Media Day

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Hope and Lizzie were buzzing with excitement as they began the playoff season. The kickoff was Media Day, an event where all 16 teams that made the cut converged to get their photographs taken. It was the day for promotional shots, interviews, and the inevitable pre-game drama.

Hope was aware that she'd see Ava at the event. Ava, who in Hope's eyes, was nothing more than a past blunder. Every time she thought about her, it wasn't the mistake that bothered her, but the sheer amount of time she felt she had squandered on her.

As Hope and Lizzie approached the stadium, they could see the hustle and bustle of team preparations. Both of them were eager to learn about the playoff schedule and how the matches would unfold.

The stadium lights glistened, casting dramatic shadows over the icy rink. The buzz in the stadium was palpable. The Frozen Beez were preparing to clash with the Thunderhawks – a team that was synonymous with terror on the field. The Thunderhawks had bulldozed their way to the fourth spot in the entire league. Their reputation preceded them, and the whispers of their might resonated in every corner of the stadium. This match was more than just a game; it was a spectacle, an event that even those with a fleeting interest in the sport would find hard to ignore.

But the Frozen Beez were no pushovers. They might have been tagged as the underdogs, having clinched the 13th spot, but their journey to the playoffs wasn't without its fair share of grit and determination. They had nudged their way into the playoffs, scraping through by a mere three spots and two crucial points. Their narrative was one of struggle, perseverance, and hope.

Hope and Lizzie were integral threads in the tapestry of the Frozen Beez. Their camaraderie off the field was legendary. As they posed for photos, their genuine smiles radiated warmth, painting a picture of two souls bound by genuine affection and a shared passion for the sport. The photographers found it easy to capture their essence, their effervescence lighting up every frame.

But the atmosphere took a turn when Lizzie's eyes darted to a familiar face in the distance. Ava. The very name sent a shiver down Hope's spine. Lizzie's sharp gaze fixed on another head leaning close to Ava. And then, like a scene from a movie, the two heads turned, revealing a tender kiss.

The world seemed to go silent for Hope and Lizzie. Emotions swirled – shock, confusion, hurt, disbelief. Every unspoken feeling magnified in that one lingering moment.

As if on cue, Ava approached them, hand in hand with her partner. Every step she took echoed in Hope's ears, making her heart race.

"Hey Lizzie," the brunette said, her eyes locked on Lizzie's, a smirk playing on her lips.

It took Lizzie a moment to find her voice, "Jo? What are you doing here?"

Hope, equally puzzled, shot a glance at Lizzie, wondering about this new entrant's identity.

"I'm here to support my girlfriend, obviously. Had I known my sister was part of this whole thing, I'd have shown up sooner." Jo retorted with a hint of sarcasm.

A heavy silence ensued. The weight of Jo's words sank in. Lizzie's sister? Why had Lizzie never mentioned her? The questions in Hope's mind multiplied. And then there was Ava, now openly gay? Did the team know? The coach? Why now?

Ava's voice, dripping with condescension, broke the silence, "I can't wait to wipe the floor with you. If you skate like you did last time, I promise to make it easy. Just remember how fragile those lips of yours can be." She laughed, a sound that felt like nails on a chalkboard, and strutted away, Ava by her side.

Hope and Lizzie stood there, frozen. The cacophony of the stadium faded into the background. Their minds raced, attempting to piece together the jigsaw of events that had just unfolded. The surreal nature of the encounter made them question reality. Was this some twisted dream? Or a trick of their imagination?

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