The Villains Supremacy

By FlowerBlossom1616

971 13 0

WWE Women's Revolution happened in mid-2013. Stephanie McMahon dumped Divas Title in trash can while surround... More

Prologue(Surrounded By The Wolves)
1. Friendship Break Hurts
Preview: Blast From The Past
Preview: Lunatic Fringe's Revenge On Diva Slayer
3. Heel RollYnch vs Heel Dean
Preview: Plotting The Downfall Of Miss Goody Two Shoes
4. Seth And Charlotte Rescue Becky From Ambrose Asylum
Preview: Becky And Charlotte Turn Enemies
5. Besties Turn Enemies
Preview: Shield's Dilemma To Make Becky Lose The Match
6. Authority's Plotting Against Becky Lynch
Preview: Becky As Charlotte's Slave
7. A Heartbreaking Betrayal
8. Surrounded By Wolves
9. Charlotte's Slave Becky Doll
10. Becky's Helplessness Continues
11. Charlotte Supports Becky
Preview: Becky As Mermaid
Preview: Becky Saving Dean From AJ Lee's Kiss

2. Seth-Becky First Meeting

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By FlowerBlossom1616

Seth recalls his first meeting with Becky.


2 years ago, NXT Men and NXT Women were merged and now they started appearing at the same venue instead of separate venues. NXT Men had Pros(mentors) each while NXT Women did not anymore.

Seth Rollins had his Pro in Ryback who hardly motivated him but mostly bullied him and would even hit him. On one episode, both walking at a catering saw an orange-haired woman in T-Shirt and jeans standing nearby looking different than many other female wrestlers doing something on her phone.

"You rat, go and call that chick 'Slut'," said Ryback.

"I won't do it, Sir. It's wrong," said Seth.

"Don't teach me what's right and wrong. You rat," shouted Ryback and slapped him hard.

It caught Becky's attention. She came near them.

"Is there any problem?" asked the woman.

Ryback stared at Seth and then replied to her, "This man called you 'Slut'. I told him to not to call any woman like this but he don't listen."

Seth is shocked at his lie. The woman stares angrily at Seth raising her hand near him while Ryback smirks but to his and even Seth's shock, she instead slaps Ruback hard across the face causing him to stumble in half.

"Why you slapped me instead of him?" asked Ryback.

"Because I saw and heard everything," replied the woman sternly, "Also I heard a lot about your reputation of bullying here."

Ryback is shocked at her reply and angered at her slap. Seth is impressed with her. Both recognise the woman.

"Becky Lynch, what the hell?" shouted Ryback.

"I will show you the hell if you ever insult any woman again," replied Becky firmly warning him by pointing her finger at his face, "So you better never insult any woman again. Also don't bully your Rookie I mean Seth again."

"You go to your kitchen to cook food because that's where you women belong," taunted Ryback.

"I can cook food but what about you? You will starve during a crisis," taunted back Becky, "So you better learn to cook because it's a life skill not gender role, you moron. Because stomach does not fills with Chips and Nachos."

Ryback goes from there pissed with her.

"Thanks for standing up for me along with yourself," said Seth.

"You need to stand up to a bully like him. We NXT women got rid of untalented divas who were made our pros but were no match for us," said Becky.

"Yes I heard about NXT women getting rid of their Pros and 2 NXT women Diva Slayer and Terror Queen made sure they are out," said Seth, "I have heard several stories of them hating old wrestlers who were selected by looks over skills so much that they hit them and encourages other NXT women to hit them or torture them"

"I am Diva Slayer," smiles Becky, "Terror Queen also known as Charlotte is my bestie. In fact, she is my sister. She is in the locker room and I came to eat something."

Seth is stunned on knowing she is Diva Slayer. He finds her beautiful too but to him she looks like no nonsense woman.

"I liked how you refused to call me what he told you even after knowing that you will be harassed for not listening to him," said Becky.

"I can't insult women like this," said Seth.

"It's a matter of only few weeks before Pros will leave NXT. And when you enter the main roster, you can get back at him because he will no longer get to act like he is your boss," said Becky.

"You are already encouraging me to get back at him," said Seth smiling, "Wow!"

"Because that's how you will let him know that he can't bully you. Also I think you could have beaten him up had he not been your Pro. I saw your Tyler Black matches," smiled Becky.

"I think I too seen you earlier. Super Girl right?" asked Seth, "I mean Rebecca Knox. I have heard about you in my earlier days and seeing old YouTube videos of your matches "

"That's an older past of me," replied Becky smiling that he remembers her old wrestling time and continues while smirking, "Anyways, if you want to get rid of that bully before Pros are supposed to leave I will help you get rid of him."

"How can you help?" asked Seth curiously.

"Come there at a table. I will tell you while we eat there," replied Becky.

They sit at a table after taking their food from buffet. She then whispers him the plan as he looks at her shockingly but amazed.

"I can't believe your thinking," said Seth amazed.

"How else you think we all got rid of those makeup plastered chicks from NXT?" smiles Becky raising her eyebrows.

"You have any boyfriend?" asked Seth curiously.

"I did not have boyfriend in years,"  replied Becky, "And many men, even here in WWE either make a woman like me their friend or their sister because most men here or anywhere else are obsessed with T&A women."

"T&A?" asked Seth.

"You are really that innocent or pretending to be?" asked Becky jokingly and then replied, "T&A stands for Tits & Asses. They are the kind of women wrestlers you mostly saw in WWE."

He did not liked her generalization of men but did not say it.

"Oh I know what it means but it did not clicked my mind immediately," said Seth.

"What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" asked Becky.

"I also did not had in years," replied Seth.

"Okay let's eat. We have a work to do at night," Becky.

"Okay," said Seth.

They then smiled at each other which happened involuntary before starting to eat.

The same night, Ryback comes to bully Seth in Men's Locker when he is alone.

"So how it went with your new little bodyguard?" teased Ryback.

"Sir, I don't want to talk on this," replied Seth calmly.

It's just because he is his Pro he was tolerating hum otherwise like Becky said he would have easily beaten him.

Unknown to him and Seth, someone in hood and a backpack was watching them from a door.

"Did you both fucked or what that you are shy to say anything?" joked Ryback causing Seth to lose his temper.

"Sir, you need to stop as you are crossing the line," replied Seth in anger.

"Wow! So you got angry over your little bodyguard that you dared to raise your voice to me. But now your little bodyguard is not here to save you," laughed Ryback cruelly.

He was abluyto punch Seth in the face when the light went off and he felt someone knocking him on his head with some steel object. He fell down. The person who was in hood came inside holding a steel chair and carrying a backpack on back and showed mini torch to Seth. Before Ryback could get up, the person signalled Seth something. Seth recognising the person's voice as of Becky's gave Ryback curb stomp completely knocking him out. Becky revealed her face under hoodie a little before covering again.

"Let's place him outside a official's cabin," whispered Becky, "You also wear a hoodie."

They dragged him near some officials cabin. Becky removed an alcohol bottle and poured some alcohol over him and then put that bottle and one half empty bottle after removing it's lid near him. She then sprayed some deo on herself and Seth so they don't smell of alcohol.

"Let's get from here. Result will be seen soon," said Becky.

Before they left, she kicked him twice on the face.

"Why you kicked him?" whispered Seth as they were leaving from there.

"Because I heard what disgusting thing he said," replied Becky.

They reached outside the locker rooms corridor into a backstage area.

"Sorry. Because of me you also got insulted," said Seth.

"Hey, it was not your fault. Only that Wannabe Fairytale Wicked Stepmother was at fault," said Becky.

Just then, Stephanie was passing by and she saw them.

"Wow Becky, today only your women NXT got merged with men NXT and on on first day only you made a male friend," teased Stephanie.

"Stephanie, I was only showing this guy around because so that he don't lose his way. You know the men NXT shifted today only here. That's it," said Becky, "I think I should leave. Seth, you go carefully. Don't lose the way again. Okay?"

"Okay," said Seth, "Good Night."

"Good Night," said Becky and left from there.

"Seth Rollins, your new friend is a savage woman. But she is adorable. You will like her friendship," smiled Stephanie.

"Yes I can already see that," smiled Seth.

An hour later, Ryback was found by some officials outside an official cabin. Ryback was removed as his Pro as officials believed that Ryback was drunk & he would bully Seth due to being drunk. In fact, all Pros were removed to protect rookies. They were given 12 hours to leave that is after breakfast. When this was announced, all rookies and Pros were called to the main hall. Seth who was wearing track pants and a T-Shirt saw Becky coming near him with Charlotte. Becky was wearing a T-Shirt dress that went till her mid-thighs with a cute cat ear hairband and Charlotte was wearing a satin night shirt with matching pants.

"Becky, looks like you came in such a hurry that you forgot to wear the pant," said Seth wondering why she is only wearing T-Shirt.

Becky was embarassed while Charlotte started laughing.

"Seth, it's a T-Shirt Night Dress. It's longer than normal T-Shirts and it comes without pants," said Becky smiling.

"Your new friend is funny," said Charlotte smiling.

"And now yours too," said Becky.

"Oh yeah!" said Charlotte.

"So you are Terror Queen like Becky is Diva Slayer," said Seth.

"Oh yeah! I am Terror Queen," said Charlotte, "Becky told me about the adventure of you both to teach Ryback a lesson."

"I never thought on my first night here itself I would get into such an adventure," said Seth.

"There may be more such adventures," said Charlotte.

"The surprising part is not just Ryback but they are removing other Pros too to protect Rookies from bullying," said Becky.

"Pros are not really needed when trainers are there. We are just doing fine without them," said Charlotte.

"Exactly," said Seth.

"In NXT, all women are kind of Diva Slayer but this title only suits Becky," said Charlotte.

"Same for Terror Queen title, every NXT are kind of terror but the title only suits her," said Becky.

The trio talked for some time before leaving to their sleeping rooms.


Seth still smiling coming out of flashback.

"You were lucky to not get slapped for mistaking her wearing that T-Shirt dress to forgetting to wear pant," laughed Roman with Dean.

"But she looked cute in that night wear," smiled Seth.

Roman and Dean teased him for what he said making him embarassed.

"You were lucky to have an adventure with Diva Slayer on your first night itself in merged NXT Center while I was called 'Pinky Hair' by her while Roman got nearly hit by a mic thrown by her on our first night in merged NXT," said Dean.

"That's my charm," smirks Seth raising his collar.

"Whatever," said Roman rolling his eyes.

"She really shown Ryback the hell like she threatened him," said Seth, "But now looks like that old Becky is getting lost. I want that old Becky back. Terror Queen will soon make her presence in main roster but Diva Slayer too needs to make her presence now instead of becoming Diva Sympathesizer day by day."

"That woman was really a pain in neck in NXT. When I was feuding with you for a short time, she would join you sometimes in beating me. Once she even locked me in a wooden cage and told you to throw some live cockroaches in the cage which you did.  This happened after her knocking me down with a chair backstage from behind with you giving me Pedigree to completely knock me out," said Dean.

"She once even told you both to duct tape me on a pole after she threw some white powder in my eye to catch me off-guard. After you both duct taped me, she threw chilli sauces on me. This happened when I newly entered and you both were a team with her sometimes joining you both due to her being Seth's friend," said Roman.

"Looks like she herself needs her own Diva Slayer and Charlotte's Terror Queen treatments if she continues irritating us all with her Miss Goody Two Shoes nonsense. Since she wants to sympathesize with Divas she needs to get the same treatment which Divas got by NXT Women led by Becky and Charlotte," said Seth.

"Or may be even lock her in Ambrose Asylum for a couple of hours like I once did to get revenge on her," said Dean.

"Yeah! Anything to get to stop her from losing her old badass self completely," said Seth.

Dean and Roman agreed with him.

Becky slaps Charlotte who tries to tell her what she is turning into with Charlotte slapping back before they got into a brawl only to be separated by Shield and Randy Orton. Authority plots Downfall Of Face Becky Lynch to bring back Heel Becky Lynch after she refused their Authority and Shield offer a few more times and even refused to participate in handicap matches against Brie Bella. They plot to bring her under their control and then make her turn heel again. Seth and Charlotte also agrees with the plan.

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