
By JadenSeptum

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Keep up with me and my current projects by diving into this unedited story written by myself (acting as the "... More



16 1 0
By JadenSeptum

(track: "Knights of the Round Table" by Daniel Pemberton)


"Send everyone home who is not willing to fight with us, shut down the festival, and close off the ports," Stoick said as he walked through the village, commanding orders to Gobber, Bjorn, and Hadvar who followed him. "I don't want anyone allowed on the island and the only ones allowed off will be stealth scouts. Anyone else will be shot down."

"Dad! Wait!" Hiccup was shouting sa he tried to catch up with him.

"Hadvar, I want you to send word to all of our allies and warn them of whomever is committing these murders. They are out for the leaders of the north and thus far no one is safe. Tell them not to drink the wine and not to trust anyone."

"Aye, chief," he agreed and turned to leave at once.

"Dad maybe we should check this out for ourselves? I mean, what if this scout was lying?" Hiccup asked his father when he got his attention.


"You will not leave this island, Hiccup, do you understand me?" he replied as he faced his son, a stern look in his eyes.

"I'm trying to find the best way to protect everyone and figure out the roots of these issues. Maybe an investigation would be our best call—maybe it can prevent needless war if we can isolate whoever is—"

"Hiccup we do not have the time and recourses for you to go running off questing with your friends. Do not stick your nose into trouble where we will have to rescue it. I have enough to worry about without having to wonder if my son is out there dead. And if you respect me as chief you will obey my command."

He didn't reply for a moment, Astrid at his side as she thought but didn't say anything.

Stoick looked at his friend. "Gobber, I want you to begin training with any and every dragon we have and get the riders prepared for combat. Bjorn go with him and help train our warriors. I want everyone who is able to hold an axe to be practicing with it. Understand?"

"Yes, Stoick," Bjorn said with a nod of compliance before turning to leave as well with Gobber.


"Dad, that can be as young as seven—women too? On untrained dragons? We're not prepared for this—they're going to get hurt," Hiccup tried to tell him, worried about the Berkian youths.

"Death does not have mercy on those who are ill prepared, Hiccup. We must all be ready for what's ahead." He looked at his son before putting a hand on the lad's shoulder. "I've taught you how to be a chief in times of peace. Now I will teach you how to be a chief in times of war," he said before letting him go, leaving Hiccup there to think about his words as he turned to disappear in the busy crowds.

"Do you see them?" Gregor asked Faeland as they walked around the cliffside of Berk near the village, the storm getting nearer as the sky began to mask with a thing layer of clouds.


"They're on the beach," Arne told them as he came around the corner from the evergreens. "They're alright. I think she took the news rather hard, though."

"Was one of those families that was killed hers, then?" Gregor asked.

"Of course it was you daft beggar. Weren't you listening?"

"Does that mean she's royalty?" Greenhood asked.

"Which is why she had a bounty on her head—" Gregor commented.

"Aye. Her royal dad wanted her back," Arne added.

"We're leaving," another voice cut in when someone was walking over to where they were.

Turning their heads, they saw it was Pirate.

"What? Why? What's going on?" Faelan asked.


"They're getting the place ready for war. Whoever this lunatic is, he basically declared war on the whole north and every clan here will be preparing for it. So we'll pick up jobs elsewhere, where we won't be interrogated, killed, or locked out of ports. We'll head south. To the Atlantic," he told them as he strode over to the cliff's edge, spotting their boat at the docks.

"I don't think Uriah will be happy with that decision, mate," Arne told him with skepticism.

"He's determined to save Captain and won't stop until he does. You know him," Faelan said.

"I won't stay here and fight someone else's war—"

"Someone else's?" Gregor cut in, a little frustrated. "We were the ones who helped Captain find that tomb. We were the ones who plundered it. It's our fault Tempus Mora is out there killing off clan leaders and kings. I refuse to run now. Uriah will want to stay and make sure the people of Berk don't pay the price for our mistake and I will be standing with him."


The others were silent at this, not expecting this reply from the "usually disengaged joyous round man". But there was truth to his words and they felt it.

Arne sighed. "...Well that's one hell of a guilt trip, init?" he said with his hand behind his neck.

"I'll stay, Buckle," Faelan said. "I'm not usually one for fixing my mistakes or even doing things for those in need... but if Uriah and Captain taught me anything, it's that it's our job to help others... and... I'd like to try how that feels for once."

Gregor smiled at his friend and put a hand on his shoulder as a thanks.

"Fine... I mean I can't sail a ship without at least three anyway so... what choice do I have?"

"Aye, that's the spirit," Buckle complimented with a hint of sarcasm.

Ruarrc was the only one not replying and when they looked at him he seemed pissed. He let out a low growl mixed with a sigh and shook his head. "Dammit," he cursed between his teeth. "You'll admit it when you see that you were wrong about this," he told them with anger before he turned and left back the way he came.


"Well... I'm glad we could stay together," Gregor said with a smile as he hooked his arms around his two crewmates.

"Don't make me regret this," Arne threatened.

Faelan just laughed.

"Psst hey lads!" one of the sailors said when he peaked below the hold door, disturbing the dirty young men from their contemplation. "I think we've arrived."

They exchanged some looks among themselves, one of them helping up a young boy as they began to cluster around the stairs and swarm onto the deck with curiosity, their half broken shackles clanking as they walked.


The air around them was densely cloaked in fog, so much so that it felt unnatural. The was a bitter cold to the air of course, letting them know they went even further north. But beyond that they had no idea where and even how far they traveled. But anywhere was better than where they came from. Emerging into the grim and dark daylight, they saw only layers of clouds above their heads as it seemingly teased a coming snowfall.

The men grabbed their arms, not used to this bitter chill with their tattered clothing on their shoulders. Still, their curiosity overcame their desire for comfort.

The ship they were on slowed down with the sails raised, the men preparing to drop the anchor as they approached something blurry.

The pale faced little boy came to the edge of the boat as he saw docks appear in the water with men shouting orders to draw the ship in.


There was a deep rumbling as the child looked over the edge and into the water, spotting something deep under the dark grey waves that let go of some chains that were hooked to the ship and swam onward...

The men at the docks became more visible. And when the ship stopped and was roped, the former slaves were allowed passage onto the planks of wood held up on stilts that connected to a huge piece of land that looked like a mound of dirt and stone, grey and onyx colored. What caught the child's eye was the strange shape of the peninsula that the docks were attached to. It was a rather jagged hill but poking out of it, were smooth appendages that rested upon the land as if the hand of a giant grasped the mound, the color a weathered beige. But this giant would have had to be as large as a continent in order for his boney hand to be this enormous...

"Welcome home," one of the guards dressed in black told them as they walked down the rickety wooden pathway.


They clustered onto the land with others from a boat that arrived at the same time, about seventy-five men, women, and children. Though it was about eighty percent men of ages twenty to forty.

Atop a stone ledge, there was a dragon curled around the rocks as if claiming lordship over the people, a stoic look to the dark scaled beast as its red eyes glowed in the dim light. In front of the dragon walked a man with silver armor and a cloak that was adjusted more to one shoulder, clasped with a beautiful but symbolic broach; carved with the symbol of a half circle with an ex inside.

The man was well into his thirties with a strong voice and dark hair as he spoke over the crowd. "You are here because you agreed to live and fight under the banner of our leader Tempus Mora... vowing your loyalty from here on. To give others the freedom you were given, and to liberate the oppressed of the world, as well as raze the oppressors." he continued to pace as he spoke, inspiring the people. "You will find that here, you can be what you couldn't before. Your chains are broken. You are valuable here. Those who choose to work and help to rebuild this great city will be rewarded! A place to dwell, food, drink, and coin. And should enemies rise up against us to take you back to your chains, you will train to fight and stand for your freedom with strength and justice!"


The people in the crowd made noises of agreement, hope in their eyes.

"Welcome... to Citadel," he finished. "For the Conqueror of the North! The Resurrected! And the breaker of chains!"

They shouted with their fists in the air, repeating his words with passion.

The guards began moving in as they lit dragonfire daggers and sliced off the slave collars and removed the shackles on their wrists and ankles leftover from their escape. They all cheered and had smiles on their faces as they piled them all up and the dragon that was behind this man got up and the people moved when its scales began to light up orange around its throat. It then blasted fires so hot it began to melt the iron collars and shackles on the stone ground, forcing them to glow like embers as their shapes deformed down, a symbol of freedom at last.

Runa let a smile come to her lips as she watched this from a distance, the sight of the child grinning ear to ear making her heart warm. This sight, paired with the anger she got when she saw the aristocracy stomping on the heads of people they deem lower than themselves... It was what fueled her. This was justice.


"Valmaor wishes to speak with you," one of her brothers said as he approached her side from behind.

She looked at him and nodded.

Her steps on the cold stone echoed through the halls of Valmaor's chamber, an upgrade from his place underground as this one had a view of the sea; a large open balcony.

The grey light shone onto the smooth black stone of the chamber. There was a lack of furnishing since the room was new, the only things being two large chairs in front of the fireplace that gave some warmth to the room. "Love what you've done with the place," she pointed out, sass hidden in a plain tone.

"We have far more to concern ourselves with than decorating," he replied as he turned to look at her.


She snickered to herself. He never did have a sense of humor.

"I wanted to congratulate you on your mission to Scotland. I heard it was rather a flawless success."

"All targets were eleminated aside from one. Scotland and surrounding areas won't recover from this for a long time to come."

"And we have someone in Scotland taking said throne as we speak?"

"Macbeth is a fellow brother. And he is moving his men into the area to assume control of Scotland."

He nodded as he looked down, his fingers fiddling with a folded piece of thick parchment. "The north has been weakened just to the degree necessary for Mora's swift rise back to power. And your contributions have exceeded expectations. When Muiredach recruited you, I admit I had my doubts... but you have proven yourself a worthy asset to this family."

She wasn't used to getting compliments from him but she kept professional as she nodded. "Thank you."

"In fact... he says you are ready for advancement." He held out the folded paper for her.


She walked up to him close enough for her to grab it. "What's this?" she asked.

"Your next target."

She unfolded it and her eyes scanned over the information given underneath the name written there. "Consider it taken care of," she told Valmaor as she folded it again and prepared to leave.

"I will indeed," he replied. "And come back in one piece. You are... much too valuable to replace," he told her, eyes glancing up and down her form briefly.

Her brows knit together slightly as she felt a sense of discomfort, and she turned back around to continue out of the chamber, wondering what kind of reaction it was that she felt and why...

The sounds of Berk turned from music and dragon racing, to the smashing of hammer on anvil, the crash of the waves against the cliffs, the ringing of steel on steel in the arena, miners toiling away in the caves of the island, dragons carrying carts of ore back to the smithy where it could be smelted down, people shouting orders of how to construct, load, and practice firing the ballistas.

In just a few days it was like Berk had gone completely backwards, turning into the island that it was before the Red Death was defeated.

Moira was near where people were sparring with swords with an instructor. There were straw dummies set up for them to practice on and she had a shortsword in hand, trying to remember what she was taught. She was wearing a burrowed outfit from Astrid: a dark blue tunic and brown trousers tucked into fur boots.

Jul 27, 2023, 3:39 PM


Moira had after her breakdown and heartbreak about her family fully thrown herself into learning more about combat and wanting to defeat whoever killed her family. She did however notice people treating her differently now they knew she is royalty.

Staring at her dummy completely lost in her thoughts at first she sighed deeply as she tightened the braid she made in her hair so it wasn't in the way before making sure she was standing right to attack. She took a deep breath before going for it. Her fighting style was different to theirs in a way that it was really how highlanders fought. It was what she learned from Fionnlagh, the war chief. Since she wasn't used to having trousers on it was a bit getting used to the movement but it had gotten better.


She could hear the bickering from the platforms nearby.

"I'm gonna hit you so hard, it's gonna feel like you got hit... hard!" Snotlout was spouting off.

Ulric frowned.

"Well now that you feel the need to say so, I'm slightly concerned for your wellbeing in a fight," Uriah replied as he stood across from him, both of them holding dulled practice swords. Except Uriah's was still sheathed.

"Can we get a little less talking, and a little more fighting, aye ladies?" Ulric said to them with attitude, his arms crossed.

"Come on, lad. I'll go easy on you," Uriah said.

"You haven't even pulled your sword," Ulric said.

"I'll be alright," he reassured.

Jul 27, 2023, 11:52 PM


Moira sighed a bit irritated as she didn't get the result she wanted before she glanced over at them. Snotlout ever since he found out she is a princess flirted extra hard towards her. It was quite annoying also because he followed her around and didn't listen when she told him it would never work and to leave her alone. She hoped Uriah would learn him a lesson or two about being too overconfident.

Jul 28, 2023, 11:43 AM


Snotlout charged for him so hard that Uriah was able to dodge to the left easily, causing the Viking to stumble with a sloppy swing of his sword.

Uriah backed up and motioned for him to try again.

Snotlout was getting frustrated but he charged again, this time Uriah ducking and catching the man's dominate leg as he let Snotlout fall to his face, turning around to face him again, this time taking out his sword. "Come on. You can do better than that."

He growled and got back to his feet, swinging his weapon for the man's throat but he caught the blade with his own, shoving it aside and blocking again when Snotlout tried to slice his other side, taking calculated steps backwards while the Viking advanced. He ducked when Snotlout tried to strike his neck but was met with a foot to his wrist as Uriah kicked his sword from his grasp and whirled around to knock him to his back with a kick to his ankles.


"I thought you said you were a missionary," Ulric told him with raised brows.

"Aye. But before that I was a trained mercenary. I was taught how to kill in every possible way in my young years," he told him.

"Argh!" Snotlout complained as he got up and retrieved his sword.

"Even fought dragons. But never have I come across such a fierce opponent, huh?" Uriah sassed Snotlout, the Viking clearly needing to learn some humility.


He growled in return and leapt for the Irishman with his sword in the air, striking down hard across his shoulder to hopefully overpower Uriah with strength.

But he used the man's momentum against him again and barely had to block at all as ducking was more effective than anything else, doing a forward roll and standing up behind him, readying himself before Snotlout turned and took another swing at him. He blocked this strike as two swords hit perpendicular to one another. Uriah shoved his blade away from his face and ducked, to avoid the inevitable swing back, bringing his sword up to block again, locking the blades before shoving his sword upwards and hooking the hilt to his blade, making a twist motion as he pulled the sword from Snotlout's grasp with wicked speed and when the Viking went to retrieve it Uriah smacked his butt with the flat side of his sword casually as he walked by him.


"Come on, don't give up. You got this. Just pull your head out of your arse and try calming down, huh?" Uriah told him as he took a step backwards.

"You're an infuriating—I want a new sparring partner!" Snotlout roared.

"What's the matter? Getting your arse beat again?" Ruffnut said as she and her brother walked up from their sparring match.

"No! Maybe I need a new instructor too, huh?! You haven't instructed at all!" he yelled at Ulric.

"You want instruction?" he replied with his eyebrows raised. "Alright. You're too angry, your footwork is pathetic, your balance is shite, you have no visible technique, you go at everything with brute force like a blind gorilla, and I can tell you have been relying too heavily on your dragon for combat. Now either pick up your damn sword or go crying to your daddy about your hurt feelings, alright little kitten?"

Tuffnut tried not to laugh at him. "Ouch."


Moira watched the whole scene leaning on her wooden sword as she stood there. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh when it was over. She quickly covered her mouth when that happened.

Jul 28, 2023, 2:34 PM


"Hey, you're embarrassing me in front of the ladies," Snotlout said under his breath to him.

"Hm, yeah, okay pal, let me admit something to you here," he replied in the same tone. "If you don't get away from me right now, the only action you're going to see tonight is a swift kick to the bollocks."

He cleared his throat. "Alright, let's get back to training," he said louder as he turned and grabbed his sword.

Uriah smirked with amusement at that and looked away.

As Moira was practicing with her sword, she heard whispering. And looking to the source of this sound, she noticed two women who turned back around once she caught their gaze, talking about something in a hushed tone but quieting even more after Moira noticed them...


Moira rolled with her eyes before she smirked once Snotlout walked away like that. She then turned to the women as she raised an eyebrow. Oh it was obvious they were talking about her. "Excuse me, can I ask what you are saying about me?" She said calmly but a bit sharply as she took a step closer to them.


"What makes you think we're talking about you, huh?" the one on the left with dark hair replied, her accent matching Moira's a bit but sounding a bit more Icelandic than Scottish.

"Yeah," the blonde agreed, eyeing her friend before crossing her arms like she did.


"..seriously? Like it's not obvious with ye whispering and then going quieter once I look yer way." Moira said still at the same tone as she crossed her arms as well having put her wooden sword in it's holder at her hip. "..are ye really that daft to think I didn't notice?"


"Yes," the blonde said but was smacked by the other. "I mean... no."


"We happened to be talking about swallows, for your information."

"Yeah we were."


Moira scoffed when they said that. " are really bad it was about me for I think I have the right to know..well? What was it?" Moira raised an eyebrow again really getting irritated but she didn't show it.

Jul 28, 2023, 3:22 PM


"We saw a coconut and we were trying to figure out how it got here and then we decided a swallow could have brought it," the brunette said.

"Yeah," her friend agreed.


"Ye seriously gonna stick with the damn swallows?" Moira asked narrowing her eyes at them. Her voice had lost some of her calmth. "Ye both are really daft then."


"Why don't you mind your business and we'll mind ours, huh?" the dark haired woman told her with the same attitude, the other going back to firing arrows at targets.


"I would if it wasn't clearly about me." Moira shot at her sharply. Before glancing over at the other woman shooting her arrows which didn't seem to go that well. "Well..whatever I am not going to waste energy on stoters like ye." (Stoter is a name for an idiotic person in Scottish.) She then turned around to get back to training and go back to her target. But she would be lying if she didn't want to punch them right now. But she kept her cool just not to go to their level. They were clearly talking about her and lying which irritated and frustrated her greatly. But she wouldn't give them that satisfaction.

(track: "Growing up in Londinium" by Daniel Pemberton)


Ruffnut gripped her training halberd as she tried to slash her brother with it but he leapt back, the tip nearly making contact with his stomach. He caught the next one as the hook in his matching weapon locked with hers and he shoved hers aside before taking a horizontal swing.

She ducked and came back to attempt to jab him but he dodged it, the blade nearly slicing his throat. "Hey that was way too clos—!" he complained with offense but was cut off when she hooked his ankle with the curved spike on her weapon and caused him to fall onto his back with a painful huff.

"Pathetic," Ulric commented.

Snotlout's sword collided with the shield of Astrid as she blocked and tried to slice him with her own sword but missed. She then ducked when his sword swung over her head, their height difference helping her miss his slices.

She blocked again with her shield and tried to stab him but he grabbed her arm after her weapon missed his ribs. She hit him in the face hard with her shield when they were that close and he fell back with a bleeding nose.

"Sloppy," Uric added.

"You might want to move a bit faster mate," Arne told Gregor as he faced off with him, both holding longswords. "You don't have your axe now."

He lunged for him with all his might.

"Ahh!" Arne shouted in fear and fled from him.

Ulric rolled his eyes.

"Whoa, you're a big fella aren't yuh?" Faelan commented when he looked at a huge muscular Viking with a hammer that he swung and hit the ground with, Faelan dodging it rather quickly. He only had a dagger. "And that hammer... wow. Did you cover the head of your last victim in iron to make that? Or better yet, his whole body?"

He swung again and Faelan did a roll on the ground to avoid it, landing on one knee to cut off some leg hair. "Aha!" he gloated and the growl from his opponent was clear when he turned and tried to strike him with the hammer again but of course he missed.

Faelen was already behind him again. "Back here, tiny!"


He turned and slammed his hammer onto the ground, Faelan jumping onto his back and slicing off his beard. "Yoo hoo—!" he was cut off when the man grabbed him by his tunic and threw him ahead, Greenhood's body tumbling against the training ground.

Ulric put his hand to his face with his eyes shut in stress.

Bjorn watched over the training, seeing how poorly the youth of Berk was at combat, with how little war there was in the last five years. "Aye... we have a lot of work ahead of us..." he sighed.

A man was holding a woven target as he secured it in the ground, looking up to the tower that the ballista was mounted on. "Now when you're ready, you'll fire at the targe—Hey!" he flinched when the teen shot the huge arrow right through the target early and it pierced the dirt behind it.

The man beside him began laughing.

Another rider was masting fighting against his own dragon as the beast sparred with him, circling him like prey before he launched his huge head forward to snap the man into his jaws but missed when the rider dropped and rolled, standing back up to whack the dragon's face with his stick he was using. The dragon roared and lit up its mouth before firing a light blow of flames that the man blocked with his shield.

Moira faced off with Uriah with training swords in hand.

"Oh come on, Urijah against the princess? How is that fair for her?" Snotlout complained.


"Oh unlike you, my swine headed friend, I will not be underestimating my opponent," he pointed out, smirking and sending a wink in Moira's direction, knowing she was capable of handling herself in a fight certainly better than Snotlout knew. He kept it to himself that he planned on going easy on her since this was supposed to be training and not a competition, but her pride was more important to him than his own.

He then backed up and twirled his sword without thought as he looked at her. "Take it easy on me, aye lass?" he gave her a playful look.


Moira rolled her eyes at Snotlout's comment before smirking at Uriah. "Can't promise that.." she said as she watched him calmly. Of course her weapon of choice was bow and arrow and the traditional dirk of course but she was taught to fight with a long sword as well. Her height however was a advantage and a disadvantage. She seemed very calm but the way she was gripping on the sword's handle suggested she was tense.


He mirrored her amused look when she offered it. And then he held back his smile when he raised his arms and said, "Well... ladies first?" as if to be polite but it was full of lightweight attitude.

Jul 29, 2023, 3:53 AM


Moira rolled her eyes again but with a playful attitude. She had clearly developed a bond with Uriah.

The red head went first with a full frontal attack. She knew how he fought so she knew he would mostly dodge attacks. She was pretty fast for a small woman like her.

(track: "Cossack Chase" by Hans Zimmer)


He blocked her move with his sword and swung it around to shove it away from him, taking a step to the left as he did this and several more slower ones as he matched the speed in which she moved, keeping his eyes on her. "Well... you're already doing better than Snotmouth over there—"

"It's Snotlout!" he replied with anger.

"I know what I said."


She smirked slightly at snotlout's reaction as she concentrated on the fight. She noticed him matching her speed which showed he was going easy on her. So she changed her tactic. She suddenly turned her sword holding it like she would her dirk. She dodged down twisting around trying to knock him off his feet.

Jul 29, 2023, 2:33 PM


He jumped to avoid her leg and struck down upon her shoulder as she was coming back up.

Jul 30, 2023, 2:45 AM


Moira had barely the time to react and block that attack but she managed to do so. She blocked his attack and glanced up at him with a much more competitive look in her eyes.

Jul 30, 2023, 3:30 AM


He mirrored her expression but his lips pulled into a mischievous grin before he used the cross guard of his sword to shove her blade upwards and tossed his weapon to his other hand. He whirled his sword around to strike her left side horizontally.


Moira was about to dodge it but wasn't fast enough as she did get hit by him. She then recovered quickly as she went in with a swing to his shoulder.


He tossed his sword back to his right hand used it to block the blow as their blades collided with a ring of steel on steel, holding it there for a moment as he said, "First to three strikes?" as if they were just playing a game instead, his brows lifted a little as he smirked.


Moira rolled her eyes when he said that. "Sure.." she stated as she pushed herself off so they both had the space to attack again. She knew he could adapt very quickly to each attempt to strike she made. So she had to do something he didn't expect. She suddenly went straight for him again but suddenly ducked down and slided under him before quickly standing up behind him and striked him from behind.


He turned around and lifted a brow as her sword was touching his abdomen. He smiled a little and raised his arms as he said, "Alright. One to one." He moved back casually and readied himself again.

Jul 30, 2023, 5:17 AM


Moira smiled when he did that stepping back as well. She readied herself as well to start again. "Ye first now."

Jul 30, 2023, 2:44 PM


He nodded once in reply and stepped to the side as he mirrored her foot movement. He then started with a simple move, behaving like he was going to strike down but then uppercutting her left side instead, seeing what she was trained to defend against.

Jul 30, 2023, 3:12 PM


Moira barely managed to jump back as he striked towards her. She however lost her balance a bit when she landed on her feet again. She cursed at herself for that.


Instead of taking advantage of her misstep, he hesitated a moment to wait for her to advance, reminding himself not to go too hard as it was still somewhat of a training session and he wasn't actually trying to kill her.

Jul 31, 2023, 12:21 AM


Moira noticed his hesitation which irritated her. Was he really going easy on her? She narrowed her eyes as she balanced herself again and went fully for him using his moment of hesitation to attack him. She swung for his shoulder and neck.

Jul 31, 2023, 1:25 AM


He ducked under her blow and hit her blade away further when he came back up on the other side of her sword. He attempted to grab her arm then and pull her in, in order to put his sword to her neck in a compromising position.

Jul 31, 2023, 2:43 AM


Moira then suddenly dropped her sword out of her hand and caught it with the other as he grabbed her arm she quickly blocking his sword from coming near her neck.

Jul 31, 2023, 2:18 PM


He slid his blade off hers as he let go of her arm and took a swipe towards her abdomen.


Moira quickly blocked him again before trying to push his sword away with hers so she could duck down under it.

Jul 31, 2023, 2:39 PM


When she ducked, his next strike missed her right over her head.

Jul 31, 2023, 2:54 PM


Moira made sure she got behind him before kicking him against the back of his right knee. Once he was down on one knee she put the sword against his throat from behind holding it with both hands on both sides of the sword.

Jul 31, 2023, 3:20 PM


"Hm. Interesting move, that one, lass. Seems we are one to two, doesn't it?" he said before he slid his sword between hers and his throat, the blade just above her fingers on the handle as he shoved it hard and from her grasp, hooking his leg around hers with a swift movement as he turned and forced her to her back. He put his blade to the side of her neck before she could get back to her feet as he stood over her. "Or perhaps two to two," he added with a smirk.

Jul 31, 2023, 3:37 PM


Moira let out a surprised yelp when he did that landing hard on her back before she looked up at him. She looked at him like she wanted to punch him in the face. "'s nice ye finally are trying at least." She said at a calm tone as she couldn't move out of that spot.


"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I?" he said but she couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. He removed his sword from her and backed up, using his foot to toss her weapon to his hand before he held to her, handle out.


Once she was on her feet again Moira took the sword from him making sure it just made a small cut in his hand. "..let's go again." She said as she went to stand ready again.


He let it go quickly before she could, as he saw the anger in her eyes and it made him cautiously amused. He spun his sword around once in hand as she got up and faced her, waiting for her to make the first move this time.


The crowd around them had stopped their fights to watch the two of them. It had gone completely quiet. Moira did hardly notice that as she was focused on Uriah. She had the whole fight gone up to him full frontal which didn't seem to work because he kept blocking it and seemed to analyse the way she was fighting. She took a deep breath when closing her eyes. When she opened them again she made direct eye contact with him. If glares could kill right now he would have died. She then just went for him at the highest speed she could as she swung her sword directly for his throat.


He moved his sword up to catch her blow, knocking her blade away as he took a step back to directly mirror her step forward.

Aug 1, 2023, 1:14 AM


Moira had to take a step back when he did that but swung for him again. This time for his legs. It was clear you shouldn't mess with this princess because she knows how to fight. Unlike people believed right after they found out about her status she wasn't this spoiled girl who can't defend herself.

Aug 1, 2023, 3:53 AM


He flipped his weapon to block her strike again with his sword in a downward position, moving with speed to keep up with her.

Aug 1, 2023, 9:52 AM


Moira kept changing her direction of attack as she moved quickly. Even with her length she was a pretty strong woman.

Aug 2, 2023, 4:01 AM


Uriah blocked left and right as she advanced, the ringing of their swords the only sound heard in their ears as they stayed focused on the fight.

He slammed his blade down upon hers hard as the tip of her sword hit the dirt but when he aimed for her neck she bent back to dodge it, striking down upon him in return when she was back up.

Her blade found the ground after Uriah did a roll forward and came up behind her, their swords locking once more as their moves got more calculated and faster.

Aug 2, 2023, 4:23 AM


Moira turned around quickly when he came up behind her as their swords locked again. She then kicked him back by kicking him in his stomach as she attempted to strike his shoulder again to get to his heart. It was a move used often by highlanders. It was what killed opponents quick so they could move onto the next in a battle.


He blocked her swift strike with his sword horizontal, shoving it upwards and keeping his steps careful as to not be toppled over from the kick.


Moira kept her sword pressed against his as she added more pressure on it when she suddenly released it. She did a slide kicking his feet from under him and quickly got back up. Once he was down on his back she got on top of him pressing one of her knees against his shoulder before holding her sword against his throat so he had no chance to get up again. "..that's for before lad.." she said to him with an amused look but still that bit what was left from the anger was still in her eyes. She was breathing heavily from the fight but she kept him down.


When he found himself on his back, compromised and underneath her like this, there was something akin to hesitation in him as the blood rushed to his cheeks, fighting now the last thing on his mind. But slowly a smirk formed on his lips as he felt the sharp edge of her sword against his throat. "Oh it was, was it?" he asked, raising a brow slightly. He found her competitiveness amusing and her feisty behavior admittedly cute.


When Moira saw his cheeks heat up like that and him smirk like that her cheeks did heat up as well but she shook it off as she smirked back at him. She then got off him as she stood up putting her sword back into it's holder on her hip. She then held his hand out to him. "It was a good fight.." she stated then.


He took her hand and got back to his feet, chuckling a little. "Aye... Congratulations," he told her with the same expression as he lifted his arms slightly, accepting defeat politely.

They didn't realize a crowd had formed to watch them. Snotlout looked confused but everyone else around them was acting excited and surprised that Moira beat him and then began to crowd around her as they asked about her with interest and admiration for her skills.

Uriah took this moment to bow out and he kept a smile on his face as he gave room for her admirers, Ulric coming over to him as he did this. "You didn't just--?" he began but Uriah cut him off, "Snotlout needed a little humility... and she needed some cheering up," he added as he glanced over his shoulder at Moira's smile that he was glad to see on her face again even briefly, Ruffnut acting like her best friend now.


Moira was a bit overwhelmed by all this attention but she smiled at the crowd and answered their questions. She hadn't expected people to suddenly be interested in her that much. When Ruffnut put her arm around her like they were best buddies all of a sudden she sighed softly and rolled her eyes but let her anyway. These idiots had grown on her anyway.


Ulric snickered and shook his head as he walked away, leaving Uriah there with a smile in his eyes as he watched her.

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