Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3...

By AlexisKindness

33.9K 728 968

So for this one you're a male. (Sorry to the ladies!) You're either gay. Also credit to the person who made t... More

New world
The video ends when no one is watching it.
Mario goes Bowling!
All I want for Christmas is for Mario to freakin' behave!
Mario updates his data plan and I get a new phone!
Mario bakes a cake and so do I!
VINES or short stories...
Staying home for the day
Mario goes on a diet!
Mario, SMG4, and I play Slendytubbies 2
Mario goes fishing!
SMG4...Are you okay?
Mario goes to Ohio
Mario steals the..THE WHAT?!
Mar10 day!
Some drawings i did of SMG5's emotions
It's gotta be perfect... Pt.1
Its gotta be perfect... Pt. 2
Waking up...and spending time with SMG3!
Going on a road trip!
Different world!
Our new home!
A very safe and legal SMG4 show!
Every Luigi is personalized...
A dream?
Ginger bread houses
Mario breaks McDonald's ice cream machine...
Finally playing gmod
Going to a carnival!
Mario is fine
The Game Cube
We interrupt this broadcast
Have a picture
School is boring but killing isn't! Also HOME!
Vine sor short stories 2.0
Western Spaghetti...
Im tired. But i aint stopping!
You made Mario do this
Let's go visit Peach!
They're back...
Three's browser history.
Ten...ten thousand+?!?
Watermelon man...
We don't talk about what happened in the elevator...
Mario goes coo-coo crazy
SMG4 kids
Have drawings/doodles I did
The lads play Shrek online
Forced to hold hands and telling the truth...
Trust no one..
(CLOSED) The questions for the WOTFI..
WOTFI: Its time to be spies!
Wonder flower!!...gross

Mario lost his liver?!

1K 18 3
By AlexisKindness

    It has been a week since I have arrived here. I decided to stay low for a few days. Also because I wanted to find out what episode or video I am at. Just so I can plan ahead and not be so... distracted.  I also got a beeg smg5 version of me. I just need to come up with a name for it, but I don't know what to name it... anyways. Since I didn't immediately go toe the SMG4 crew I went to some place to sightsee, let me just say it was amazing. Me and eggcat had a blast looking around and seeing the areas SMG4 and his crew were in!.

  Anyhow! I'm walking close to peach's castle because I just want to look around since I don't have good and you can't really see the background with SMG4 and his friends making a mess of things or acting crazy, mainly Mario. So I am looking around a bit to see what I might have missed in this place. But then I hear someone walking towards me. So I turn around and I see...SMG4! Holy fudge I'm not ready for this... He walks up closer to me. 

"Hello! I'm SMG4. I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?" He said holding out his hand for a hand shake.

"Uh.. yea I am, the names..." FUDGE WHAT SHOULD I CALL MYSELF?!? "The name's SMG5 or you can call me 5 for short!" I said shaking his hand. He looked surprised and then looked up and down and at him self. He sees the similarities and the differences.

"What the- How? No- when did you get here?" He asked, very confused.

"I came here about a week ago! I live over there in the house in the woods." I said pointing at the wood path I made during my week here.

He seems to be in his thoughts. That was when I had my trial... why did he didn't he showed himself earlier ? Maybe... He then lit up. "Oh! I seen you that day! Were you the one with the gigantic map?"

Im surprised. Wait?! I passed the castle and didn't realize?! Oh man! I then frown. "Yes that was me... I hate maps.." I said with a sigh.

"No need to be sad! I pretty sure you couldn't see much anyways with the map covering all your view points!." He said in a reassuring tone.

 "Well do you want to meet my other friends? I am already heading off to see Mario right now!" He said with a smile pointing at the castle.

"Sure I would love too!" I gleamed. YES YES YES YES! This is just I wanted! Now I might get the chance to meet the whole crew! In person too!

Time skip~

We walk in the castle and see Mario on the couch, groaning in pain. SMG4 freaks out. "Mario?! What hell happened to you?!"

"Mario doesn't feels so good... ohhhhh..." 

 Oh! I'm in this video! When Mario loses his liver to Bob! 

"Uhh.. I think I might be able to help!" I said smiling.

4 looks at me curiously. "What do you mean by that?"

My outfit changed into a doctor outfit. "I used to be in med school so I think I'll be able to help!" I said as I walk towards Mario. "Hello Mario! I'm now your doctor! My name is SMG5 and I will be seeing if something is wrong. Now where to you mostly feel the pain?" 

Mario points to his stomach. "Me stomach hurts..." He then proceeded to act like he is dead and changed his from a bit.

"Well don't worry it might take  me a bit but I will find out what's wrong!". I said as I start to look over him him. 

"I'm going to call Meggy...okay?" 4 says getting out his phone and proceeds to call Meggy.

Meggy got here as I continue to inspect him. 

"And when I came here he was like this!" SMG4 points at Mario who is groaning in pain. "I think this is serious I was going to call a doctor since your here but 5 here says he used to go to med school so hopefully he can help, I would rather have him do this then pay who knows what for a doctor."

Meggy looks  at me. "Wait who?" She asked. 

"Oh..yea. So this is SMG5. He came here about a week ago and didn't showed up until today. So Meggy, SMG5. SMG5, Meggy."

I turn around to greet Meggy. "Hello it's nice to meet you!" I said with a bright smile.

"It's nice to meet you too, SMG5!" She then looks over at Mario, who is crying out of pain. "Also you guys need to relax, i'm sure he just ate some bad spaghetti." She pulls out a water bottle out of thin air and try's to give it to Mario. "Here have some water!"

Bad idea Meggy... no liver means he can't filter it...

"No!" Mario shouts and smacks Meggy's hand and out the water bottle flew. 

Meggy pulls out another water bottle and try's to give it to him again. "Mario drink it!" She insists. 

Mario looks at the water and back at Meggy. "No! Apple juice!"

"No! Water!" She shouts back. But then SMG4 gives him an apple juice box, and laughs. I face palm my self. I open my mouth to speak but then Mario stop drinking due to the pain and yeets it. I dodged and so did Meggy but the apple juice box  hits toad and he exploded.

 "The hell?" I muttered.

Meggy grabs another water bottle How many water bottles does she have?!. "You ate something bad and need water." She still insists. Wow she is stubborn.

SMG4 shakes his head. "No no meggy. I've looked after Mario many times when he has stomach aids." He then pulls out a 1-up mushroom out of his pocket, "This should do the trick!"

"I don't think that how it's supposed to be used SMG4... Plus of giving  him apple juice doesn't work then maybe it's something else, which I am trying to figure it out!" I said as I walked back to Mario and inspected him.

Meggy agrees with me. "Yea uh..  I dont think a 1-up mushrooms will cure his stomach bug."

SMG4 then pushes me aside. "Nonsense," He then put the 1-up in Mario's mouth. "These shrooms cure whatever the hell the writers of the show want them to!" 

And here is the bomb dropped for Meggy...

She wonders for a bit and then stares at the screen, where I guess it's supposed to be?" ...writers of the show?" Meggy's eyes zoom in the camera and emerge from Kevin's laptop. Kevin closes his laptop, and she falls over. 

"Oh  jeez! you okay Meggy?!" I rush over to her. 

Meanwhile SMG4 is trying to stuff Mario with a 1-up mushroom. " Can you guys help me out here?" I ignored him and try to have Meggy sit or stand up. She looks pretty dazed.

"I... i fell like ive just witnessed the ethereal plane.." she looks like she just witnessed her parents having 'it'.

"SMG4 stop trying that I think I know what's wrong with him." He ignores me stuff the mushroom inside of Mario.

"What? oh nevermind that now!," He jumps up high, "MARIO'S GOTTA...," and stomp really hard on the 1up in Mario's mouth, " EAT THIS SHROOOM!" 

The mushroom went down Mario's throat and for some reason he immediately when from in pain to feeling great in seconds. 

"See, all cured! Now what was wrong with Mario?" He said and asks me. 

"The problem is that he-" I got caught off by Mario throwing up the mushroom and almost hitting me, luckily 4 dived in and saved me. "JEEZ- Oh thanks 4!" I said as I look up at SMG4, who is on top of me with me below him.

SMG4's cheeks dusted to a light pink. "N-no problem.." he gets off of me and helps me up. "Now what were you try to say?"

"Ah! Yes! So the reason he is acting like that is because he is missing his liver."

"WHAT?!" Both Meggy and SMG4 shouted. 

"Yep. We need to get him a replacement in fast or else he can't really eat or drink anything!"

"I'll see if there any livers online." SMG4 reached into his pockets and grab his laptop, he then search for livers. "Ah-ha! Here we go!" He points to a sketchy ad that sells liver. 

"I don't know...what if it's a scam?" Meggy said suspiciously. 

I am also suspicious at it to.."Yea I dont think some random person will sell livers..." I mean it is true but I don't think there human livers...

"Pfft it'll be fine!" He then buys a liver. The liver was thrown and smashed into a window and hit the ground. Meggy picks it up and shoves it in Mario's throat. Mario looked fine but then... he ejected it from his body. Meggy starts to freak out.


"Uh.. don't worry I'll buy more!" I tried to stop him but he then proceeded to speed buy the livers. Livers are just vomiting out of the broken window and hitting the ground. Meggy was shoving livers in Mario's throat, but it keeps rejecting  it. The more livers Meggy puts in the more he rejects it. Eventually SMG4 runs out of money and Meggy is tired. 

"It's hopeless...we need to get is actual liver back." Meggy says.

I walk up to Mario. "Mario where were you when you lost your liver?"

Mario then has a flashback to where he was.

Both him and Bob are laying in bed. They both look at each other and fist bump. Mario then looks back at the ceiling and closes his eyes, falling to sleep. After he fell asleep Bob is on top of him. When you fell asleep first at a sleepover.

 "I was at bob's house for a sleepover."

"WHAT?! Bob stole your liver?!" Meggy looked mad at this and storms out of the castle looking for Bob. 

"Meggy wait! C'mon 5! We're going after her!" He then grabs my hand and runs after Meggy. 

Holy sh¡t! He's holding my hand! I began to fanboy inside, my cheeks are dusted a light pink.

We catch up to Meggy and see Bob in an alley way with a big wad of cash in his...hands? Sword hands? whatever... Meggy runs up to Bob, enraged, and shouts. "Why did you tak Mario's liver Bob?!"

Bob freaked out a bit but calms down. "WeLl He DiD fElL aSlEeP fIrSt At ThE sLeEpOvEr."

Meggy says what and SMG4 agrees with Bob. "No no.. he's right."

"What the fudge 4? It's not alright!" I shout at him, I then realize he never let go of my hand...I'm not going to say anything.

Bob looks at me. "WhO iS tHiS hOe?"

Offended...I am offended... "Don't call me that... and I'm SMG5 it's nice to met you." 

"I WiLl CaLl YoU wHaTeVeR i CaLl YoU, B—cH."

I sighed. SMG4 looked at me a bit worried. Meggy picks up Bob and slams him on the ground. She asked again for Mario's liver but Bob says he sold it. So Meggy, enraged even more kicks Bob at where the sun don't shine and he launches to an old man in a wheelchair with flams on the sides.

"Oh! HoW iS mY mOsT rEcEnT cUsToMeR?"

The old man replied. "Oh I'm doing great! Thanks for the liver!"

"YOUR THE ONE WHO HAS MARIOS LIVER?!" Meggy shouts and runs up to the old man. The old man freaks out and pushes a button. Jets? Appears behind him and he shoots off. Meggy chases after him. 

"Come on SMG5 let go after him!" He then tugs me along to the chase.

The old man is corner with Meggy shouting at him to give back the liver. 

"Never! With this avatar liver I will become unstoppable!" The old man pulls out Mario's liver and eats it. 

"NO!" I shout. I sort of...left SMG4 behind... but I hope he's okay! Didn't sound like it...he was screaming... oh god the screams...

The old man then floats with a red aura around him and for some reason he is wearing a Mario hat and a mustache. "HAHAHAHHA- wait... what is this feeling?!"

The old man then starts to act like Mario. Me and Meggy are just watching the whole thing. Then out appeared SMG4. He's hold his arm with a bandage on his head. "Oh jeez! SMG4 I'm so sorry I left ya behind! Are you okay?!" I said speed walking up to him. 

"Yea I'm fine.. and it's okay. So what did I miss?" 

I then explain that the old man ate Mario's liver and now he acting like Mario. 

"What do we do now? How can we get the liver out of him with out hitting the liver?" Meggy said, worried.

SMG4 thinks for a moment and then out appears a table with a computer on it. 

"Hey Old man!"

The old man stops and look at SMG4. 

"Here watch this!" SMG4 turns around the computer to show a meme, more specifically a Nintendo meme. 

He gasped and then shouts "NIIIIIINNNNNNTENNNNNNDOOOOO MEME!" the old man rushes in front of the computer a sits down to watch it. SMG4 appears from behind him and hits a presser point to make his pass out. 

"Holy jeez! You killed him!" I shouted. 

"Nah don't worry 5 he's just asleep," he says, calming me down. 

"What do we do now? How can we get the liver out of him without hitting the liver?"

"Yea what do we do?" I said tilting my head to the side.

SMG4 looks at me and bit, his cheeks dusted with a light pink for a moment but then disappears."I may have an idea..." he says grinning. 

Meggy also grins. I just stood there confused, but then I remembered that there going to put him in ice and let Mario deal with it.

The old man wakes up, confused at where he is. Just hen Mario breaks the door. "YOU HAVE LOST LIVER PRIVILEGES." A realistic hand appears approaching the old man. The old man screams. 

"That was fun and weird... thanks for letting me join, SMG4."

"Oh no problem 5! You can always come back here and hang out with us!" He said with a smile.

"Really? I can?" I didn't believe so..

"Yea you can! I still have to introduce you to everyone else anyhow! But it's getting late and you should probably be getting home huh?" 

"Yea I should. Again thanks for having me around!" I said waving at SMG4 and walking away.

I wouldn't mind seeing you again...

"Eggcat I'm home!" I shout as I enter through the door way. Eggcat meows and run to me jumping in my arms. "Aww~ I missed you too you adorable little cat!" I said, gushing to him. My pupils grew big as I continue to talk to eggcat about my day. I get some food for them and myself.

 "Ya know eggcat.. wait... where's mini me?" I asks eggcat. Eggcat stayed silent for a few minutes.

 "Eggcat.... Where's mini me?" Eggcat looked down at the ground and walk to the storage closet. They open the door and there was he was. Mini me is tied up and cut taped, looking scared out of his mind. 

  "EGGCAT! What did you do to him?!" Eggcat then explains that he was annoying them so they did this.  

   "Eggcat! That's not how you're supposed to treat your friend" i lecture Eggcat, as I untie and get rid of the duct tape on mini me. "Now tell mini me you're sorry, Eggcat." 

 Eggcat meows an apology and mini me accepts it. We all go to bed and I laid down on my bed. I start to think a bit about how the day went. I mean I met SMG4 in person! Now all I have to do is met SMG3 and the rest of the crew! I can't wait. I close my eyes and sleep welcomes me.



Words: 2671

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