maddison sloan | GREYS ANAT...

notdoing_get_help tarafından

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Maddison Sloan starts her residency at Seattle Grace Hospital and runs into old faces and new friends. "Ugh... Daha Fazla

1 | chief's favorite scrub cap
2 | i'm not the sloan who
3 | i'll take that action
4 | that was rude, even for you
5 | are you kidding me right now
6 | mcstunning
7 | not if i kill them first
8 | i'm looking for someone who asked
9 | i balance them out with my bitchiness
10 | old ladies are bitches
11 | you can be naked now
12 | and you called me delusional
13 | i just can't
14 | mcdirty in his mccar
15 | lettuce with ranch
16 | men
17 | i was hot, it was cold
18 | yes, ma'am
19 | do people not understand locks?
20 | let's see which one you can remember
21 | i don't wanna talk about it
22 | i help business when i wear tank tops
24 | whiskey
25 | i'd rather go jogging again
26 | neither do i
27 | like the position?
28 | i should've used stairs
29 | seriously
30 | you cannot know stupid
31 | added a little personal touch
32 | depends on how good you grovel
33 | i'm not going to flash him
34 | i don't think i can even stand
35 | nobody likes a smartass
36 | i'm a cat person
37 | can I break his face in?
38 | thanksgiving sucks, babe
39 | i missed your abs
40 | that's what she said
41 | stop extorting him
42 | we're bad people
43 | you mean vanilla extract
44 | couldn't happen
45 | bagel has does nothing to him
46 | i'm holding an artery here
47 | i'd hesitate if it was him or bagel
48 | you need to work on you lying
49 | ignore it until it becomes too big to ignore
50 | just because i'm pretty
51 | jack and squat
52 | it's not that big of a deal
53 | at least he's a hot stranger
54 | i would've ran from you
55 | through his bank account
56 | you skanky whore
57 | you would so not do well in prison
58 | why they're called trauma rooms
59 | it look more horrible than before
60 | but, there's not, so we don't
61 | great advice from a great man
62 | i'm classier than that
63 | honey, you look a little cray-cray
64 | okay, like 70% sure
65 | if i look from a certain angle
66 | it's really boring around here
67 | he's such a drama queen
68 | at least you're having sex
69 | maybe that messed up my aura
70 | he's jealous
71 | i don't know what to do
72 | it is a time out
73 | i was prom queen
74 | you've said that already
75 | it's happy hour somewhere
76 | say please
77 | naked is debatable
78 | i see the resemblance
79 | where did you even hide it?
80 | humiliating , dirty... naughty?
81 | that's just what men do
82 | at least I'm not a cheater
83 | i didn't touch your dirty magazines
84 | no sex for you today then
85 | she's going through something
86 | it was my favorite
87 | mosquitos and muffins
88 | agh, just kiss already
89 | and I know some great sluts
90 | you think you can buy my forgiveness?
91 | do you know how much attendings earn?
92 | i am in love with chaos
93 | said the crack whore
94 | it's not romantic, it's stupid
95 | give me 50 bucks and i'll ask
96 | you don't get emotional warfare
97 | don't encourage this
98 | this isn't a fashion show
99 | you can live off of cereal for weeks
100 | delusion at it's best
101 | insanely crazy and entertaining
102 | i will knock you out
103 | really? i didn't notice
104 | so i've been told
105 | a short brunette
106 | you think i like not knowing?!
107 | don't scratch my car
108 | you cried after seeing me
109 | it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make
110 | this isn't about you
110 | you realize that's the bare minimum?
112 | you are what's bothering me
113 | and sorry, i was busy getting laid
114 | i'm a doctor, you brat
115 | it's called vanilla, you hobo
116 | she's your problem now
117 | and i was having such fun, too
118 | don't take it personal
119 | i don't have the strength to do anyone
120 | anything
121 | no fun
122 | i know that you know how to tie a tie
additional cast
123 | take a guess
124 | my gossip radar is not working today
125 | almost-wedding gifts

23 | men, guys

21.4K 791 37
notdoing_get_help tarafından


enough is enough

"IT'S NOT US. IT'S THEM." Meredith slurs, sitting on the bathroom floor. "Them and their stupid boy penises. They didn't tell me they had a wife. They don't let you explain. They gave absolutely no warning that they were going to break up with you."

"I don't even want to explain now." Maddison pouts, from opposite of Meredith. "He's such an douchebag."

Cristina opens the shower door, where she is lying.

"It's not that Burke broke up with me. It's how he broke up with me." Cristina rants. "Like it was business. Like it was a business trans- like he's the boss of me!"

"He is the boss of you." Meredith chips in.

"And what's worse is that I care." The girl in the bathtub adds.

"Caring is for losers." Maddison tells her.

"Oh, please." Cristina rolls her eyes. "You should've seen your face when McStunning shut you down."

Maddison just slides the shower door close on her face.

"I'm gonna throw up again." Meredith says, going to the toilet. "No. Wait. False alarm."

"Look, the problem is estrogen." Cristina says, after opening the door again.

"No, the problem is tequila." Meredith shakes her head.

"The problem is men." Maddison tells them.

"I used to be all business, and then he goes and gets me pregnant." Cristina tells them.

"With the stupid boy penis." Meredith adds.

"Which is attached to men." Maddison slurs.

"Now, I'm having hormone surges. He ruined me. I'm ruined." Cristina groans. "He turned me into this fat, stupid, pregnant girl. Who cares! Estrogen!"

Cristina slides the door shut again.

"Penises." Meredith sings, as Izzie and George walk in, and Cristina opens the door again. "Penises Izzie."

"Estrogen George." Cristina tells him.

"Men, guys." Maddison slurs.

"Okay." George turns to Izzie. "What did I miss?"

Izzie pours some water into a glass that Cristina is holding out.

"I came home to full on vomit drama. Apparently she dumped Derek and her," Izzie points to Cristina. "She's been sleeping with Burke!" Izzie then turns to Maddison. "To add, she hooked up with William."

"I knew that." George nods, turning to Meredith, having seen Cristina and Burke in the staircase and Maddison and Liam in the hallway. "So you really broke up with Shepherd?"

"I feel empty." The girl replies.

"Two hours of vomiting will do that to you." Izzie shakes her head.

"No, I feel empty." Meredith corrects.

"I feel annoyed." Maddison adds.

"You're lucky. I feel pissed off." Cristina tells them, sliding the door shut.

"DR. SHEPHERD." THE INTERNS watch as Burke and Liam approach Derek, while they were waiting for the elevator.

"Dr. Burke, Dr. William." Derek nods.

"Ah, we have an organ donor coming in this afternoon from Wilkeson General. We're having Dr. William be incharge of doing the harvest."

"Commendable, but-" Derek tries to say.

"In OR one at four." Burke tells him.

"I'm in OR one at four." Derek replies, as Liam rubs his forehead.

"That much I told Br. Burke, but-" Liam says.

"Your surgery is non-critical." Burke says.

"You can't bump me!" Derek tells him.

"You'll be first up tomorrow. As Chief I can." Burke replies.

"Interim chief. Bump somebody else!" Derek replies.

"You're in the OR we need." Burke insists.

"Why don't they do the harvest at Wilkeson?" Derek sujests.

"Small facility in the boonies. A duck in a box. We have the location, the airport nearby and the staff. Your surgery is rescheduled." Burke finishes, as Derek looks offended and Liam looks like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

The elevator opens and the interns get in.

"Mine's bigger than yours." Cristina smirks.

"Whip it out. I'll measure." Alex comments.

"Shut up, Alex." Cristina rolls her eyes.

"OK, STOP IT." Derek tells the Chief, who kept moving while Derek was trying to check him.

"See, I told you." Maddison tells the neurosurgeon. "He won't stay still for me to do the tests."

"Okay. Stop. That's it." Richard tells them.

"That is not it." Derek shakes his head, as someone walks in.

"How are you doing now Chief?" Liam questions, then notices Maddison and his face falls a little, while Maddison looks away.

"I would be better if I wasn't being treated like this." The Chief replies. "Come on, please, stop it. That's it."

"That is not it Richard. Hold still." Derek tries again.

"How can I hold still when you're poking me?" The patient replies.

"I have to poke you to discharge you." Derek tells him, when another person walks in.

"What makes you think he wants to be discharged?" Adele speaks up and Richard looks shocked. "Derek, don't you know that this hospital will crumble unless Richard's here holding up the walls?"

"Adele, you're supposed to be in the Virgin Islands." Chief says.

"Oh you are in 5 kinds of trouble Mr. Man." She walks up to him and gives a kiss on the cheek. "You had brain surgery and didn't tell me?"

"It was just a small procedure." Richard waves his hand.

"Liar." Maddison coughs into her hand.

"It was brain surgery!" Adele replies.

"I didn't want to ruin your vacation." He replies.

"You don't know what a vacation is. How would you know how to ruin it?" Adele tells him.

"Well anyway-" The Chief stops what he was about to say. "How did you find-" He stops and then gives Derek a big old glare. "You called my wife?"

"You called mine." Derek replies, and then nods towards Liam. "And it was a group effort."

"Thanks, Derek." Liam gives him a sarcastic smile, when Richard glares at him.

"Anytime." Derek replies and then turns to the Chief. "Look having someone home with you is the only way I'm letting you out of here today."

"Fine." Chief says and Addison walks in.

"I thought I saw a fabulous looking woman walk by." She greets, leaning on the doorframe.

"Addison! Yes see!" Adele goes up to hug her. "I told Richard, I knew you and Derek would get back together."

"Ah, actually, I'm here on a case." Addison gives her an awkward smile.

"Addison and I are over, Adele." Derek adds.

"It's not like we're divorced." Addison says.

"Practically divorced." Derek replies.

"You've had counseling?" Adele asks the couple.

"We had adultery. That was enough." Derek replies, making Maddison snort.

"I'll call you later, ok?" Addison tells Adele and walks out.

"You should give her a chance, Derek." She tells him.

"It's good to see you." He gives a kiss on the cheek, and walks out. "Keep him in line."

The Chief pulls his covers up, looking like he wanted to be rescued.

"MY MOTHER USED TO buy me Judy dolls." Cristina puts her hand behind her head, sitting on the chair, at the nurse's station. "Manhattan Judy, Surfer Judy, Disco Judy."

"I always wanted one." Meredith says.

"Why?" Maddison furrows her eyebrows.

"Well, you certainly had a loving childhood." Meredith tells her.

"You're one to talk." Maddison replies.

"Fair." Meredith shrugs.

"I dissected them." Cristina continues. "Cut of their arms, shaved their heads."

"Sounds like there's a sick and twisted story behind this." Alex comments.

"There's a sick and twisted story behind everything we say." Maddison tells him.

"No they're sexist, distorted devil toys." Cristina says, as Bailey comes around the corner which Alex notices, and quickly leaves. "That create unrealistic image expectations carrying to the porn driven minds of men."

"You swallow a bitter pill this morning, Yang?" Bailey asks.

"Well, actually." Maddison leans to Meredith. "The problem is she didn't."

Meredith chuckles, and Cristina glares at her.

"They're dolls. Grey, call for a psych consult. Then see if he has family." Bailey tells the intern.

"Do I still book the OR?" She asks.

"Blocked bowels become necrotic bowels. Check with Dr. Burke. See if we can bump someone. Those Judys' gotta come out today." Bailey says.

"THE FATHER IS AN alcoholic wife beater. I mean there shouldn't even be a question." Cristina rambles, as they walk up to their lunch table.

"But if you could save somebody and you didn't, wouldn't you feel like you were committing murder?" Izzie replies.

"Like the guy did when crashed into George's DOA." Cristina says. "He's the killer not the son."

They stop when they see 10 headless Judy dolls arranged in a circle on the table.

"Oh! That is sick!" George points.

"Who would do that?" Izzie questions and they look to the table where Alex is sitting, smiling.

"Oh." Cristina scoffs, and picks up one, throwing it at him. "Look! See Judy fly."

"Hey, George." Olivia who was walking by, tries to start a conversations with George.

"Hey." He replies, rudely, and she walks away, while the interns look at George. "What?"

"George. She was trying to make up with you. You should go eat with her." Meredith tells him.

"No. No, I shouldn't." He replies, picking up on of the dolls.

"She's cute and she likes you." Izzie says.

"Which is a rarity in itself." Maddison adds. "You shouldn't let a little syph get in the way."

"It's not the syph." George says.

"It's so the syph." Cristina chuckles.

"It's not the syph!" George insists.

"Then what is it?" Izzie questions, but he doesn't answer and looks down. "Oh."

"What?" Meredith asks. "What is it? Out with it."

"There's this other girl." Izzie chips in.

"Izzie!" George groans.

"Other girl? You have another girl?!" Cristina asks, surprised.

"He hasn't told her yet that he likes her." The blonde adds.

"Izzie! We are not in high school." George tells her.

"George has a little crush." Izzie says.

"I do not have a crush." George defends, as Cristina laughs while Meredith looks at George contemplating, who is still playing with the Judy doll. "It is a thing. A thing that is very personal. One day I would like to build on this thing with this other girl. Woman. She's all woman."

Meredith snatches the Judy doll away from George and slams it onto the table.

"What are you doing?" The girl asks.

"I was playing with-" George tires to answer, confused.

"No George, with Olivia." Meredith cuts him off, picking up the doll and pointing it at her. "What are you doing with Olivia?"

"Oh. Nothing." George replies.

"You're letting her think you're emotionally available. You're letting her think she has a chance." She tells him, then continues, a little louder. " And there is nothing worse in the world than thinking you have a chance when you really don't!" She throws down the Judy doll.

"Exactly!" Maddison adds. "You should talk it out, like adult! Not just make her feel like what she has to say doesn't even matter."

"Meredith and Maddy are right." Cristina nods. "Tell her there's someone else. Tell her why George. I mean-" She yells. "I mean at least give her the chance to have some feelings about for god's sake!"

"Why are you yelling at me?" George asks.

"Because of the estrogen George! Because of all the estrogen!" Cristina yells.

She takes a bite of her salad angrily. Meredith and Maddison look at George also angry. George looks confused by the whole situation. Izzie just tries to smile it off.

"So new subject." Izzie says.

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