Prince X Princess: Life Befor...

By thedoctorgonepale

383 17 1

A tyrannical king, whose sole goal is to conquer the world dies, but not before setting up the events to allo... More

Vengeance, In The Form Of A Kiss
Jealous Or Pride
Separate Ways
The Princess's Knight
Fully Bloomed Love

Abandoned Prince And Anti-Peace Princess

204 8 0
By thedoctorgonepale

The king of a pacifist kingdom went across the world with his daughter to try and talk down the tyrannical king's warmongering ways.

Princess Diana, rebellious since birth, didn't care. And being 5 years old, she definitely could not find interest in the debate. Thus, she wandered the tyrant's castle, to find two boys.

Twin boys. Adam and Link.

Though they shared a face, anyone could tell the two apart. Adam's clothes were always pristine, and you'd never catch him slouching.

Link was more wild. His hair was fresh from the bed, and he never tucked in his shirt.

Diana immediately introduced herself to Adam and quickly began to play with the twins.

It was clear as day, she preferred Adam and tolerated Link.

What she never tolerated was the twin's rivalry. Over every little thing they would compete, and eventually it went too far.


Adam broke a wooden sword over Link's head, he immediately fell to the floor with a bloody head.

Adam: Link...?

It wasn't long after the tyrant king, after seeing a vision of the future, decided to separate the twins, resulting in a deal with Diana's father.

They would keep Link in their kingdom and never let him leave, in exchange for "peace".

(A month later.....)

Diana watched from afar how Link trained with the royal guard who acted as his guardian. Her name was Morgan.

Link: Hiya! Hiya!

Morgan: Stop doing flips!

Link: Make me!

Morgan:(pulls out sword)

Link:(points with wooden sword) You want some?!

Diana watched Morgan throw the 5-year-old across the field.

Diana: Hehehe... What a moron...

Maid: Princess, it's time for your dance lessons.

Diana: Ugh! I don't want to dance. Let me learn sword fighting!

Maid: B-But princess... We're a pacifist kingdom, violence is s-strictly forbidden...

Diana:(glares) Those are words of someone wanting to get executed...

Maid: P-Princess!! Where did you learn such foul language!?

Diana: My time at the tyrants kingdom has taught me many things... Things that I shall implement during my reign as Empress-

Diana: No!

Diana: Supreme Grand Empress.

Maid: Princess-

Diana: That's Supreme Grand Princess to you!


Maid:(peaks out window)

Link: You hit like a girl-


Link: L-Like baby-


Link: A reasonably large ant-


Maid: Let's get you away from those barbaric monsters... They're a bad influence on you.

Dragging the Princess away from Link's training, Diana was forced to dance.

After a thorough beating, Link layed on the ground.

Link:(panting) L-Let's call it a draw....

Morgan:(rubs hand) As you wish...



Morgan: You have exceptional stamina. And fantastic natural skill.

Link: Well-

Morgan: But you WILL learn the true basics of combat and treat me with RESPECT.

Morgan: Or I'll use 1% of my power.


Morgan: Follow my teachings to a T, then you'll be unbeatable.

She picks him up and carries him to their home in the pacifist kingdom.

(The Next Day....)

To escape her silly lessons in the art of dance, Princess Diana ran into the forest where she came across Link playing by himself.

Link: Halt!

Diana: Huh?

She found him atop a tree.

Link: Turn back fair maiden! Evil beasts roam these woods! Beasts I've yet to hunt into extinction!

Diana: Don't tell me what to do.

Link: Why not?

Diana: I'm the supreme grand princess!

Link:(sarcastically) Oh, fancy~

Link: Then, by all means, go get yourself supreme grand dead.

Diana: Hmph! Stupid! You're supposed to escort a princess!

Link: But you'd make such good bait!!

Diana: Ugh... Adam would!

Link: Who?

Diana:(rolls eyes)

She goes deeper into the forest.

Link: That wasn't retro- retotor-Damn it! Rhe-torrrr-ical... Yeah! Got it-

Link: And she's gone...

Link:(lifts shirt over mouth) Another day on the hunt... Another day of violence.

Link: I must find my pet's killer... Even if it kills me.

He leaps across the treetops, as the angry princess gets herself lost deep in the forest. She kicked defenseless pebbles and pouted at nature for being boring.

Discovering a large bolder, she tries to climb it.







Diana: This is stupid...





Diana: Huh?

She looks around.



Diana:(tries to climb)

Diana:(slides off)


She turns around to see a wolf-like creature.


Diana: Uhhh... Stay back!


Diana: I-I'm warning you....!

With her back against the bolder, Diana watched the big bad wolf get ready to eat her.

Diana: P-Please don't eat me mister wolf...

Wolf: WOOF!




Diana: Huh?

She opens her eyes to watch Link stab the wolf in the eye with a small stick, before jumping onto it to smack it with his wooden sword.

Link: You thought you'd get to eat? Fool! It is I who eats you- Whaa!

Getting tossed off, the wolf followed on Link. Pouncing, Link proved to be a bouncy boy as he flipped over, causing the beast to ram into a tree.

Link: Taste my blade!

He pokes the wolf's butt hole with his sword, scaring away the wolf in that very instant.

Link: I am now king of this forest! All hail Link!

Link:(cheering noises)


Link: Huh? You're supposed to celebrate my reign!

Diana:(crying) It's not that stupid... I-I almost got eaten by a wolf... A-and I'm lost!

Diana:(crying) I wanna go home!

Link:(crying) There's no need to cry!

Diana:(crying) Why are you crying?

Link:(crying) I don't know! Seeing you cry made me cry!

Link:(crying) I think that means I have cooties! Damn you world!! I'm too young to die!

Diana:(giggles)... Cooties aren't real dummy! (sniff)

Link: They aren't!?

Link: Then that means... I'll live forever...!

Diana:(sniff) Do you know how to get out of here?

Link: Just pick a direction, you're bound to walk out of the forest eventually.

Diana:(rubs nose) C-Could you come with me... In case the wolf comes back....(mumbles) Please...

Link: Sure. But I get to pick the direction!

Walking up to her, Link grabs her hand and proceeds to drag her in the completely wrong direction which he would call the "Scenic route" upon learning that word.

Diana: Ugh... We finally made it to the city.

Link: Told you I knew where we were going!

Diana: I'm making a new rule. It's you aren't allowed to choose the directions anymore.

Link: Has anyone ever told you that you are mean?

Diana: Mean!? I'll have your head for that remark!


Guiding the princess to her castle, the guards immediately rushed to her side.

Link: Here you go, boys! She's your problem now.


Link: Uh-oh... Never heard her raise her voice... H-Hey, do you think I can come with-

Diana: Bye! See you tomorrow... If you live.


The military war hero who was Link's guardian loomed over the young prince. She would have killed him on the spot if she could.

Morgan: What do you have to say for yourself?!


Link: You'll never take me alive!

She picks him off the floor.

Link:(gasp) You took me alive!? Impossible!

Morgan: You aren't allowed to go missing! I must know your location at ALL times!

Link: But I didn't go missing! I was in the woods hunting!

Link: Then I found the lost princess and we went for a walk!

Morgan: You're lucky you didn't start a war!

Link: I might have with the wolves... I almost stabbed one in the butt. But my sword is wood so they lived.

Morgan: You...fought...a wolf!?

Link: And won....! You never look on the bright side of things!

Morgan: Never go in the woods again!

Link: But my war against the wolves!!

From that day onward, Morgan did not allow Link to be any further than 10 meters away from her. She watched him like a hawk.

This meant she became a babysitter of Diana as well, due to the two beginning to frequently play together.


Diana: Hey! How'd you do that?

Attempting to cartwheel, she falls flat on her face

Link: Bahahaha! Why'd you stop mid-way?! Haha!

Diana: It's not funny!

Link: It kinda is...


King: May I sit here?

Diana's father asked Morgan who sat on a bench to watch the children.

Morgan: This is your kingdom. You do not need my permission to sit where you like.

He joins her on the bench.

King: It must be stressful.

Morgan: Hm?

King: You were a soldier, now you must play mother to a child who might change the world.

King: Yes, the people here will be an influence. But it's ultimately you who will shape the boy.

Morgan: Prince Adam is the one who shall inherit the throne.

King: And if something happens to him, Link will be in line to inherit it all.

King: So ask yourself... If Link is to be king. What kind of king would you want him to be?

King: Because whether or not you like it, THAT is the power you currently possess.


Morgan: If you killed me, you'd gain that power. If you were smart, you'd have those two get married, thus creating a new superkingdom.

King: There's more to life than power.

Morgan: I'm a soldier sir. To me, power is everything. For its the only thing that can protect.

(Ending theme)

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