Greenbriar shenanigans (one-s...

By nerdyflower123

2.2K 71 31

Being the high King and high Queen of Elfhame is difficult enough but what happens when you throw a few young... More

The art of naming
Can I do your make-up?
Bedtime fairytales
A normal day of the royal family of Elfhame
The fifth prince of the underseas
Arcade and getting catnapped

Monopoly night

231 8 5
By nerdyflower123

Cardan stared at the slender box in his hands as he half-heartedly listened to his nephew-cum-brother-in-law explain the rules of the game. He couldn't think or look past the animated old man on the cover with a black suit and hat, giant white, curling moustache and with a matching cane pointed directly at his nose through the cover.

"So, what does this man do?" He asked Oak interrupting his enthusiastic explanation of the game. Oak blinked glancing at the board before realizing what Cardan was talking about.

"Oh, that's nothing of significance. It's just the 'rich uncle' pennybags, the official mascot of the game." He answered waving his hand nonchalantly.

"It's a nice family board game. I remember playing it with my family as a little child." Jude said softly as her finger brushed against the board. This time it was Cardan who blinked in confusion.

"Is that so? For some reason I really can't imagine redcap Madoc and his wife Oriana playing this children's board game with you."

"I meant as in my biological parents and siblings, Cardan. I used to play this with them almost every night in the mortal realm before coming to Elfhame."

"I used to play this with Vivi and Heather before. I loved this game. So, I though maybe and Tristan and Cassie would like to play this game with you guys as well. It'll be a nice bonding time."

Cardans eyes lit up at that.

"Although I'm still not sure what this game I'd like to play it with the kids. They'd love it surely. Can we, Jude?"

Seeing Cardans excitement Jude really couldn't bare to say no. Thus it was decided that that tonight would be monopoly night.


"Cassie, for the last time, give your brother hundred dollars and just buy the damn penthouse, please." Jude said in an annoyed tone pinching the bridge of her nose.

"No way, you're only saying that because he's your favorite and you want to bail him out of Jail."

"Well, I'm sure the penthouse would be a profitable investment."

"She's eight, Jude. Perhaps it would help to use lighter vocabulary and also what is a penthouse?"

"I'll explain later. Just know it's a house for now. Either way it will be a win-win for both of you because Tristan will be out of Jail and you'll get some good rent if anyone lands on it."

"Still, I'm not giving money to a criminal!"

"Hey! All I did according to the card was forget to scoop up my dogs poop! Hell, I didn't even know I had a dog!" 

"Come on, now, my little sweet berry. I'll buy you two of those nice kitchen set thing from mortal realm you were talking about. Buy the penthouse." Cardan offered his daughter who tilted her head in a contemplative gesture. 

She finally let out a dramatic sigh as though making the biggest sacrifice as she reluctantly handed Tristan a hundred dollar note from her stash.

"Fine, two kitchen sets with their Barbie dolls combo included. Nothing more or nothing less. Now only that will make for a profitable exchange."

Cardan shot his daughter a proud smile shaking her hand to seal the deal while his wife just stared between them in disbelief. Tristan rolled his eyes as while exchanging some cash to bail himself out of Jail.

"I can't believe you two right now."

Yet the game continued, Cassie stopped at a question mark. She picked one of the red question marked cards. Her eyes widened in horror and amusement as she read.

"What is it?" Tristan asked frowning.

"I have to pay twenty dollars because I stepped on dog poop in my expensive Gucci shoes while taking a walk."

"Wow, the game's obsessed with dog poop for some reason." Cardan muttered in amazement.

"Totally sounds like you though. Wearing expensive Gucci shoes on a simple walk." Tristan smirked.

"Shut up, this all your fault! It's probably your dogs poop which you forgot to scoop that I stepped on."

"Now, Now it's fine. Just beware not to wear Gucci shoes on your next walk." Jude said with a hint of amusement. After some more grumbling the game continued.

After few more minutes it was Cardan who landed on a question mark. He picked out a card.

"You just got bit by a dog. Pay twenty dollar hospital fee. You're joking right now. Tristan, you should probably look after your dog a little better."

"Not my fault. It went wild while I was in Jail maybe. Perhaps because someone refused to let me out sooner."

"Still give me some credit for bailing out a criminal."

"For the last time, I just forgot to scoop my dogs poop. Hardly a crime."

"Well, I had to pay twenty dollars for that crime."

"Your fault for not looking where you're going, Also who wears expensive Gucci shoes on a walk?"

"I do! And it's none of your business why I do so!"

"Alright, that's enough. I've paid my hospital fee so let's carry on."

Next it was Cassie who once again landed on a community chest. She picked out a card.

"Take 100 dollars. You've just won a contest for winning the princes heart. Seriously?"

"This is ridiculous. What kind of contest is that?" Cardan asked in disbelief.

"Exactly! Also how did you even manage to do that."

"Well there is a trick I guess. Let's ask the expert. Mum, what is the quickest way into a man's or a princes heart to be more precise?"

"Through the third and fourth rib. Why?" Jude answered back not even looking up as she was too focused on arranging back the community chest cards, thus hadn't even been listening to the conversation. All the others froze causing Jude to halt her motion.

"Sorry, did I say something wrong?"

"Not wrong, just in wrong context, my Queen." Cardan smiled a tight lipped smile at her. He glanced back at his children both of whom looked terrified, his own feelings mirrored. 

"I meant in a romantic way, Mum. I thought you'd be an expert in winning a prince's heart. Seeing you won Dad's, the cruel princes."

Jude blinked before giving a small shrug.

"Trust me. I ask myself this question everyday of how I managed to do that." She glanced at her husband, a tender moment moment passing between them. 

"Even I don't remember when you found your way into my heart, you had it even before I could even admit it. Still, I've never regretted giving you my heart, not for a second and I don't think I ever will." Cardan smiled at Jude who blushed, fumbling slightly at the intimacy of his words.

"That's enough, I think Cassie's already gotten the answer to her question. Don't make this anymore disturbing than it already is." Tristan pulled a irked face as he feigned the action of throwing up. His sister on the other hand grinned.

"That's just so cute. I want someone like that too,  who'd love me as much as Dad loves Mum and be my soul mate."

"I hope you don't find that person for the next seven centuries." Tristan quipped blankly re-shuffling the community chest card before picking one up as he'd just landed on a blue community chest square.

"Your dog just found a treasure, Collect two hundred dollars. You know, on second thoughts my dogs not half as bad."


That's it for today folks. Have you had special or funny moments like that during family board game nights? Message if you have any special requests or idea's. 

Your AuthorXX

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