Vanveera-1 (Unfolding Mystery)

By BhanuPO

80 12 1

When you dig into history, there are many facts that actually confuse us and push us into an ethical dilemma... More

2.Beautiful Kumuda ๐Ÿž๏ธ
3.Haindava - Good/Evil? ๐Ÿคท
4. Face off with Fear ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
5. Piece by piece๐Ÿงฉ
6. Inescapable Death trap ๐Ÿ‘น

1.Myth or Truth ๐Ÿง

23 2 1
By BhanuPO

##This story is purely fictional and doesn't mimic or represent any real life characters or situations. Any similarities are purely coincidental.##

My name is Arjun, I live in a small village called "Sagaravani" with my parents Radha and Rama along with my elder brother RanVeer and grandma Lakshmi. My family has been everything to me since the day I was born and my village has been the source of my happiness.  Our village has about more than 1000 families, most of them are farmers, some work in different capacities in our capital Kumuda and some sell flowers as our village is mostly known for growing different kinds of flowers that are loved by the rich.

My father is a flower seller, he used to go around the village and collect different kinds of flowers that grow here and then use them for different designs so as to sell them. Later on he started to grow different types of flowers in our backyard, which is as large as 10 tall trees and sold those flowers in Kumuda, our capital, which is half a day journey from our village. Since then our lives have changed a lot, we are now getting more than enough gold/silver and we are living so happily.

The people of Sagaravani are also so loving, honest and support each other, we face few issues from time to time but we found ways to get over them and live peaceful lives over the years.

We at Sagaravani are so spiritual and devotional, we have few temples in here but the most famous gods and the most worshipped temples are Mahadev's temple at the north end and The Legend 'Vanveer' temple at the southern edge of the village.

These temples are the places where we find peace to be honest. We just go there look at our gods feel their presence, pray to them, stay for a while and then get on with our lives. This makes us ready for whatever we are up against on that day, we face it with much more confidence and wisdom.

As i mentioned earlier, our village is famous for many things like flowers and Mahadev temple but the temple of The legend 'Vanveer' is above all. This one temple is which every person loves to visit not just in our village but in all of Haindavapuri. This is all because of our Legend, from childhood we were told many stories about our village, the hurdles we faced for decades, the uncountable deaths and hunger calling us. It is said that this Lengend is the one that saved us from those terrible things that we faced decades ago. All of Haindavapuri believes in this Legend.

Cemturies ago, there used to be a king "Haindava" who ruled Haindavapuri kingdom. There are many stories around him that he is a vicious ruler and a throat slicer, the name that he got as he killed most people by slicing their throats. We don't know if he is a good ruler or not but from our ancestors of Sagaravani, we learnt that he is the most bad king that ever ruled Haindavapuri since it's beginning. He used to torcher us, beat us, kill us that's when our ancestors suffered a lot under his rule.

We hate Haindava not just because he is a bad king but what he did to us was unjustifiable by any standards. He has puppets under him that he called 'Rakthnar'. They are the monsters that made our village a death bed and killed many of our ancestors.

Those were the times our ancestors suffered a lot and fought hard to provide the life that we have today.

So my parents always told us to be grateful for the life that we have today and to always help the people of this village.

Like every year, today we are going to celebrate the death of the bad king who tortured our village people in those days.

My grand mother used to tell that a great legend was responsible for the death of bad king and for making rakthanaras run away with fear from this place. He is our hero and every kid in this village wants to be like him, even I want to be like him one day.

Some believe that this story is a myth created by bunch of creative fools. But deep down we all know that this is the life that our ancestors dreamed for decades and we are living it.

Radha:"Arjun, Ranveer come soon we are getting late to the ritual".

Arjun(Me) and Ranveer: "Coming mom!"

As I told, we are going to the ritual at the Legends temple today. This ritual is simple, two village heads Ravanna and Kesanna play as bad king and the legend and we get to witness the fight between them.

This is a fun ritual we all enjoy there and then come back home entertained. This ritual was started long back to celebrate the legends victory and at the same time to bring together all the villagers to enjoy together as a family.

Radha: "Look we have almost reached the temple"

Ranveer: " finally we are going to have fun".

Wow, this place is so beautiful, the temple is well decorated with all the flowers we could find in the village especially roses and lotuses. I can see children playing and the parents enjoying the view of the flower garden on the right side of the temple.

The preparations are being made by the workers in the large circular ground on the left side of the temple for the play. This is something everyone in the village wait for the whole year.

I guess my friends are around here somewhere.

Arjun(me): "Mom I am going to go find my friends".

Radha: "Arjun, wait. first find your father, then you can go search your friends".

Ranveer: "Yes, Arjun first let's go and find dad".

Arjun(me): "Moomm... Ok fine!".

We went to search for dad, he will be around the temple somewhere. My father is a flourist and all these decorations were made by him and his workers at the shop. I think he will be decoring here.

Ranveer: "There he is".

Arjun(me): "Dad....".

Rama: "Hey kids, when did you come. Where is your mother?".

Ranveer: "she said she will be in the ground and asked us to join".

Rama:"I got some work here kids it will take few minutes. You go and enjoy the play. It is going to start soon. Ravanna and Kesanna are going to the ground".

Arjun(me): "Then lets go, I don't want to miss it".

Ranveer: "Ok dad. Come soon".

Rama: "Ok. Kids.".

We went to the ground and the play was about to be started. Everyone is sitting in the ground and at the centre stands Ravanna and Kesanna with their armoury facing each other.


Ranveer: "Yes, Mom we saw you we are coming."

My mom got us some place and we sat with her watching the play and it has begun.

Kesanna is playing as legend started attacking Ravanna who is playing as bad king.

We actually don't see them, we only see our legend fighting the bad king, we would love our legend to kill the bad king and keep us safe.

The play is going on without any interruptions and everyone is watching with same the awe.. like every time.

**Aarthi from Arjun's behind**

Aarthi: "Booo..."

**Arjun shouts and holds his mom's hand**

Radha: "Arjun don't fear its Aarthi".

Arjun(me) angrily: "why do you do this every time Arthi?It's not cool. I will do the same to you some day".

**Aarthi laughs and carases Arjun's hair**.

Aarthi is my brother's bride and I hate her the most as she always tries to make fun of me.

In our village, we are married when we get to 18. This year both Ranveer and Arthi gets to 18 and our parents decided to get them married. They also love each other.

My brother is a handsome man, nearly 6 feet tall, lean but muscular, strong and doesn't fear for anything, helps a lot of people in the village. Many believe that he is like the incarnation of the legend.

Many girls wanted to marry him but arthi is different. Though she makes fun of me she is also beautiful, kind hearted and honest so my brother liked her.

I wish I was strong and handsome like my brother. I am actually 16, average height, chubby and dark skinned and not at all muscular.

My friends call me laddu and make fun of me just like aarthi. I want to scream and tell them to stop but still they won't. This hurts me a lot because everyone is not the same and we don't need to mock others for being different.

I just wish that one day they look at me like they do for my brother.

**The play is about to be finished and all eyes were on the actors**

Radha: "Look at the legend, Arjun! How he stays calm, focused and fearless. You should learn from him and be fearless like him. I know that you can son."

**Arjun Nods.**

As we watch the play, the bad king tries to slice the legend while the legend rolls on the ground and shoots an arrow at the bad king making him bleed.

Then the legend stands taking his sword from the ground which gave us goosebumps.

Though Bleeding, the king tries to go hard at the legend and at that moment, the legend slices of his head in the air.

**The crowd starts clapping and shouting while the actors bow before the crowd and leaves the ground**

**Aarthi whispering to Ranveer**

Aarthi: "Let's meet at the back of the temple tomorrow".

Ranveer: "ok...."

Radha:"let's go kids. It is getting dark."

Ranveer:"mom. We will go into the temple and then go home".

Radha: "it is getting crowded ranveer. Your father said he will take us tomorrow. For now let's go home, your grand mother will be waiting."

**Everyone leave to their homes waving hands.**

**Inside the temple**

Rama: "Where were you Ganesh? I was waiting for you, the crowd is increasing and we need to be careful that everyone is safe and everyone is getting their chance to pray for the legend".

Ganesh: "Sure Rama, let's go."

Rama: "Ok."

**At Arjun's house**

We have reached our home and my grand mother was waiting for us. She also prepared rice and curry for the dinner.

Arjun(me): "Grandma..."

**Arjun hugs his grandma and grandma also hugs Arjun and carasses Arjun's hair**

Arjun(me): "Why didn't you come with us grandma? It was soo good and we enjoyed a lot."

Grandma: "I know. I have been to many such rituals and I just want to spend some time alone Arjun".

Ranveer: "Grandma, you told us that you will continue the story from yesterday about rakthanaras."

Grandma: "You kids are growing so fast and you still are as curious as ever to listen to my stories. And yeah i remember first you fresh up and eat then I will continue the story".

**After dinner, Radha is waiting for her husband outside, while Ranveer and Arjun are sitting with their Grand mother waiting for the story**

Grandma: "I told you about rakthanaras right? They are so cruel and always used to attack us and kill our people."

Arjun: "Yes grandma."

Grandma: "But do you know that they are also just like us??"

Ranveer: "Grandma, rakthanaras are demons right? Why will they be like us. I heard from so many people that they look just like demons in ramayana".

**Grandma laughing**

Grandma: "No Ranveer, they are just like us but they live in forests and eat human flesh. Many of our ancestors have come out from living in the forests very long back and started living in villages but very few didn't leave forests and one such tribe is Rakthanaras".

Arjun(me): "Then why didn't our ancestors try to speak with them and ask them to come live with us?"

Grandma: "Good question, Arjun? I will tell you that story now."

** Grandma continues**

When Raghuveera was our king, he wanted to bring all those living in the forests to the villages and create living space for them. So he along with his minister, some of the village leaders and few soldiers went to talk with the tribe leader. But the tribe leader was arrogant and didn't want to come live with us. He also threatened the king that he would kill him if he returns. The king got angry and asked his soldiers to arrest him and there was a war between the tribe and kings soldiers.

The people of the tribe were very tall and 10 times stronger than the normal soldiers, so they easily defeated the soldiers and only the minister came out alive.

He said that the rakthanaras ate all of them including the king and no one will ever return.

Rakthanaras were not only strong but their strategies are also really good. They don't attack alone, they used to divide into groups and form a strategy while attacking village people when they are hungry.

The bad king "Haindava" is the son of the Raghuveera and he manipulated the rakthanaras later and used them as he wished.

**Grandma stops**

Arjun(me): "ohh..they were so dangerous".

Grandma: "Yes Arjun. With the bad king manipulating them, they ruthlessly attacked villages around here including ours and many of our ancestors died protecting their loved ones".

Ranveer: "Grandma, now rakthanaras were gone, will they come back? What should we do if they come back?"

**Arjun, Ranveer and Radha watches grandma with complete fear and trembling**

Grandma: "if that day ever comes, I hope our Legend rises again to save us."

**Later Grandma, Arjun and Ranveer get to sleep while Radha keeps waiting for her husband.**

**Next day morning**

I was in deep sleep while heard someone crying. I got up and saw mom crying while grandma and Ranveer are consoling mom.

Arjun(Me): "Grandma what happened? Why is mom crying?"

Ranveer interrupting:" Dad did not come home all night".

Arjun: "What? He may have slept in the temple"

Ranveer: "I went there, Ganesh uncle said dad left the temple at night and i searched everywhere coming home but no one saw him."

We didn't know what to do, mom and grandma were crying all day and Ranveer along with his friends and villagers were searching for dad and they did not find him yet. This is the first time dad was away from me for this long.

**Arjun unaware of what to do and tears rolling down his eyes, sat with his mother all day. Later that evening Ranveer and the villagers arrived with the dead body of Rama covered in oozing blood and with monstrous scratches all over his body making him look unrecognizable.**

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