A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x...

By Just_Another_IDK

74.5K 2.5K 1.8K

A different spin on a plot we all know well Freedom is all anyone wants but can a gentle soul do what must be... More

My Thanks
Sequel Release


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By Just_Another_IDK

The Pit
In which tensions are at an all time high


In the dimly lit forest, Technoblade and Tommy faced each other in a makeshift combat pit. The tension hung thick in the air as they exchanged glares. Techno's question cut through the silence, "[You sure you wanna do this, Tommy?]"

Tommy, eyes briefly flickering towards the infirmary, responded with a determined nod. Nearby, Niki, sensing the impending clash, decided to fetch (Y/n).

Techno proposed a curious truce amidst the impending brawl, "We could settle our feelings with our fists, but who- when- when we come out of here? Win or lose? No hard feelings... It stays in the pit."

Tommy, however, couldn't ignore the weight of recent events. "You killed Tubbo, Techno."

Undeterred, Techno chuckled, repeating his mantra, "It stays in the pit."

Tommy, still grappling with the betrayal, pressed on, "You killed- you killed my right-hand man. And you-"

Techno interrupted, looking up at the forest canopy, "In the pit."

Wilbur, eagerly watching, couldn't contain his excitement, "Do it! Do it! Kill him! Kill him! Punch him!"

Tommy refocused on Techno, expressing his frustration, "I'm not doing this for Wilbur. None of this has to do with Wilbur anymore. You just- You betrayed us, Techno... You betrayed us."

Techno, defensive, offered his reasoning, "I was peer pressured...!"

Tommy, unconvinced, retorted, "You- that's not- You can't just keep saying-!"

Their verbal exchange escalated into a physical confrontation. Tommy's fist met Techno's jaw, a precursor to a brutal exchange of blows that echoed in the enclosed space. The forest absorbed the sounds of cracking bones and labored breaths as the two clashed.

Wilbur observed the brawl with an unsettling satisfaction. The fight reached its climax when Techno's final punch sent Tommy to the ground, defeated and broken. Techno's melodic declaration lingered in the aftermath, "It stays in the pit."

Tommy, conceding defeat, whispered, "You betrayed him, Techno. You betrayed him."

Techno, resolute, repeated, "[It stays in the pit."

Exiting the pit, Techno left behind a battered Tommy. Wilbur, clapping in approval, declared his satisfaction, "That is the- That is absolutely perfect! Thank you. Thank you. I- I'm honestly- I'm satisfied with today."

As Techno walked away, (Y/n) awaited him with a regen potion, tossing a second one down to Tommy in silent acknowledgment of the toll the pit had taken on both of them.

"Did you really have to beat up a child?" She sighed.

"I drop kicked that child in self defence you gotta believe me," Techno grinned, she chuckled at him.

"Techno wait you bastard!" Tommy screams at him.

The air crackled with tension as Technoblade turned back to face Tommy, a sardonic chuckle escaping his lips.

"Tommy, do you really think I would stop mass destruction, Tommy?" Techno's voice carried a tone of detached amusement.

Tommy, frustration evident, shot back, "Well, I didn't think you would've stopped yourself from killing Tubbo at the hands of JSchlatt's orders, but you still did."

Techno's response remained unwavering, "Stays in the pit."

A frustrated yell erupted from Tommy, "IT WASN'T IN THE PIT! This is-! You- You can't just-!"

Techno calmly reiterated, "Like, you- We were gonna resolve our conflict in the pit! You threw the first punch."

(Y/n), uncertain about the unfolding dynamics, interjected with a hesitant "Uhmm?"

Tommy, refusing to relent, insisted, "It wasn't in the pit!"

Techno raised his eyebrows, countering, "You threw the first punch."

In a crescendo of emotions, Tommy bellowed, "THIS ISN'T ABOUT THE PIT! I didn't resolve that conflict!"

(y/n)'s gaze shifted between the heated exchange.

Techno, with a bemused expression, questioned, "Well, then what was it all for?"

"Tommy, the thing is... you're using words... But the thing about this world, Tommy, is that the only universal language is violence. And we've had that conversation. We've spoken that language. In the pit. It's over, Tommy. On to a new day, a new plot, to destroy Manberg," Techno concluded with a chuckle.

Tommy, acknowledging the bitter truth, conceded, "You're right, Techno. It's over..." Tommy then turns to (Y/n).

As the tension lingered in the air, Tommy's frustration sought a new target, and his eyes landed on (y/n), who had entered the scene during the heated exchange. His anger, like a tempest finding its course, turned toward her.

"And you!" Tommy pointed accusingly at (y/n), his voice laced with bitterness. "You just stand there, always alone, never caring about anyone but yourself. You'd take the side of an anarchic pig over those who actually care!"

(y/n)'s expression shifted from confusion to hurt, the words cutting through her like a dagger. The weight of Tommy's accusations hung in the air, and the onlookers could sense the personal attacks intensifying.

Technoblade, usually stoic, observed the scene with a furrowed brow. Tubbo who had come out go of the infirmary to see what was going exchanged a worried glance with (y/n), unsure how to diffuse the escalating tension.

Tommy, fueled by anger, continued his verbal assault, "You act like you're some lone hero, but you're just selfish. Always disappearing when things get tough, siding with whoever suits your interests at the moment."

(y/n) stood there, absorbing the onslaught of harsh words, her eyes betraying a mix of hurt and confusion. Tubbo, not accustomed to such conflicts, tried to interject, "Tommy, maybe you should calm down—"

But Tommy, caught in the whirlwind of his anger, pressed on, "You know what? Maybe Wilbur right about you. Maybe you're just as much of a problem as Techno is."

Tubbo, sensing the escalating conflict, attempted to bridge the gap. "Come on, Tommy, that's not fair. We're all just trying to figure things out, and (y/n) has always been there for us."

Tommy, still caught in the whirlwind of his anger, shot back, "There for us? When, exactly? When the chaos started? When Techno betrayed us? It's always been about her, doing whatever she wants, whenever she wants."

(y/n) struggled to find words, her usual resilience wavering under the weight of the unexpected onslaught. Technoblade, typically detached from interpersonal conflicts, exchanged a concerned glance with Tubbo.

Tubbo, desperate to diffuse the situation, urged, "Guys, this isn't helping anyone. We're supposed to be a team, remember?"

Tommy, however, seemed unwilling to back down. "A team? (Y/n) only cares about herself. She'd choose anarchy over friendship any day."

As the accusations hung in the air, (y/n) took a deep breath, steadying herself. In a moment of unexpected strength, she spoke, "Tommy, I've always done what I thought was best for everyone. But if you can't see that, then maybe you're right."

With those words, (y/n) turned and walked away, leaving behind a stunned silence. The weight of the unspoken words lingered, and the trio stood there, each grappling with the aftermath of the emotional turmoil.

The words hung in the air, and the scene crackled with tension as (y/n) absorbed the unexpected attack on her character.

Technoblade, usually stoic and reserved, stepped forward, his voice carrying an uncharacteristic edge of sternness. "Tommy, you went too far. (Y/n) has through hell and back for this rebellion,."

Tommy, still fueled by anger and frustration, met Technoblade's gaze but found himself unable to respond. The weight of the situation pressed down on him, the consequences of his words sinking in.

"And if you upset her ever again you and I will be taking another trip to the pit and I won't let you off east,"Without waiting for a reply, Technoblade turned and followed (y/n), navigating through the quiet aftermath of their argument. He caught up to her, walking side by side in a rare display of solidarity. The tension between them was palpable, but Techno knew that sometimes actions spoke louder than words.

Silence hung in the air as they walked, the echoes of the heated exchange still lingering. Technoblade, usually guided by his own principles, found himself grappling with a sense of responsibility to mend the fractures within their group.

In the aftermath of the heated exchange, Technoblade and (y/n) found solace in a quiet corner away from the lingering tension. Without the need for words, Techno placed a reassuring hand on (y/n)'s shoulder, a silent gesture of support.

"(Y/n), you know they're just lashing out. Emotions are running high, and sometimes people say things they don't mean," Technoblade offered in a rare display of empathy.

(y/n), still processing the hurtful words, nodded slightly, appreciating the comfort in Techno's presence. Despite his reputation as an unyielding warrior, she sensed a vulnerability beneath the surface.

"I get it. It's just... it's frustrating when it feels like everything is falling apart," she admitted, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and sadness.

Techno sighed, understanding the weight of those words. "I've been there. It's tough, but we'll figure it out. We always do," he reassured her, his grip on her shoulder tightening briefly.

As they shared a moment of mutual understanding, (y/n) reciprocated by placing a hand on Techno's arm. "You're not alone in this, Techno. We've got each other, right?"

A small, almost imperceptible smile crossed Techno's face. "Yeah, we do," he agreed, acknowledging the unspoken bond that had been forged through countless trials.

As (y/n) wrestled with the haunting memories of the day, she turned to Technoblade with a look of uncertainty clouding her eyes. "Techno, am I doing the right thing? Back then, Punz... I've known him since I first came to the area and today I put an arrow in his throat... I don't know if I'm a good person. Maybe Tommy is right, I push people aside for what I want."

Technoblade, often reserved, recognized the vulnerability in (y/n)'s voice. Without uttering a word, he enveloped her in a comforting embrace, offering solace through the warmth of his presence. The silence spoke volumes, conveying a sense of understanding and support.

In that shared embrace, Technoblade's grip was reassuring, a silent affirmation that (y/n) wasn't alone in her internal struggle. The weight of her actions, the complexities of morality, were challenges that both of them faced in their own ways.

"You're not defined by one moment," Technoblade finally spoke, his voice calm yet firm. "We all make choices, some we regret, but it's what we do afterward that matters. You're trying to make things right, and that counts for something."

Feeling the sincerity in Techno's words, (y/n) took a steadying breath, finding a measure of comfort in the midst of her internal turmoil. The hug became a moment of shared understanding, a reminder that redemption was a path one forged through growth and self-reflection.

As they stood there, embracing the quietude of the moment, (y/n) felt a sense of gratitude for the unlikely support she found in Technoblade. It was a small but profound step toward reconciling with her past and navigating the complexities of her own morality.

In the aftermath of their heartfelt moment, (y/n) looked up at Technoblade, her eyes seeking guidance. "So, what's the plan now, Techno?"

Technoblade, ever stoic, considered the question before a mischievous glint flickered in his eyes. "We're going skeleton skull hunting," he declared with a smirk.

A puzzled expression crossed (y/n)'s face. "Skeleton skulls? What for?"

Techno explained, "Wither skeletons drop skulls, and we're going to need those for a little project of mine. Building a wither can be quite useful, you know."

As (y/n) processed the information, she couldn't help but chuckle at the audacity of the plan. "Skeleton skull hunting it is, then. Lead the way, Techno."

And so, with a shared understanding and a new purpose, they set out on their unconventional quest, ready to face the challenges that awaited them in the world of Minecraft. The echoes of their conversation lingered, a reminder that even in a world of blocks and pixels, the journey was shaped by the choices they made together.

As they ventured into the Minecraft landscape, Technoblade couldn't resist adding a playful jab to the banter. "Alright, skippy, keep up. We don't want any slowpokes around here."

(Y/n) shot him a mock glare, her competitive spirit rising to the challenge. "Skippy? Seriously? I've got a name, you know."

Techno chuckled, "Sure you do, skippy. Let's see those quick strides of yours."

Despite the banter, they moved forward together, the playful teasing creating a camaraderie that felt oddly comforting in the pixelated world. The journey, with all its challenges and banter, continued, the unlikely duo forging ahead in their quest for skeleton skulls.

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