By ASpicywriter

207K 6.2K 1.8K

• Some marriages may not begin with love...they end with it • Started: December, 24, 2022. Ended: December, 2... More

Intro [must read]
01: arrange marriage
02: Jealousy
03: from Enemy to friends
04 : away from you
05: Sickness
06: Tears and promise
07: Cramps
08: Baby
9: Cuddles
10: Her taste
11: Missing her
12: Losing her
13: Honeymoon.
14: Grumpy beginnings
15: surreal night
16: For a lifetime
17: Wet dream
18: hubby, don't be mad
19: philophobia
20: Names
21: her Absence
22: odd feelings
23: Confession
24: kiss
25: Disappointment
26: Unravel
27: family night
28: Wild emotions
29: Red
30: Purple balls
31: Pain and pleasure
32: permission
33: impulse
34: Cold night
35: Want
36: Deep
37: Burn
38: Movie night
39: First time
40: Breath
42: Trust
43: Amends
44: Cold treatment
45: Euphoria
46: closer
47: happily ever after

41: Ache

2.5K 80 12
By ASpicywriter

Mrs jeon house looked like one of those houses you'll get lost in.

Beautiful. Spacious. Shining.

Jungkook mother held y/n by her arm the whole trek to her room.

She glanced at left and she thought she saw awfully similar like elevator in her foggy vision but didn't give heed to it.

She had more pressed Matter on hand than dwell on the ridiculous huge house. Like the pain behind her eyeballs.

She didn't question the older woman as they walked up the twisted staircase, the stairs were leading up god knows where but thankfully Mrs jeon whirled to the right and they reached to a long hallway.

After several doors later, she found herself in a room.

She turned around not bothering to check the room.

She halfed listened to Mrs jeon over the pounding of her head. "...but it come out good. Hope you like it" y/n swallowed as she waited for her response. Like what exactly?  "Yes. It's perfect" she heard herself mutter.

Mrs jeon beamed. Then faltered when she saw her face. "The wardrobe is stocked, go change and take a rest. You look like you need it"

Y/n nodded.

Mrs jeon continued. "Did you have dinner?" Y/n frowned, what time was it?
She shook her head slowly. "Okay," Mrs jeon started. "Why don't you take a shower and I'll send some food for you. Anything specific?"

Again, y/n shook her head. "no. But do you have something for migraine?"

"Yes, yes. I'll send along with the food. Try eating more than a bite and then take the medication. It'll be more effective if you don't skip the dinner" she said pointedly and it freaked y/n out a little as how she Heard her exact thoughts.

Y/n couldn't force her mouth to move, it was stiff. So she nodded her head in a thankful gesture.

With a small pat at her cheek, and a sad smile on Mrs Jeon lips, she turned to leave.

"Mrs jeon— I've a request..." Mrs jeon whirled around. Raising an eyebrow. Y/n wringed her hands together. "Don't tell him I'm here... please. I want to be alone"

She doesn't have to mention who she meant.

Mrs jeon face dropped, not because the request but because things seemed ugly than she thought.

She gave y/n a sympathetic look as her own heart dropped to the ground. She knew this was inevitable, her son was a jerk but he loved her and now he messed up.

She couldn't help but feel pity for the girl Infront her.

"Of course dear. My lips are sealed"


The moment Mrs jeon was out of door, y/n stumbled to the closet and was surprised to find so many clothes all her sizes.

She took a pajama set, and grabbed a shower.

When she was done, y/n looked back at herself in the mirror. She looked awful.

Turning away, she padded to the dresser and rummaged through the make up products before finding cherry Chapstick.

Y/n pointedly ignored looking anywhere else than her mouth as she held the ChapStick to her lips.

When she was done, she set it aside and looked at the queen size bed. The room was beautiful now she looked at it, she'd have to thank Mrs jeon Tomorrow.

A knock startled her out of her thoughts and after a pause a maid strolled in with a tray in her hand and settled on the nightstand.

"Good night" y/n smiled in appreciation at the woman who looked in her late thirties.

Y/n swallowed few bites of the lasagna grudgingly before pushing the plate away and popping the medicine in her mouth and gulping it with the water.

Leaning back, she slid under the cover when her eyes caught her cellphone on the bed where she had dropped it priorly.

Sighing, she snuggled her face in the pillow and closes her eyes.

Sleep didn't come easily to her, but her eyes burned with exhaustion and her mind was tired.

After long hours, nearly after midnight she was able to catch some sleep only to be interrupted after three hours because of her daily nightmares.

Y/n gasped, gulping in big breath as Sweat and tears soaked her face.

She set up on the bed weakly, shaking. Her hand reached out to jungkook only to realise he wasn't there.

Y/n flinched when it dawned on her she wasn't in her house.

Rubbing her temple, y/n heaves a breath. The headache was reduced to only mild thumping. That she could handle.

Wiping her damp hand on her thighs, she looked at her watch. It was 6 o'clock. Not bad.

Y/n changed into new clothes, brushed her teeth and grabbed her purse and cellphone on the way out.

She retracted the steps down and found the kitchen quite easily although Y/n was surprised to see Mrs jeon up.

"Good morning" Mrs jeon looked up, smiled when she saw her.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?"

Y/n walked closer to the breakfast bar and Mrs nodded at her to take a seat. "Good. Thank you"

She watched as Mrs jeon took a cup from the cupholder and arranged her a coffee. "Milk? sugar?"


"So, where are you headed?" Y/n pursed her lips. She intended to have a good breakfast first and maybe some fresh air, though she never said that aloud. "You weren't running away, are you?"

Y/n face heated. Of course she was running away. She couldn't face them, not like this.

"No" she said in a small voice, and winced. She didn't sound convincing even to herself.

Mrs jeon slide the coffee to her and took her previous seat. She gave her a sad smile. "Do you want to talk about it?" Nope. "What do you plan on doing now? Jungkook called me yesterday"

Y/n head shot up. "Don't worry. I didn't tell him you're here. Relax" y/n sighed. "He was going crazy, y/n. It felt like he was on the verge of crying" Mrs jeon shook her head. "I never heard him like that, never"

Y/m stomach churned. She had to get away. Now.

"Mrs jeon, i-" their eyes both flitted to the mobile ringing beside Mrs jeon elbow. The older woman sighed. "It's jungkook" she looked up at her before picking up the phone.

"Hell-" Mrs jeon face contorted in frustration from being cut off "she's not here....I'm sure she's alright—no, no. Of course not, how can I know about" she mumbled, her expression turning guilty. " I'm not lying.....fine! She came here but- listen... listen to me" Mrs jeon blew out a breath. "She left, jungkook. And no she didn't tell me where—jungkook? Jungkook— hello?" She slammed the phone down and cursed. "damn it. He cut the phone on my face"

Y/n was already on her feet when she looked up. "Oh dear. Don't worry he's not coming here. I'd to tell him something cause he was insisting on coming here and was suspicious. I'm sorry"

Y/n shook her head. "It's fine. It's fine" she mumbled. "I've to go"

Mrs jeon smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. "Alright. I won't hold you back. Take care"

"You too"


Y/n was perched on the edge of a stone near the beach. The wind was blowing on her hair and hitting her face.

She closed her eyes and let the soothing noise of shore relax her.
Laughter drifted off to her from around.

Y/n had directly come to the beach after departing from Mrs jeon Mansion.

She hasn't opened her phone yet.

Her stomach grumbled from the lack of food and she groaned.

Although she didn't had a will to eat anything this early, her stomach demanded food.

Reluctantly She reached to the nearby Caffe and ordered croissant.

After that she swallowed another pill and fished her phone out from her jeans.

It was time to confront.

Ignoring the tons of missed calls and messages from jungkook she typed him a quick message before opening her mother inbox.

Jungkook: y/n quite playing around. This is not funny! I'm losing my damn mind here. Call me back, now. Please!

Me: let's talk. I'll be in your office


Mom: y/n dear are you okay? I heard from your father you came to visit us. I'm sorry I wasn't available :c

Me: I'm okay don't worry!


Upon reaching his floor, she looked at the desk which was empty.

Raising her eyebrows, she walked to the huge door at the end end of hallway.

Her hand raised up to knock when she heard muffled voice from behind it. When she glanced down, y/n realised the door was tiny bit open.

Y/n didn't care if he was in meetings, she clearly told him she was visiting him. It was her luck that Nancy was absent or she wouldn't have let her pass in the first point.

As she was about to take action, y/n froze. From the peripheral vision she saw a slender figure, and her knuckle remained inches away from knocking.

She held her breath as she pushed the door just little more, and titled her head. God, she was now spying on him but something held her from making her appearance known.

After another friction of opening the door, she was glad neither of them paid attention to the small creak it made. They looked in a heated deep conversation based on how the woman was sitting so close to him on jungkook office desk.

From her point of view she could only make out the side of her husband body sitting on the large boss chair, and the curved back and ass of the woman sitting so casually and sensually.

Y/n gritted her teeth to stop herself from physically doing anything but the burn in her eyes were impossible to avoid.

She stared, and stared as a manicured hand touched jungkook shoulder, and down to his chest toying with one button.

Y/n sucked in a breath, this wasn't a normal business meeting.

Not being able to watch more, she turned around to run away from there when she was abruptly stopped.

Five feet further Nancy, jungkook assistant looked at her wide eye then they flickered to the back before coming back on her.

Lowering her head, she breezed past her and Into the ladies restrooms.

Y/n nails sinked in her palms as she breathed in and out deeply.

She titled her head up to keep the tears from falling when she heard the clinks of heels.

Immediately y/n opened the tap and start rubbing her hand under the rushing water.

The clinks of heels stopped behind her. Y/n chanced a quick glance at her before ignoring her but she felt her gaze burning her back.

"Did he knew you were coming?" The assistant asked, her tone apathetic.

"Does it matter?" Y/n said, shrugging. Nancy one time was head over heels in love with jungkook and she did everything to make it known to her.

Her resentment towards her was clear as the blue sky but lately she didn't hear anything from jungkook or maybe jungkook stopped telling her everything. Regardless, her talking to her was surprise and what shocked her more that her voice didn't hold the hate she always heard anymore.

Or maybe it was all her imagination.

"Jungkook is a great man but he's not someone you should trust" y/n almost snorted. She took a paper towel and dried her hands whilst meeting her eyes Through the mirror. "Least with a heart"

At this y/n couldn't help but smile sardonically. "Are you telling me that you didn't do the same?"

Surprisingly she laughed. "Oh believe me, jungkook was nothing but a good fu-friend" oh.

Y/n eyebrows raised, and asked nonchalantly. "So you don't love him?"

Nancy tapped her fingers on her forarms as she crossed them against her chest haughtily. "Are you kidding me? I never loved him" her tone got impatient. "As I said he's not someone capable of returning the favour, why get your heart broken?"

Y/n frowned, she didn't like the way she talked but she was curious so she chalked it up. "Then what was all that..?" She trailed off trying and not finding the right word.

Nancy eyes twinkled, and she nearly looked nice. "It wasn't because I loved him," she grimaced, looking away as If remembering something. "But more like an obligation, Whatever." She waved her hand at her dismissively.

"Why are you telling me all this now"

Nancy shrugged, lips pursing. "No reason"

Y/n eyed her skeptically. "You want me to believe that?"

Nancy pushed off the wall. "Dude, listen. What you do with your life is none of my business. But just you see I couldn't see and do nothing while you looked like a kicked puppy. And you my dear, open your fucking eyes, there's no movie or drama. Close the walls of your heart while you can because while jungkook can be a good 'friend'" she mocked, rolling her eyes at the friend word. "he's not a good husband and never can be. You know why? Because They're insatiable. if you don't believe me, you can go and check with your own eyes"

Y/n pressed her lips into a thin line to hide the tremble. Her words hit close to home more than she cared to admit.

It made sense.

Players can never be lovers.

But she hadn't thought that he would cheat on her.

If this happened few months ago she would've laughed it off and said she doesn't care but thing's were changed. They were changed or perhaps she had the illusion.

I like you he had Said. Was it even true? Of course not.

A mirthless laugh bubbled In her throat but she squished it. Nancy was already looking at her weirdly.

Y/n forced a shit grin on her face. "Thanks for the heads up, but I can take care of myself" and walked past her before she could reply.

When the elevator doors closed caging her in, y/n let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

The image of the woman touching jungkook flashed before her eyes. Shorty after she felt wetness on her cheek as she wiped it angrily.


In her haste to reach the elevator earlier, y/n didn't saw jungkook getting out of his office.

Jungkook eyebrows dipped in a frown. He turned his head when Nancy walked in.

"Was my wife here?" Nancy licked her lips as she darted her eyes to where you left then back to him. "I asked a question" jungkook snapped.

"Yes, Mr jeon. Mrs jeon was here moment ago" she answered calmly although her lips curled down in distaste.

"Why didn't you tell me? Damnit!" He roared at her. Nancy stood her ground and sipped on her coffee—now cold coffee. "You don't deserve her"

"Excuse me?"

"I said you don't deserve her nor her loyalty, boss" jungkook face turned red as he marched to her.

"You don't fucking talk to me like that. Understood?"

Nancy jaw Clenched.

A pause. "yes, sir" she said mockingly.

But Jungkook was already walking to the elevator with quick strides when she replied.

| J U N G K O O K   P O V |

I saw unruly black hair thrown in an elegant messy bun, tight jeans, and a Petit body of my wife backside.

Then she vanished through the automatic doors.

Cursing I follow after her in quick and long strides. It didn't take me long enough to catch her sight on the sidewalk and rush after her.

I grip her elbow yanking her to me with more strength than necessary.

Y/n eyes snaps to me with a gasp. "Y/n.." god, it feels like I saw her years ago when it had been no more than 24 hours. My eyes latches at her face keenly as her wide eyes stare at me with something close to bewilderment.

Then as if she just come out of a trance, y/n twist her elbow free from me harshly. "Don't touch me"

I frown, reaching to touch her when she steps back and almost stumble in her haste.

I lick my lips, my heart hammering in my ears at the expression etched on her beautiful face.

"Y/n.. what's wrong?" I step forward suddenly making her impossible to get away from me and I hold her arms drawing her to my chest. "Were you going? We haven't talked yet-"

"Shut up! Release me! Now" she struggles and hit my chest with her fist. My lips part as I hold her close no matter how much she yells. "Let me go!"

She's not even looking at me since I have come. I shake her gently, frowning.

"Y/n, why don't you look at me? Love, baby, look at me, please" I plead softly, her bowed head slowly raise and I stop breathing at her next words.

"Because you disgust me, jungkook"

There's so much hate and loathsome in her sad brown eyes directed to me that it Knocks the breath out off me.

I swallow. "You don't mean that" I whisper. People around us glances our way but I don't bother myself with it. All I see is her pained expressions.

Y/n eyes softenes a friction before hardening. "Let. Me. Go" I stare at her eyes that always looked at me softly, now they're holding so much... disgust.

My hand tremble against her arm but I don't let her go. I can't do it. She'll fly from me, I can't let her go. No...

"Let me go, now!" She grits out, glaring at my chest. Despite herself, I can see it's effecting her too and betraying the poker mask she has set on, her delicate chin trembling as she presses her lips into a thin line to hide it.

"I c-can't..." I love you."Please..." Don't do this.

Y/n, my beautiful wife glares at me through glassy eyes, and I want to punch myself for hurting her.

When she speaks, the tenor of her voice is calm but harsh. “Let. Go.” after hesitating a beat, I slacken my hold not leaving her just yet. When my hand glides to her hand I latch to it with desperation I never felt before. All I know that I can't let her turn away from me.

She attempts wrenching her hand from me but to no avail.

"Don't go, please" i can't live without you. "Let's talk. Listen to me once" I beg, softening my voice.

I wonder what triggered this reaction from her..

"I did listen to you, not once or twice, everytime. and i regreted" she looks up briefly" Not again, no"


"Let me go this instant or I'll scream" the pain stabs my heart hard, spreading to my chest, almost choking me.

"Is this what you want, to let you go?" I ask, my voice strained.

She doesn't look at me, glaring at my collarbone through her tears. My hand itch to grab her face but I know I can't and it tears me from inside out.

What happened to us?

"Yes" I close my eyes, inhaling through my nose. And when I open my eyes, this time, I let her go and watch as our linked hands falls and bring distance.

My mouth goes dry.

For now. Only for now. I amend, convincing myself.

"But I want you. You're the only one I want, y/n" I choke out.

She steps back, the grip on her bag so tight her knuckles turns white.

"Not enough.." she murmurs, and I want to shake her, but I go for fisting my palms.

Give her time.

"It's your decision to leave me, y/n. And it's my choice to want you, and I'll have you. You're mine, baby, now and forever"

"Not if I have a say in it" her eyes rose to mine, she doesn't break the contact as her fingers close around the wedding band on her ring finger. My body tense, and I'm momentarily stunned to shock to form any words. Y/n yanks the ring from her finger. My wife holds my hand, turn it upside and let the ring fall into my palm.

I don't know how long I stare, but when I look up at y/n back moving away from me, my legs shakes under my weight.

"Don't go," I whisper to no one but she's long gone leaving trail of invisible blood and pieces of my broken heart in her wake.

I fall to my knee, my chest aching acutely. I yank loose my tie, unbuttoning the first few buttons with shaky hands.

It's a nightmare.

Slowly, I open my palm and surely, the ring is still there.

No no!

This is wrong. I'm sure she's upset and needs time. Right?

I grip my hair. "No no no...!"

A hand touches my shoulder, "sir, are you okay?"

I don't raise my head as I mutter. "No. I'm not okay"


A/n: phew~

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