
By miidnightboo

30 1 0

A story following a ghost hunter that enters unmarked territory, things are deeper than she thinks. Will she... More



2 0 0
By miidnightboo

I wake up with aches and pains all over my body, but I'm not in my room anymore. My wrists are tied up with chains, my legs too. I squirm and shout to no avail. "Let me out!" I scream. I'm in the basement I think, the floor is concrete and freezing, there's no light around me. After what happened in the basement, I've established I don't like it down here. "Stiles?" I shout, my voice becoming hoarse. There's a clanging next to me, like chains. "Stiles?" I whisper. "I'm here." He whispers back from close to me. He must be chained up too. What happened? "He knows you know. It's too late." Stiles says quietly, I try and squeeze my wrists in all sorts of angles to get out of the chains. "It's happening again." Stiles mutters under his breath, I ask him what he means, no answer. Just then, a door opens and reveals a pool of light down the stairs. Some footsteps later, William emerges with a sick grin on his face. "Ah you're finally awake. Good." He laughs with no one but himself. "Father don't. Let her go." Stiles says calmly but angrily. William hushes him with tuts. "Now now, don't you start. You're just here for the show." William announces proudly, I hear Stiles' breathing quicken. With that, Will lights up the room with the click of a switch and I turn my head to look at Stiles' worried expression. William chucks Stiles' an almost dead rabbit by his feet. "Eat. You've both been out for hours." Stiles stares at his father, daggers shooting from his eyes. "What about her?" He asks quickly. Will looks at him as if he's stupid and walks back up the stairs, taking the light with him.

The room is dimly lit, I can just make out as Stiles lunges forward for his meal. I wince as I hear him bite into the animal, its' squeals breaking the silence. I stare at him, watching his eyes turn into voids, his mouth dripping crimson. I'm somewhat thankful for the lack of light. After a few slow minutes, Stiles speaks, "Sorry, I'd share but..." I shake my head, trying to accommodate myself with this novelty. "What did you mean,' it's happening again'" I ask, I can almost hear his energy shift. "For a brief time, before my mother died, she was missing. Father wasn't worried at all which solidifies my assumption that he had something to do with it. When she came back, she wasn't herself, then I found her..." He speaks lowly. I don't say anything, I let his words simmer in my mind. "So you think he's going to kill me." I finally say, shaking. I hear him exhale deeply. "Or he'll turn you. Which is arguably worse." "Worse than death?" I dryly chuckle, but he doesn't find it amusing. "I have an idea. He can't shape shift so he wouldn't assume that I can. Don't be afraid." Stiles whispers smugly and transforms into a crow, the chains that were on him clatter to the ground. He flies around the basement and lands in front of me, transforming back to himself. "Let's get you untied." He walks towards a dark corner and comes back with an axe in his hands. He approaches me and is about to swing at the chains near my wrists. I straighten myself up as I see someone in the corner of the room. They're completely dark, no light on them at all. "Stiles..." I begin, watching the figure get closer. "We're not alone." I whisper, Stiles looks around cautiously and asks what I mean. The light above us flickers on and off, there's a sudden breeze in the air. I watch the figure move towards us as if it's glitching, before I know it she's in front of me. Her hair is wavy at the ends, she's gorgeous. Rosalynne. Her hands reach out for mine and Stiles stares at me unsure of what's going on. I move my hands towards the spirit and she holds me, an abrupt gust of wind baptises me as I feel my eyes reach the back of my head. She's showing me something. She's showing me what happened. There are memories, happy family memories. It's all bright, now it's darkening. Someone's moving toward me in this vision, someone covered in complete darkness. There's a dripping sound coming from somewhere, echoing in the vast space I'm in. My eyes fall down to the ground, it's red. Red liquid. Blood. Quickly, I look up. I'm eye to eye with a man. William. He looks at me sinisterly. His smile a little too wide for his face, his eyes slightly too wide, his teeth too long. She was human, he was feeding on her and compelling her to forget. She started remembering in pieces and had enough, she saw one way out. It makes sense now. The townspeople are all just meat suits for him. The ghost was never the problem, he is. She lets go of me as I understand and I'm able to breathe again. I inhale deeply, coughing and spluttering all over myself. "Stiles, Stiles I'm so sorry." My eyes watering. "What for?" He asks me confused. "I'll explain later, cut these off me. We need to go." The axe comes down on my chains, breaking and slipping off me. He helps me up and he holds me for a minute. "You get to the car, start it and wait for me. I need to get Skylar. We're leaving." Stiles says, I smile understanding. Stiles breaks open the basement door and places a finger over his lips before disappearing. I need to move. The front door is just down the hall, but there's already footsteps coming from upstairs. Likely Will. I take a step forward and go as quietly as I can, I reach the bottom of the staircase within seconds, the front door is just there. "Ada Rivers. You made a very big mistake coming here." I hear from behind me, sharp teeth sink into my neck and my vision goes blurry.

I wake up in the passenger seat of the car, with Skylar in the back. "Sky? What's going on?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "Daddy said not to say" She mumbles. I bite my lip. "Stiles wants to be a better brother to you, but to do that he needs to take us away from here for a while. Can you tell me where he is?" I tell her, she looks at me with big eyes. "Daddy said he's taking care of Stiles." She smiles innocently, I wish I had her naïvety. I whisper a curse word under my breath and open the car door. "Skylar please stay in the car, it's important that you stay here okay?" I say and jump out of the car, running back into the house. I trip over my own feet due to a lack of balance, my neck pain worsening. I think I lost a lot of blood. I throw open the front door and step inside, listening intently for a minute. I hear grunts and thuds from the dining room. I run into the room and find William and Stiles beating each other half to death. I break a chair and grab the leg of it, running towards William. He looks at me as he holds Stiles by the neck in the air. "How are you still standing?" He asks me with a pissed off tone. I hold up the chair leg in defence. "Let him go." I warn him. He chuckles to himself and holds his stomach with his free hand. "Oh sweetheart, what do you think you're doing?" I call out for Rosalynne to help me, the lights shut off in the room aiding me. I hear Stiles being dropped to the floor. "No, it can't be." I hear William whisper. I pass the chair leg to Stiles and run forwards at William, he pins me down immediately, locking my wrists together above my head. I use my legs to kick him away but he straddles me, blocking my hits. "You should've just stayed in the car, love." He hisses as he lunges into my neck again, I hear Stiles yell and with my blurred vision I can see Stiles stabbing William with the wooden chair leg. The leg is straight through Will's chest, straight through his heart. I watch as the colour pools out of his face and he falls to the floor beside me. Stiles helps me up and holds my hand as he guides us to the car. We're running, no hesitations. Stiles gets in the drivers side and I get in the other side, Skylar is still in the back. That's when Stiles opens his window and throws out a lit match saying "I planned ahead." The house is up in flames in seconds. "Where's daddy?" Skylar asks as Stiles starts the car. I press my lips together and look at him, he doesn't know what to say either. "Have you got everything you need Sky?" Stiles asks her, changing the subject. She nods and soon falls asleep, giving us time to think of a story for her. "What about a heart attack, you write for a living, is it believable?" Stiles thinks hard. I reply that a heart attack might be the best story going forward. "As long as you don't die from the bite you won't turn, just try and stay awake okay?" Stiles says, but his voice seems far away and quieter. "Stay awake Ada." Stiles yells as he drives, but I'm just so tired. My vision turns blurry and sounds become louder, my skin feels like it's pulsating. "Stiles, I don't feel so good." I mumble, I feel Stiles speed the car up. I'm barely awake but I'm trying hard to beat sleep, the last thing I want is to turn. We're nearing the outside of the town, but Stiles seems to slow down. "What's wrong Stiles?" I ask in heavy breaths, struggling to breathe. He pulls over. "You need to drink some of my blood to stay human." I stare at him and shake my head slowly. "No, no surely there's another way." I say, he shakes his head and bites into his wrist making a popping sound with his teeth. Blood is oozing out of his skin, thick and crimson. As he raises his wrist to my mouth, I don't move away. My lips wrap around his skin and I take the first sip. It's a horrid, rancid taste, but I know I need it. When I'm finished, Stiles uses his thumb to wipe blood off my lower lip. "Now, I need to tell you something." He begins. I feel the blood hit my system and I feel more awake than ever. "What is it?" I ask. He doesn't make eye contact. Skylar is still lightly snoring in the back. "Ada... we can't leave. You can, but Sky and I... we're trapped here. Ada, we're dead. Our spirits our tied to this town, we can't leave. But you can still escape, you've done your job and you've freed us from our father. Take the car and go." And with that, Stiles and Skylar disappear. I look around but they're no where. I sit there for a minute confused and taken aback before climbing into the drivers seat and driving to the train station. Tears fall down my face uncontrollably, I don't fully understand what happened.

I get on the train back home and in the window I see Stiles and Sky, the ghosts of them and who they used to be. Far away in the background, I see the house on the cliff, engulfed in flames. It's over now. It's over.

I feel like this story started off pretty strong and just flopped so if you read this far ily

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