The Unspoken Pass

By HizzieCentral

564 10 15

In the fiercely competitive world of ice hockey, Hope and Lizzie have always been arch-rivals. But when circu... More

Forbidden Chemistry
Nut Over Caramel
Shadows of the Past
First Game
Teaching the future stars
Entrance Exam
First Day Of School
Revenge Game
Taco Saturday
Locker Room confessions
Stolen Moments
will you...
Media Day
Playoff heist
Prom Night
On The Cusp Of Greatness
The End

heist of the century

22 1 1
By HizzieCentral

In the heart of the night, at an hour when the world outside was silent and still, Lizzie's door was aggressively thrust open, creating an echoing bang that broke the stillness of the dark hours. Yet, the bed lay untouched, its occupant absent. The fury-driven footsteps moved quickly towards Hope's door, which was then violently slammed open, causing Lizzie and Hope to jerk awake in horror.

Standing there, with a storm of anger swirling in her eyes, was Hope's mother, clutching her phone like a weapon, its light illuminating her outraged face. "I gave you a clear warning, Hope," she spat venomously, "I expressly told you about the consequences if I ever found you and Lizzie like this again."

"Mom, just... just take a deep breath," Hope pleaded, still attempting to shake off the vestiges of sleep, her eyes widening with the realization of the looming confrontation. Lizzie, meanwhile, looked like a deer caught in headlights, the fear palpable in her widened eyes. "We were prepping for ice hockey, we just... fell asleep," Hope stammered, pointing to the evident proofs scattered around them - playbooks, scribbled strategies, and hockey paraphernalia.

But Hope's mother wasn't interested in explanations or evidence. "Then how do you explain THIS?" she roared, thrusting the phone towards Hope, the incriminating image on display: a vivid capture of Hope and Lizzie, their lips locked in an intimate embrace inside their car.

Time seemed to stand still as Hope's thoughts scrambled to find words, an explanation, anything. But her voice failed her.

With a voice dripping with scorn, Hope's mother turned to Lizzie, "I believed you were a decent girl, Lizzie. You are no longer welcome in this house."

Hope's heart raced, and without a second thought, she erupted with a force she never knew she possessed. "If Lizzie leaves, I'm leaving with her!" Her eyes blazed with an intensity that seemed foreign even to her.

"I am the authority here, Hope! You don't get to dictate terms to me!" her mother retorted, trying to maintain her dominant position.

But Hope was ready with her counter, "In two weeks, Mom, just two short weeks, I turn eighteen. Remember who the house legally belongs to? Dad willed it to me. And on that day, if you still want to continue this, you better have your things packed and be on your way out. Nik is welcome to stay. But if you can't accept me, if you're going to be this Homophobic asshole, you have no place here."

Silence reigned as Hope's mother found herself speechless, the tables turned on her. She had lost the upper hand and, with a final withering look, retreated, but not before making it clear that the war was far from over.

As the door clicked shut, Hope slowly turned, her eyes meeting Lizzie's, which were filled with a mixture of fear, admiration, and vulnerability. "Close the door," Lizzie whispered. Hope's lips curved into a soft smile, and as she drew closer to Lizzie, the two basically jumped at each other like two rabbits, their lips met with fire.

After the recent upheaval, an uneasy stillness settled over Hope's house. Lizzie, who used to sneak in for secret, hushed moments with Hope, now openly shared their space. They didn't hide their closeness, but there was an unspoken agreement - no kissing in front of Hope's mom. This wasn't out of fear but more of a silent rebellion, a little act of resistance against her obvious disapproval.

Nik, Hope's younger brother, was a tad confused with the sudden shift in dynamics. Watching his sister and Lizzie, he sensed the changes but couldn't piece everything together. Hope, seeing his confusion, decided to sit him down and explain. She spoke of her bond with Lizzie, skimming over their mom's prejudices because she wanted Nik to retain a positive image of their mother.

Nik's reaction was simple and pure. All that mattered to him was that his sister seemed happier than he'd seen her in a long time. If Lizzie was the reason for that joy, then as far as he was concerned, she was more than welcome in their lives.

However, life wasn't all about navigating familial intricacies for the two girls. The looming ice hockey playoffs were a pressing concern. As they prepped, they couldn't shake off the thought of that leaked photo and its mysterious source. It didn't take them long to zero in on a prime suspect - Ava. The realization hit them like a ton of bricks.

Determined to not be on the back foot again, Hope, with Lizzie's unwavering support, decided it was time to plan their next move. After all, the best defense is a good offense.

The Viper Stadium was a colossal masterpiece, standing proud against the backdrop of the city skyline. But its intimidating grandeur didn't deter Hope; she knew its ins and outs like the back of her hand. Every nook, every cranny, every tiny flaw - including an open window in the locker room that the Vipers never bothered to fix.

In a van parked discreetly a block away, Hope, Lizzie, and the Frozen Beez were meticulously reviewing their heist plan. They had less than an hour before dawn, and every second counted.

Lizzie stared intently at the blueprints spread before her, tracing the path they'd take. "So, while we make our way to Ava's locker, the rest of you," she gestured to the Frozen Beez, "will handle the statue in the central atrium."

Hope nodded, her mind going back to all the times she'd discreetly observed Ava using that locker. "We're looking for a small ornate box. I don't know exactly where she keeps it, but we need to find it."

Emma, their tech guru, was already on it. "Once you're in, I'll disable the security cameras. We'll have a tight window, so let's be swift."

Using the early morning's dim light to their advantage, the team began their operation. The Frozen Beez, skilled and precise, made their way to the atrium, while Hope and Lizzie stealthily approached the locker room window Hope knew so well.

Lizzie, with a boost from Hope, gracefully climbed through the window first. The locker room was dark, save for a sliver of moonlight streaming in, casting a silver glow over the lockers. They silently searched, moving with purpose and caution. After a few tense minutes, Hope's hand settled on the ornate box hidden behind Ava's personal belongings.

Simultaneously, in the atrium, the Frozen Beez worked cohesively. The statue, gleaming under the soft overhead lights, was more majestic than they remembered. Swiftly, with practiced hands and the right tools, they managed to secure the prized statue.

However, just as they were about to regroup and make their escape, distant footsteps and hushed voices echoed down the hallway. Panic set in. The window was their only way out, but it was too high for Hope and Lizzie to reach without a boost. Lizzie, thinking quickly, stacked some nearby benches, creating an impromptu ladder.

Emma's voice buzzed in their earpieces, urgency evident, "Guards are nearing your position!"

With Lizzie's help, Hope scrambled up and out of the window, pulling Lizzie up right behind her. The two of them, holding onto their precious loot, sprinted towards the van.

As the engine roared to life, the Frozen Beez, statue in tow, piled into the van. Hope and Lizzie exchanged triumphant, exhilarated looks. They had done it. Against all odds, they had successfully raided the Viper's nest.

The soft hum of the engine was the only sound accompanying the Frozen Beez as they parked at a dimly lit drive-through. In the muted glow, the van felt like a bubble, a small world separate from everything else. There was a palpable blend of exhaustion, triumph, and anticipation in the air.

Hope carefully set the trophy on the center console, its metallic sheen catching what little light there was. But it was the smaller, unassuming box that held the team's attention.

With bated breath, Hope opened the ornate box, revealing its solitary content: a delicate piece of jewelry. Its intricate design shimmered, casting fleeting patterns as Lizzie turned it over in her hands. The sight of it caused her breath to catch in her throat, and her eyes welled with tears.

She hesitated a moment before speaking, her voice quivering with emotion, "I remember the day I got this for her. I saw it in a shop window during one of our casual strolls. She mentioned, in passing, how much she adored it, and even though I couldn't really afford it at the time, I spent my last couple of hundred dollars just to see her happy. I thought it was a symbol of our bond, of a love that was mutual." She paused, the weight of betrayal evident in her voice. "But only a few weeks later, she exploited me for her own gains. This necklace... it's tarnished by her actions."

The van was thick with emotion. Every member of the Frozen Beez felt the weight of Hope;s pain. They were a family, and when one of them hurt, they all did.

Hope met Lizzie's gaze. In Lizzie's eyes, there was a wellspring of empathy, compassion, and understanding. It was as if she wanted to absorb all of Hope's pain, to carry it for her, to shield her from the brunt of the past.

Lizzie reached out and took Hope's hand, intertwining their fingers. The simple gesture spoke volumes, offering solace and solidarity.

The Frozen Beez van, filled with the aromas of freshly cooked burgers and fries, pulled up to an isolated section of a parking lot. The lights of the nearby McDonald's illuminated their faces with a soft yellow glow. There was a buzz of contentment in the air; the hum of conversations, the rustling of paper bags, the occasional laugh, and the clinking of soda cans.

Hope pulled out a tray full of burgers, fries, and nuggets, distributing them among her teammates. The simple act of sharing a meal felt like a rite of passage, solidifying their bond even further. As they bit into their meals, stories began flowing freely. There were tales of childhood mischief, high school rivalries, and the many hurdles they had crossed to get where they were now.

In the midst of the food and chatter sat the stolen mascot, an emblem of their audacious heist. It was more than just a symbol of the rival team; it was a representation of their collective tenacity, wit, and spirit. Each of them had touched it at least once, feeling its cold, hard surface under their fingers, and recognizing the thrill of their shared adventure.

Hope, with a twinkle in her eye, recounted how she learned of the mascot's significance. "You know, that mascot isn't just a random symbol," she began. "Every year, before the season starts, the Vipers have a tradition. Each player whispers their personal goals and dreams for the season into it. They believe it brings them luck and drives them to victory. It's their talisman. And now, it's in our possession."

There were gasps of amazement and chuckles of disbelief. Hope continued, "By taking this, we've not just played a prank; we've symbolically taken their hopes and dreams for this season."

The understanding dawned upon each member. They weren't merely celebrating a successful mischief; they were reveling in the sweet taste of revenge and reclamation. For Hope, this was more personal. The mascot's theft was a message to her coach and Ava. It was her way of saying that she was not to be underestimated, that she and her team were forces to be reckoned with.

As the night deepened and the food diminished, the team gathered in a tight huddle, with the trophy at the center. They made silent promises to each other - promises of unwavering support, relentless perseverance, and undying loyalty. They were not just a team; they were family.

And as they drove away, leaving behind the soft glow of the McDonald's, the trophy gleamed in the dim light of the van, a beacon of their unity, determination, and the adventures yet to come.

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