Magic City (2D x Transboy rea...

By Parkour__2D

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again just as the title says my dude. This is for my autistic transboys 💙 More

Magic City
morning after
The Morning After Part 2
The Truth
Things are changing
new story

spend the night

40 1 0
By Parkour__2D

Over the next week, we've been constantly texting because of his work schedule. I love getting his good morning texts as soon as I wake up. They always make me smile. I did pop into his work just to see him and to see him in his maid outfit but that's not the point.

I'm lying on my bed in the morning when I feel my phone buzz beside me.

'Hey, I was wondering if maybe I could come over and spend the night? If not that's fine '

I feel my heart about to beat out of my chest. He wants to spend the night? With me?

'Yes of course you can :)'

'Yay! I can't wait I'll see you later after my shift I'll message you when I'm on my way'

'Okay I'll be here waiting for you'

I feel like such a schoolgirl getting all giddy over someone like this. I'm always so excited to see him. Well, beings he's coming over I guess I should clean up my room a bit and get dressed.

I start by putting away all my laundry, throw away my trash, and clean out my ashtray. After cleaning up a bit, I put on a plain T-shirt and black basketball shorts.

I go downstairs to see everyone in the living room just chatting and hanging out.

"It's about time you joined us 2D, Murdoc called but we didn't want to wake you up," Ace says.

"Oh..he did? Well, I'm sure he didn't want to talk to me anyway" I try to sound like I wasn't hurt that I didn't get to talk to him.

"Well, he seemed disappointed that he didn't get to talk to you," He says.

The comment he made stung. I wish I could've talked to him. I feel a wave of depression come over me which makes my chest heavy. "Oh, well anyway y/n is coming over to stay the night".

Noodle beams, "I'm so happy to finally meet him! When will he be here?"

"Sometime later he didn't really give me a time, just said after his shift".

"Okay! I can't wait" she says excitedly.

I smile a bit at Noodle's enthusiasm, but I can't shake this heavy feeling in my chest. I just want to be alone right now. I start to head upstairs and no one stops me. They all leave me alone when I start to feel like this and it's always written all over my face.

Once I get to my room and lay on my bed my eyes start to water. I miss Murdoc. I want him home. I want him to call me face ache. Why am I happy that he's gone but also miss him so much and crave his attention? I start to cry more than before and put my face in my hands.

Eventually, I stop crying and just lay there in bed, occasionally scrolling through my phone for a few hours. But the depression is still here. My phone vibrates and it's a text from y/n saying he's on his way. Shit, I completely forgot he was coming over and I still just want to be left alone right now. I tell him 'okay' with a heart emoji so I didn't seem disinterested.

Your POV

I can't believe I finally get a whole night with 2D! I could really use some decompressing time right now. Normally work being loud and overstimulating doesn't bother me too much but today it did. It was so hard trying to mask for my customers that I didn't get as many tips as I normally do. So instead of dressing up I just put on a baggy t-shirt and basketball shorts so I can be comfy.

I get to 2Ds house and grab my bag as I get out of the cab. I text him saying that I'm here and knock on the door. I don't have to wait long before Noodle opens the door.

"Y/n! You're here!" She says excitedly.

I'm a bit taken aback by her introduction. I'm glad she's happy to meet me, I just wasn't expecting this.

I force a smile on my face, "Um hi Noodle may I come in?" I ask.

"Yes of course," she says and shows me inside. The house seems much more clean now that Murdoc is gone or at least from the few pictures I've seen when Murdoc was around.

"I'm guessing 2D told you about me, being you know my name," I say.

"Oh yeah he likes to talk about you quite often, he's still upstairs in his room, it's the last door to the left".

"Okay thank you". I give a quick, awkward hi to Ace and Russell before going upstairs. Normally I'd stay longer and chat but I'm burnt out on socializing. I get to his door and knock.

"Come in love," he says. Just hearing his voice gives me butterflies and makes me so happy to see him. I open the door to see him sitting at his desk. He looks like he has a slightly annoyed expression on his face.

Did I do something? Is he mad at me? What's wrong with him? I start to feel a little anxious but maybe I can help him.

"What's wrong?" I ask walking over to him.

"Nothing," he says barely glancing up at me.

"Are you sure? Because you look like hell" shit that was blunt.

"I'm fine okay?" He snaps.

"I'm just trying to help because you're clearly not fine" I snap back.

"Well stop trying I obviously didn't ask for help"

"What's your fucking problem? I came over because I was having a shit day at work. Do you know what it's like to have men constantly try to grab at you all fucking day?"

"My problem is you and last I checked I didn't ask about your problems"

Ouch, that one hurt but I roll my eyes and when I stop I see his lyric book for the now now on his nightstand. Now I know what the problem is. "You miss Murdoc".

2D sits up and shoots me a look that could've killed me. "Don't".

"What's the big deal? I thought you were happier without him? Why miss someone who was abusive to you? I'm sorry you get attached to anyone who shows you any type of attention"

2D stands up and walks over to me. He places a hand in the middle of my chest and lightly pins me to a wall. He looks down at me and narrows his eyebrows. "I said don't now be quiet".

Oh no this is hot. I start to blush and feel myself go non-verbal. All of the sensory input makes it feel like I have sludge in my mouth. The warmth of his hand on my chest, being pushed against a wall, and how he's looking at me is making me feel embarrassed and slightly turned on. All I can muster is a nod.

2D takes notice of my face and I'm sure he can feel my fast heartbeat too. "What is this your shut up button?" I feel my face get hotter and I turn my head away from him. He grabs my face and makes me turn my head back to him. "Don't look away from me, YOU started this". I feel my face start to soften up and I look up at him. I think he notices what he's doing to me so he finally gives me a small smirk and gently kisses me. "I just need to be alone right now to cool off okay? I promise we'll talk later," he says gently as he rubs his thumb over my cheek.

I lean my head into his hand then smile and mutter an 'mhm' as I walk out of his room.

I go back downstairs and sit in the living room with everyone else. I pull out my sketchbook and start to draw.
"Was 2D being a dick to you?" Russell asks.

"We both were kinda but it's okay now". I force myself to say without looking away from my book.

"Yeah, he gets like that when he's in a mood so we always leave him alone, but we thought you'd make him feel better so we didn't say anything, sorry about that", Russell says.

"It's okay, we just had a small spat but I left so he could cool down".

Russell nods and we leave it at that.

Over the next couple of hours, I drew and talked to everyone. I was able to open up more to them and got to share my excitement with Noodle in meeting each other.

I get a text from 2D and check my phone.

'Hey sweetie I'm really sorry for how I acted with you, if you don't want to come back tonight I'll understand'

I smile and set my phone down. He thinks I completely left. I'm sure he'll be pleasantly surprised to know I'm still here.

"Looks like 2D is feeling better so I'm gonna go up there so we can have a chat", I say as I put my sketchbook back in my bag and go to his room. I don't bother knocking this time and just walk in.

He sits up in his bed and looks at me wide-eyed. "How did you get here so fast?"

"I never left goober" I chuckle lightly.

"I thought you would've"

"It was just a spat"

"Hmm, come here baby boy" he holds his arms out for me to come to him. I immediately set my bag beside the bed and then go to him. He pulls me to his lap and I cling to his chest then smoosh my face into it like a cat desperate for pets. He chuckles and runs his fingers through my hair then holds me tight with his other hand. "I'm sorry sweetie. I get snappy when I'm depressed but I shouldn't have taken it out on you".

"I forgive you and I'm sorry too, I also get snappy sometimes when I'm overwhelmed or overstimulated. If someone snaps at me I either don't talk or I get defensive, also you hurt me when you said I was the problem and that you didn't care about mine so I get back by hurting the other person".

"You're forgiven love but let's just agree to work on these things okay? I'll talk to you about what's wrong from now on"

"I'd like that, and I'll work on choosing my words better when I'm mad," I say and nuzzle my face into him.

"Good boy, now about that reaction I got while I had you pinned on the wall" he smirks and moves his hands to my stomach so he can lay me on my back and get on top of me. I start to blush and look away. I can feel his bulge pressed up against me in just the right spot and it's making me blush more. It's so hard to keep my composure when I haven't been touched like this in a while AND it's my celebrity crush.

"I guess I did find your shut up button, that's good I think I'll use it next time you get on my nerves"

All I can mutter is an annoyed 'hmph'. He chuckles and grabs my face making me look at him. "You're so fun to mess with".

"Hmmmmm you're being very mean to me get off", I pout playfully.

"No, I think I'll stay here".

I squirm under him to get free which makes him let out a small shaky sigh. It's just enough of a distraction for me to get out from under him then leave the bed. I go over to his desk and sit on the chair then turn it away from him. "Don't talk to me". I say playfully and try not to giggle.

2d chuckles, "Come here brat, I didn't even get to ask you about why your work day was shitty".

"That's because you were too busy messing with me".

"Okay then I guess you don't get cuddles because you won't come here", he teases.

"Fine". I get up and go back to him then sit on his lap like I was before.

He holds me tightly then gives me a soft kiss. "Now you wanna tell me about your day now?"

"Well, normally I can handle how loud it is and only focus on one noise but today I couldn't. I couldn't focus on one thing and I could hardly handle how loud it was. It was hard to mask for my clients so I didn't get as many tips and they all thought I was being stuck up and would try to grab at me to get me to 'lighten up'. I don't know why old men think that works, luckily Jessie won't fire me for kicking them out and yelling at them".

2D had a blank look on his face. "Oh..dang that sucks?"

"Were you paying attention?"

"No, I was...trying but you were talking very fast".

"Oh sorry, do you need me to repeat myself?"

"It's okay I'm slowly processing it now, umm why do you get overwhelmed when things are too loud?"

"I'm autistic, my brain inputs sensory differently than you do, actually it kinda inputs everything differently".

"You don't act autistic," he says, questioning me.

"Buddy you don't know how much I love your band yet, BUT if you want proof allow me to demonstrate AHEM", I continue to go on a rant about the whole history of Gorillaz and everyone's backstory leading up to now. The whole thing takes about 10 minutes.

2D just stares with a very blank expression. " I take back my statement".

"Listen, I do that to everyone who says I don't look autistic or says I don't act like it. It's really not a compliment and it's annoying, you don't have to apologize because you didn't know".

"Oh, right okay I'll remember that".

"But you know how hard it was to not ask you a million questions when we first met?"

He laughs and ruffles my hair. "You can ask me them in a little bit if you want, right now I wanna know what else you're really into, just try to slow it down a bit so I can listen".

"I'm glad you said something because I'm also really into art, I have my sketchbook if you want to see".

He smiles. "Of course, I'd love to see". I squeal and flap my hands in excitement then grab my bag to get my sketchbook. I start to take it out then notice my black lacey lingerie is hooked by the spiral.

"What's that you have there?" 2D asks.

I immediately rip it off and shove it back into my bag. "What's what? I didn't see anything".

"Right, and what exactly were you planning on doing with those?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, anyway art". My face turns bright red as I move to sit beside 2D. I see him smile as he leans over and puts his arm behind my back to support himself. He basically rests his chin on my shoulder as he waits for me to open the book.

I start to go on a tangent about my OCs and how they're all connected in some way. I make sure to slow my talking down so he can listen better. Then we get to the part where I drew a lot of 2D.

"Sorry if you think it's weird, you're just really fun to draw", I say kinda embarrassed.

"I like it, I find it flattering. I love your art". He looks at me with love in his eyes and gives me a soft smile. I smile back and feel my cheeks turn red. "I love having you over, this is so nice". He cups my cheek in his hand and I melt into his touch. I love having someone I feel safe with touch my face. It makes me so happy and for a second I let my guard down.

"I love you, please keep touching my face". 2D stares at me in bewilderment then that's when I realize what I just said. "Umm wait I uhh". I feel a huge wave of anxiety wash over me and start to tear up. I move a bit away from him and shut my eyes tightly as I grip fistfuls of hair by the root. I don't rip my hair out, I just tug a bit to feel it and release a little stress.

"Hey, hey it's okay", he grabs my hands carefully and removes them from my hair, "I love you too, I'd love to keep touching your face". He cups both of my cheeks and gently rubs his thumbs on them, wiping away a tear in the process. I start to calm down when he does this and I melt into his touch again.

"Thank you, does this mean we're official now?"

"What made you think we weren't already?"

"Well it wasn't really specified"

He chuckles and kisses me. "Yeah, we're official now".

"Can I have another kiss?" I ask and bat my eyes.

He chuckles. "Of course you can". He pulls my face to him and kisses me softly.

I smile and give a small giggle. "Another one?" He smiles warmly at me and kisses me again. "One more?"

He laughs, "Okay one more". He gives me a mischievous smirk and lightly kisses me over and over but each time it gets deeper until he leaves his lips on mine. He groans lightly and shoves his tongue in my mouth. I let out a light moan then grip his shirt. 2D moves his hands from my face and places them on my stomach so he can push me down and get on top of me.

He sits between my legs and smirks at me. My face turns bright red. "You look so cute when you're under me all flustered". I chuckle but don't say anything. "You know I'd love to know what you're thinking, you don't have to be quiet when I have you pinned".


I think for a second about how I can communicate what I want without talking right now, but then I get an idea. I start to move my hips against his which rewards me with a very lustful look from 2D and a few shaky breaths. With both of us wearing thin basketball shorts we can feel each other very well. I can feel his cock against me and I'm sure he can feel my throbbing cunt. I sign 'more' which makes 2D give me a questioning look. I should've known he wouldn't know what that meant but I tried anyway.

"What did that mean?"

I take a breath, "more", I say quietly.

"I'll question that later but right now.." he slides his hands up my shirt and starts to squeeze my chest. Then he leans down to kiss my neck, "I'll give you what you want". His breath on my neck makes me shiver but everything else just makes me a moaning mess. He moves his hips against mine this time and I feel how hard he is which makes me want him more. He lightly plays with my nipples and kisses me with more desperation. He slides his tongue in and we both swirl them around each other. At this point my composure is gone, all I want is for him to fuck me.

He pulls away leaving a trail of saliva. "You're starting to soak through your shorts ya know". He smirks and gets face to face with me while his hand slides into my underwear to rub my clit. "I don't think I've been teasing you for that long have I? Or are you just that desperate for me"? I'm at my breaking point now. Non-verbal? I don't know her.

"I-I'm that desperate"

"Oh, so you can talk, good". He stops everything and backs a few inches away from me. "Now I want to know what you're thinking right now, I have a pretty good idea, but I want to hear you say it". 2D gives me a sinister smirk eager for my response.

I whimper in disapproval from the sudden retraction of pleasure. I sit up and close the gap between us again. "Do you want me to get straight to the point or do you want me to stroke your ego?"

He chuckles, "Oh I'd love to have a lot of things stroked right now but let's start with my ego".

"I want to be your plaything, use me however you want to. I'd do anything to feel you inside me. I want you to own me and make me cum", I beg. Every word makes 2D look at me with more and more lust until it looks like he's drunk. "I want to be your personal fuck toy".

"Fuck I have you wrapped around my finger don't I?" He pushes me down on my back then slides off my shorts and underwear.

He starts to go for my shirt but I stop him. "Umm I like to keep the shirt on, it's more comfortable for me but you can lift it up".

He smiles then kisses me. "Okay, love". He lifts up my shirt to expose my chest then he puts his hands on my sides and traces circles with his thumbs. He just stares at my body for a minute then moves down to put his head between my legs. He puts my thighs on his shoulders then looks at me. "You're so pretty y/n". His voice was so soft and gentle. I could tell he really meant it. I don't have time to respond before he kisses up my inner thigh and then lightly bites. I whimper in pleasure but the whimper turns into moans when 2d begins to eat me out.

He grinds his tongue against my clit which makes me grip his hair. The warm sensation of his tongue moving in small circles and lightly sucking was enough to drive me crazy. The feeling becomes more overwhelming when 2d shoves his tongue in and out of me. I tug on his hair, shoving his face into me more so he can go deeper. I'm such a mess I can't stop moaning.

Suddenly I feel kisses going up my stomach. 2D gives me a quick kiss then smiles. "I think I've teased you enough today, yeah? Do you want me to finish you off or something?"

"Yes please,.. I need you".

"Good boy". He starts to get undressed and I couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief that he is somehow hotter than I had imagined. 2D takes notice and chuckles before positioning himself between my legs. I move closer to him so I can feel his dick on my clit then I begin to move my hips up and down his length.

2D groans and holds my hips. "You're so impatient, I love that you're such a slut for me". I moan in response which makes 2D smirk and slowly puts himself in me. I swear he looks like he's about to cum from just putting it in.

"Fuck, you feel so good it's damn near intoxicating"

He goes in and out slowly which makes me whimper. It doesn't take him long to pick up the pace and almost slam into me. 2D leans down and starts to lightly lick and suck my nipple. My breathing starts to get heavy. I scratch his back which earns me a very pleasurable groan from 2D.

"Choke me please".

Apparently, 2D is too lost in the sauce to even question it. He puts one hand around my throat but I take his other hand and put it there too. "Squeeze the sides, don't press down". He nods and surprisingly gets the perfect pressure. I give a big smile at him as he chokes and thrusts into me. This makes him smile back at me then his thrusts get faster and harder. I feel myself tighten up around him signaling that I'm about to cum. I moan a bit too loudly making him give one last deep thrust as he cums in me. Knowing he came in me makes me cum at about the same time as him.


2D lays on me and pulls out on the process. His head is in the crook of my neck so I can feel him trying to slow down his breathing. He places his hand on my cheek and traces circles with his thumb.

"Mmm good boy", he says in a very pleased tone.

I wrap my arms around him then kiss his cheek. "Thank you, whenever you can, can you please get into my bag and grab new underwear for me please?"

"Of course, I can get it right now actually". He gets off me then rummages through my bag. He finds a pair then hands them to me. I immediately put them on and get up to use the bathroom.

( PSA FOR MY YOUNGER READERS it's VERY IMPORTANT to pee after sex because it helps keep you from getting a UTI. Yall be SAFE 💙)

I come back to see 2D sitting up on the bed looking very concerned.

"You okay 2D?" I ask as I sit beside him.


"Yes, and it was very hot you were perfect, maybe next time you can slap my face"

"I've never had anyone ask me to choke or smack them!"

"Oh, is it not your thing?" I ask.

He pauses and thinks for a second. "Well, I did like the smile you gave me and it made me feel like I umm..owned you? Is that okay to say?"

"I love feeling like I'm owned BUT only in the bedroom, if you try to control me outside of that I'll kick your shit in"

"...are you sure you want smacked? I don't want to hurt you"

I laugh and kiss him. "2D it's okay you won't hurt me and if you do I'll like it even more".

He pushes me down so he can lay on me and hold me again. "Are you 100% sure?"

I wrap my arms around him. "I'm sure".

He gives me a quick kiss. "I love you, would you like to go to bed?"

"I love you too, and yes I'm very tired". 2D smiles and rolls off of me so he can cuddle me close as I fall asleep.

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