A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x...

By Just_Another_IDK

74.5K 2.5K 1.8K

A different spin on a plot we all know well Freedom is all anyone wants but can a gentle soul do what must be... More

My Thanks
Sequel Release


1.5K 60 6
By Just_Another_IDK

A Festival of Woes
In which you let loose your arrows against people you once called friend


On the rooftops, (Y/N) gazed at the chaos unfolding in Manburg. Explosions echoed through the streets, mingling with the distant sounds of battle cries. The sky was illuminated not by stars or serene fireworks but by the fiery bursts of conflict.

A potion of swiftness surged through her veins, granting her speed, and another of leaping made her movements agile. Despite the pain in her leg and the persistent limp, she pushed forward, determined to navigate the rooftops unseen.

As she moved stealthily above the tumultuous scene below, the shadows painted her figure against the night. The weight of her bow and arrows served as a constant reminder of her mission: to discover the source of the upheaval and ensure the safety of those she cared about.

Fireworks continued to burst, providing both a spectacle and a smokescreen for the ongoing skirmish. (Y/N) pressed on, her eyes scanning the chaotic landscape for any sign of Tubbo, Tommy, or Technoblade. The urgency in her heart fueled her every leap and bound, despite the nagging pain in her leg.

The city beneath her became a battlefield, a canvas painted with flashes of light and the resounding symphony of conflict. (Y/N)'s determination to find her allies intensified, hoping to contribute to the chaotic tapestry below and, if necessary, provide a swift and unexpected intervention.

From her elevated perch, (Y/N) tracked Tommy's hurried movements as he dragged Tubbo's unconscious form away from the unfolding chaos. The acrid scent of smoke and distant explosions filled the air, heightening the urgency of the situation.

A shadow of concern crossed (Y/N)'s features as she observed the aftermath of the skirmish. The clattering of metal, the clash of weapons, and pained cries reverberated through the tumultuous scene below. She knew she couldn't stay passive; her allies needed support.

With a swift movement, (Y/N) descended from the rooftop, leveraging the potion of swiftness to navigate through the labyrinthine streets of Manburg. The limp in her step was a persistent reminder of her recent ordeal, but determination eclipsed the physical discomfort.

As she neared the heart of the confrontation, (Y/N) could see the complexity of the situation unfolding. Tubbo's unconscious form was now in a safer location, thanks to Tommy's swift actions. However, the battle persisted, and her attention gravitated back to Technoblade.

He stood resilient amidst the turmoil, his netherite armor a beacon in the chaos. Punz and other assailants closed in, testing his mettle. (Y/N)'s bowstring hummed as she sent arrows flying, strategically picking off adversaries to create breathing room for Technoblade.


The battlefield pulsed with tension as Technoblade relentlessly engaged in combat, the voices in his head a constant barrage of chaos. Each swing of his netherite axe and the firing of his rocket loaded crossbow seemed to echo their fervent cries for blood. The haze of smoke and dust obscured his vision, and the clash of weapons created a symphony of chaos around him.

In a fleeting moment of respite, Techno turned his attention toward Punz, ready to continue their skirmish. However, the sudden collapse of Punz, an arrow protruding from his neck, jolted Technoblade into a state of shock. Schlatt's security forces swiftly moved Punz out of the fray, leaving Techno momentarily disoriented in the chaotic aftermath.

Through the dissipating smoke, Technoblade's gaze locked onto the archer responsible for the critical shot. The shock that seized him was palpable, an unfamiliar emotion cutting through the battle-induced adrenaline. For a fleeting moment, the voices in his head fell silent, drowned out by the realization of (Y/N)'s unexpected presence.

In the midst of the chaos, (Y/N) stood atop a rooftop, bow still drawn, a silhouette against the tumultuous backdrop. Technoblade's expression shifted from shock to a mix of fear and uncertainty. The intensity of the battle momentarily faded as he grappled with the unexpected arrival of someone he had not anticipated on the front lines.

The battlefield's tension hung in the air, and Techno's mind raced to reconcile the simultaneous ferocity of the voices and the abrupt appearance of an ally. The clash of emotions within him mirrored the chaos of the battle, creating a precarious moment of vulnerability amidst the relentless conflict.

As (Y/N) screamed in an attempt to pierce through the cacophony of voices raging in Technoblade's mind, her voice became lost in the overwhelming turmoil. The relentless chorus of the voices grew louder, a chaotic symphony drowning out all other sounds. Each word she uttered, every desperate cry, was swallowed by the tumultuous sea within Techno's head.

"Techno, please! We need to go!" Her pleas were a desperate plea for attention, a lifeline amidst the storm.

The battlefield, already a chaotic dance of blades and shouts, became a surreal stage for Technoblade's internal struggle. His expression shifted from shock to a pained grimace as the voices intensified, echoing through his skull with an unbearable volume. A dull ache started to build, a physical manifestation of the mental strain inflicted upon him.

"Techno, look at me!" Her voice cut through the disarray, a call for connection amidst the chaos.

Unable to discern (Y/N)'s words, Techno's gaze locked onto her silhouette against the backdrop of the battle. He strained to comprehend the situation, the conflicting forces within him creating a disorienting mental battlefield. The battle around him continued, a clash of steel and shouts, while the battle within him reached a crescendo of dissonance.

"Please, Techno, we can't stay here!" Her urgency remained, an insistence on action in the face of overwhelming discord.

(Y/N)'s desperation, her attempts to communicate, were lost in the chaotic storm of Techno's thoughts. It was a poignant moment of isolation, where the voices, like an impenetrable barrier, kept him from connecting with the one person who had unexpectedly entered his tumultuous world.

The echoes of battle still resonated in the air as Technoblade ascended to a rooftop, searching for the familiar figure of (Y/N). The adrenaline-fueled chaos that had enveloped the battlefield moments ago had now given way to a haunting silence. His eyes scanned the terrain, but (Y/N) was nowhere to be found.

Panic clawed at Techno's chest, a rare and unsettling sensation. The voices, which usually whispered in the recesses of his mind, now surged with urgency, mirroring his own rising anxiety.

"She was just here," he muttered to himself, the realization of her absence amplifying the disquiet within him. The rooftop, once a vantage point filled with purpose, now felt desolate and foreboding.

The voices, typically a chaotic symphony, seemed to harmonize in an unsettling chorus of concern. "Where is she? Find her!" they urged, each voice contributing to the disorienting cacophony that echoed in Techno's head.

He retraced his steps, desperation etched across his face. The battlefield, strewn with remnants of conflict, seemed to close in on him. "Not now," he muttered, both to himself and the voices that echoed his unease.

As Techno moved through the aftermath, the realization of her absence fueled his unease. The voices, usually a torrent of conflicting thoughts, now unified in the urgency of locating (Y/N). Each step heightened the sense of urgency, the dread of losing her gnawing at him.

A cold wind swept across the rooftop, carrying with it the distant echoes of ongoing battles. Techno's gaze, filled with a rare vulnerability, betrayed the fear of losing someone he cared about. It was a vulnerability rarely glimpsed, a chink in the armor he wore both literally and metaphorically.

Then, like a specter emerging from the shadows, a familiar pair of arms enveloped Techno from behind. (Y/N) had reappeared, her presence cutting through the oppressive tension. The voices, too, seemed to hush in her presence, as if recognizing her unique ability to soothe the tempest within Technoblade's mind.

The relief that flooded Techno's expression was palpable. "You're okay," he breathed, turning to face her. The voices, momentarily subdued, seemed to echo a collective sigh of relief.

"Let's go back, you've done enough," she mumbles into the back of his dirty cloak

The duo navigated the outskirts of the battlefield, (Y/N)'s presence acting as an anchor in the storm. As they made their way back to Pogtopia, the echoes of battle gradually faded, replaced by the distant sounds of struggle. The voices, now tempered by the reassuring presence of (Y/N), acknowledged the respite she brought to the internal turmoil of the Blade.

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