Total Drama Action (Lewis McL...

By independent_together

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Lewis is back in business, except something's changed. His popularity has only grown since Total Drama Island... More

Lewis' Bio
Monster Cash
Riot On Set
Beach Blanket Bogus
3:10 To Crazytown
Aftermath I: Trent's Descent
The Chefstank Redemption
One Flu Over the Cuckoos
The Sand Witch Project
Masters of Disasters
Full Metal Drama
Aftermath II: Forgive and For Gwen
Ocean's Eight - Or Nine
One Million Bucks, B.C.
Million Dollar Babies
Explaining Amnesia and The Brain
Dial M for Merger
Super Hero-Id
Aftermath III: O-Wen or Lose
The Princess Pride
Get A Clue
Rock n' Rule
Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen
2008: A Space Owen
Top Dog
Mutiny On The Soundstage
Who Wants To Pick A Millionaire?
Celebrity Manhunt's TDA Reunion Special

Alien Resur-egg-tion

109 2 4
By independent_together

I was the first one up. Even Dad was still asleep. But, luckily, I was there to deal with it. I checked my watch once more, counting down the seconds until 6 AM.






I pressed the button on the airhorn, sending out a large alarm-like noise. Oh, man! I forgot how fun that was! Several groans and yells could be heard from inside of the trailers. Heather was the first one out, and I could tell she was expecting Chris. God damn...

"Where's Chris?" She glared at me, and seconds later, all the contestants that had not left from the noise, had, now that everything was settled down. I simply looked at her. "He's... uh, 'busy'..."

[camera crew closes in on chris sleeping with a teddy bear wearing an apron and a chef hat]

[snickering intensifies]

I cleared my throat. "Ahem. I will meet you at Craft Services, which is the only place you'll eat for the next six weeks." I pointed towards the singular tent further away from the trailers, but remembered Dad wasn't up yet. However, by that time, everybody was already in the tent. I groaned, and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "Fine. We'll just be like that, then."


"Okay, you guys. I think we've all noticed neither Chris or Chef is here yet. Questions?" I looked at everybody. "Yeah, uh, hello, Mr. Obvious? Where are they?!" I narrowed my eyes at Heather. "Uh, calm down, Felicia Mane. He's busy. I told you this, like, ten times already!" I raised my voice slightly.

Owen raised his hand. I looked at him. "Are we gonna eat soon?" "I'd wait a few more minutes. See if they turn up. If they don't, you get me cooking for you." I heard multiple sounds of agreement, and happiness. Were they really that fine with me cooking for them? I mean, I've never made breakfast for teenagers before... I don't know their preferences, and... Uh... Hold on. Why do I care about what they want? They know the routine! They'll get what they're given!

[Time Skip - 10 Minutes]

Nothing. Really? Not even a text, or-


My phone brought me out of my thoughts. I checked it, and saw Dad sent a photo. I sighed in relief, and swiped it open. I let out a small giggle as I looked down at the screen. No freakin' way. "What's so funny?" Duncan eyed me. I stifled another, and shook my head. "N-Nothing! Nothing. Just... just give me a minute."

I made my way outside, and looked down at my phone again.

. . .

Cool Dad

feeling silly today x

[angry alien chef while chris does a peace symbol, winking]

should i make the breakfast??

it would be of much convienice


we'll be 1 hour
is that enough?

thx dad

. . .

I walked back into the tent, restraining a smile. "OK. Looks like I'm making the breakfast." Lots of happiness and cheering. No way Chef's food was that bad. Or... was he making it like that? Nah... he couldn't. Whatever. I walked into the kitchen curiously. "Alright. Let's see what we've got here..."

I dug through several cupboards and drawers, and every little storage space I could find. "What the hell?!" I yelled, standing up properly. Gwen looked my way. "What's wrong?" I kept my gaze on the cupboards. "There's literally nothing edible in here." She replied with a surprised demeanour. "You're joking." She came into the kitchen, and stood beside me. "Oh my god." I groaned. "Screw this. I'm going to the store."

"Are you sure they won't notice?" I turned my head as I walked away. "I've got an hour. The closest store is five minutes. What I'm planning will take ten minutes for everyone. Don't sweat it."


I got all the ingredients, and began to make breakfast for the fourteen people. Some of them watched as I made the food, while some others were just chatting to themselves. "You really know your way around a pancake!" Owen said with glee, as I plated it with a small smile.

"Thanks. Take a seat, man." I handed the plate to him, and he sat down. Now, everybody had their food, and I could relax. Chef's right. This is hard. But it's something I enjoy. How much time do I have left?

I checked my phone, to see I still had forty minutes till camera time. "This is delicious!" Owen yelled from half-way across the table. It was gross. Nice, but, gross. Duncan poked at his food with his fork. "I forgot how hungry I got last year on Chris' wrecked schedule." Gwen widened her eyes. "I know! Got to the point where I'd kill for Chef's disgusting food. No offense, Lewis." I eyed her for a second. "None taken."

/// Lewis ///

"I knew she said that cause of how hurt I got over the whole 'war' thing last season. I'm totally over it now."

/// End ///

Duncan pushed his plate away. "Blech. You can have my food, big mouth." Owen took his plate, as I raised an eyebrow. "Not into sweet stuff?" He crossed his arms, and looked away. "I'm not hungry." Gwen stifled a laugh, and pointed at Duncan. "Judging from that gut, I thought you'd be all over the extra carbs." Owen took seconds before Gwen, so she didn't get anything to eat.

Duncan let out a small laugh. "Nice. Real nice." Trent sat down next to them both. "You can have my food, Gwen." Gwen turned her head, and smiled. "Thanks, but I can't take enemy toast." Trent furrowed his brows, and shook his head in confusion. "Enemies? We're not enemies!" Duncan rested his chin on his palm. "In this game, we're all enemies."

Trent smiled innocently. "Except for me and Gwen. I'll always have her back, no matter what." Gwen pointed at Trent. "Right back at you, babe." Duncan scoffed, and stood up. "I'll remind you two of that when the money's being divvied up." He sat down on the other table, huffing.

E-Scope was pouring ketchup all over her pancakes. I walked over to her. "Okay, I think that's enough, E-Scope." I took the bottle from her, and she went to sit down with a grin plastered on her face. I looked at the bottle of ketchup in disgust. Lindsay and Beth were behind me. "That is so wrong." "SO wrong..." E-Scope smirked. "In battle, we put ketchup on everything. Covers the taste of mortar." She chuckled evilly, and began to devour her food.

I groaned, and leant back against the wall. Lindsay admired her nails. "My new nail polish is mortar. Isn't it hot?" Beth grinned. "Gray is totally your colour." I raised a brow. "Do you two even know what mortar is?" They both shook their heads, and I rubbed my head. "It's, like- Ugh, whatever. It wouldn't make sense. Just go sit down." The two of them followed my instructions, while Owen stood up, again, for more food.

"Woah, lay off the treats, big guy. We're all out of pancakes." I stood in front of him. He stopped, and groaned. "Ugh. No pancakes for me. I'll just have this..." He swallowed down vomit. "...Nice bowl of... prunes..." As well as the contestants, I gasped at him. "What?" He looked around, confused.

/// Lewis ///

"Owen. Eating... prunes?! Has he gone on a diet?! My prayers have been answered!"

/// End ///

/// Owen ///

"My, uh, plumbing's been clogged ever since I ate all those fake food props. Pressure build-up's been killing me!" He grunted a few times. "Aw, c'mon, colon! Don't fail me now!" He farted. "Oh, I hear bells!"

/// End ///

"Hey, do you guys know if it's legal to own a multi-barrel machine gun?" I asked, looking up. "What!?" Trent asked, semi-disturbed. "You heard me. I need to know if we can legally own a working multi-barrel machine gun." Duncan chortled. "No, duh! You can totally own one." I looked back down at my phone. "Thanks, dude."

. . .

The Cooler Dad

you can totally own one

Like, legally?

thats right
i made sure to ask duncan
legal n everything

. . .

"Why do you even need to know that?!" Beth raised her voice at me. I turned my head to her. "Uh... no reason. Just curious." I dodged that question. Luckily, Dad came in so I wouldn't have to continue that discussion further. "Welcome to day two of Total Drama Action!" He clapped down on his movie slate. Duncan raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you going to do that every time?"

Dad grinned. "Yes. Yes, I will." Duncan tried to keep his cool, and shrugged. "Alright then." My dad continued to speak. "Today's movie genre: Aliens!" Trent and Duncan seemed fairly excited about that. "Our unpaid interns have been hard at work figuring out what makes an alien movie successful. Chef?" Chef came in from the back, and was doing something in the kitchen. "You got three basic rules. Aliens wanna take over the world and start making lots of baby aliens, people fight back, then the military's called in."

He suddenly raised his voice. "Yo, Chris! Where's my pay check at!?" I looked over to Dad suspiciously. He took a step back. "It's... in the mail!" I sighed. "Right." "Anyway... Today's challenge, find an alien egg, and return to home base before Mama Alien finds you." He pointed at a map, and then threw it over his shoulder. "The two fastest get to pick the teams this season."

Duncan crossed his arms, and smirked. "Sorry, losers, but no one knows alien movies the way I do. The more obscure, the better." Gwen pointed at him, and deepened her voice. "'I'm gonna blend those no-good aliens, and have 'em for breakfast!'" Duncan chuckled. "Dude, Alien Chunks is my favourite alien movie of ALL time!" Gwen laughed in response. "Me too! I've seen it twenty-seven times!" However, Duncan turned it into a competition. "Fifty-three." "You'll be tough to beat. But, I have my lucky charm."

/// Gwen ///

"I love the scene in Alien Chunks where they turn the aliens into fruity, blended drinks. I even have the necklace."

/// End ///

Trent smiled at Gwen. "I like that movie where the aliens take over the government. 'Take me to your leader'!" I scoffed at him. "Seriously Trent, just stop trying at this point." He shrugged nervously at me. "It was a good movie! Right... Gwen?" She looked away anxiously. "Uh, okay. This is kinda awkward."

That, however, was interrupted when DJ raised his hand. "Yo, Chris! You got some laser-shootin' monster playing Mama Alien?" Dad raised an eyebrow. "Not quite." I turned to see Chef wearing an alien suit. It had literally only been, like, thirty seconds. Dad shook his head at Chef. "You call that slime? Makeup! More slime over here!" An intern came over, and dumped another bucket of slime on him.

He frowned, and mumbled something under his breath. Dad took a bunch of tablets out of his bag, and threw them to the campers. "Here are your GPS devices, complete with maps of the film lot. Find the alien eggs, but be careful. 'Cause today, you're all on Chef's menu." Chef laughed evilly, and everyone got up to leave.


/// Leshawna ///

"I have already told that skinny little tadpole that things between us aren't meant to be!" She paused for a second. "Guess he can't get over the lusciousness that is Leshawna."

/// End ///

/// Harold ///

"I'm pretty sure Leshawna isn't over me yet. I see the way she looks at me. Like she's un-pantsing me with her eyes. Her beautiful, brown eyes. Like chocolate almond-"

/// End ///

The set the challenge was on today was some sort of storage facility. Like all sci-fi films, everything is made out of metal. I feel like the contestants are at a disadvantage here... I looked around nervously, before turning the corner. I bumped into someone, and stumbled back, yelping.

"Jesus Christ! Put me back in the hospital, why don't you?!" I looked up to see several contestants. They were, stupidly, all in a group, with the exception of Duncan, Gwen, and Trent, I believe. I didn't count them all. "Well, maybe if you weren't in the way!" Heather raised her voice at me. "You know, for a group of nine people, you really aren't that loud! How on Earth was I supposed to know?" I stood up properly, and rolled my eyes at them.

Silence. "Just what I thought." Heather scoffed, and continued to hit the side of her GPS. "Ugh! How come we're the only dots on the screen?! Where's Chef?" Justin turned to her. "How did you get in our group?" Heather quickly shook her head, and furrowed her brows. "There are no groups yet. Plus, there is only one way we can go." She pointed down the hall. I raised an eyebrow, and began walking that way. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" "The only way we can go, apparently."

/// Confessional ///

"Even though Heather can be really mean, that doesn't mean we should be mean back, right? Buddha says, 'You can lead a sheep to water, but you can't make it nice.'" Beth looked up at Lindsay, as she gasped. "That is so deep!"

/// End ///

/// Lewis ///

"Yeah, uh-huh, watching what Beth just said. That's not the quote. Buddha didn't even say that. John Heywood did. And, it was about a horse."

/// End ///

Gwen, Trent and Duncan joined up with us again, and I wasn't even there willingly. "Okay, seriously. Can you guys stop going in the same direction as me?" I turned my head to them. "Uh, no. You know where the eggs are." Heather crossed her arms, and I let out a small laugh. "How can you be so sure? After all, I could be leading you in circles, and you'd have no idea." She scoffed. "Why would you do that?" "Well, may I remind you I AM related to Chr-"

Our chatter was interrupted by sucking noises. I stopped my sentence. "What the...?" Gwen quickly spun around, and shushed us. The noises continued, and even began to get more intense. "What is that?" We all turned to Beth, who shrugged. "Ever since I got my braces off, I don't make that sound anymore!" Leshawna angrily put her hands on her hips, and looked around. "Chris! Is that you?!"

Duncan leant near the corner. "It must be Chef. You wanna run, or you wanna kick some alien butt?" Gwen excitedly clenched her fists. "Let's kick some alien butt!" Trent cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself. "Trent? Any thoughts?" He grimaced. "Yeah, let's... kick some alien butt!"

Harold turned to Leshawna, but spoke to everyone. "So, who wants to go first?" Suddenly, everybody turned towards me. I looked in confusion. "What?"


"H-Hey! I'm not even competing, man!" I protested against this idea. It was not a smart one. They wanted to use me as bait so they could sneak around and get their eggs. "Guys, serio-" "Shut up, and be alien food!" Heather interrupted me. I groaned, and approached the noise. Then, I began to notice that the contestants were slowly following me.

Whatever. "Watch out, alien Chef, 'cause here comes Beth!" She stormed past me. "Oh! It's just Bridgette and Geoff!" "WHAT?!" I furrowed my brows, and came close. It really was. Everybody surrounded the two making out. "Oh, nice! Don't you two ever get sick of sucking face?" They didn't respond. They just continued to make out. Owen looked away in disgust. "I'm guessing that's a no."

Gwen looked at them, annoyed. "Enough messing around. We've got alien eggs to capture."

/// Gwen ///

"I wasn't worried about Chef. Alien costume, or not. I mean, I did place second last year. I know exactly what I'm doing."

/// End ///

/// Lewis ///

"Gwen's starting to take charge. I'm not sure if I'm intimidated by that, or not."

/// End ///

Now, all 14 teenagers were together in a cluster. Not the best strategizing, if you ask me. "Can I go now?" I pointed in a different direction. "No. We might still need you as bait." "Is that why I'm at the front of your LINE?" I pointed the major problem out, but was completely dismissed. Gwen seemed to notice, though. "Yeah. Good thing we're all lined up, huh?" Trent stood beside me. "Yeah. Ready for Chef to pick us off one at a time."

"You've... really gotta work on your strategizing." Suddenly, the GPS started repeating the words, 'Danger'. Everybody then began to freak out, but I groaned. "Told you." "Let's get out of here!" "Which way do we go?" Heather and Justin both asked in their normal voices, but Lindsay believed the GPS was an alarm, and began yelling. "North is nice, but, east is least, west is best!" Leshawna, in turn, yelled back.  "Can't argue with that. Wouldn't even know how to!" Lindsay, Beth, Leshawna and Justin ran away to the west.

I rolled my eyes at them. "Really? I mean, seriously? They believe Lindsay?" Gwen scoffed, and looked at the device. "Map says the boiler room's east of here." Duncan nodded. "Alien eggs are always in the boiler room." Trent nervously looked away, but forced a smile. "Uh, yeah, totally. East it is!" DJ, Trent, and Gwen got a head start, running east.

I began walking with Bridgette and Geoff, but all three of us were stopped by Duncan. "Where do you think you're going?" Bridgette raised an eyebrow. "With you, to the boiler room." Duncan crossed his arms. "Sorry, but the lovebirds, and their kid, are on their own." Bridgette and Geoff gasped, while I simply glared at him.

/// Duncan ///

"In any alien flick, the kissing couple's always first to go. Either them, or the innocent, weak kid. There's no way Romeo, Juliet, and their little lap dog are gonna ruin my chances at a million big ones. Uh-uh."

/// End ///

"Hey! I thought I was bait! What happened to that, huh?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He shook his head. "I guess we don't need you anymore!" I scoffed, and looked away in annoyance.

"This is it, baby. Better make it good!" They both held onto each other. "That is the most romantic thing I've ever heard!" They both began making out. I gagged, and tapped my foot impatiently. "You DO realize you're not gonna... Ugh. Forget it. I'm outta here." They continued to make out as I walked away.


"Tell you what, that's actually disgusting..." I grumbled under my breath. Of course, I bumped into someone. Just my luck. It was Heather.

"We really need to stop meeting like this." She looked at me. I looked back in shock, and disgust. "Are you flirting with me?!" "What!? No!" E-Scope interrupted the conversation. "Ooh! Heather's flirting!" Heather quickly turned around. "I was totally not!" "Dude, you were literally smirking at me! What the hell, man!?"

/// Lewis ///

"I knew she wasn't flirting with me. I was just teasing her." I crossed my arms. "Wait. Teasing isn't flirting, is it?"

/// End ///

"I wasn't trying to get with you, god damnit! I just want to find my stupid egg!" She stomped her foot. I shrugged, and shifted away. "Fine. But, I'm disgusted, and uncomfortable. Keep your distance, Chandler."


I heard Bridgette and Geoff making out again. "You've gotta be joking me." Heather, Owen, E-Scope and Harold all stopped in their tracks. Heather snapped her fingers. "Everyone, snap out of it! If we don't bring it together, we are gonna lose this challenge! Now, who is with me?" Owen nervously looked away. "Ah, it's- it's hard to say. Um, does being 'with you' imply some sort of an alliance?"

I raised my hand. "Uh, yeah, cause we don't like you." Heather gasped, and glared at Owen. He nervously grinned, and looked at the ground. She then quickly shook her head. "Okay. Okay! Forget being with me. Who's willing to walk beside me in mutual pursuit of our goals, with no commitment of any kind?"

"Yeah, whatever." I agreed first. "I can agree to that." Then, Owen did. After him came Harold. "Count me in." I suddenly heard something. I furrowed my brows, before realizing what it was. Harold seemed to notice, too. "Did anyone else hear that?"

/// Harold ///

"I may not be the best looking guy, or the best dressed, or the most buff... But, I get my butt kicked a lot. So, my senses are totally heightened. I can sense when something's coming. Nothing gets by me."

/// End ///

Heather, Owen and E-Scope gasped. I chuckled, and leant back on the railing. Here we go. Chef tapped Harold on the shoulder, and he turned around. "Say hello to eternity." He shot Harold with his paintball gun, which sent him flying backwards. "Ah! I'm hit! I'm hit!" Owen's... 'problem' arose again, which led him to be shot out, and he ran off-set, leaving E-Scope and Heather.

Heather hid behind me, much to my confusion. "I am not going down without a fight, you glorified dung beetle... lizard... whatever!" "Heather! I told you to stop flirting with me!" I pushed her away. E-Scope laughed, stood in front of Heather, and pulled out a paintball gun. "One of us isn't getting out of here clean! Haha!"

Chef growled at her. "You call that a paintball gun?" He threw away his old one, and pulled out a bigger one. "This... is a paintball gun."

/// Lewis ///

"The multi-barrel machine gun wasn't a joke?!" I gasped.

/// End ///

E-Scope laughed, and pulled out the exact same gun. "Fun! I love this game!" Me and Heather looked at each other in confusion, before Heather took a step back. "Okay. Well, I'll just let you two have at it." She then ran away, leaving me. E-Scope cocked her gun, and aimed it. "If I can handle hand-to-paw combat with a polar bear, haha, I can handle a bald, emotionally withdrawn cook in a Halloween costume."

I gasped, and took several steps back. "You did not just say Chef was..." "Who are you callin' a cook?!" I quickly dodged him as he began firing at E-Scope. She avoided them by flipping through the air. She began firing back, and nearly hit Chef. He dodged one by a hair, and that seemed to be the final straw for him.

E-Scope knew she was screwed from that moment. She barely missed the paintballs being fired at her. She then suddenly got hit in the chest, and fell back, dropping her gun. I crouched by her, as Chef overlooked her. "I think you might've actually killed her..." "Uh-oh. Not again." "Again-?" I was interrupted when E-Scope jumped up, laughing. "I thought you were dead!" Chef let out a small laugh, something which I've never heard him do before.

/// Lewis ///

"Chef laughing?! Okay, just- What?!"

/// End ///


I was given the chance to get out of that situation when I noticed the boiler room was literally right around the corner of here. I made my way over quietly.

. . .

[3rd Person P.O.V]

. . .

Gwen's GPS beeped, as she, DJ, Duncan and Trent all stood in front of a door. It was opened slightly, which made Trent even more nervous than he was before. Duncan shushed him, as all four of them peeked their heads through the door.

Lewis stood there, hand on his chin. He was also standing directly above where the eggs were. "There they are...!" Gwen spoke below a whisper. "Is he guarding them-?" Trent asked, raising an eyebrow. "Let's beat him up!" Duncan quietly announced, as he pounded his fist into his palm. "Woah, woah. We can't just hurt him. He might just be checking the room out."

"You know, you're not exactly the best at being stealthy." They flinched when they noticed Lewis was now beside them. "How did you-?" "Eh. Go get your eggs." He shrugged, and move to the side. The four of them walked in, jaws agape at how easy that was. However, Trent was just happy he didn't have to fight anyone.

"Wow. They look so real!" DJ happily cheered. "Woohoo! We won! Yeah!" Duncan frowned. "Not so fast, big guy. We still have to get the eggs back to home base." The GPS beeped, which meant Chef was getting closer. Gwen panicked, and threw it to Lewis. "Quick! Lower me down!" Trent did so, and she broke the first one, which annoyed her. However, she obtained a second one, and got back up.

Chef ran through the door, and shot DJ in the back with a paintball, causing him to fall to his knees. He then chased Duncan, Gwen, and Trent away, leaving only DJ and Lewis in the room together. "Save yourselves!" DJ wasn't too happy that they actually listened to him. He pouted.

Lewis was in the middle of helping him up, when he suddenly dropped DJ, and gasped. "Hey! What's that for, man?" He turned his head to Lewis, who was grinning at something. "DJ! Look! Look at 'em!" He then held it out.

'It' was two fluffy mice. The first was a mouse that had a similar pattern to that of a Siamese cat. It was also fairly small, so was evidently a pup. The second mouse was mainly white with black markings peculiarly placed around its body.

[Mouse No. 1]

[Mouse No. 2]

- - - - - -

[Lewis' P.O.V]

- - - - - -

Instinctively, DJ picked up the black and white one. "I used to have a mouse like this!" He immediately took a liking to it. The mouse, too, took a liking to DJ. "You're keeping her?" I asked, with a small smile. "Mhm! She's called Mabel!" I chuckled at the cute name. "Nice!"

Our conversation was brought to a halt when I overheard Dad on the speakers. "Attention, civilians! The military is here to protect you now! Unfortunately, we can't let you leave with any alien eggs." I let the mouse in my hand climb up to my shoulder, as both me and DJ stood up.

"Don't worry. He's probably not gonna do any... thing." I looked outside to discover that practically everything on the street in front of us was covered in green slime. Dad laughed from his helicopter. "Woo! Glad I don't have to clean that up!" "Not gonna do anything, huh?" DJ walked beside me. "Okay... Maybe I was wrong... Since you're out, it's probably safer to avoid this area in general." "Good point."

He then walked away in a completely different direction.

/// Lewis ///

"I hope he likes Mabel. She wasn't a gift, or anything! I just found them both. Speaking of which, I'd like you to meet Manitoba! Named after the first place I saw the Northern Lights!" I held up the Siamese mouse. "He's a beauty, isn't he?"

/// End ///

/// Trent ///

"Duncan is always acting like such a tough guy. 'Ooh, you've got a mohawk!' Oh, you're so tough, bud. Yeah, haha, hairspray's really manly. I love seeing Gwen stick it to Duncan. She's so awesome. I'd do anything for her."

/// End ///

/// Gwen ///

"I know this is gonna sound really girly. But, I was seriously touched when Trent chose my necklace over the egg. Most guys would've gone for the win."

/// End ///

I approached the three, to see that not a single one of them had their egg. I raised an eyebrow. "You three gave it a valiant effort. But, you're still losers!" Dad laughed at them. Trent furrowed his brows at him, but suddenly let his expression up, when he saw something behind us. "Not so fast, Chris." He ran past us, and grabbed two eggs. "Looks like my good luck charm is working already! Gwen, meet you at home base." He ran past us once more, narrowly avoiding Chef.

Me and Dad walked up to Chef, although, our intentions were different. "Can't you do anything right?" Dad asked Chef, which made me look at him in surprise. Chef, on the other hand, was fairly upset with him. "Where's my money?! Hm?! Give me my money!" Dad ran away, and I just groaned.


"Manitoba, huh?" He looked on. "Mhm. It's the place where I first saw the Northern Lights! Coincidentally, it's also the first place I ever saw a mouse." "Woah..." He replied, slightly surprised. I nodded. "Yeah. Woah." We stopped once we got to the trailers. Everyone was already there, and Dad was just doing his thing.

"After we vote off two cast members in the most thrilling Gilded Chris ceremony yet..." I raised an eyebrow at him. "You mean... one." "No, I mean two. I said two. I'm liking the twos today. Must be Tuesday." There were literal, audible crickets. Nobody laughed. He shrugged in response. "Yeah, I don't get paid to write this show."


"Do I have to wear this suit?" I stared down at the thing I was wearing. "What? You look nice in it!" Dad said, as he adjusted his bowtie. I scoffed, and rolled my eyes. "You might wanna ask Lindsay before making any decisions. But, if you want me to wear it, I will."


"It's time to cast your votes." Dad stood in front of his podium, while I nervously stood to his left. "Under your seats, you'll find your voting devices. Just press the button of the person you want voted off. Oh, and, no peeking. Or it's..." He sung something to himself about being kicked off involuntarily, like a child would, and then laughed to himself. "The votes have been cast."

Chef came in wearing a pink, sparkly dress, to which everyone but me, him, and Dad found incredibly amusing. "If you get a Gilded Chris, it means you're safe. For now. And, the Gilded Chrises go to... Trent. Gwen. Harold. Duncan... and... Izzy." I whispered to Dad. "E-Scope." He rolled his eyes. "Fine. E-Scope. Lindsay, Justin, and Beth are also safe."

Lindsay and Beth cheered together. "So is Owen! My man!" Owen laughed, and smiled. "Aw, thanks, Chris! Haha! And, thanks Chef, for doing what the prunes couldn't." "Too much info." I said, slightly disgusted. "Next is... DJ! Surprisingly, Heather. And, last, but not least..."

Cue for dramatic music...

"Leshawna!" She squealed, cheered, and hugged both Bridgette and Geoff, before quickly backing off. "Oops! My bad!" Bridgette and Geoff were both clearly upset. "But... but... I thought everyone liked us!" Duncan scoffed. "'Liked' being the operative word."

/// Duncan ///

"I know exactly who's gonna get it this week." Duncan imitated Bridgette and Geoff kissing.

/// End ///

/// Lindsay ///

"Two words. Bridgette, and Geoff."

/// End ///

/// DJ ///

"Least they'll have each other. Right, Mabel?" He scratched his pet mouse on the head.

/// End ///

"Any final-" I quickly interrupted Dad. "Wait, wait, wait." He looked at me, semi-confused. "What?" "I think... I think I see the vision." I pictured them both, and it fit my criteria. "W-What?! Already? Well, okay... Bridgette, Geoff, you're about to be in for something extra, extra special."

They weren't even listening. They were so busy making out, but I knew one of Dad's agents would give them the down-low, anyway.


"I'm warning you, Lewis, they're a couple of amateurs! Are you sure this is the right fit?" He looked at me anxiously. I simply looked down at the papers. "I'm sure of it. Just trust me with a production choice. This one time?" I looked up at him, giving him a fake pleading look. He whined, before groaning.

"Fine! Fine. Aftermath is being hosted by Bridgette and Geoff now."

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