The Offering

By megan_rose_writes

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Almost 100 years ago when the fae discovered they could no longer bare children a treaty was made between Fae... More

The Offering
Chapter One - Daella
Chapter Two - Daella
Chapter Three - Daella
Chapter Four - Varis
Chapter Five - Daella
Chapter Six - Daella
Chapter Seven - Aeris
Chapter Eight - Daella
Chapter Nine - Demwyn
Chapter Ten - Daella
Chapter Eleven - Alvaryn
Chapter Twelve - Daella
Chapter Thirteen - Varis
Chapter Fourteen - Aeris
Chapter Fifteen - Daella
Chapter Sixteen - Demwyn
Chapter Seventeen - Alvaryn
Chapter Eighteen - Daella
Chapter Nineteen - Aeris
Chapter Twenty - Daella
Chapter Twenty One - Daella
Chapter Twenty Two - Demwyn
Chapter Twenty Three - Daella
Chapter Twenty Four - Alvaryn
Chapter Twenty Five - Daella
Chapter Twenty Six - Daella
Chapter Twenty Seven - Alvaryn
Chapter Twenty Eight - Varis
Chapter Twenty Nine - Daella
Chapter Thirty - Aeris
Chapter Thirty One - Alvaryn
Chapter Thirty Two - Daella
Chapter Thirty Three - Demwyn
Chapter Thirty Four - Daella
Chapter Thirty Five - Aeris
Chapter Thirty Six - Daella
Chapter Thirty Seven - Alvaryn
Chapter Thirty Eight - Daella
Chapter Thirty Nine - Daella
Chapter Fourty - Aeris
Chapter Fourty One - Daella
Chapter Forty Two - Daella
Chapter Forty Three - Alvaryn
Chapter Forty Four - Demwyn
Chapter Forty Five - Daella
Chapter Forty Six - Daella
Chapter Forty Seven - Aeris
Chapter Forty Eight - Varis
Chapter Forty Nine - Demwyn
Chapter Fifty - Alvaryn
Chapter Fifty One - Aeris
Chapter Fifty Two - Alvaryn
Chapter Fifty Three - Aeris
Chapter Fifty Four - Demwyn
Chapter Fifty Five - Daella
Chapter Fifty Six - Varis
Chapter Fifty Eight - Daella
Chapter Fifty Nine - Daella
Chapter Fifty Sixty - Demwyn
Chapter Sixty One - Daella
Chapter Sixty Two - Daella
Chapter Sixty Three - Alvaryn
Chapter Sixty Four - Daella
Chapter Sixty Five - Demwyn
Chapter Sixty Six - Alvaryn
Chapter Sixty Seven - Daella
Chapter Sixty Eight - Daella
Chapter Sixty Nine - Varis
Chapter Seventy - Aeris
Chapter Seventy One - Alvaryn
Chapter Seventy Two - Daella
Chapter Seventy Three - Daella
Chapter Seventy Four - Aeris
Chapter Seventy Five - Demwyn
Chapter Seventy Six - Daella
Chapter Seventy Seven - Daella

Chapter Fifty Seven - Alvaryn

2.1K 101 10
By megan_rose_writes

I feel restless, like something inside me just won't sit still, a feeling I am not familiar with and do not enjoy.

After the early morning council meeting it was clear that war is inevitable. The only way around it was if Nievenyth was to surrender, and even then, there would be a debt that would need to be paid.

I wasn't foolish enough to believe that they would surrender, not after this kind of attack. It was planned and detailed and the level of risk involved by sending one of their own meant that the outcome they foresaw was worth it.

No, they would not surrender.

While it may have been years since we had fought with another Kingdom the memories are still vivid. I did not enjoy the battlefield like Aeris, and I was not born to lead an army like Demwyn, but strategy and forethought were things I excelled at.

While Demwyn could lead and encourage tens of thousands of soldiers with ease, and Aeris could walk onto any battlefield fearlessly, I couldn't deny there was pleasure to be found in knowing you had out thought your enemy and helped in the survival of your people.

Still I knew it would not be the same as the times before, not now I had something more, someone more.

I see Dae stand with the other chosen, her hands held in front of her, her face calm and effortlessly beautiful. The emerald green of her dress making her pale skin look like it is glowing. She turns then, catching my eye like she can hear my thoughts and she smiles, her bright blue eyes staring into mine with love and hope and trust. I smile and nod in return before she returns her attention to my father.

No, going into battle this time would not be the same, but knowing that I have something worth fighting for would make the victory even greater.

"My people," Father begins, hands raised to the high court gathered in the hall. "Thank you for joining me on such short notice. I am sure many of you have questions and concerns and I have called this High Court meeting to try and answer some of your questions."

I notice Mother's empty chair next to my Fathers. She is still in her rooms under guard. We knew she was innocent. But until we had proof, until Nievenyth or Arden himself admits to his actions she was still being held for attacking the king.

"All of you were there at the selection, a day that was meant to be one of new beginnings and future blessings to our great kingdom. However it turned into a day of darkness. Many of you witnessed my wife, Queen Marlia attack me." There is a quiet murmur around the room and I feel Aeris tense beside me as the rumours reach our ears. Father raises his hands again to silence them. "I am here to inform you that our beautiful and just Queen Marlia did not attack me of her own free will. We were attacked by the Nievenyth Kingdom. Our guest Prince Arden who was sent here with a promise of peace came with plans of treachery and war. We believe that Prince Arden used his dark magic to enter the dreams of Queen Marlia and plan the attack on myself. Queen Marlia would never attack a member of her own family willingly and this we all know."

"How do we know it was Prince Arden?" A male yells from the audience and I feel Aeris tense beside me again, his hands pulled into fists at his sides.

"Our second healer Quirin was the one to see to one of our chosen, Daella, after she was also attacked." Father holds his arm out towards Dae and I see her shrink under the attention as eyes turn towards her. "He was able to feel and sense Arden's dark nightmares in her mind and we have reason to believe that this same dark magic is what caused Queen Marlia to use her magic against me. I understand some of you may have doubts and questions which is why Queen Marlia will remain under guard in her rooms until we have proof of the attack and have bought the culprit to justice."

Demwyn shifts beside me, jaw tensing as he stands with his arms at his back, he didn't even bother changing, still wearing his fighting leathers.

I look back down at Dae, her small frame seems even smaller surrounded by so many staring at her, I can hear her name being whispered around the room. I wished I could take her from here, just hide her away until it was all over.

Once again father raises his arms to quiet the audience.

"It is clear after this attack that war is unavoidable. All those that are enlisted will be called into service and should be ready and prepared. Our army is strong, our people are strong and our Kingdom is strong. If Nievenyth believes they can attack us without consequence they are mistaken. We will not stand by and wait for another attack to happen, we will show Nievenyth how strong we are, and how foolish they were to attack our Kingdom." Applause breaks out but it is not a resounding one, many whisper and murmur amongst each other and I watch as it spreads like wild fire through the audience.

"Because of this, I have made the decision to postpone the selection. Our first and foremost thoughts should be protecting this kingdom and fighting for our people. Chosen, you are most important to us and our people. You will continue to remain in the palace as our honoured guests until this has been dealt with. I thank you for your patience and understanding." He looks down at the women who stand wide eyed and unsure. They all curtsy in return and I see Dae stare at the ground, mouth parted, hands gripping each other. She looks up catching my eye before turning to Aeris.

"I thank you each for your time here today and will make sure you are all kept up to date with any decisions made." Father finishes before turning and leaving the dais.

I want to go down and reassure Dae but she follows the other chosen from the hall and I in turn follow Demwyn off the dais.

"We need to speak to father." Aeris says once we are alone grabbing my elbow to slow me down. "If the selection is postponed then we won't be promised to Daella, we need to make sure she is safe before anything happens."

I nod. "He needs to know sooner or later." I agree.

We find him in his rooms, he looks exhausted as he lowers himself into one of his chairs and sighs heavily.

"Boys, to what do I owe this visit?" He asks, easing back into his chair.

"You have decided to postpone the selection," Aeris begins and father nods.

"It's the best decision until we have all of this dealt with." Father replies.

"Of course, but I, that is we," He says looking back at me. "We already know who we are going to choose. We don't want to wait, if we are going to go off to war then we want to be promised to our intended before we leave and ensure she is there when we return."

"Of course she will be here, all of them will be here, and their safety will be of utmost importance!" Father snaps like he is insulted by the thought he wouldn't keep the chosen safe. "But what is this all about, I didn't think either of you were even close to choosing someone, and now you don't want to wait?"

"As difficult as it may be to believe, we are both ready to choose our future wife. We know we will be risking our lives when we go off to fight, and we are willing to do so and protect our Kingdom and our people, but much can happen, we want to know that our chosen will be safe and that we are betrothed when we leave." I answer, half holding my breath.

Father shakes his head, half smiling up at us. "Is it love then? Have my sons both fallen in love?"

Aeris looks at me and then back at father and nods.

"Yes." We answer at the same time.

"Well I am surprised, happily surprised that you would both find love so early on in your relationship. But yes, if that is what you wish then we can make the announcement official and your intendeds will be named as your betrothed. I am sure your mother will be pleased." His face saddens at the mention of mother, he sighs before looking up at both of us. "So which of the chosen have you each decided to marry?"

"That is where we need to tell you the truth," I begin cautiously, looking at Aeris who looks back at me straight faced and determined. "Aeris and I both intend to marry the same chosen, Daella."

I stand focussing on my breath as my hands grip each other behind me. I can see my father's eyes as he processes my words, his mind churning the information and the moment of realisation.


"Father, Alvaryn and I are both in love with Daella and she feels the same way, we both intend to marry her." Aeris words rush out, not one for remaining calm and controlled.

Father shakes his head, brow furrowed like he is struggling to understand.

"I don't understand. Wait! Is this the woman Demwyn was speaking about? This Daella is the same girl you were both fighting over! And now you both want to marry her? Have you lost your minds?" He barks as realisation falls into place.

"We were never fighting over her father." I correct him quickly. "We both came to realise we shared the same feelings and when we spoke to Daella she said she felt the same way, that she couldn't choose and we believe she shouldn't have to."

Father stands to his full height, reaching my eye level and I can't help but take a breath, once he would have been as intimidating as Demwyn, the same wide frame and muscled body. Even now with age he is still an imposing figure.

"What you are asking is unspeakable, two men, two Princes sharing one woman is atrocious. How could either one of you think this could be a possibility? And for you to come here and ask me to allow such a thing..." He stops himself turning away from us.

"Father I have found proof of this happening before, I have found records that show of men and women in places of authority taking more than one wife or husband. It may have been some time since the practice took place but it is not outside the world of possibility. You are King, you can allow it to take place." I say trying to incur as much conviction in my voice as possible.

He turns suddenly then, stepping closer to me.

"You think your blasted books can make this fantasy if yours a reality? Fae that lived thousands of years ago used to live in the forest and drink from the rivers! We are not those same fae! No! No I will not approve this atrocity from happening in my Kingdom, neither of you will be allowed to marry this Daella. A chosen will be selected for each of you and you will marry them and do your duty to your Kingdom!" His words rush out in an angry torrent and I can feel the anger wrap around my like a vice grip.

"You can't do that!" Aeris snaps stepping up to Father. "I will not be forced to marry another woman just to appease my people. I love Daella, she is good and kind and would make a worthy Princess for our Kingdom and our people. I do not care if you do not approve!"

"You have always been reckless Aeris but this is too far! I will not allow you to disgrace this kingdom by following your whims on some human woman! Daella will be given to a High Lord and that is final." Father shouts, the veins on his neck bulging as I stand watching and listening, unable to speak or move.

Aeris laughs, but there is no humour in it.

"Father I love you, you have been a good and just father, but this, this is not something I will agree to. I will fight your wars and I will kill your enemies and do my duty but know that I will not do it for you, I will do it to keep Daella safe." With that he turns and storms out of the room.

Father stands staring after him, breathing heavily.

"Your brother is wild and foolish." He sighs, lowering himself into his chair. "We are about to start a war and his head is in the wrong place."

"I don't believe it is father." I say quietly. I find him staring up at him with a questioning look. "You're right, Aeris has always been wild and reckless, but this, this is different. He has changed because of Dae, he has grown and stopped parading around pretending. He has stopped drinking and whoring because of Dae. She isn't just some human woman to him. For once his head and heart are in the right place and both start and end with Dae."

"And you, you feel the same way?" He asks, studying me.

"I do. Dae is unlike anyone I have ever met, I know she is human but I truly believe I have met my mate in her. I don't want to disobey you Father, I have always valued your council and guidance in all matters. But Dae, Dae is something else entirely. I will do my duty, I will follow my brothers into war, but if you try and force me to marry another and take Dae away from me..." I stop myself, not wanting to say the words out loud, words I never even wanted to consider. "She is my line in the sand father, a line I will not cross."

With those words I turn and leave. There is so much more I could say, so many words I could use to describe and explain my feelings and thoughts, but at the end of the day I know they will not change his mind. He, like Demwyn, has always been a man of action, a man who makes decisions. I know he loves us, but I don't know if he loves us enough to allow this to happen.

I don't want to think about what that will mean for Aeris and I, but I know my mind will anyways.

I think of Dae and know that I will not wait for his approval. I know my mind and my heart and while he may disagree, he will not stop me from following them.

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