The Finder

By AndressVo

109 21 4

"The Finder is about Frank, a far from normal teenager with a strange past who lives his life solving cases." More

Case 1;Covering Friendship-Chapter 1:
Case 1;Covering Friendship-Chapter 2:
Case 1;Covering Friendship-Chapter 3:
Case 1;Covering Friendship-Chapter 4:
Case 1;Covering Friendship-Chapter 5:
Student Time - Chapter 1
Case 2;Family Murder-Chapter 1:
Case 2;Family Murder-Chapter 3:
Frank's Past - Chapter 1
Frank's Past - Chapter 2
Case 3;Family Envy -Chapter 1
Case 3;Family Envy -Chapter 1

Case 2;Family Murder-Chapter 3:

5 1 0
By AndressVo

Frank and Lily left the interrogation room, and as Frank closed the door, his phone rang. It was Commissioner Douglas reporting some irregularities in the bank accounts of Johan Edwards, the victim's father.

Frank nodded with seriousness during the call and finally hung up. Then he turned to Lily.

"We need to go back to Johan's company. It seems we've found something important. But first, I need you to do something for me."

Lily looked at him expectantly.

"What do you need, Frank?"

"I need you to release the employee. I don't consider him a suspect at the moment. There are other leads we need to follow. It's crucial that we act quickly."

Lily appeared visibly surprised and somewhat taken aback.

"But, Frank, he was one of the most suspicious people at the crime scene. Are you sure about this?"

Frank calmly nodded.

"Trust me, Lily. Sometimes, appearances can be deceiving. Now, go and make sure he's released."

Lily nodded, although she still seemed a bit confused by Frank's decision. She walked away to carry out his request while he mentally prepared for the next step of the investigation.

Frank and Lily arrived at Johan Edwards' mansion, where they were greeted by several maids who, at first, appeared surprised and hesitant to let them in. Lily felt nervous about entering without a prior call or order, but Frank had a plan in mind.

"Excuse us, ladies, but we need to speak with Mr. Edwards urgently. It's a matter of extreme importance," Frank began with his calm and persuasive voice.

However, the maids continued to refuse entry, insisting that Mr. Edwards did not wish to receive visitors.

Frank decided to change his approach. He approached one of the maids, maintaining eye contact and a charming smile.

"I understand you're following Mr. Edwards' orders, but I assure you this matter is crucial. We'd like to avoid unnecessary trouble and maintain discretion. We're here to help, and a brief conversation with your employer could resolve everything quickly."

Under the influence of Frank's persuasion, the maid began to waver. The other two watched the conversation attentively. Frank continued:

"Furthermore, I'm sure Mr. Edwards would appreciate us being allowed in. After all, we're his guests, and we're sure he wouldn't want his reputation tarnished by denying the police entry."

Finally, one of the maids, apparently convinced by Frank's words, took a step back and allowed them to enter. Frank thanked her with a smile, and they entered the mansion.

Lily remained nervous about the unconventional tactic but followed Frank as they made their way to Johan Edwards' office.

Frank walked with determination through the halls of Johan Edwards' imposing mansion, closely followed by Lily. Despite the intrusion, the maids allowed them to proceed. Frank seemed to know the place better than anyone, as if it were his own home. He ignored one maid's offer to guide him to Johan and went directly to the businessman's office.

The billionaire received them with a look of annoyance, but he seemed to recognize Frank from the previous interrogation. Johan, seated behind his large desk, inquired about any progress in the investigation into his son's death. However, Frank appeared disinterested in answering that question. Instead, he moved with a confidence bordering on arrogance. Ignoring the guest chair, he sat on the man's desk without asking permission and took a cup of tea from the desk. Johan watched him with incredulity.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Johan inquired, evidently upset by the intrusion.

Frank calmly sipped the tea and then placed the empty cup on the desk.

"The tea is delicious, Johan. You must have exquisite taste," Frank said, taking a pause, letting his words hang in the air while maintaining his gaze on Johan, with an expression that suggested he wouldn't leave without getting what he wanted.

Johan didn't seem used to someone confronting him in this manner. Tension in the room was palpable. Frank took the opportunity to employ his skills in persuasion, manipulation, and seduction to steer the conversation in his direction.

"Tell me, Johan, have you been leading a double life?" Frank asked softly, as if revealing a dark secret.

The magnate became even tenser and frowned.

"What are you talking about?"

Frank, with an enigmatic smile, continued.

"Don't worry, Johan, I'm here to help you. I heard about certain activities that could be problematic for your reputation. You see, I'm good at uncovering secrets."

Johan looked at Frank with hostility, but the detective went on with his persuasive game.

"I've heard that you're involved in massive logging operations, which could negatively affect your public image. It seems you've been quite nervous lately because someone, who could that be, found out about your illegal activities." Frank continued smiling, enjoying Johan's growing discomfort.

Johan tried to defend himself and deny any involvement in illegal activities, but Frank didn't seem interested in hearing his explanations. He abruptly changed the subject.

"Oh, and then there's your relationship with your son, John. How would you describe your bond?"

Frank asked with a penetrating look.

"I don't know what the hell you're playing at, but I don't have time for this," Johan responded with frustration, trying to regain control of the conversation.

Frank, however, continued as if he hadn't heard him.

"I think you and your son didn't have a close relationship. John was a moralist, wasn't he? He wanted to do the right thing, and when he discovered your illegal activities, he confronted you."

Johan started losing patience and stood up, clearly angry.

"Enough! I don't know what you're trying to achieve here, but this is ridiculous."

Frank, with a triumphant smile, got up from the desk. He looked Johan directly in the eyes.

"And, by the way, if I had to bet, I'd say there are traces of blood on your desk paperweight."

Frank's words left Johan speechless. The revelation about the blood on the paperweight visibly disturbed him.

"What are you saying? This is absurd!" Johan finally exploded in anger and raised his hand as if to strike Frank.

However, the detective moved quickly, evading the blow. The tension in the room had reached its peak, and Johan seemed to be losing control. But Frank had what he needed.

"Lily, could you handcuff him? Thank you."

Lily nodded and left the office.

Meanwhile, Frank continued to watch Johan with a cold, calculating gaze. He was confident that he had discovered the truth behind John Edwards' death and was about to unmask the killer.

Frank entered Johan Edwards' office with a confidence that left everyone surprised. Ignoring the puzzled looks of those present, he walked straight to the businessman's desk and poured himself a cup of tea from Johan's own teapot. Johan, somewhat annoyed by the intrusion, decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Can I help you, detective?" Johan asked, recalling their first encounter at the mansion.

Frank, unfazed, took a sip of the tea before responding.

"Thank you, Mr. Edwards. It's delicious, by the way. I hope I'm not a bother, but there are a few things I need to discuss with you."

Frank set the teacup on Johan's desk and got up, walking around the office as if he were in his own home. Johan watched him with growing annoyance, but Frank continued with an imperturbable smile.

"You're a successful man, Mr. Edwards, and I'm sure you've dealt with many delicate situations in your life. But I can't help but think about certain things."

At that moment, Frank approached Johan closely, stopping just inches from his face. The businessman, uncomfortable, leaned back slightly in his chair.

"I have a special ability, Mr. Edwards. I can understand people, their thoughts, their emotions. I can tell if someone is hiding something. And the first time we met, I knew you weren't being entirely honest."

Johan frowned, struggling to conceal his displeasure. Frank continued:

"You told me you were concerned about your son's death, and that's understandable. But on your face, in your body language, I saw something more. I saw that you weren't as concerned as you should be. I saw that you had a secret."

Frank walked to Johan's desk and leaned over it, locking eyes with the businessman.

"Then there's the way you were dressed that day. I know it was a workday, and yet you're wearing a new suit, and your hair is slightly damp, as if you changed clothes after a phone call. And that leads me to wonder: why would you change your clothes in the middle of a workday?"

Johan's pupils narrowed in a gesture of contained anger, but Frank pressed on.

"Furthermore, Mr. Edwards, I know what you've done. I know why you killed your son."

Johan finally lost his patience and stood up, attempting to strike Frank. However, the detective skillfully evaded each blow, leaving the businessman frustrated.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Johan shouted.

Frank, calmly, continued speaking.

"Your son, John, discovered the truth about your activities. He found out about your illegal logging business, which has been destroying the environment without regard for the consequences. John, being a moralist, decided he couldn't allow it. He was going to report you to the police."

"That's a lie!" Johan yelled, his face reddening with anger.

Frank just smiled.

"No, Mr. Edwards, it's not a lie. John had evidence, and he was determined to expose you. He tried to persuade you to stop your activities, but you refused. And when he saw there was no other option, he tried to seek justice through the law."

At that moment, Frank pointed to the paperweight on Johan's desk.

"I'm sure if we examined that paperweight, we would find traces of your son's blood. The same blood you spilled when you killed him to prevent him from ruining your life."

Johan, desperate, shook his head.

"You have no evidence! Everything you're saying is insane!"

Frank kept his gaze fixed on Johan.

"I don't need evidence, Mr. Edwards. I have something much more powerful: the truth. And I know that deep down, you're struggling with guilt and remorse. You know that what you did was a desperate act to protect your business. And now that your secret is about to be revealed, you can't bear it."

Johan slumped back into his chair, apparently defeated. Frank had achieved what he set out to do. He knew he had reached the core of the businessman and left his conscience in agony.

However, Frank still had one last question.

"Mr. Edwards, how do you feel after killing your son?"

Johan looked at Frank, his eyes filled with anguish.

"I feel... ....terrible."

Frank nodded and headed for the door, leaving Johan deep in thought, while Lily handcuffed him.

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