Green and Gold / Male Reader...

By PhoenixFD

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The Gems, an interplanetary race of light-based beings, once linked to Earth, vanished millennia ago. 5,300 y... More

[S0] Chapter 0: Prologue
[S1A] Chapter 1: Introductions
[S1A] Chapter 2: The Visit (PART 1)
[S1A] Chapter 2: The Visit (PART 2)
[S1A] Chapter 2: The Visit (PART 3)
[S1A] Chapter 3: Beach Party
[S1A] Chapter 4: Repair

[S1A] Chapter 5: Rose's Room

440 15 4
By PhoenixFD

A Few Days Later....

In the late afternoon, the sun dipped low on the horizon, bathing everything in a soft, golden light. Steven sat at his kitchen counter, eating his second can of cream corn. Y/N stood opposite of him, however instead of two cans, Y/N was going on his third can of cream corn.

Steven narrated their actions as if they were both at a large sporting event.

Steven: "This is it folks! Rookie sensations Steven Universe and Y/N ready their last spoonfuls of Colonels Classic Cream Corn..."

As both boys raised their spoons to their mouths, Steven nodded to Y/N, and Y/N did so to Steven.

Steven: "As the crowd waits with baited breath, one bite between them... and destiny..."

Both boys, with determination in their eyes, chomped down on their respective spoons, devouring their corn in one bite.

Both Steven and Y/N stayed silent for a moment, before each of them gently placed their cans on the counter. Suddenly, both boys erupted and threw their arms up in celebration.

Y/N: "And they've done it! Between them both, they've eaten 5 cans of cream corn!"

Just as Y/N finished the celebration to the imaginary crowd, the Temple door opened to reveal all of the gems, seemingly arriving back from a mission.

Steven, eager to show the three what he and Y/N had accomplished, scooped up all 5 cans and rushed over to the group. Y/N followed closely and stood next to Steven.

Steven: "Guys! Check this out! Y/N and I got 5 empty cans of Colonels Classic Cream Corn!"

Not understanding the significance of the cans, Garnet attempted to make it seem that the gems knew what he was talking about.

Garnet: "...Cool."

Unfazed by her reaction, Steven continued.

Steven: "Yeah! And on the back are $5 dollar coupons for mini golf. Y/N and I ate all of these cans so we could all go together!"

Confused by apparent reason for their actions, Y/N looked at one of his cans.

Y/N: "Wait, you can get free stuff from eating food? I thought we were just eating them for the sake of eating them?"

Pearl's eyes lowered slightly, before she placed her hands together and thanked both Steven and Y/N.

Pearl: "That is so thoughtful you two! U-unfortunately though..."

Noticing Pearl's slight struggle, Amethyst cut in.

Amethyst: "We gotta go on another mission."

Hearing this, Steven dropped all of the cans he was holding and stood there shocked.

Steven: "What! Not again! But you guys promised we'd hang out!"

Wanting to defuse the situation, Garnet interjected.

Garnet: "A dangerous artefact has appeared in the Northern Hemisphere, we need to go retrieve it."

Steven, wanting to get the group to go mini golfing, tried to convince them.

Steven: "But mini golf is so much fun! There's castles, and windmills and I like it, an- OH! Look! Look what I found!"

Steven ran over to the coffee table, where a pair of old pants and a green carry bag. Steven picked up the bag and showed it to the gems.

Steven: "Y/N and I found some golf clubs at the junkyard."

Remembering Steven's recent visit to the junkyard, Y/N connected the dots relating to Steven's sudden interest in golf.

Y/N: "Oh. So this is why you were so hell-bent on finding those."

Steven: "Yeah! And I found a pair of my dad's old golf pants! They're a little big for me, but you can wear them Garnet!"

When Steven showed the ridiculous looking pants to the gems, both Pearl and Amethyst held their slight laughter in as they looked at Garnet, who remained looking at Steven, who was now performing his signature attack, the Puppy Dog eyes. However this time, she would not be fazed.

Stepping onto the warp pad, she signalled the gems to follow her, to which they did. Steven's smile dropped to a small frown as all three gems stood ready on the warp pad. Before they warped away, Amethyst and Pearl called out to Steven.

Amethyst: "See ya buddy."

Pearl: "We'll bring you something back!"

As the gems warped away, Y/N hesitantly raised his hand, looking to pat Steven on the shoulder, however he got cold feet and crossed his arms.

Y/N: "Maybe next time Steven."

As Y/N said this, Steven flopped onto the ground, with his eyes looking up at Y/N.

Steven: "Well they aren't the only ones with a dangerous adventure to tackle..."


As the T.V screen flashed with the bold letters of 'GOLF QUEST: MINI', Y/N couldn't help but question what he was seeing. He leaned down and curiously studied the images on the screen.

Y/N: "So... THIS is "mini golf" ?"

Steven: "No, this is a just video game abou- wait, you... don't know what mini golf is?"

Hearing Steven's question caused Y/N to look away slightly.

Y/N: "I... never really had the time, you know?"

Seeing Y/N's reaction, Steven brought his free arm around Y/N's shoulders.

Steven: "Well don't worry! Golf master Steven Universe is gonna teach you all about mini golf and the wonders it brings to us all!"

Steven's infectious personality was rubbing off on Y/N, and before he knew it, he was cracking a small smile.

Y/N: "Heh, alright Steven, show me the "wonders" of mini golf."

Steven: "Oh yeah! You got it!"


Y/N: "So now that you're level 47, does that mean you can challenge Pro golfer Dennis?"

Steven: "Ehhh, I think so, but just to be safe, I'll grind out a few more levels, just in case, you know?"

Y/N: "What about the new putter and driver you got? You gonna equip them?"

Steven: "Na, their main status effect only works on high ranking Pro's, not just normal Pro's."

As Y/N nodded at Steven's comment, he looked at Steven's cat shaped clock. As he looked at it, he read it's numbers, which were signalling it to be 12:30am. Seeing how late it was, Y/N decided that it was time for him to leave.

Y/N: "It's getting pretty late, I think I'm gonna head back now."

Hearing this, Steven paused the game and quickly looked up as Y/N stood next to him.

Steven: "What! No, Y/N please, just stay a few more minutes."

Turning around, Y/N was met with the tired eyes of Steven, attempting to perform his puppy dog eyes attack, however much like Garnet, it had little effect on Y/N. Instead, Y/N simply ruffled Steven's hair and began to make his way down the stairs.

Y/N: "Steven, that's what you said 30 minutes ago.

Noticing the time, Steven scratched his neck sheepishly.

Steven: "Heh, I guess it is pretty late."

As Y/N reached the door, Steven called out to him.

Steven: "You coming back to hang out again tomorrow?"

Y/N: "If I'm not busy, then sure. Have a good night."

With a wave, Y/N exited the home. Steven watched Y/N's silhouette as it disappeared behind the other side of the cliff face. 

Looking back at the screen, Steven picked up the controller.

Steven: "You know... Maybe it IS time I face Dennis."


As Steven dealt the final blow, he imitated the bosses final words.

Steven (Prof. Sandtrap): "I can't lose! I am the greatest golfer in the UNIVERSEEEEEE!"

Imitating the sound effects of the game, Steven celebrated as he had beaten the game.

Suddenly, a new prompt appeared on the screen, labeled "Secret Ending".

Steven: "Alright, secret ending!"

Just as the ending was about to begin, the warp pad began to activate, and soon after, the gems appeared.

Pearl: "Hey Steven we're back!"

Not really focusing on their arrival, Steven remained watching the secret ending that he had been working towards for the entirety of the night. Without looking away from the screen, he delivered a half-assed reply.

Steven: "Hey..."

Due to being invested in the secret ending, Steven didn't register that Amethyst had jumped up to accompany him. She leapt onto Steven's bed and bent down in front of Steven, her hair blocking his view of the T.V.

Amethyst: "Hey Steven! Wanna hear about where we've been?"

Not wanting to miss the secret ending, Steven pushed past Amethyst's hair.

Steven: "Ahhhhrrr, wait! Hold on!"

As Steven continued to watch the ending, Amethyst flipped over Steven and sat in front of him.

Steven: "Hey!"

Just as Steven was about to manoeuvre himself to see the screen, Garnet appeared and presented the artefact that the group had been looking for. 

Garnet: "Steven! Look at this."

Amethyst crawled over to the artefact as Pearl walked up the stairs, all three of them attempting to show Steven the find.

Amethyst: "It's the Wailing Stone we found!"

Garnet: "The Wailing Stone 'I' found."

Pearl: "Isn't it neat? It uses high frequency sound waves as a message relay between two fixed points!"

Steven, attempting to listen to the ending, tried to get their attention, however his attempt was unheard.

Steven: "Guys?" 

Wanting to demonstrate, Amethyst raised one of her arms.

Amethyst: "Look! You just have to do this!"

As the words left her mouth, Amethyst pressed down on the top of the Wailing Stone, which caused a loud ringing noise to fill the house. As every member attempted to shield their ears from the loud frequency, Steven struggled as he attempted to continue to watch the rest of the secret ending. However, to his shock, the loud frequency caused the T.V to short out and stop working.

After composing herself, Pearl pressed the top of the Wailing Stone once again, causing the loud ringing to stop.

Pearl: "Amethyst! I told you not to turn it on in the house!"

Amethyst, seemingly enjoying the chaos, tries to reason with Pearl.

Amethyst: "AHAHAHA! Chill out, P. It's not like anyone got hurt! And Steven LOVED it!"

As the group looked down at Steven, all they say was the boy looking at his now broken T.V with tired eyes.

Amethyst: "S-steven?"

Fed up with the gem's antics, Steven snapped.


Defeated, Steven leaned back on his bed.

Steven: "I just wish that I had a place for myself."

As if responding to his wish like a genie, Steven's gem began to glow. Noticing this, Steven lifted up his shirt to reveal his now glowing gem.

Steven: "Woah! My gem!"

Suddenly, a sudden ringing sound appeared behind the group, and as they turned, they witnessed the Temple door glowing, with it's pink portion shining bright.

Pearl: "Rose's door... Steven, your gem is opening your mothers room!"

As the group approached the door, it suddenly morphed into a pink spiral and opened, revealing a glowing pink passageway. Entranced by the door, Steven stepped forward, however this caused the gems to become alarmed.

Pearl + Amethyst: "Steven, wait!"

Garnet: "Steven, don't go in there!

Fed up with having to wait on the gems, Steven turned around with his brows furrowed.

Steven: "It's NEVER about what 'I' want to do, is it?! Well now I have a place where I'M going and YOU. CAN'T. COME!"

As soon as Steven finished his sentence, he raced through the door, leaving the gems shocked.

Gems (Garnet + Amethyst + Pearl): "STEVEN!"

As the door to 'Steven's room' closed, the front door opened, revealing a somewhat shaken up Y/N. As the gems turned and noticed his presence, he looked at the three of them, and wondered why they were all huddled up by the temple door.

Y/N: "What the HELL was that?"


As the door closed on Steven, he celebrated his victory.

Steven: "HEHE, YES!"

As he re-opened his eyes, he took a minute to take in the new world he found himself in. Pink and white clouds, as far as the eye could see. The floor was made of a rug-like material, yet when Steven felt it, it felt as though what a cloud should feel like.

Steven: "So this is my mom's room? She must have liked clouds, but what kind of room doesn't even have a bed?"

As if his words were law, a bed suddenly appeared underneath Steven, causing him to shout out in surprise.

Steven: "AHH! Woah, cool."

Somewhat understanding how his room works, Steven had an idea.

 Steven: "Well, this bed IS pretty nice, but you know what would be REALLY nice? QUADRUPLE BUNK BEDS!"

As if on queue, the bed that Steven was on transformed into a quadruple bunk bed. Getting excited, Steven began to add more and more of his ideas to the room.

Steven: "And a slide!"

As the slide formed, Steven immediately used it to fling himself into the air.

Steven: "Now a parachute!"

After landing on the ground, he tried to think of something else to create.

Steven: "Okay, what next? Hmmm, a... tiny floating whale?"

Again, as if on queue, the item requested appeared in front of Steven.

Steven could barely contain his excitement, his whole room could create anything, and the only limit was his imagination. He looked around, admiring HIS room.

Steven: "Wow! Here, I can get anything I ask for! But you know what I want, tiny floating whale? I wanna see the end of my game, without being interrupted."

After giving his request, a square shaped cloud appeared on the floor, and before long, it poofed and transformed into a T.V. In fact, it looked exactly like the one Steven had in his room, before it, well, broke.

Shocked by the fact that he could now watch the ending, Steven high-fived the tiny whale and sat down in front of the T.V. As soon as he was in position, he pressed play.

( 1:30 - 1:44 )

Steven: "Awesome."

Soon after watching the ending uninterrupted, Steven's stomach grumbled slightly.

Steven: "Hmmm, kinda hungry now..."

Responding to his subconscious, a donut appeared in front of Steven.

Steven: "Hehe, alright!"

However, as he attempted to eat the donut, it poofed into clouds.

Steven: "Wha? Hey! I want a REAL donut."

Similar to the first, a second donut appeared in front of Steven, however that too poofed into clouds. Turning to his whale friend, Steven looked slightly annoyed.

Steven: "What! *Sigh* Can you believe this tiny floating whale?"

Tiny Floating Whale: "WOOOOOooo."

Steven: "Great, now I have to go outside for donuts..."

As Steven said this, the Temple door appeared to his left, revealing the inside of Steven's home.


Y/N: "So, run that by me one more time."

Amethyst: "Steven's gem activ-

Cutting Amethyst off, Pearl pushed her aside and shouted the answer at Y/N.


Seeing Pearl's reaction, Garnet attempted to calm her down.

Garnet: "Pearl, calm down.

Ignoring Garnet's words, Pearl continued, this time however, directed her panic towards Y/N.

Pearl: "AND YOU!"

Walking over to Y/N, Pearl brandished her Spear and held it near his head. Seeing this, Y/N instinctively activated his golden form and gripped the spears blade.


Hearing this, Y/N's aura grew more intense as his emeotion began to rise.

Y/N: "The fuck you mean "I'm supposed to be watching him"! He's YOUR kid! Don't put that shit on me!"

Pulling Pearl away, Amethyst stood in between the two of them, attempting to calm the situation down. Pearl meanwhile, seemed to get an idea.

Pearl: "Wait, I can just use my room to access Rose's room! HANG ON STEVEN I'M CO-"

Pearl cut herself off as she raced into her room. However soon after, she re-emerged.

Amethyst: "Well?"

Pearl: "I can't access rose's room, it's as if it's locking us out!"

After saying that, Pearl began to bang on the Temple door, attempting to call out to Steven.

Calming down, Y/N shook his head and let out a loud sigh before dropping out of his golden form. Taking note of the situation, Y/N looked around the room, trying to figure out what would have caused Steven to suddenly run off into a place unknown to him. As he looked around, he noticed the cans of corn from the day prior, scattered around on Steven's bed. Following that, he also noticed that Steven's T.V was broken. 

Looking back at the gems, Y/N questioned the gems as to why Steven ran off into his mother's room.

Y/N: "Why exactly did Steven run into his mom's room?"

Turning to face him, Garnet spoke.

Garnet: "Steven said that "it's never about what he want's", and that we aren't allowed into the room."

Connecting the dots, Y/N realised what would have caused Steven to act out like this. He crossed his arms and huffed, signalling his slight annoyance.

Y/N: "*Sigh* I think I know why Steven did what he did."

Confused, all of the gems, including the distraught Pearl, turned to Y/N, who continued to have a somewhat annoyed facial expression.


When the Temple door opened, Steven attempted to stop any of the gems from approaching him.

Steven: "Don't get excited guys, I'm only back for a sec...ond."

As he looked around, Steven couldn't find any of the gems. he also made note at how late it seemingly was, as sky outside was dark.

Steven: "W-well, GOOD. I didn't wanna see you anyway."

Making his way out of the house, he made the walk to the Big Donut. As he entered, he saw both Sadie and Lars at the counter, waiting for a customer.

Steven: "Heeeyyy, how's my favourite fine food franchise!"

Once Steven made it to the counter, he leaned on it and began to recite his order.

Steven: "So I'm thinkin... Double choc cinnamon twist with sprinkles on the side! You KNOW I like to dip."

When Steven finished his order, there was no response from either Sadie or Lars. They both just remained smiling and staring at Steven. 

Confused, Steven looked around sheepishly, and soon after, Steven began to wave his hand in front of Sadie and Lars' faces.

Steven: "Uuuhhhh, Steven Universe to Sadie and Lars!"

Still not getting a response, Steven questions the two of them.

Steven: "Is this, like a joke or something?"

Suddenly, both Sadie and Lars began to speak, both at the same time.

Sadie + Lars: "Hello Steven, what kind of donut would you like?"

 Confused, Steven states his order again.

Steven: "Uhhh, I just said-"

However, before he could finish, he was cut off by both Sadie and Lars, both speaking at the same time once again.

Sadie + Lars: "It's very nice to see you Steven."

Feeling slightly more comfortable, Steven reciprocates.

Steven: "Oh! Well, it's very nice to see you too!"

As soon as Steven finished his sentence, a bag of donuts seemingly appeared on the counter.

Sadie + Lars: "Here are your donuts."

Seeing that there was more than one donut in the bag, Steven attempted to question the two workers.

Steven: "W-wait, you guys! I only ordered o-"

Again, before he could finish, Steven was interrupted by Sadie and Lars, who quickly slid backwards without moving.

Sadie + Lars: "Okay, we love you Steven. Bye bye now."

Not understanding what they were both doing, Steven gave chase.

Steven: "Wait! Where are you guys going! I still haven't paid for these!"

As Steven burst through the back door of the building, he was met with an empty and silent parking lot.

Steven: "Umm, Lars? Sadie?"

After looking around for a minute, Steven spotted Onion, standing under a lamp post. He ran up to him, attempting to ask where Sadie and Lars went.

Steven: "Oh! Hey Onion! Have you seen Lars and Sadie? They should have just been out here."

Onion being Onion, didn't speak, and remained standing with his hands in his pockets while looking up at Steven. Feeling unnerved slightly, Steven wanted to leave to go look for them on his own.

Steven: "If you see them, let me know, okay?"

Steven offered Onion a donut, however the small boy didn't react. Compromising, Steven placed the donut on Onion's head and walked off.

Steven: "I'll leave it here for you. S-see you later."

After his encounter with Onion, Steven decided to check the boardwalk for any signs of Lars and Sadie. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel off. As passed Fish Stew Pizza, Steven looked up at the newly repaired sign.

Steven: "Heh, looks like Y/N fixed up the sign pretty good."

As Steven walked further down the boardwalk, he couldn't help but comment the strange atmosphere of the town.

Steven: "All of the light's are on, but... no one's here."

As he passed the Fry shop, Steven stopped dead in his tracks. After slowly retracing his steps, he was shocked to see the mascot suit 'Frybo' behind the counter. Believing that Peedee was wearing the suit, Steven called out to him.

Steven: "Peedee!?"

The suit remained silent. However shortly after, placed a small paper plate of 'fry bits' on the counter. Not feeling hungry, Steven attempted to decline the offer.

Steven: "Oh! Fry bits. Usually I'm all about the bits, but I'm feeling kinda spooked right no-"

Just as Steven was about to finish his sentence, 'Frybo' placed yet another plate of 'fry bits' down, however, something immediately caught Steven's eye, something WRONG.

Steven didn't register it the first time, however the second time, he knew what he saw. Freaked out, he backed up slowly from the counter.

Steven: "Uhh, you know what? I think I'm gonna go look around some more! See you later frybo!"

As soon as Steven finished speaking, he made a B-line down the Boardwalk towards Funland, Frybo however, remained, staring and placing 'fry bits' on the counter.

When Steven entered Funland, he could immediately tell something was amiss. No one was on the rides, Mr. Smiley wasn't around, and Steven WASN'T having fun. As he walked passed the arcade, he looked inside, however as soon as he took a step inside, all of the machines lit up, causing Steven to shout out in fright and run away.

Making his way to the beach, Steven noticed someone standing on the shore, it was Connie. Steven ran up to her, glad that he found someone he can actually talk to.

Steven: "Connie! I can't believe its you! When did you get back in town?"

Instead of hearing an answer, Steven heard... waves? As he looked down, to his horror, he noticed that the water was acting strange.

Steven: "AHHH! The water! Connie, what's happening?! Where is everyone?!"

As soon as Steven finished his sentence, Connie abruptly turned around, startling Steven. She kept repeating the same phrase, as if in a trance.

Connie: "He was incredible!"

When Steven tried to get back up, he noticed that there were feet next to him, and as he looked up, he was shocked to see the frozen bodies of multiple townspeople.

Getting up, Steven tried to process what was happening.

Steven: "W-what?!"

A mixture of emotions were filling Steven's head, confusion, fear, terror, all were fuelling Steven's fight or flight response. In a last ditch effort, Steven attempted to run away. 

As he ran past all of his friends, he came across two familiar faces.


As he ran past them towards home, he suddenly felt his feet being submerged in water, and as he looked around, all he could see was ocean.

Desperate for answers and a way out of the situation, Steven screamed out for help.


Suddenly, Steven sunk below the surface of the water, and soon after, re-emerged on solid ground. As he got back up and looked around, he recognised where he was, it was his dad's carwash.

As Steven looked at the building, trying to catch his breath, a familiar face exited the building.

Greg: "Steven!"

Not sure if he was actually real, Steven called out to his 'dad'.

Steven: "D-dad? Is that you!"

As Steven spoke, Greg casually walked up to Steven and crouched down to his level.

Greg: "Of course! You doing alright bud? You look like you saw a ghost. Well, either that or you spent all night playing a video game."

Not wasting any time, Steven got right to the point.

Steven: "Dad, I'm freaking out! I feel like I'm stuck inside of a crazy dream!"

Trying to calm his son down, Greg raises his arms up.

Greg: "Woah whoa whoa, why don't we share one of those donuts, and you can tell me about your crazy night you're having."

As the two Universe climbed up onto the roof of Greg's van, both sat there and held their donuts. Greg immediately bit into his, however Steven was reluctant, he was still weary about what he had gone through.

Feeling slightly more comfortable, Steven opened up to Greg and told him what led to this moment.

Steven: "The gems were trying to tell me something about mom's room, but I was so man that I didn't listen. They're always leaving me behind, or making me stay next to Y/N on the sidelines, and... I guess I wanted to do it to them too."

Startling Steven slightly, Greg began to speak.

Greg: "That's not so bad. Everyone needs some alone time now and then."

As Greg finished with his fatherly advice, he proceeded to make some guitar noises to cheer Steven up.

Feeling slightly better and at ease, Steven chuckled to himself.

Steven: "Yeah, it was really fun for a while, but now the whole city... everyone and everything is acting really weird."

Greg: "Well, the important thing is that you told the truth."

Sort of understanding what his dad was saying, Steven half agrees with him.

Steven: "Uh, I... guess I did."

Suddenly, Greg randomly imitated yet another guitar riff, causing Steven to become slightly more on edge.

Steven: "Uhhh, dad? Your advice is making less sense than usual."

Immediately, Greg responded to Steven's concern.

Greg: "Well, the important thing is family and friendship honesty values and no one got arrested.

Again, as soon as Greg finished, he randomly imitated yet another guitar riff.

Suddenly realising what might be happening, Steven looked at the donut in his hand. He remembered back to when he first tried to bite into one, and it poofed into clouds. Yet when he looked at his dad, he was eating his donut just fine.

As he felt the tension building, Steven decided to test it. As soon as he bit into his donut, it turned into clouds. Seeing this, Steven went into a panic.


Before Steven could finish, Greg proceeded to perform one more imitation of guitar riff, before suddenly being erased from existence.

Steven: "No... this is all wrong."

Just as Steven was getting up, a large portion of the floor disappeared from in front of him. As he backed away, loud bangs could be heard from all around the area. As Steven looked around, he saw multiple, large chunks of the city being erased.

As he looked around for an escape, his eyes landed on the hill behind him. Immediately knowing that it was his only chance, he raced up the hill, desperate to escape the erasure.

As he looked over the city from above, he saw the devastation that was affecting the 'fake' city. Buildings, his friends, all of it was getting erased in multiple big chunks.

As the erasure encroached upon where Steven was standing, he backed up, attempting to by himself more time to think. However, to his terror, he had reached the end, he was standing upon the last piece of 'grass' in a sea of black nothingness. As he balanced with all his effort, the piece he was standing on vanished, causing Steven to fall down into the inky black abyss, with no hope of returning home.

As he fell, Steven began to tear up.

Steven: "I-I don't want this..."

Out of nowhere, the tiny floating whale appeared, and spoke for the first time. It's voice was soft, caring, and it made Steven, for a fleeting moment, feel safe.

Tiny Floating Whale: "What DO you want, Steven?"

As tears filled his eyes, Steven cried out his answer while hugging the tiny whale.


As Steven hugged the whale, it too poofed into a pink cloud. Closing his eyes, Steven closed his eyes and curled up into a ball, awaiting his endless decent into the dark depths of his mother's room.


Pearl: "Y/N, is that true?"

Y/N: "I'm telling you, that's all he was talking about. When he wasn't focused on that golf game, he was telling me how upset he was that you guys don't hang out with him as much anymore."

Amethyst: "Dang, really?"

Y/N: "Really."

As Y/N walked closer to the Temple door, he placed and rested his left hand on it. The mood suddenly shifted slightly, as the tips of Y/N's hair changed into a golden hue.

Y/N: "He also told me how you BROKE the promise you made him, about making time for him."

The gems, minus Garnet who remained stoic, were slightly unnerved by Y/N's sudden shift in tone. However a moment was all it was, as Y/N turned back to them and looked at all three of them.

Y/N: "He's lucky to have you three looking out for him, and I know you care about him, but you should make time for him to actually SHOW him you care, otherwise you'll-"

Before Y/N could continue, the Temple door reopened, causing the group to become startled. As the group poked their heads into the room, all they could see was a black void, with pixelated white spots all around the rooms 'walls'. However suddenly, Y/N was launched back by a strong force, causing him to fall to the ground.

As Y/N was dazed, he couldn't see what had hit him, however he didn't need to see, as all of the gems had given him the answer.

Gems (Garnet + Amethyst + Pearl): "STEVEN!"

After realising who he was seeing, Steven looked around wildly, before looking up at who he had crashed into.

Steven: "WOAH! Y/N!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Steven gripped Y/N's left arm and bit down on hit hard. Y/N however, had little to no reaction, and simply looked down at Steven.


Y/N: "Ow."

Realising what that meant, Steven took Y/N's arm out of his mouth.

Steven: "You didn't turn into clouds!"

Seeing this, Amethyst followed Steven's lead and grabbed Pearl's arm before biting down hard on it, causing Pearl to yelp.

Steven: "Guys it was AWFUL! I was trapped in a messed up version of Beach City, everyone was acting SUPER weird an-"

Interrupting Steven, Amethyst cut in with her realisation.

Amethyst: "You had Rose's room build the WHOLE TOWN!"

Realising the severity of what just happened, Pearl pushed past Amethyst and shouted above Amethyst.

Pearl: "IT CAN'T HANDLE A TASK LIKE THAT! *Sigh* Thank goodness you're okay!"

Letting go of Y/N's arm, Steven let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding.

Steven: "*Sigh* I'm sorry I got mad guys. I get it now! Things can't always go exactly as I want."

Pearl: "Oh Steven... we're sorry too."

Amethyst: "Yeah, sorry Ste-man."

For a moment, Garnet looked at Y/N, who was having his arm looked at by an apologetic Steven.

Garnet: "But guess what. We have time to hang out now."

Surprised, Steven knew exactly what this meant. He gathered everything that was required for the group's "hang out".


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