My One and Only

By xxThistleThornxx

1.8K 57 122

Sweeney Todd and Nellie Lovett are living happily now that they are together but the judge is still alive and... More

Times have changed
A rainy day
Control your bloodlust
Dinner with the Williams
Tensions rising
Decisions and sacrifices
Unfortunate events
A hopeless trial
Aspirational escape


79 3 11
By xxThistleThornxx

The couple's hearts stopped beating when they saw one of the officers approach them. Sweat dripping from their foreheads and eyes wide with fear. They caught them, they finally caught them and it was either going to be life in prison or execution.

Toby looked at them with a confused face, he was going to ask his mum what was going on but she shushed him.

Although instead of directly heading towards the window where the couple was in, the officer spoke with the coachman. Nellie prayed that the officer wasn't here to question them but only a few minutes went by until the officer shifted and tapped his finger on the window where Sweeney, Nellie and Toby resided inside the carriage.

Sweeney looked tensed and there was fear in Nellie's eyes as if they were in a horror movie trying to hide from a monster. Toby was filled with confusion but stayed silent.

"Sir, ma'am, please step out of the carriage. I have a few questions to ask you," the officer said. Sweeney and Nellie glanced at each other. There was no point in escaping, running away would only cause more problems. Not only that but when Sweeney dug into his pocket for his razor, he realized it wasn't with him, it must have fallen out when they were fleeing from the Williams' house. So there was no reason to run away but all they could do was cooperate.

The demon couple held hands and they accepted their fate as they slowly opened the carriage. The boy sitting with them was now terrified, he couldn't understand why the police were here unless it had something to do with Mr. Williams and it made him question what really happened when Nellie left to see him with the barber following her minutes later.

The officer cleared his throat, "do you know a man by the name of Alexander Williams?"

They both inhaled deeply.

"I'm not familiar with him" Sweeney said. The officer  looked at him suspiciously but turned to Nellie, waiting for her answer but she didn't know what to do. She couldn't decide if she should lie, telling the officer she never heard of Alexander Williams, or tell the truth that the deceased lawyer was her childhood friend. But she also thought there was no point in lying, Emily will tell the law about the baker's and the lawyer's false affair and will probably make up some lie that Nellie manipulated Alex to sleep with him and will gain his trust and eventually kill him to steal his money. The question is, how much of a good liar is the lady. She was curious.

"He was a childhood friend of mine" she said boldly, Sweeney immediately glared at her. Surprised by her response.

The bobby pulled out a small notepad and began to write down some notes, "I'm afraid you'll both have to come with us for more questions". There was panic in Sweeney's eyes but there wasn't much he could do except follow the officer's orders. If he behaves he may have a lighter sentence if they find out he was involve.

Nellie also obliged.

The officer realized there was a third passenger in the carriage, that passenger being Toby and asked him if he was familiar with Alex. "I met him a few times" the boy replied shyly, his voice trembling a little.

"You are coming as well" the officer grabbed Toby's shoulder and pulled him out of the carriage, making him more frightened.

"Don't touch my boy!" Nellie snapped, anger fuming inside of her. The one thing she will not allow is anyone harming her son.

The officer held up his hands in defense, "relax madam, I was only doing my job" he sneered, becoming annoyed.

"Let's move" the officer told his comrades and he paid the coachman to take the three suspects to the police station.


Waiting inside the interrogation room was maddening, Sweeney, Nellie and Toby waited for what seemed like hours until two officers came in. One of the bobbies had a thick mustache while the other seemed to have a permanent frown on his face, similar to Sweeney.

"You understand why we're questioning you, right? We got a word from a lady named Emily Williams who said her husband was murdered, am I correct?" The officer with the thick mustache told them.

Nellie was the first to speak, "yes sir" she swallowed. She was honestly surprised how fast that prim lady could contact the police so quickly.

"And you said you are friends with said man who was murdered?" He asked again.

"Was friends" Nellie replied bluntly and the two officers glanced at each other while Sweeney tapped his foot lightly at the baker's, as if telling her not to give out too much information.

"Right..." the officer with the thick mustache said awkwardly and turned to Toby. "Are you aware that Mr. Williams has passed, young lad?"

Toby seemed rather scared and he felt Nellie place a hand in his shoulder to comfort him. "I-I didn't know anythin' about it, sir.." he replied nervously.

The officer with a thick mustache nodded politely to Toby and said he was cleared but told him to stay in the room.

It was the officer's partner's turn to speak. "We want to let you know that when we came to the Williams house for evidence we found this" the frowning cop pulled out a bag and stuck his hand inside and revealed a silver razor covered in blood. Both Sweeney and Nellie's eyes widen at the sharp object, now they were doomed.

"Does this look familiar to you, Mr. Todd? You are a barber if I'm correct, and I believe this belongs to you" the frowning officer retorted, glaring at the two.

Toby couldn't get his eyes away from the blood stained razor. He was confused and scared, did the barber and baker really kill Alexander? It terrified to think his mother actually committed a crime.

"That's not mine..." Sweeney answered almost hesitantly.

The bobby with the thick mustache raised an eyebrow, his voice becoming stern, "are you sure? Because I remember visiting your shop once and I saw you sharpening a razor that looks exactly like this one".

Sweeney inhaled sharply and anxiety rose inside of Nellie. There was no way they could escape this, and so Sweeney made up his mind and come out clean, for Nellie. It wasn't even her fault that her friend was dead, he let his anger and jealousy get in the way. But if he also didn't get in the way Nellie would have been raped. Still, it was his fault Alexander Williams is dead and he got the woman he loves into this mess.

"Yes, it's true. That is my razor," he said boldly, Nellie looked at him with surprise. The officers seemed surprised as well but kept their demeanor. "And I killed Mr. Williams". Everyone was appalled by the barber's statement and the two officers took out their notepads and began writing. Nellie stared at Sweeney and tried to ask him what he was doing but he leaned forward and whispered.

"Just stay quiet. I know what I'm doing." He placed his hand in hers and squeezed it. Was he being serious? What about their plans of running away together, getting married, living by the sea and hoping to raise a family? Was he finally going to give up living? Nellie couldn't believe it. Toby was shock too but he didn't say anything.

Once the cops were finished writing their notes the frowning officer cleared his throat, "Mr. Sweeney Todd, you are under arrest for the murder of Alexander Williams. You will remain in jail until trial." The two officers got up and the one with the mustache pulled out handcuffs while the other held onto Sweeney. He didn't even put up a fight.

"I suggest you leave, I'll inform you when the trial begins" the frowning bobby told Nellie and swatted her away, but she wasn't ready to leave yet. "Can I visit him?"

"You can, but the visits will be short. Only on Fridays unfortunately" the officer with the mustache replied once the barber was now handcuffed.

Nellie was crestfallen but there wasn't much she could do except look at the man she loves for the last time before the same officer pushed her and Toby outside.

It seemed her worst fear has become true. What will she do now? She felt empty without the barber, in fact she was starting to get flashbacks of when he was taken away fifteen years ago. All those years fighting to survive, all alone nearly losing her sanity —or perhaps she has become insane due to the circumstances— she was lost.

"Mum, what's going to happen to Mr. Todd?"

Nellie looked down at the boy, he didn't seem sad just confused and perhaps worried as well, probably worried for her.

She let out a sigh, "I don't know, love. Just have to wait for the trial," she told him and they carried on their walk back to the pie shop. Her dream now out of reach.


He never thought he would be inside a cold dark cell again. He was surrounded by a few other inmates he shared his cell with but he kept his distance. Sweeney knew he was doing this for Nellie, though he hoped that baker will think of a plan to get him out and continue their escape.

One of the inmates started bothering an inmate was sleeping and a rampage started. Horrible memories flashed in the barber's head and he was waiting impatiently for the trial to begin and perhaps have Nellie rescue him.

"Quiet down or no dinner!" An officer shouted near by and the yelling stopped.

Sweeney kept himself squeezed in the corner of the room in the dark. Trying to stay as far away from the other prisoners as he could.

It felt like hours until he heard someone call out his name. He looked around the cell and one of the officers was standing outside the bars calling for him. Sweeney got up from his corner and slowly walked towards the officer while also avoiding the other inmates that glared at him.

"I have surprising news for you, Mr. Todd. Your trial will start in a few hours, I just got a word from the judge that will be in court and is intrigued by you," the officer said, though Sweeney wasn't amused.

"I'll leave a message to that baker to let her know of the trial" the bobby continued and walked away.

Sweeney returned to his corner and was now curious of who this judge was. Obviously it couldn't be Turpin, he is spending his time in Hell for an eternity. So who could it be?

He pondered for a long time until he started to feel drowsy, but he refused to sleep. Not with all these criminals around him that could kill him in his sleep, so he forced himself to stay awake.


Nellie scrubbed away whatever dust and smudge she could find on every table and counter to try to get her mind off of what just happened, though her aching heart was strong and it was hard for her to hold in her tears to cry and get into fetal position. But Toby was next to her, also helping her clean the shop and she didn't want to show him how much this destroyed her.

"Mum, what happened. Did Mr. Todd kill Mr. Williams? Please tell me the truth," Toby pleaded after about ten minutes of silence. He could tell his mother was hiding something and he wants to talks to her, really talk to her. No more secrets, no more lies.

Nellie dropped her rag and let out a sigh. She pondered if she should tell the boy the truth. Perhaps she should since Sweeney already confessed to killing Alexander.

"Mr. Williams tried to do something bad to me... but Mr. Todd saved me.." she said reluctantly. "What did he do?" The lad pushed, his tone more stern and a small tremble in his voice.

"Come here, love" she sat down on one of the booths and patted on the seat she sat in. Toby obeyed and sat next to her, her arm wrapped around his back and pulled him closer.

"What Mr. Williams tried to do to me was terrible. He... touched me in places I didn't like..." she paused. "I really shouldn't be telling you this lad, it's something a young boy like you shouldn't hear.."

"Did Mr. Todd really kill him?" Toby asked again.

Nellie was silent for a bit but she decided to tell him the truth. "Yes. I didn't want him to but he did".

Toby seemed appalled, afraid even, but he said nothing which made Nellie pull him into a hug, she could feel him pressing himself against her chest as he let out a sigh.

"He didn't have to kill him. There were other options. He could have called the police" he said.

"I know, love" and she hugged him tighter.

There was a sudden knock at the door that made Nellie and Toby part ways. "One minute," she told him as she got up from the booth and headed to the door and opened it to see an officer standing outside.

Nellie was confused, "can I help you?" She asked politely. The officer cleared his throat, "yes I have news about Mr. Sweeney Todd".

Nellie raised a brow, "what news?"

"Well it seems Mr. Todd's trial will begin early. You have three hours".

Eleanor was flabbergasted, can a trial go on this early? She was curious now.

"I suggest you get ready since you were involved with the crime as Mrs. Williams claims" the officer stated and walked away before Nellie could say anything else. In fact she almost forgot the lawyer's wife will be in the trial. God knows what she'll say.

Nellie closed the door and made her way to her bedroom. "What did the officer say?" Toby asked.

She turned, "I must get ready for the trial. Stay here" she told him and then dashed off to her room to get herself ready. She was nervous and even if Sweeney was proven guilty, she just hopes the sentence won't be too harsh. She was also curious who the judge was.


Sweeney felt a chill crawl up his spine as he headed inside the courthouse. His hands shackled and two officers on each side of him were watching him like a hawk as they guided him inside. With each step he took, his anxiety grew.

He remembers Old Bailey well even after fifteen years, it hasn't changed. It still holds that dark and nerve racking feeling that you will get the worst punishment if found guilty. At least that's what Sweeney felt when he first came here as Benjamin Barker.

Old memories began to flash in his mind. Turpin staring down at him like a vulture studying its prey and ready to pounce. Lucy sitting in the defendants table with tear drops staining her rosy cheeks after hearing the verdict. He would hate for Eleanor to go through the same thing. How heart broken she will be to lose the man she loves once again, and for Sweeney's life to repeat again and perhaps this time it will be for life, at least until he finally rots.

He took a deep breath as he stared at the double doors that led to the court room, Nellie was waiting there, and so was the new judge that will decide his fate.

The doors open and right away Sweeney saw Nellie, dressed nicely and proper, giving him a small encouraging smile as she also laid her eyes on him. Emily was also in the room frowning at him, including a few other people that were inside the courthouse. But Sweeney soon turned his gaze to the judge and his skin turned white and he could feel his heart drop.

The judge was Beadle Bamford, or now known as Judge Bamford.

Ayyyeee another cliff hanger! I'm so cruel, I'm sorry! And I'm also sorry for taking so long to post the next chapter. Like usual I've been busy or dealing with writers block or I was just lazy. But it's finally here! What do you think Sweeney's fate will be?

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