In the Stars ✅

By bookcounter

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Not every truth deserves to be brought to light. Especially, when it's a ticking time bomb. Eventually, shred... More

Chapter 3- Acquaintances
Chapter 4- Past flaws
Chapter 5- Close shave
Chapter 6- Risky games.
Chapter 7- Captain
Chapter 1- Nights.
Chapter 2- Malik brothers.
Chapter 8- The duel
Chapter 9- Labyrinth
Chapter 10-No distractions, Comrades.
Chapter 11- False alarm
Chapter 13- Like the sword.

Chapter 12- Last days

25 5 0
By bookcounter

   Something was going on within this unit, right under our noses, and we had no idea of it. There was no better explanation for the message I was staring at.
Like a green snake slithering through a sheet of green grass to camouflage itself as it aims for its clueless prey. It wouldn't be detected until it has made its negative impact.

"I see, you've received the message," a voice snapped me out of my trance. "I was wondering where you were when I was making the announcement."

That caused my frown to deepen further. I stared at Major Harris who stood in front of me, looking at me with a set of unfazed eyes. To hell with the formalities.

" You gave the announcement?" I asked, knowing very well that he was the one spearheading the operation. I tucked the phone back into my pocket before throwing another question back at him. " Why would they order us to abort the operation?"

" I understand what you are feeling. I felt the same when Lt. General Shagari ordered me to spread the word. We were giving it our one and all." He slid his hand into his pocket and stalked towards me to close the distance between us, save to a meter or less. " He just received the news too, I guess." Major Harris added.
That was when it dawned on me. The envelope I had sent to him might have contained that fax.

" Let it go," he clapped my back. " I told you we have done all the hard work already. Eid is close. Don't overthink."

That made me chuckle lightly and he looked impressed by my reaction.

" If you say so," I shrugged, convinced by his words. God knows what Fahad and I would do without this man.

We parted ways right after. He headed towards the staff office while I proceeded to the mosque. Farad's soothing call to prayer wafted through the air, already easing off the tension within me. Talk of the right timing.


Nothing. I repeat nothing felt better at the moment more than the calm breeze that lingered about as sat on a bench at the rooftop of my block. It was midnight already, and I was far from sleep. Hence, I decided to cool off. It was my favorite spot. Down below, the vast compound was still lively as several soldiers still loitered about. This barracks never really sleeps.
I heard footsteps behind me, and I needed no genius to tell me who it was.
" Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Sa'eed asked when he joined me on the bench.

" I could ask you the same question. Didn't you say you'd be leaving for Kano today?" He handed me a can of soda, and I accepted it readily.

He hummed in response before taking a sip of his soda. " Yes, I have a few things to deal with there. But I won't keep long. When I get back, we can return to Kano together for Eid."

The corners of my lips lifted slightly, thinking of how special the coming festival would be. I popped the can open, hearing the drink sizzle. It was chilled, just to my liking. The feeling of it coursing down my throat was much more relieving. I let out a contented sigh and set the can beside me.

" So what plans do we have for Eid?" He turned to me with another enquiry. " It's going to be pretty boring with my family. My father is too caught up with work, my mother and sisters are not in the country. The extended family is not fun." The bored look on his face said it all. I couldn't help but laugh.
He gazed at me with a piercing gaze, thinking that I found his plight funny. It wasn't his situation but the look on his face.
I sobered up a while later and took a gulp from the can of soda. Then again, I was finding it hard to control my laughter. My mouth was full with the drink and I burst out laughing, causing the drink to spurt out everywhere. It was all funny until I began to choke. It turned into a fit of coughs, constricting my chest until I let it out.

" See who's on fire now," He pointed out at me, letting out a laugh. The bizarre kind of laughter that was funnier than any other joke he had ever made.

Why wouldn't I laugh?

It was a mess right now, trying to balance between laughing and coughing at the same time. I had to catch my breath too.

" I need water!" I fell on my knees from the bench, my hand on my chest.

" I didn't bring any water along. Might do with the soda." He even extended this half-emptied can of soda to me to denote how serious he was. Thank Goodness he didn't decide to venture into medical school.

A few moments later, I sat on the floor, disheveled. My throat was parched and I stared at him intently as he sipped his soda.

" What do you say about making fun of me again?"

I only rolled my eyes at him and joined him on the bench. I cleared my throat before speaking. " I won't hesitate to do it again," I threw at him. He turned to look at me, unfazed.

Oddly, a long minute passed by in silence as I pondered over what just happened. It's been a long time since we had a moment like this. Like the days we sat at the back of the class in the primary. Those days were the best. I would say that we've come far. I haven't crossed paths with most people I sat in class with.

"About the Eid," I started, breaking the silence. " You can spend it with us. The Durbar is going to be lit this year."

" I bet Emraan is on the planning committee." He guessed.

He guessed right. I nodded to confirm his answer.

I couldn't deny that my mood was lightened up after our conversation. After filling each other in on the days we spent apart, I departed to my cabin to catch some sleep before suhoor. He was to leave for Kano at dawn too.


Arzika Private Hospital


I stared at the bloody gloves on my hand, wondering what we had done wrong to lead to the death of a sixteen-year-old boy. We were doing well with the carotid endarterectomy and then all of a sudden, he had a cardiac arrest, leading to us losing him. I stood in front of the double door of the operation room, ready to discard the gloves. I just couldn't shake it off. I should be used to such things at the moment, but I guess, I wasn't. All it took was one turn to set my eyes on the boy who lay lifelessly on the operation table. He was just a teenager, preparing for the real world. Too bad.
I heaved out a breath before sliding the gloves off my hand in a swift move generated by experience and professionalism. The surgery suit came off next, followed by the others. I got out just in time to see Dr. Khalid who had spearheaded the surgery take a left turn to his office. Who was to inform his family then?
After all of this, we are expected to meet our next patients with a smile on our faces. To get back to our daily lives like nothing ever happened. God! This has always been the problem.

Brushing off those thoughts, I braved myself for what was to come as I headed to the locker room to get a change of scrubs. Mine was soiled with blood. After changing into a pair of neatly ironed scrubs and donned my overcoat that was just as neatly kept. I grabbed my stethoscope from my locker and headed out of the room, not forgetting to close the door behind me. These were the days I didn't want to speak to anybody but it shouldn't be so. I wasn't the only person going through such a problem. Worst-case scenario, imagine if it was an intern in my place. A wave of vibration from my pocket had me sliding my hand into it to fish out my phone. It was a text from Sayida.

' I have a surgery scheduled with Dr. Aliyu in a few minutes. It's just achalasia so we won't take long. You know Dr. Aliyu tho.' I smiled at the skull emoticon at the end of her statement before reading on. ' Treat me to a nice meal if I make it out alive.'

This woman will be the death of me. Instead of taking the next turn to our cabin, I went straight ahead to the lobby to head out to get us some proper food. We've had enough of the fast food. I was thinking of tuwon shinkafa da mikan kuka.
Yes, that was the real deal.

" Excuse me,"

I halted in my tracks when I was sure I was the one being addressed. The person was standing right in front of me. My eyes raked from a pair of shoes, up to a body clad in a two-piece suit. I recognized him the very moment I saw his face. He was Zayn's friend. The one who tried to talk to me at the iftar dinner back at the Arzika Villa. Sa'eed. What again now?
Already, I was in a bad mood, and talking to him didn't seem like a good sign for me.

His eyes travelled down to my chest, which I was sure was well covered.

" Dr. Khayra Shamaki," he read my name to my hearing from the tag that was pinned to my overcoat. A stupid grin made its way onto his face. " Is that your name?"

My face fell, throwing him a nonchalant look seriously. My patience was growing thin by the second, and I didn't know why I was standing there instead of walking away. As if to annoy me more, he snorted.

" Khayra," he uttered again.

I snapped.
Slowly, I arched a brow, trying to confirm if he was being really serious at the moment. I was in a bad mood, and this clown was laughing because he read my name. A perfect bait to vent my anger on.
I crossed my arms to my chest and shifted all my weight on one leg, still maintaining that nonchalant look.
" What's funny?" I threw at him.
"What will make you look at my name and laugh at it like a clown?" His grin fell that instant, and I took it as a reward. There were people around us, and I didn't give a hoot about what I was going to do.
" Did you hear something about me?" I cocked my head at him, narrowing my eyes a bit. The next question to leave my mouth might hurt him, considering the type of person he was, but the spirit that didn't stop him from laughing would not stop me from questioning him. " Shey you are running mad ni?"

" You are crossing your limits," he gritted out, taking a menacing step forward.
Looks like I did hurt his ego. I took another step forward to show him that I wasn't afraid of him towering over me. This was getting a bit far and I wasn't ready to back down.
I mean, if he was running mad, the hospital has a mental unit. He should get himself checked before things get out of hand.

He let his eyes rake over my body, and I didn't like the disgusted look in his eyes. " Whore." That was the ultimate backup plan for a man like him who seems far too intimated by me.

That word seeped through the depths of my being, bringing out memories I was trying hard to let go of. For saying such, that he had to be punished. I shut my eyes and took in a deep breath before slapping him across the cheek.

From my peripheral, I saw people in the lobby stop to take a look at what was going on. A few even let out audible gasps. He didn't bring a hand to soothe his affected cheek and it made me wonder if I did something wrong.
" You have the right to go to the police to charge me for physical assault," I suggested. " You have a lot of witnesses too. I wonder how ridiculous it would look on your statement paper." I let out a scoff. He wouldn't venture. Already, it was enough to have me slap him. Would he wound his ego more by letting more people know about it?
I was aware of his intent gaze on me as my eyes raked around the lobby. My eyes fell on Kareem, Sayida's older brother. Omar, the younger one, was out of town apparently.

Kareem looked like he had been one of the onlookers. He wore a frown as he walked towards us. " Khayra?"

" Na'am," I responded and slid my hands into my pockets. He might have not seen this side of me before. He then turned to Sa'eed with a questioning look.

" Excuse me, man."
Sa'eed who had now recovered from his shock turned to him.
" Stay away from her." Kareem gritted out to him, making sure each word was carved into the latter's brain. He might not have witnessed what led to me slapping Sa'eed but I liked how he was hellbent on me being faultless. I was indeed faultless but it was good to see someone have my back that way. Sayida would have done better.

" I came to see you and Sayida," Kareem turned to me with a comforting smile. " Let's go, koh? Away from him."

I didn't even know why we were still standing there. We walked away, leaving him fuming with anger. A part of me was scared that this case would get to the hospital higher-ups. Dread.

" I hope he didn't try anything stupid." Kareem enquired as we walked to the office I shared with Sayida.

" I think I handled it well," I decided to spare him the details.

" That, you did." He chuckled and handed a tote bag to me. " It's food. For you and Sayida. She asked me to drop it by on my way. I packed some for you too."

" Thank you," I was famished. I took the back from him, eager to find out what food he brought. It seemed to be homemade. Just imagine I went to buy that food before meeting with Kareem. I would have wasted money because she probably didn't trust Kareem enough. I could only conclude that they fought again. These two.

" So," he hesitated. " I'll see you later then. Have a good day."

" Same to you." I smiled as we parted ways.


At first, I thought it was only a dream, but slowly consciousness seeped back into my body as I lay on my bed. I peeled my eyes open again only to see the morning sun rays making past the curtains, then into my room.
I got off my bed that instant. How could I have slept for that long? I missed suhoor and even fajr prayer.

I'm doomed. I deserved to be flogged. This was the first time I was experiencing such an ordeal at the barracks. I should have gone to bed early enough. The sun was up, which meant there was absolutely no hope. No, not on the supposedly last day of Ramadan. I could have done better to end the month on a good note.
I looked over the nightstand to check the digital clock that sat on it.

06:53 a.m
That was so bad for my reputation. I could swear that I felt all the five stages of grief at once. Heaving out an audible sigh I picked myself off the ground and made it to the bathroom. I made sure to perform ablution before coming out.
Fifteen minutes later, I filed out of my cabin dressed in my uniform as I slid my watch around my wrist.

Tomorrow, a number of us will be leaving for a short break. After that, I wouldn't mind being deployed for two years. Especially, matters regarding the Special forces. Already, the search for the moon to commemorate the end of Ramadan has begun. I hope it ends on a good note.

Straight up, I headed to the staff office to get some work completed before moving to take the recruits through a series of training. I had to pack too. This time, I won't be taking a lot of things home. I had a lot of things on my plate, yet very little time.

I passed by my Lexus which was parked in front of our block. So far, it has been very useful during my rounds in Kaduna.
The day was a total blur. Moving from one place to another in order to get things in place. And as for the recruits, they were doing better than ever. Within the past weeks, they have improved greatly - the Colonel's words. I couldn't be prouder, knowing that our hard work had paid off.
In the training arena, I watched as the trainees filed out of the space and a small smile tugged my lips. In a couple of weeks to come, they would be labeled as Privates if they passed. I noticed that a few of them have the potential for greatness. They were destined for something big. My eyes drifted back to human shooting targets lined up in front of me. That was the evidence that they were doing well.

I tucked my gun back into its pouch and headed out of the space. At that moment, my stomach growled lowly, reminding me of my plight. I shook it off and increased my pace. I needed to get my room in place as soon as possible. It was almost six p.m.
As I neared my block, I noticed that something was wrong. It was a rare sight to see Fahad punish a junior officer, so I knew something was wrong. I took a look at the lance corporal who knelt at his feet. Fahad wore a grim look and I knew it was no joke. He seemed to have not noticed me yet.

" What's happening here?" I interfered, pinning my gaze on the junior soldier to urge him not to move from his spot. Fahad took a moment to salute me.

" This werey here thinks he's ranked enough to disobey my orders," Fahad replied to my question.

Fahad of all people?

That boy knew he was looking for trouble.
He exhaled before turning to me.
"Ranka ya dade, I know you wouldn't mind doing me the honours."

I knew what ideally meant by that. I agreed instantly. So, I fished my keys from my pocket and handed them to him.
" My room," I ordered. Back in the day, we used to pack for each other when any of us was busy, so this was nothing new.

When Fahad was out of sight, I turned to the soldier who was still on his knees. For a moment, I pitied him. I let my eyes scan the area for a while, I got the perfect punishment for him, right behind our block. This was too feeble a punishment for what he did. Fahad would have done worse.

" Get on your feet!" I commanded, pinning my stern on him.
He wobbled a bit, but eventually stood firm in an attentive position.
" Give me a thousand reasons not to punish you," I demanded. It sounded quite ridiculous, but I wanted to hear what he had to say too.
He remained quiet, not having anything to say in his defense. That's how I deciphered that he was indeed the one at fault. " Are you deaf?" I enquired.
He flinched a bit before regaining his composure. " Captain, I don't have anything to say in my defense." He uttered while looking down at his boots. I wondered what he found entertaining down there.

" Go get a shaving stick."

The sergeant turned to look at me as if I had grown a second head.

"I'm giving you only two minutes so, keep on wasting your time."

Immediately, he took up to his heels and made it for Block D2. That was his block I guess.

I made sure to record the time while he was away, and he was saved by only six seconds. Good for him. I hadn't moved from my spot, and I guess it made it easier to find me.

One thing I noticed about him was his good stamina. Let's see if his patience would match up to it. " I have it," he breathed out, holding the razor stick in the air. It was black. I stared at it for a while. That was my favorite colour but didn't look so vibrant here.

" Get a pink one instead," I ordered again.

I felt his pain but he needed to be corrected. He stood in his place, looking at me to see if I was being serious.

" Two minutes," I reminded him, and that had him sprinting to his block again. Now this was fun.

This time, he took a long, and I didn't blame him much. He knew better than to complain when I asked him to mow a piece of land behind Block B1 with it. It was ridiculous, yes. Bet you, it's the last on the list.

As if accepting his fate, his shoulders slumped in defeat as he walked to his assigned block. I was right behind him, ready to supervise his work.

I pulled a chair for myself and began to work. With Fahad packing my stuff, I had the luxury of going through my phone to pass the time while I watched him work.
I don't know how my family was online at the same time, but they were making too much noise. Including Yasmeen who said she was going to pick me up tomorrow. I told her I had a car with me. She never thought of visiting me throughout my deployment.
Occasionally, I glanced at him to check his progress. I recalled the day the lieutenant general punished Fahad and me for doing this job. We proved naughty and did most of the work with a machete instead. That was why I insisted on supervising him.

I focused back on my chat with Sa'eed. He was back in Kaduna and I was a tad bit disappointed to hear that he won't be available tonight but we still had our deal on returning to Kano together.

I blessed the very moment the call for prayer erupted from the mosque, signifying the time to break our fast. Having missed suhoor, this was my redemption. I recognized it as Fahad's voice. I didn't waste any time to grab the bottle of water that sat at the foot of my chair. The feeling of the water passing down my dry throat was nothing short of a blessing.
The next step was to get to the mosque for Iftar. I was right up to the task. I even got on my feet before remembering that there was someone else with me. The lance corporal I had punished and he wasn't to be dismissed until I told him so.
He stared back at me with a pleading look, begging to be relieved of his punishment. He never uttered a word. His eyes did it all.

The day had been hectic for all of us, and it was only right that I let him go. Besides, he had done a considerable fraction of the work even we couldn't. A little bit of compassion wouldn't hurt. Hence, I let him go with a warning, and he thanked me earnestly and promised to apologize to Fahad.

After breaking our fasts and offering the series of prayers that followed, a number of us sat around a huge bonfire in the middle of the barracks. We got a bunch of entertainers around us who offered to throw us a mini-concert. It was exciting to watch, but I needed to get back to my place. I had to sleep so I would wake up early the next day. There has still not been any feedback from the search for the moon, but I was sure that it would be settled in the morning.
I got up from my seat beside Major Harris after bidding him goodnight and made for our block. Before then, I had to pass by the staff office to check on some files before I could sleep in peace. That was even a shortcut to the blocks but I had to pass by the lieutenant general's office. He wasn't supposed to be in the barracks at the moment, so it was a payday for me.

One thing I noticed the very moment I entered the staff office was that it was empty. Everyone else was busy. I walked to my desk and went through the files there and they were intact. I locked them up in a small drawer that was attached to the desk and made a mental note to hand the key over to Major Harris tomorrow.
I headed out after switching off the lights and headed to my block. It was only 9 p.m. but no one cared.

All my life, I was told that shortcuts were dangerous paths and today, I've seen it with my own eyes.
I happened to stumble over an entangled piece of information that would change my life for the worse. All that was happening finally fell into place, promising nothing but doom.

Those who have read My Emir might have a hint of what's going to happen.

Anyways, how was this chapter?

What do you think is going to happen next?

Zayn's punishment to that sergeant tho.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

See ya.

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