A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x...

By Just_Another_IDK

74.6K 2.5K 1.8K

A different spin on a plot we all know well Freedom is all anyone wants but can a gentle soul do what must be... More

My Thanks
Sequel Release


1.7K 60 87
By Just_Another_IDK

The War
In which the rebellion ends


The underground hideout was nearly complete, hidden away from prying eyes. (Y/n) meticulously organized the chests, ensuring potions of all varieties were neatly arranged. Meanwhile, Technoblade ran his gloved fingers over the Netherite armor sets, checking for any imperfections.

"(Y/n), did you double-check the strength potions?" Techno called out, his focus still on the armor.

(Y/n) responded with a confident nod, her hands expertly moving through the potions. "Yep, all stacked and ready for action. We've got more than enough to make even the Withers tremble."

Technoblade chuckled, appreciating the enthusiasm. "Good. But shhh ur secret weapon against whatever this server throws at us."

"You mean if they decide they don't want to blow up the country," (Y/n) pointed out.

Techno froze for a second, "you see right through me."

"We spent days getting Wither skeleton skulls, no way that kind of fire power is needed for just Schlatt," (y/n) chuckled

As he continued his inspection, he felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around his back. Startled for a moment, Techno glanced over his shoulder to find (Y/n) yawning, her eyes still adjusting to the dim lighting of their hidden chamber.

"Long day of preparation," she mumbled, leaning her head against his back.

Techno tilted his head, a soft smile forming beneath his mask. "We've got the best setup now. No one's going to catch us off guard."

(Y/n) hummed in agreement, her arms tightening around him. "And with you by my side, I know we can handle anything."

They stood in silence for a moment, the quiet satisfaction of their preparations settling between them. The chests were stocked, the armor gleamed in the dim light, and the two allies were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead in the unpredictable world.

As they stood in the dimly lit hideout, Technoblade felt a sense of camaraderie with (Y/n). Her presence was a comforting anchor in the tumultuous world they navigated together.

"(Y/n)," he began, turning to face her, "when all of this rebellion is over, when the chaos settles, would you consider coming with me? We could explore the world, away from the conflicts and constant battles."

She met his gaze, a mixture of surprise and warmth in her eyes. "Come with you? Like, traveling together?"

Technoblade nodded. "Yeah, just you and me, venturing into the unknown. No more wars, no more hiding. Just freedom."

Her lips curved into a thoughtful smile. "Sounds tempting, Techno. A life away from all this madness. I think I'd like that."

With a shared understanding of a future beyond the rebellion, they continued their preparations. Technoblade meticulously examined the enchanted gear, while (Y/n) surveyed the potion selection once more. Their movements were synchronized, a dance of efficiency born from a partnership forged in the crucible of challenges faced together.

As Techno adjusted a helmet on the armor stand, he couldn't help but tease, "You know, skippy, we need to make sure you don't slow us down in a tight spot. That limp might be a liability."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh please, I can keep up just fine. You might have to catch your breath before I do."

He chuckled, appreciating the banter that had become a staple of their interactions. "We're a formidable team, aren't we? No one stands a chance."

(Y/n) grinned, her fatigue momentarily forgotten. "Absolutely. And if anyone tries to mess with us, well, they'll regret it."

With their preparations complete, they lingered in the hidden room, the air thick with an unspoken understanding. The world above might be chaotic and unpredictable, but in their secret sanctuary, Technoblade and (Y/n) found solace in the strength of their alliance and the prospect of a different, more peaceful future together.

As Technoblade admired the pin nestled in (Y/n)'s hair, he felt a swirl of emotions within him. The unspoken words of affection lingered on the tip of his tongue, yet the weight of vulnerability held them back. Instead, he chose a safer path, opting for a compliment.

"That pin suits you," he remarked, his voice carrying a softness not often heard. "It complements the chaos in your hair."

(Y/n) smiled, her gaze meeting his. "Thanks, Techno. You have a knack for picking interesting gifts."

His heart swelled with a mixture of relief and yearning. "Well, I'm glad you like it. It's... unique, like you."

Their eyes held a lingering connection, a silent exchange of sentiments that neither dared to voice. The hidden room, filled with their shared preparations, became a haven for unspoken feelings. In that moment, amidst the potion-laden shelves and gleaming Netherite armor, a silent understanding passed between them – a connection that spoke of more than just camaraderie.

Feeling the weight of impending change, Technoblade made a decisive choice. "Let's head back to Pogtopia," he suggested, his gaze focused on the hidden room's entrance. "We need to rally the others and make sure we're prepared for whatever comes next."

(Y/n) nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. As they exited the concealed chamber, a sense of purpose filled the air. The rebellion awaited, and Technoblade, with his unyielding determination, led the way. The journey back to Pogtopia was laced with the anticipation of the challenges they would face, but it was also imbued with the unspoken connection that had grown between Technoblade and (Y/n).


Amidst the chaos of preparations for the upcoming attack, Quackity's voice cut through the air, demanding an explanation from (Y/n). "You have to be a ghost! You have to have died!" he shouted, frustration evident in his tone.

(Y/n) sighed, her gaze meeting Quackity's. "I survived the waterfall," she calmly explained, aware of the implications of her revelation.

Just as tensions began to rise, Technoblade stepped forward, his commanding presence capturing everyone's attention. "Enough of this. Follow me," he declared, leading the group to a seemingly inconspicuous bush. With a swift movement, he revealed a concealed entrance – a hole dug into the ground.

Curiosity and awe filled the air as everyone jumped into the hole, finding themselves in a hidden chamber. The sight that met their eyes left them speechless – an arsenal of meticulously prepared armor and gear. Technoblade and (Y/n), working in tandem, had crafted a formidable collection to equip the rebellion for the challenges ahead.

"Im ready for revolution boys!" Technoblade grinned. As the group marveled at the impressive setup, Technoblade and (Y/n) exchanged a knowing look. Without a word, they shared a fist bump, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they had forged and the battles they were about to face together. The rebellion, now armed and united, prepared to defy the oppressive forces that loomed over Pogtopia.

In a moment of rare vulnerability, Tommy approached (Y/n), his expression carrying the weight of regret. "Look, (Y/n), I need to apologize for what I said back there. I shouldn't have gone off on you like that," he admitted, genuine remorse in his eyes.

(Y/n) regarded him calmly, a small smile playing on her lips. "Tommy, you don't need to apologize. You were right about one thing – I do what I want when I want. It's because I believe in freedom, the freedom to make my own choices," she responded, her voice carrying a sense of conviction.

Tommy, surprised by her response, attempted to find words. "(Y/n), I..." he started, but she interrupted with a reassuring gesture. "It's okay, Tommy. Just focus on the fight ahead. We've got a rebellion to lead, and there's no time for lingering grudges," she said, her tone indicating a readiness to move forward.

Accepting her words, Tommy nodded, appreciating (Y/n)'s ability to stand her ground. The tension eased, and the two prepared to face the challenges that awaited them, united by a common cause – the fight for freedom.

Amidst the preparations, Technoblade reached into a small pouch and pulled out a sleek, light Netherite chestplate. With a smirk, he held it up to (Y/n). "You know, this would look great on you. Safety first, right?"

(Y/n), however, shook her head with a playful glint in her eyes. "I don't need it, Techno. I've got my own ways of staying safe."

Techno chuckled, his eyes narrowing in a teasing manner. "Come on, (Y/n), don't be stubborn. It's just a chestplate."

They began a playful back-and-forth, arguing about the necessity of the armor. (Y/n) held her ground, insisting on relying on her agility and quick reflexes. Techno, ever the advocate for strategic planning, tried to make his case.

After a bit of banter, (Y/n) finally relented, a grin forming on her face. "Fine, fine. But only because you insist." She took the Netherite chestplate from Techno's hands and, with a dramatic flourish, put it on.

Technoblade smirked, satisfied with the small victory. "See? Doesn't it feel safer already?"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a smile. "Alright, alright, Techno. Safety first."

The banter continued, weaving a light moment into the tension of the impending rebellion. They might be gearing up for a battle, but there was still room for playful arguments and shared laughter.

As (Y/n) adjusted the Netherite chestplate, a chuckle echoed through the room. They turned to see Wilbur, wearing a sly grin, leaning against the wall with crossed arms.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Wilbur teased, raising an eyebrow. "Is this some pre-battle flirting going on?"

Technoblade's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard, while (Y/n) couldn't help but blush at the playful accusation. "Flirting? No, no, Wilbur, we were just discussing the importance of safety," Techno protested, a hint of defensiveness in his voice.

Wilbur's grin only widened. "Safety, huh? In the midst of rebellion and chaos, you two find time for safety discussions? Very interesting."

(Y/n) couldn't hide her amusement. "Well, you know, safety is crucial, even in the face of anarchy."

Wilbur laughed, shaking his head. "Alright, alright, I won't pry. Just remember, the rebellion comes first, and then you can resume your safety talks."

As Wilbur left the room, Technoblade and (Y/n) exchanged a glance, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement dancing in their eyes. The banter continued, but now with the added awareness that others might be watching their interactions a bit more closely.

Tommy and Tubbo entered the room, catching the tail end of Wilbur's playful banter. Tommy nudged Tubbo with an elbow, smirking, as they both turned their attention to Technoblade and (Y/n).

"Ooh, what's this? Love in the air?" Tommy teased, grinning mischievously.

Tubbo joined in, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Looks like the mighty Technoblade isn't just a warrior; he's a romantic too."

Technoblade, ever stoic, shot them a deadpan look. "(Y/n) and I were discussing battle strategies, not engaging in romantic endeavors."

(Y/n), trying to play it cool, chimed in, "Yeah, we were just talking about the most efficient way to take down enemies, you know, the usual."

Tommy raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Sure, sure, battle strategies. Because nothing says 'strategy' like a perfectly timed blush."

Caught off guard, both (Y/n) and Techno turned away from each other, their faces tinged with a light shade of red. Tommy and Tubbo burst into laughter, reveling in the rare sight of the usually composed duo displaying a hint of vulnerability.

As the laughter echoed in the room, Technoblade couldn't help but mutter, "This rebellion better be worth it," eliciting another round of chuckles from the teasing duo.


The tension hung thick in the air as Pogtopia's rebels faced off against Dream, Schlatt, and their menacing alliance. The rebels, led by Technoblade, stood defiantly, ready to confront the imminent threat. Dream, Sapnap, and George loomed in the background, radiating an air of confidence that heightened the stakes.

Technoblade's piercing gaze scanned the assembled forces, his eyes locking onto (Y/n). With a stern expression, he ordered, "Stay close to me, and if I start saying something I shouldn't, shut me up." The gravity of the situation was evident in his voice.

(Y/n) nodded, understanding the severity of the task at hand. To provide a failsafe for their communication, she handed Technoblade a compass. "This will lead you back to me if we get separated," she said, her eyes reflecting the uncertainty of the impending confrontation.

Quackity, always one for banter even in dire moments, couldn't resist teasing. "Aw, how sweet. A compass for true love," he quipped, a sly grin playing on his face.

Technoblade shot him a sharp look, not in the mood for jests. "This is serious, Quackity. We need to stay focused," he retorted, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

As the standoff continued, the rebels braced themselves for the clash with Dream, Schlatt, and their alliance, each member knowing that the outcome of this confrontation would shape the destiny of the server. The compass in Technoblade's hand became a symbol of their unity, a small beacon of hope in the face of uncertainty.

They charge.


The battlefield crackled with tension as Technoblade and (Y/n) fought side by side, their synergy evident in the chaos. Blades clashed and arrows soared as the rebels faced off against Dream's forces.

Technoblade swung his axe with precision, cleaving through enemies that dared to approach. Beside him, (Y/n) expertly maneuvered, drawing her bow with speed and accuracy. Arrows whizzed through the air, finding their targets among the distant adversaries, keeping the threats at bay.

The duo moved in perfect harmony, covering each other's blind spots and anticipating the ebb and flow of the battle. Technoblade's roars echoed, instilling fear in their opponents, while (Y/n)'s focused determination fueled her every shot.

The clash continued, a symphony of combat unfolding on the battlefield. (Y/n) seamlessly shifted between bow and blade, adapting to the changing threats. Technoblade, an unstoppable force, carved a path through the enemy ranks.

Amidst the chaos, Dream's voice rang out, expressing a frustration that had been building. "Hold!" he commanded, and the battlefield froze in response. (Y/n) and Technoblade, weapons at the ready, exchanged a glance, uncertainty etched on their faces.

Dream stepped forward, weariness evident in his eyes. "I'm done fighting for Schlatt, who couldn't be bothered to fight for his own country. This ends here. Follow me." The rebels exchanged wary glances, realizing that this battle was about to take an unexpected turn.

(Y/n) and Technoblade fell into step as Dream led them away, leaving the battlefield behind. The air was thick with the weight of shifting allegiances and the uncertainty of what lay ahead. The rebels and their former adversary walked together, bound by a shared weariness of serving a leader who had lost their respect.


The tension reached its climax as everyone gathered at Schlatts office, witnessing the unexpected turn of events. Schlatt, once a formidable figure, now clutched his chest, succumbing to a fatal heart attack. The battlefield fell silent as the reality of the moment sank in.

Tommy, fueled by a mixture of shock and triumph, stepped forward. "Wilbur's the president now!" he declared, the words echoing through the stillness. However, Wilbur, with a solemn expression, shook his head. "I've had enough of that," he said, refusing the mantle of leadership.

Instead, Wilbur turned to Tubbo, recognizing his steadfast loyalty and dedication. "Tubbo, you've shown true commitment to our cause. You're the new president of L'Manberg," Wilbur proclaimed, redirecting the course of leadership.

The crowd, still processing the sudden demise of Schlatt, looked to Tubbo as he stepped forward to accept the responsibility. Tommy, though momentarily taken aback, nodded in approval. The dynamics of power shifted once again, marking a new chapter for L'Manberg.

In the midst of the aftermath, Wilbur and Tommy exchanged a knowing look, acknowledging the weight of their shared experiences. The echoes of battle slowly faded away, leaving room for the emergence of a different kind of order under Tubbo's leadership.

Everyone gathers outside for the speech of the new president and won back L'Manburg.

As Tubbo ascended the stage, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of relief and anticipation. However, (Y/n) felt the weight of Technoblade's intense gaze upon them. Turning to face him, she caught his glare, a silent exchange that spoke volumes.

Techno's eyes bore into (Y/n), his expression revealing a complex array of emotions. The recent battles and shifting allegiances had left an indelible mark on them all. (Y/n) took a step toward Techno, attempting to decipher the unspoken sentiments within his piercing stare.

Tension lingered in the air as Tubbo began to address the gathered citizens. (Y/n) and Technoblade stood in a silent standoff, their connection veiled in the aftermath of the power shifts and betrayals that had defined their journey.

As Tubbo outlined his vision for L'Manberg, (Y/n) couldn't shake the feeling that Techno's gaze held a challenge, a question left unanswered amidst the chaos. The unfolding events on the stage seemed to cast a shadow over the unspoken connection between (Y/n) and Technoblade, leaving them both caught in the web of uncertainty.

Amidst the murmurs of Tubbo's inauguration speech, Technoblade's voice cut through the air with a direct question, his gaze fixed on (Y/n).

"Are you in or out?" he asked, the weight of the decision palpable in the charged atmosphere. It was a moment of choice, one that would determine the path they would tread in the aftermath of Schlatt's demise.

(Y/n) met Technoblade's gaze, recognizing the gravity of the question. The turbulent events that had unfolded had tested loyalties and forged alliances, leaving them standing at a crossroads.

In that charged moment, (Y/n) felt the weight of the choices ahead. The rebellion had succeeded, but the echoes of conflict still lingered. The decision to be in or out wasn't just about allegiance; it was a commitment to the future, a commitment to the ideals they sought to uphold.

The words hung in the air, awaiting (Y/n)'s response, as the uncertain dawn of a new era unfolded before them.

"As a thank you for all that she's done I would like to offer (y/n) L'Manburg citizenship and a position as L'Manburgs potion make and sole provider," Tubbo offered. (Y/n) could feel the weight of everyone gaze.

Tubbo's voice pierced the silence, "So, (Y/n), what do you say? Your skills and perspective could be invaluable."

A subtle glance between (Y/n) and Technoblade sealed their decision, and Tubbo awaited their response.

"I appreciate the offer, Tubbo. But no," (Y/n) replied.

"I'm in," (Y/n) muttered to Technoblade, "Blood for the blood god," she whispered

Technoblade's hand tightened around (Y/n)'s, squeezed her hand and let go again, an unspoken pact. Tubbo acknowledged their choice with a nod.

"I understand. You're always welcome here," Tubbo said.

The trio of Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo shared a moment of realization. Tommy broke the tension with a grin, "Rebellion buddies, right?"

(Y/n) smiled, feeling the weight of the moment lifting, "Rebellion buddies, Tommy." They didn't know her kind smile was fake

She then had a realisation. She had chosen a side.

The side of the blood god

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