The Unspoken Pass

By HizzieCentral

564 10 15

In the fiercely competitive world of ice hockey, Hope and Lizzie have always been arch-rivals. But when circu... More

Forbidden Chemistry
Nut Over Caramel
Shadows of the Past
First Game
Teaching the future stars
Entrance Exam
First Day Of School
Revenge Game
Taco Saturday
Locker Room confessions
Stolen Moments
Media Day
heist of the century
Playoff heist
Prom Night
On The Cusp Of Greatness
The End

will you...

22 1 1
By HizzieCentral

It's been a month, The Frozen Bees have joyfully announced that they've officially clinched a spot in the playoffs. With twinkles of excitement in their eyes, they're gearing up and preparing to give it their absolute best. It's an enchanting time for the team as this is the very first time they've journeyed this far in the competition. The fans, along with their faithful supporters, are ecstatic, their hearts fluttering like jubilant butterflies. With the dynamic duo of Hope and Lizzie as part of the team, there's an air of optimism and a tangible feeling that they truly have a golden opportunity to clinch victory. Competing in the minor leagues has its unique set of challenges. The rules stipulate that each round consists of just one game, which means a single loss can send a team packing. The ultimate dream? To achieve four consecutive wins and lift the coveted cup. It's a challenge, no doubt, but with Hope and Lizzie's spirit and the team's unwavering determination, it sounds a lot more doable than one might think!

Hope and Lizzie's love story had always been one swathed in secrecy, a tale told in hushed tones and tender moments stolen from the grasp of an unyielding reality. In the month they had been together, each second was like a rare gem, precious and few. They'd exchange stolen kisses in shadowed corners when the world wasn't looking, and their nights, though short-lived, were their own intimate universe.

Under the veil of night, they'd share a bed, seeking comfort in the warmth of each other. Yet, with the first whispers of dawn, this sanctuary they'd built would dissolve, and one would always have to sneak back, ensuring their secret remained safe from prying eyes.

One such morning, as the dim light filtered through the drapes, Hope glanced at the clock. It was five, a time precariously close to when her mother would be up for work. Turning her gaze, she watched Lizzie, who lay next to her, her breath even, her face the epitome of serenity in slumber. With a heavy heart, Hope began to slowly extricate herself, trying her best not to disturb the tranquil scene beside her.

But just as she was almost free, a gentle tug on her arm halted her. A single eye, hazel and shimmering with emotion, peeked open.

"Five more minutes," Lizzie murmured, her voice thick with sleep and longing.

"Lizzie, you know the risks," Hope whispered, her voice quivering with both fear and yearning.

Lizzie's gaze intensified, searching Hope's. "Please, I need you right now."

How could Hope resist such a plea? How could she walk away from the one person who made her heart race and simultaneously feel at peace? "Alright," Hope relented, her voice barely above a whisper, as she settled back down, wrapping Lizzie in a tight embrace. The weight of their situation bore down on her. The forbidden nature of their relationship was suffocating. She dreamt of a world where love wasn't bound by rules, where she could wake up beside Lizzie without fear.

But for now, under this very roof, they were bound by constraints they couldn't yet break. Taking a deep breath, Hope gently disentangled herself from Lizzie's hold, stifling the urge to stay by her side. She pressed a soft, lingering kiss on Lizzie's lips, a silent promise of their shared dreams and stolen moments. With one last look, Hope tiptoed out of the room, praying for a future where their love would know no bounds.

The sun had just started to sink, casting the town in a golden hue, as Hope meticulously checked off the last of her plans for the evening. She was abuzz with nervous excitement. For days, she had been planning the perfect surprise date for Lizzie, a girl who had come to mean so much to her in such a short span of time.

Lizzie had recently found herself a place to live, and with that, she no longer had to work at the stadium. The old coach, though seemingly stern, always had her best interests at heart. He believed in tough love and made Lizzie work to understand the value of things. Some said he was cruel, but those who knew better recognized it as a peculiar way of instilling resilience.

Hope had told Lizzie that they had a practice session that evening. Lizzie, trusting Hope's meticulousness with schedules, more than she trusted her own, didn't doubt it.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Lizzie asked, a hint of confusion evident in her voice as the path they took deviated from the usual route to the stadium.

"Oops! Must have taken a wrong turn," Hope feigned ignorance, her heart pounding in anticipation.

"Why don't you just use the GPS?" Lizzie proposed, reaching for her phone.

"No, no! I know the way," Hope replied a little too quickly, hoping her eagerness didn't give away the surprise.

The two continued on, with Hope leading the way. The journey took them through winding roads they'd never traversed before, eventually leading them to an enchanting small town. The streets were lined with quaint shops, fragrant bakeries, and at the heart of it all was an old-world movie theater, its marquee lights twinkling invitingly.

Slowing down, Hope parked the car beside a charming little bakery. Lizzie's gaze darted around, piecing things together, and when she turned to see Hope's beaming face, realization dawned.

"What about practice?" Lizzie asked, her voice laced with surprise.

"I might have told a tiny lie," Hope admitted sheepishly.

"Hope Andrea," Lizzie teased, feigning annoyance.

"I wanted to surprise you," Hope began, emotion making her voice quiver, "Take you on a genuine date, where we can be just... us. Without judgments. Without whispers. Just us."

Moved by Hope's gesture, Lizzie blinked back tears. "You know, Hope, in the darkest moments of my life, you walked in, lighting it up. You taught me what it feels like to be truly cherished, to be seen for who I really am."

Holding back her own tears, Hope whispered, "And you saved me in ways you can't even imagine."

Before their emotions could overtake them, a server approached, placing a beautifully crafted cupcake in front of Lizzie. Tied around it was a piece of paper, resembling a pirate's scroll.

Curiously, Lizzie unraveled it and as she read, fresh tears filled her eyes. "Is this...?"

Hope nodded, "Will you be my official girlfriend?"

Laughing through her tears, Lizzie responded, "I thought we already were!"

"Turn the note over," Hope urged.

Flipping it, Lizzie read aloud, "Will you go to prom with me?"

Without hesitation, Lizzie beamed, "Absolutely!"

But her smile faltered momentarily, "Hope, I can't afford a prom dress."

Reaching into her purse, Hope produced a credit card, her grin mischievous. She pointed to an elegant dress store just across the street. "Who said anything about you buying it? Today's on me."

The ornate bell chimed gently as Hope and Lizzie stepped into "Elegance & Grace," a renowned dress shop in the town. The store was adorned with rows of beautiful dresses in all shades and styles, their sequins and beads shimmering under the delicate chandelier lights. Rich, plush carpets muted their footsteps, making the atmosphere feel intimate and exclusive.

As they walked deeper into the store, Lizzie's face lit up with childlike wonder. She was captivated by the beauty surrounding her but felt a tad overwhelmed, a deer caught in the luminous world of high fashion. "I don't even know where to begin," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Hope squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Just pick whatever catches your eye. Don't think about the price. Today is about making you feel as special as you are to me."

Lizzie smiled shyly, pulling out a simple yet elegant lavender gown. The soft fabric felt luxurious under her fingertips. "How about this one?"

Hope nodded enthusiastically. "Go try it on! I bet you'll look stunning."

With a quick nod, Lizzie disappeared into the changing room. But minutes turned into what felt like hours. Hope, growing curious and slightly concerned, approached the changing room curtain. "Lizzie? Is everything okay in there?"

There was a pause before Lizzie's voice, tinged with embarrassment, replied, "I'm... I'm just not sure if I look good in it. Maybe it's not for me."

Without waiting for further invitation, Hope gently pushed the curtain aside and stepped into the small, well-lit space. Lizzie stood there, looking absolutely breathtaking in the lavender gown, but her face was downcast, her eyes fixed on a thin, faded scar running down her forearm.

Noticing Hope's gaze, Lizzie quickly pulled the sleeve down, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I got this scar when I was younger. I've always been self-conscious about it."

Hope reached out, gently lifting Lizzie's arm. She looked at the scar, then into Lizzie's eyes, which were filled with a mix of vulnerability and fear. Without saying a word, Hope gently pressed her lips to the scar, a silent gesture of acceptance and love. Lizzie's breath caught in her throat, the weight of years of self-consciousness melting away in that singular moment.

Pulling back slightly, Hope whispered, "Every scar tells a story, Lizzie. And this? It's just a chapter in the beautiful story of who you are. You're beautiful, scar and all."

Lizzie blinked back tears, overwhelmed by the raw emotion of the moment. "No one's ever... ever said that to me. Or made me feel this way."

Gently cupping Lizzie's face, Hope leaned in, pressing a soft, comforting kiss on her lips. "Then they've never truly seen you," she whispered, their foreheads touching.

A discreet knock interrupted their tender moment. A store assistant peeked in, holding another dress. "I couldn't help but overhear. Maybe you'd like to try this one? It's one of our most popular designs."

Lizzie nodded, wiping her eyes and laughing lightly, "Alright, one more try."

The soft hum of the store's ambiance created a cocoon around Hope and Lizzie. After the touching moment with Lizzie's scar, Hope watched with a swelling heart as Lizzie decided on the original dress. It was perfect – a testament to her journey, her vulnerabilities, and the beauty she possessed, both inside and out. Hope's pride in Lizzie's choice was so immense that, for a moment, she forgot she too needed a dress.

As she was lost in thought, Lizzie, trying to reciprocate the love Hope had shown her, timidly approached with a dress she had picked out. It was a deep, cerulean blue, its voluminous layers cascading down like a waterfall. "How about this one for you?" she asked with a hopeful glint in her eye.

Taking the dress from Lizzie's hands, Hope felt a pang in her heart. It bore an uncanny resemblance to a dress from her past.

As she stepped into the fitting room, the rich fabric enveloping her, memories washed over Hope. The blue of the dress mirrored the one her father had picked out for her many years ago, for their very first father-daughter dance. She could hear the echo of his laughter, feel the roughness of his hands as he twirled her around their living room, practicing their dance steps. The scent of his cologne, the warmth of his embrace, it all came rushing back.

Emerging from the changing room, Hope's eyes glistened with tears, her reflection in the mirror a bittersweet amalgamation of the past and the present. Lizzie, sensing the deep emotions coursing through Hope, approached gently, "Is everything okay?"

Taking a deep breath, Hope whispered, "This dress... it's identical to the one my father chose for me when I was younger. We went to a father-daughter dance together. It was one of the last truly happy memories I have of him before he passed away."

Lizzie, absorbing the weight of Hope's words, pulled her into a comforting embrace. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know," she murmured into Hope's hair.

Pulling away slightly, Hope smiled weakly, "It's not your fault. In a strange way, this feels like a sign. Maybe he's here with us, in spirit. Guiding me, reminding me of the love he had for me."

Hope and Lizzie left the dresses at the shop to get altered. Both feeling emotional walking out of that place, hope had been holding Lizzie really close.

The sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the town square. As they walked, the atmosphere between Hope and Lizzie was thick with emotion. The events of the day had left an indelible mark on both their hearts.

"I have one more surprise for you," Hope whispered, her voice catching slightly, betraying the mix of excitement and vulnerability she felt.

Lizzie, sensing the weight behind Hope's words, responded with genuine concern, "Hope, we don't have to. After everything, I understand. I know how hard that was for you."

Hope paused, taking a deep breath, trying to summon the courage. She looked into Lizzie's eyes, finding strength in their depths. "I want to," she replied firmly, nodding towards the vintage movie theatre across the street. Its marquee lights flickered softly, creating a nostalgic aura.

Lizzie followed Hope's gaze, her eyebrows raised in surprise. "Okay... but only if you're sure," she replied, her voice tinged with curiosity.

As they approached the theatre, they were greeted by the soft scent of freshly popped popcorn and the faint hum of an old projector. Hope led Lizzie to the entrance, where a staff member welcomed them with a warm smile, indicating they had been expecting them. To Lizzie's astonishment, Hope had rented out the entire theatre for the evening, ensuring privacy and intimacy for their special night.

Walking down the plush red-carpeted aisle, they found the best seats right in the center. As they settled in, Hope handed Lizzie the remote. "Pick any movie you'd like," she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Without hesitation, Lizzie chose her favorite romantic comedy, a film she had mentioned to Hope in passing months ago. The fact that Hope remembered and made arrangements for it to be available tonight was a touching testament to how much she cared.

As the lights dimmed and the screen came to life, the two of them snuggled close, sharing a large tub of popcorn. The laughter and joy from the film were infectious, but the real magic was in the space between them. Every stolen glance, every shared chuckle, every moment of comfortable silence made the evening perfect.

Throughout the film, Hope occasionally stole glances at Lizzie, reveling in the glow on her face. The events of the day, the rollercoaster of emotions they'd both felt, culminated in this simple yet profound moment of connection. It wasn't just about the movie; it was about two souls, drawing closer, celebrating their bond, and cherishing every second together.

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