Dawnclan and Duskclan: The Jo...

By M00nyPetals

318 82 195

Cover Art credit goes to @Meowlia!!!! Thank you These are the two other clans in my Warrior Cat fanfic! ( Thi... More

Chapter 1: Dawnclan ( Names and who is who)
Chapter 1: Duskclan ( Names and stuff)
Chapter 1: Dawnclan
Chapter 2: Duskclan
Chapter 3: Dawnclan
Chapter 4: Duskclan
Chapter 5: Dawnclan
Chapter 6: Duskclan
Chapter 7: Dawnclan
Chapter 8:Duskclan
Chapter 9: Dawnclan
Chapter 10: Duskclan
Chapter 11: Dawnclan
Chapter 13: Dawnclan
Chapter 14: Duskclan
Chapter 15: Dawnclan
Chapter 16: Duskclan
Chapter 17: Dawnclan
Chapter 18: Duskclan
Chapter 19: Dawnclan
Chapter 10: Duskclan

Chapter 12: Duskclan

12 4 3
By M00nyPetals

Chappie 12!!! 👁️👄👁️
Springivy P.O.V:

Springivy raced up to Mistystar, the leader of the Duskclan. Her eyes were filled with excitement and anticipation as she approached the leader. "Mistystar!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with eagerness. Mistystar turned to her with a calm expression on her face, "Yes, Springivy?" she asked.

"I think I've found a path down the mountain!" Springivy said, her voice filled with excitement. She had been exploring the rugged terrain for days, and her persistence had finally paid off. Mistystar gasped in surprise and disbelief, "Really?" she asked, her eyes widening.

Springivy nodded, her face beaming with joy. "Yes!" she replied, "I followed a narrow trail that winds down the mountain. It's treacherous, but I think we can make it down safely." Mistystar looked at Springivy with a sense of pride and admiration. "You've done well, Springivy," she said with a smile. "Let's gather the group and make our way down the mountain."

Mistystar and Springivy had to make haste to return to the cave where the clan cats eagerly waited to hear any news of getting down the mountain. When they arrived, Mistystar immediately addressed the other clan cats present, "Springivy has found a safe path down the mountain!" The group of cats were initially sceptical and surprised at the news, "Really?" Beeheart asked with a hint of disbelief. 

Dawnpaw, Beeheart's energetic and curious apprentice, popped out from behind him, eager to know what was happening. "What?! Oh, my stars, that's great news!" she exclaimed, happy to be leaving behind the cold and damp cave. Springivy couldn't help but smile at the young apprentice's enthusiasm and positive attitude. Dawnpaw was a lively and playful cat who disliked being confined in small spaces, so the prospect of a new adventure was thrilling for her.

After spending what felt like an eternity in the cramped, humid and mundane cave, Springivy was overjoyed to finally step out into the open air, where she could breathe freely and take in the sights and sounds of the world around her. The bright sunlight warmed her skin, the gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of flowers and the songs of birds, and the lush greenery of the mountain stretched out before her in all its splendour. It was a moment of pure bliss and freedom, a stark contrast to the dreary confines of the cave she had just left behind.

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