps", i said to myself in my mind .

He turned me around , held my both hands and pushing me away with a sudden pull almost colliding with his chest . He put my both hands around his neck and holding my waist with his both hands .
Moving along the rhythm. I don't know why it feels so secure .

It seems like the time is stopped for a while when he turned me and with few movements he let go of me completely when someone else caught up and wait

"The scent , it's familiar", i thought to myself.

But before that the lights turned on and

Emily pov

I was talking to yn about her disappearance when we heard the announcement and the lights went off before i could proceed further a hand pulled me towards it.

His hands were wandering all along my body moving along the steps , left leg back , back to front , right leg back , back to front . Twirl  me around and it feels like I'll doze off any moment.  He placed his hand on my right thighs, gasped it with his hand pulled it towards his waist and sway my half upper body down ....

When the hall is lit up again and everyone stopped in their position and Clapped.

Just when i look the guy who is holding me and swaying me around is not other than Werner ,my breathing was heavy till now but the other moment I saw

Alex is in the arms of that guy when that guy hold Alex waist in his arms , and another his hand was swinging his leg . When lights on suddenly and Alex screamed and boom

Due to sudden alarmed voice , that guy hand became fragile and Alex banged on the floor .

"Fuck , where did I get stuck , it hurts ", he said rubbing his butt .

"Oh my god honey I'm sorry i didn't saw that coming let me help you " , that guy said approached Alex when

He rolled on the floor with his body and got up

"No please no , I'm straight ", he said trying to go away from him .

"Don't worry I can curp you up ", that guy said passing a smile to him and approaching him with the same speed .

Alex speed increased so does that guy's speed, Alex was running and that guy behind him and running chasing they disappeared somewhere.

But then my eyes turned towards yn she seems a little bit worried or eager seems like want to know . Her eyes were stuck at the guy who was holding her .
I was watching her , her eyes were having looks of curiousness, eagerness , confusion....

"Oh god so many emotions , how does she carry it', i said murmuring to myself.

Yn pov

When the lights turned on my eyes instantly went to the person who was holding me .
Those eyes reminds me of someone .
I was constantly staring into his eyes trying to find the reason, why it feels like we have met before, that fragrance why it feels familiar.

I don't care whether i look like an idiot staring at him constantly, i wanted the reason. When his hands let go of me i was to say something when i heard a familiar voice

"Hey yn ?",i turned around to face Emily
"What's wrong ?",she asked again

But when I turned around he is gone ,

"He is gone ", i said to myself.
"Who ?", she asked again but i didn't care at that time and i just shot my steps to find him.

But seems like either the sky has eaten him up or the earth swallowed him .

I know whose eyes were those which i saw in him i turned around to leave


I said before leaving from there .

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