Falling For Lucy

By ModernLiteraryWitch

25.4K 367 91

This is a detailed account of Tim Bradford's POV throughout the whole of The Rookie with some creative libert... More

Season 1
Pilot - Rookie Day
Epi 2 - Crash Course
Epi 3 - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
Epi 4 - The Switch
Epi 5 - The Roundup
Epi 6 - The Hawke
Epi 7 - The Ride Along
Epi 8 - Time of Death
Epi 9 - The Stand Off
Epi 10 - Flesh and Blood
Epi 11 - Redwood
Epi - 12 Heartbreak
Epi 13 - Caught Stealing
Epi 14 - Plain Clothes Day
Epi 15 - Manhunt
Epi 16 - Greenlight
Epi 17 - The Shake Up
Epi 18 - Homefront
Epi 19 - The Checklist
Epi 20 - Free Fall
Season 2

Epi 1 - Impact

609 13 4
By ModernLiteraryWitch

The darkness was comfortable, almost too comfortable. I tried to settle into it but I couldn't. Something was nagging me in the back of my mind. I could feel the world moving until we jerked to a sudden stop. Then a series of loud shots rang through the air and a body pressed to my chest. The scent of her triggered a flood of memories destroying the darkness. I reached out to grab her and suddenly came to...

The brightness hurt my eyes because I didn't have time to think about the pain and confusion stirring in my head. I heard several more shots being exchanged right outside of the ambulance where I had been abandoned. Chen was nowhere to be seen and it sounded like someone had been shot as there was all kinds of shouting happening just outside. I kicked the back door open, locked my eyes on the target, and shot her directly through the shoulder where then Nolan was able to tackle her to the ground. He then restrained her and called for help as I stepped down and out of the RA. 

"Suspect in custody!" Nolan shouted. "Doctor, I need some help over here!"

A gurney was rolled out to him as another nurse shouted back, "On it!" with a med bag ready to pack the wound until she got into surgery. Nolan let them take over and then approached me, his hands covered in the suspect's blood.

"You okay?" I asked, a pounding headache setting in. My entire body ached in ways I didn't know were possible.

"I should have reloaded on the move." He replied. "You?"

"I should have taken yesterday off," I said, reminiscing on how terrible the last 24 really have been.

With the third and final terrorist apprehended, I was able to go about the rest of my 24-hour observation period in relative peace. I was however informed that I was taking 2 weeks off for administrative leave. All the rookie T.O. teams were granted that privilege and I think it was because of the 6-month exams and my exposure to a deadly virus. 

The why didn't really matter, I could use a little break. I needed to get my shit straight. My feelings for Lucy could never happen which is why whatever happened between us in that quarantine house will never be spoken of ever again. 

I was looking forward to some time and space away from Lucy Chen, so why was she sending me food with cute notes? The first time she knocked I almost opened the door and invited her in but that was the worst idea in the world, so in my panic, I ignored her until she left the package in her hand on my doorstep with an unreasonably cute note about getting well soon. From there for a week straight she left 1 meal a day on my doorstep. 

And every meal she left made me like her more. I was so frustrated and pissed with myself. I was supposed to be working on liking her less and it was getting worse. By the time we returned to work I was mad at her. All of this was her fault and I was determined to remind her that we weren't friends or anything else. She was my rookie and that was it. Nolan and West may be her friends, but I was not. 

Which might have explained why I was in a shit mood this morning. I was in roll call early as usual and the moment Chen walked in she spotted me and lit up. She immediately walked over with a big grin on her face.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

My arms were crossed over my chest, my muscles tight. I felt my jaw tick as I restrained a dark glare at her. 

"Ready to get back to it," I replied tensely. I was banking on work being distracting enough that we could get back to how things should be. Me, the most hated T.O., and her, the most sympathetic rookie. 

"Did you get the food I sent over?" She asked eagerly. 

"I did." I nodded. "You shouldn't have done that."

"Well, I wanted to, and eating well is crucial for a fast recovery." She smiled. 

I know, you informed me of as much in your unsolicited notes. 

Thankfully I was saved by Grey in that moment.

"Alright!" He yelled as he entered the room and everyone, including Chen, immediately found their seats. 

Grey took a marker and wrote 97, 91, and 81 on the board. "Anyone want to guess what these numbers represent?"

Nolan began raising his hand like the boy scout he is. 

"Nolan," Grey called on him.

"Those are the scores for our 6-month exams," Nolan answered.

"That is correct Officer Nolan," Grey replied.

"Oh! We all passed!" Chen commented excitedly. 

Yeah, but someone almost didn't. It couldn't have been Chen so it must have been Nolan with the 81. 

"Technically yes, but that 81 is ugly, given that an 80 is basically an F," Grey said.

"Who got the low mark?" Angela asked.

"Clearly not West," I replied.

"I could tell you, but self-reflection is necessary for your success as a patrol officer. So, I want your guesses as to which score is yours by the end of the shift. Understood?" Grey asked the rookies.

"Why not give them now?" West asked.

"Clearly to mess with our heads," Nolan replied.

"Are you saying you are so easily sabotaged, Officer Nolan?" Grey asked.

"No, sir. I was speaking for Officer Chen." Nolan quipped and a few people laughed. I didn't because he just tried to throw her under the bus. No way that 81 is hers. She shook her head at him.

"Sir, will there be consequences for the officer with the low score?" She asked. Always asking the important questions.

"Officer Lopez, do you want to take that one?" Grey asked.

"At a minimum, a low score means merciless taunting for months," Angela answered.

"Great." Chen nodded, dismayed. 

"But, you three did pass, so there's good news - you can now wear short sleeves. Congratulations." Grey announced and everyone including myself clapped. 

Nolan raised his hand again and Grey rolled his eyes. "Nolan."

"Sir, who will I be riding with today?" he asked. I looked to my left where Bishop normally sat. I didn't blame her for taking the job with the ATF but I didn't like the change. 

"I was thinking - me." Grey grinned at Nolan. "How's that sound?"

Nolan just gave him two thumbs up. I almost laughed. 

"Alright, be safe." He dismissed us.

While the rooks wandered off to change their shirts I pulled Angela to the side in the hall. 

"You look worried." She smirked.

"I have never had a rookie score that low in the exam," I replied. I doubted it was Lucy, but maybe I was wrong. Could I truly think clearly about her anymore? Who knows.

"There's a first time for everything." She replied. 

No kidding. You're telling me. 

"No. Officer Chen is a natural-born test taker." I said confidently. "Nolan didn't even finish college. Plus, Chen had me for her T.O. Nolan had Bishop." 

"Really? You're gonna smack-talk her when she's not here to defend herself?" Angela looked at me.

"You're right. It's not the same." I agreed. Besides, Talia wasn't a bad T.O. and Nolan wasn't that bad of a rookie, but neither was Lucy.

"Even if she was here, you'd still be fighting for second place," Angela smirked as Chen approached from behind her in her short sleeves. Immediately upon seeing her naturally tanner skin, I knew I had to do something.

"What are you doing?" I asked incredulously.

"What?" she looked confused.

"My rookies wear long sleeves and ties until the last day of probation," I replied.

"Yeah, but Sargeant Grey said-" She started. 

"Grey is not your training officer. I have complete discretion of the training of my boot and that includes uniform. Okay? So go change back into your long sleeves. And don't forget the tie. Now, Boot."

She looked shocked but I didn't care. We needed boundaries and this was mine. As Chen finally started to walk back to change again, Angela sent me a look like I just grown a second head.

"Uh, that was total bullshit." She said skeptically.

"What?" I asked.

"You've never made a rookie stay in long sleeves before," she replied. 

"Yeah, and I have never had a rookie score an 81 before either," I replied and walked off. I didn't want to talk about this any further. 

When Chen finally met me at the gear desk she was back in her long sleeves and I felt much better. The less skin I saw of hers the better I was. I finally understood why some cultures completely covered their women. It wasn't just about keeping their appearance sacred but also protection from their alluring charms. 

There were nights when I still dreamed of her in those shorty pj shorts.  And I needed to see less of her not more of her. And she was disappointed that I had demoted her to long sleeves again. 

When we pulled up to the park where I organized a little test for her critical thinking skills she was still pouting. We got out of the shop and she looked like a kicked puppy.

"Stop pouting," I told her.

"I'm not pouting. What are we doing here?" She whined. Totally pouting.

"You thought it was going to get easier after you passed the exam, but you were wrong," I explained. This job never 'gets easier'.

"Awesome." She sighed sarcastically.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing." She replied. That's what I thought.

"If recent events have taught us anything, it's that we need to remain vigilant. You probably think you know everything about policing, but you don't. For example, what's the most important thing you need on the street?" I asked. 

"Is this a trick question?" she asked. 

I sent her a look that said, absolutely not.

"Okay, well, the easy answer is my gun, but I know that's not right. So, um... my mind? No that's too esoteric for you." She replied uncertainly. 

"Are you through not answering my question?" I asked, not impressed. 

"Uh, my judgment?" she guessed. 

I gave her a dead stare.

"Yeah, my judgment," she said more confidently as if my reaction solidified her decision.

"Your eyes," I stated. "Cop Eyes stop crime and save lives. Did you study explosive devices in the Academy?" I asked.

"What? Yeah, I mean. A little," she replied with a shrug.

"Good, I hope you paid attention, because I had a buddy from the bomb squad mock up an IED and hide it somewhere in this park." I looked out at the busy park in front of us. 

She nervously chuckled. "What?"

"You got 10 minutes to find it, or I'm adding the duty hat to your standard uniform - GO." I shouted at her as she stared at me a bit dumbfounded. 

"I-" She stuttered and spinned in her spot looking around the fairly active park as a bit of panic set in. Where would she start? How would she assess the environment? Will she find the device?

The pressure was mounting and she was stuck in decision paralysis. "Go! 10 Seconds." I started counting the time she was wasting. Then she shot off into the park with her head on a swivel as if every movement was suspicious. Kids were playing, couples were walking the trails and paths, families were picnicking all over and her eyes scanned every single one as she moved through the park and I trailed behind her, keeping an eye on the time. Anytime she turned to look back at me for some sign or hint I just looked at my watch and she would keep moving again. 

She had her eyes on a backpack laying on a picnic table when the teen boy who left it there returned with his drone. I checked my watch and time was starting to run out. It was amazing how short 10 minutes really can be sometimes. Then she spotted the lone trash can in the park. She ran over to it and shouted, "I found it." 

I followed but stayed a distance away and stopped at the picnic table the teen boy left and watched to see what she would do. Then she made a devastating mistake and pulled her radio. The moment she pressed the tx (PTT) button the device exploded into a cloud of baby powder in her face. She was covered from head to toe and I couldn't help but chuckle a little. 

I approached and spoke, "And... you're dead. Because radio frequency energy can trigger a bomb." I explained to her. "You gonna forget that lesson, Boot?" 

"No." She said shortly.

"Good. Go get cleaned up." I replied as she slowly, still in shock turned away and likely found a public bathroom somewhere to clean up. I took a moment to admire the mess the device had made. There was a thick layer of baby powder all over that trash can and about a 3 foot radius around it. Not bad, not bad at all.

I returned to the shop and waited for Chen before we returned to patrol.


Nolan and Grey radioed, "211, 3 suspects escaping on motorcycles heading north, south, and east. Requesting backup and airship."


We arrived to our next call to take a missing persons report. We got out of the shop and I spotted some leftover powder on Chen's neck.

"Missed a spot." I pointed and then kept walking up the pathway.

"What?" She said as she whipped around to see her reflection and wipe it away. She followed after me to the door.

I knocked. A man opened the door and immediately started speaking. 

"Thank god, my wife is missing. She never came home from work last night. She always comes home. I texted and called her friends and nobody's seen -"

"Sir, can you please slow down? It's important that I get the report right for the detectives." Chen spoke to him calmly. He took a breath. 

"What's your wife's name?" She asked, notepad ready to take notes.

"Susanna... Brown. She's a clerk at the courthouse downtown. We're trying to have a baby, and she was supposed to come straight home to... you, know." He explained.

"Yes, sir." Chen assured him she was listening.

"Do you have a picture?" I asked. 

"Uh... yeah." He nodded and pulled out his phone. 

"No, a hard copy is preferable," I replied.

"Of course." He nodded again. "Hold on." He shut the door and went into the house in search of a photo for us to take.

"Poor guy." Chen cooed. 

I looked over at her. Was she serious right now?

"Really?" I asked.

"What?" She replied.

"Cop eyes," I said.

"What? You think the husband did something?" She asked, not quite believing the theory.

"You always assume the husband did something," I replied.

She huffed. "Officer Bradford's first rule of domestics?" She mocked me.

"This isn't a joke, Boot. You don't have the experience to evaluate people yet, so your default should be suspicion, not compassion. Understood?" I explained.

"Yeah." She nodded. 

Just then the husband returned with the photo. Chen took his contact information and anything else he was willing to share and we returned to the shop where she typed up the report and sent it to Missing Persons. 


The bikes from the robbery earlier are located and burned along with a DB. Grey calls us all to scene. We arrived at the scene and got out. There was police tape surrounding the perimeter. I told Chen to stay with the other two rookies as I went in to find Grey. 

Just after I found Grey and Angela, Jessica Russo appeared from behind me.

"Still think they stole the uniforms to rob drug dealers?" Jessica asked, likely talking to Grey. 

"Let's skip the 'I told you so's' please?" Grey asked.

"What's the intel say?" I asked.

"Fingerprint from the store got a positive ID on our corpse. Trevor Travis, 28, spent 18 months in Nevada State Prison for armed robbery." Jessica informed us.

"Known associates?" Angela asked. 

"Too many to name but none in southern California," Jessica answered.

"Well, whoever his new crew is, they're ruthless enough to kill one of their own to stop our investigation," Angela added.

"And whatever they're planning, no one's gonna see it coming because they are all dressed as cops," Jessica said.

"Hell, they could be working the scene right now," I said, looking around at all the faces I wasn't familiar with.

"So, we'll implement new identity verification protocols," Grey said.

"I'll call my guys, have them start an inter-agency task force. We've got to get out in front of this." Jessica informed us.

Everyone dispersed and we spent a bit more time at the scene until the end of our shift. We returned to the station to clock out and I was ready to pour a glass of whiskey and relax. We were getting out of the shop in the garage when Chen asked, "Um, what are you doing?"

"Clocking out and heading home. Rio Bravo is on cable." I replied. 

"No, why are you treating me like it's day one all over again?" She asked, a bit more heated this time.

"Because it is. Today was day one of stage two of your training." I explained with a shrug. I didn't understand why she was bent out of shape about it. This shouldn't have been anything new. Maybe I've been too soft on her. 

"So? What? Does that mean l've lost all the respect that I've earned?" She asked.

"You lost that when you lied on a report," I replied sternly.

"What?" she looked shocked.

"I read your account of what happened at the quarantine house." I supplied.

"Oh-kay." She replied, still not figuring out what I was referring to.

I sighed. "When I thought I was infected, I told you I'd rather take my life than bleed out. You failed to report it."

"That's what this is about?" She asked incredulously. That, and all the other boundaries that are broken between us. 

"Suicide ideations by law enforcement officers are extremely serious and should have been reported immediately," I reprimanded her.

"I was trying to protect you. They would have put you on leave, and required therapy. You weren't even actually suicidal." She retorted. 

And that's what the problem really was. She knew me too well and was protecting me. 

"Not your call! You should have detailed everything, regardless of the consequences." I yelled, even more frustrated with her. This was all too personal and it shouldn't be. This is why she was in long sleeves.

"Oh, yeah? Like I should have filed a report detailing everything you have done to protect Isabel? You know what? If you wanna rake me over the coals for the next 6 months, you go ahead. But don't pretend like it's because you've got some code." She lectured me and then stormed off. I didn't see her the rest of closing. 

I should have been happy that she would likely never try to protect me like that again, but yet, somehow it did nothing but make me feel worse. Sometimes I was a real asshole. 


The next day in roll call Grey gave us an update on the situation. "Take your seats. As expected, the stolen uniforms caused a bit of paranoia out there. Overnight, there were 2 fights and a near shooting because two officers didn't recognize each other. Alright, that being said, it is vital that we remain ever-vigilant. Understood? Now, to your exam scores. You all submitted your guesses last night and none of you were right." Grey said, picking up the marker and writing Chen under the 91.

"Thank god." She breathed out a sigh of relief. I nodded in approval watching her. I knew she didn't score that 81. 

"Nolan, I'm sorry." She quickly apologized to him.

"Save your concern, Officer Chen." Grey stated, writing his name under the 97. "Nolan got the highest score, not the lowest."

What? I looked over at Angela. Was West about to wash out?

"That honor goes to Officer West," Grey stated very disappointed as he wrote West under the 81. 

"That's not possible," Angela interjected.

"Who would have guessed?" I said, just as surprised. 

"I've seen a lot of strange things in my 20 years, but never would I have imagined that the golden boy would tank his test," Grey said, looking at West. 

"But, there's a- the- like- I-I..." West stuttered out.

"Uh-oh, looks like Grey broke your rookie," I said to Angela and a few people chuckled. 

"Shut up," she growled at me.

"Ah, Agent Russo. You looking for me?" Grey asked as Jessica approached the doorway.

"No, actually, Officer Nolan." She replied. Of course. "Can you spare him for the morning? I need his help running down a lead." 

Yeah, I bet.

"Nolan," Grey said, granting him permission. 

"Alright, let's go back to work!" Grey announced dismissing us. 

As we left the conference room 

Angela asked for the tiny pink jersey shirt I had made for Chen and was going to force her to wear if she had gotten that 81 score. I left Chen to get the shop set up. What I wasn't expecting was her to come over the radio a couple minutes later, "7-adam-19, chasing a fake cop in the garage. I need backup." 

I immediately started running toward the garage. Soon she came back over the radio, "Suspect escaped in a getaway car in the alley behind the garage in a gold 4-door sedan. I couldn't read the license plate."

By the time I made it to the garage, Grey was already there.

"You jumped from here?" Grey asked, looking over the half wall of the garage. 

"Yes, sir." She answered.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I approached.

"Yeah." She nodded at me.

"Went right over after him?" Grey asked, still looking at the 2 story drop down to the dumpster. 

"Course she did. I trained her." I said proudly. 

"Mm-hmm." Grey nodded. 

"You saying this guy stole a radio?" Grey asked. 

"Uh, yes sir. Out of car 26. Actually, he wasn't wearing gloves, maybe we can pull a print?" She said. 

Grey smirked, maybe we could still get these guys before it all went bad. He walked off toward shop 26 and we followed. 

Control had us switch to channel 9 to contain our communication. Our suspect was ID'd as Thomas Bernhardt and we had 4 possible addresses for him. We were checking those out when the radio chirped. "7-adam-15 to 7-adam-19, we have eyes on a car belonging to a Susanna Brown," Nolan chirped.

Chen pulled the radio as I drove. "Parked in front of the fake cop's house?" Chen asked.

"That's correct. Who is she?" Nolan asked.

"She's a clerk at the criminal courthouse. Didn't come home last night. No idea how she could be connected to our uniform thieves. Do you need backup?" She asked.

"Negative. But we'll keep you posted." He replied.

"Roger." She said, ending the conversation.

"Husband always did it, huh?" she asked sarcastically.

I guess not always... I hated that she had been right, again. 

A few minutes later Nolan came back over the radio. "7-adam-15 requesting backup and SWAT. 9701 St. Andrews Place for a hostage situation not for public broadcast."

Grey called us a few minutes later. "They are planning to hijack the Lancaster convoy and intercept them. Try to escort the truck back to the courthouse."

A few minutes later Nolan called code 4 and we proceeded to find the convoy. 

Up ahead Chen spotted it first. "There it is. Fake escorts already got them."

"And we can't warn the truck driver because our heist crew is jamming the signal with their stolen radio," I said.

"Shouldn't we wait for backup?" she asked as I drove toward the truck and fake escort.

"We are the backup," I informed her. With lights and sirens on we approached the evidence truck and escort team. 

"Okay, get ready. Remember, they don't know that we know." I said to her as we got out of the shop and met the fake escort on the road. 

"What's the problem?" The fake cop asked, with his kevlar vest on the outside of his uniform. 

"Radios are down. We were sent to escort the truck back to the courthouse." I said to him.

"Must be a mistake. We're the escort so, get out of the way." He replied.

"No problem. We were headed to lunch anyway when we got the call." I said and we turned to walk back to the shop.

"Tim?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah, I see it," I said quietly, stepping back behind the shop door.

"One last thing before we go." I shouted out to the fake cop, "Real cops wear their vests under their shirts."

The fake cop pulled his handgun and aimed, I pulled and aimed faster, sending a shot straight to his shoulder. The guy in the back seat of the SUV with the rifle started shooting and we suddenly were in a very real battle royal on the highway. Chen grabbed a smoke grenade from the shop and tossed it, blocking the fake cops' line of sight. The shooting continued, but we were able to finally subdue everyone and arrest them as backup showed up blocking the exit.


Author's Note:
Ahh! Season 2 is finally here! Who else is excited! Also see my bonus chapter S2E1 - Impact in Lusting for Lucy! 

As for the rest of season 2 please be patient with me (Dec-March) is a crazy time for me and this project gets put on the back burner. I also did 84K words in season one and season two will likely be closer to 100,000 given all the Rosalind stuff. I am at Epi 12 in notes and will start working on that again here really soon. 

IED - Improvised Explosive Device

211 - California Penal Code § 211 PC defines the crime of robbery as using force or threats to take property directly from another person and against that person's will. Robbery is a felony punishable by up to 9 years in state prison.

Rio Bravo - (1959) A small-town sheriff in the American West enlists the help of a disabled man, a drunk, and a young gunfighter in his efforts to hold in jail the brother of the local bad guy. Starring John Wayne, Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson

tx (PTT) Button - Transmittion or Push To Talk button on a radio

SWAT: Special Weapons and Tactics team

DB: Dead Body


Impact - James Harvin

Like the music I have picked for this story? Then check out my Spotify playlist titled Falling for Lucy: Chenford. All the music I have included in this story can be found there in chronological order! If you have any music suggestions be sure to drop them in the comments!

Radio Codes:
Code 2 - Urgent, No Lights or Sirens
Code 3 - Calls for immediate response with lights and sirens
Code 4 - No Further Assistance Needed
Code 6 - Unit is conducting a field investigation and no assistance is anticipated

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