Rise of the Arockalypse (Seco...

By darklordi

527 48 17

Faced with growing tensions for three long years now, monsters and humans are no longer allowed to meet. Whil... More

Chapter 1 - The Assembly
Chapter 2 - Uncertain Future
Chapter 3 - The Duty of a Lady
Chapter 4 - New Home, Same Love
Chapter 5 - Evolution or Damnation?
Chapter 6 - Black Market
Chapter 7 - The Demon and the Doll
Chapter 8 - The Arrival of Doom
Chapter 9 - The Messenger of the Ancient Ones
Chapter 10 - The Watcher
Chapter 11 - The Darkest Times
Chapter 12 - Hell Heirs
Chapter 13 - The Eye of GENESIS
Chapter 14 - The Soldier from the Future
Chapter 15 - Scarctic Battle part 1
Chapter 16 - Scarctic Battle part 2
Chapter 17 - A Very Last Hope?
Chapter 18 - The Prime Monsters
Chapter 19 - Faith and Redemption
Chapter 20 - The First of the Ancient Ones
Chapter 21 - Wrath of the Thunder God
Chapter 23 - The Cosmic Overlord

Chapter 22 - Last Calm, Last Storm

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By darklordi

Following their encounter with the three Prime Monsters, Mr. Lordi, Emily, Mathias and Hella had returned to the Ether, to the Shrine of the Dweller Priestesses, in order to take a short rest there before leaving for what would surely be the toughest fight of their entire lives. As she had said, Naaririel had returned to the celestial dimension in order to find her brother Archangel Michael there and try to gather as many surviving angels for the battle.

Within the temple, rooms had been prepared for the attention of the guests, in a remote area of the temple so that they could be quiet. But Mathias had no mind to want to rest. Sitting on the large fur-covered bed, the young man remained silent, pensive, gloomy and devoured by anxiety to know that his country was the target of the cosmic abominations. His good friend Emily stood in the doorway of the bedroom outside, seeing Mathias through the doorway and feeling sorry for him, knowing full well that feeling of seeing your country devastated by dark and supernatural forces. Telling herself that Mathias wanted to stay a little alone to reflect and gather his wits, Emily didn't want to disturb him and walked away quietly. But at the turn of the corridor lit by torches hanging on the walls, she met Hella who was coming from the opposite direction.

_"Ah Emily... Mr. Lordi is waiting for you in your room." said the Scarbie.

_"Thank you, Hella...I...I'm going now." answered the young woman.

Hella immediately noticed in Emily's voice that something was wrong, and she guessed what it was.

_"It's Mathias, isn't it?"

_"Yes..." Emily whispered. "I'm worried about him. I wish I could bring him some comfort, but...given the circumstances, I don't know if that would be enough."

_"It's okay, go see Mr. Lordi and rest. I'm going to go see Mathias and talk to him." Hella suggested with a friendly pat on the shoulder of Emily, who smiled at her friend and took her advice and continued down the corridor.

Hella then walked to the bedroom and entered. Mathias heard him but didn't turn around, remaining lost in thought. Hella came and sat next to him on the bed, both of them lit by the shifting glow of the nearby candle. Wanting to try to make him smile a little, Hella gave Mathias a light, friendly nudge to the shoulder to make him react, which he did and looked at her.

_"Did you eat a little at least?" she asked, concerned.

_"Hmm... I tried." replied the young man. "I can't stop thinking about my country, all these people who are suffering and dying right now...I feel like I'm totally helpless, I can't do anything, that I'm going to see my native land burn. I now know what Emily must have felt when the demons attacked her country."

Hella listened to him and sympathized with this feeling of doubt and distress that was devouring him from the inside. She also felt it sometimes and tried not to pay attention to it. Anyone who finds themselves having to face a power as great as that of the Great Ancient Ones would be overcome with uncertainty, even fear.

_"You know, Mathias..." Hella whispered as she moved closer to him, her shoulder touching his and their hands touching. "I too am afraid. We all are. But fear is part of every sentient being and is not inherently evil. Only a madman would face such danger without showing fear. But despite this, there is also another equally natural thing that I have chosen to express."

_"Which?" asked Mathias, confused.

Hella's hand took hers gently and their eyes met.

_"Hope." Hella answered with conviction. "I choose to believe that we still have a chance to give this universe a future. But I know that I could not do it alone. I would need all my allies and friends, and above all... I'll need you by my side, need the man I gave my heart to."

She had spoken with love, strength and sincerity and Mathias had heard every word. He didn't answer right away, trying to convince his heart to curb this deep fear and doubt that was paralyzing him. He looked at their joined hands, seeing these rings on their fingers. These same rings making them the heirs and new lords of hell and demons. This vision of the rings brought back Mathias to a very personal thought which had had him on several occasions and concerning him and Hella. How many times had he dreamed of asking her to marry him? However, he had never dared or had the time with all that had been happening in recent years. However, he had very seriously considered this future with her, and wanted it to materialize. Hella was right. There was still hope, for they were still alive and ready to fight to decide their own fate. She needed him, like he needed her.

_"Now and forever, I will be at your side." was the answer Mathias gave, finally finding a hint of a smile and the sparkle in his eyes thanking Hella for having supported him.

The scarbie returned that smile, reassured and delighted to feel and know that her lover would not let fear dictate his fate. The fire demon and the metal doll were silent together for a moment, hugging each other tenderly. Their thoughts intertwined, both thinking back to the whole journey that had brought them here. They kissed tenderly, their hearts beating in unison with the same love that had held them together for so long now and had never wavered.

_"Look, if you need a little time alone, I would understand perfectly." Hella said.

But Mathias held her delicately by the hand, without saying a word but making her understand by his expression that he wanted her to stay with him in the room.

_"At this moment, it's with you that I want to be." he responded lovingly. "Without you and the others, I don't know what my life would have become and I absolutely do not regret the choices that brought me here. And if we are condemned to perish in this last battle, I prefer to share this last calm before the storm with the woman I love."

Hella was touched, smiling and moved by these words, then very slowly, the two of them came closer.

_"I love you too, Mathias." she sighed.

After kissing tenderly, the couple decided to enjoy this last night together while they still could, not knowing what the future would bring. Having taken off his clothes, Mathias was lying on the bed, watching Hella approach, she also having completely undressed and slowly crawling above the young man, both looking at each other with love and desire.

Their bodies touching, hugging, groping and warming each other, their lips met in slow, loving and passionate kisses. Carried away by excitement, Mathias laid Hella on the bed, finding himself on top of her and both continuing to kiss and grope each other with more and more passion. Then, as they both caught their breaths after all those kisses, Mathias saw Hella smile and even giggle softly.

_"What makes you laugh like that?" asked the young man, curious.

_"It's just that...despite the situation, I can't help but smile." she admitted. "When Mr. Lordi and Emily found me, I was just a miserable creature serving a madman who had taken me from my family. I thought I had no future, that I was doomed to nothingness. But ultimately I found purpose, a new family, and most importantly, I found what I never thought I could have: love."

_"It's the same for me." replied Mathias tenderly. "You are a crucial member of the Brotherhood, Hella, they are lucky to have you in their ranks, just as I am lucky to have you in my life. Despite all the hardships we have been through, I wouldn't change it for anything in the universe. We've seen so much together, and this is just the beginning."

Hella agreed with him, and more animated by their love than ever for each other, they began to kiss again, determined to make love as he pulled the blanket over them.


Meanwhile, at the other end of the corridor, Emily had gone to the room she shared with Mr. Lordi for that night and closed the door. In the candlelight, the monsterman sat on the furs of the bed. The couple shared a look accompanied by a small smile and Emily came to join her husband in sitting next to him. Mr. Lordi gently took her hand in his.

_"How is Mathias?" he asked.

_"He's doing his best to hold the shock of the news." Emily sighed. "I understand what he's living... Myself when I first saw my town devastated in the attack on Evilyn, I was horrified, I felt so...helpless to do anything to save it."

_"And yet, you succeeded." replied Mr. Lordi to reassure her. "With Evilyn, then with Vexus... You refused to let fear dictate your heart and you kept hope alive. Emotions are a power that few can understand, but their influence is very real. Without you, I could never succeeded in ending the trans-dimensional war. As for Mathias, he is strong, just like Hella is. Both have this in common: they had to suffer their past and yet they never gave up and this is what allowed them to find a purpose in their lives and to meet each other. Together they are invincible, like the two of us."

Emily blushed at the words of her monstrous but romantic husband and to thank him gave him a little kiss on the cheek. She remained silent for a few seconds, lost in her thoughts but also on the contemplation, around her neck, of her pendant and of the heart-shaped ruby which gleamed with a sleepy red light. This jewel, the first gift Mr. Lordi gave her when she bond with him in love, reminded her of all that they had lived through all these years, all these fights, these sufferings, these sacrifices, everything for the common good. They had vanquished the demons and ended a millennial war, and now stood before an ancient cycle of creation and destruction of universes spawned by entities even older than time itself. They had survived all that, it wasn't today that they had to give up, otherwise everything would have been in vain and Emily refused to admit such a thing. Still seated next to her husband, Emily remained immersed in thoughtful silence and Mr. Lordi knew only too well how to recognize his wife's state of mind.

_"Don't keep this weight on your heart, my love." he asked, concerned. "Tell me."

_"I'm expecting a very difficult fight, but..." Emily admitted, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "Can we really be prepared for this kind of battle? Our entire universe is hanging by an already fragile thread. I keep wondering if it will be enough, if everything we have done, Everything we sacrificed was worth it."

Mr. Lordi understood well what Emily was feeling and took her hand in his as a strong sign of support.

_"It's always like this." replied the Monsterman with frankness and support. "Each fight could have been the last, each attack by an enemy could have meant our death. This is the weight that falls on every warrior, even after centuries of existence and experience, and I can speak from personal experience. I don't know what the future holds for us, Emily, but we will not be alone in this final battle. As long as we continue to believe in some hope, however small, we will have a chance to win."

Emily listened, then smiled and chuckled softly and lovingly at Mr. Lordi, who also smiled to see her not falling into uncertainty.

_"I wonder what I would do without you, my monstrous love." she said lovingly. "You know how to talk to women."

_"Delighted to see that my skills in romance have borne fruit." replied Mr. Lordi to tease her gently. "When we first met, I used monster tactics to seduce you, but as our relationship progressed, I learned from Awa about human morals regarding romantic relationships. I wanted...well..."

Mr. Lordi didn't really know what to add but Emily, finding it cute to see him stammer like that, placed a tender kiss on his cheek.

_"And you are perfect just the way you are." she says. "I wouldn't want you to change your nature, even for me... Here and now, it is with the Monsterman, the one and only, that I want to be."

A simple look from his wife to him was enough for Mr. Lordi to know what she wanted, and he felt the same thing. Even if it means dying to try to save the entire universe, you might as well enjoy one last warm night. Embracing Emily like a true romantic gentleman, Mr. Lordi gently laid her down on the bed, then leaned over her.

_"I can do that." he whispered, lovingly.

_"Come here..." Emily sighed.

The couple finally kissed with all the love and passion they could express and share. The simple series of caresses, kisses and hugs quickly transformed over the minutes into a complete stripping of clothes. Once both naked, Emily and Mr. Lordi lay back together in the bed, pulling the blanket over them in order to share together a strong and sincere act of carnal love, in this last calm before the last storm.


At the Genesis base in the Arctic Circle, news of the arrival of large enemy forces in Paris, France had quickly spread and already, the new director Ian Redfield had ordered the deployment of the necessary troops, machines and equipment to leave as quickly as possible and try to stop this threat once and for all. They were determined to show that humanity would not give up without fighting to the last member. As always, the humans in the organization could count on the support of the monsters. Magnum, Kalma, Kita, G-Stealer, Kone, Hiisi, Otus and Enary were helping as best they could with the preparations.

While helping load a crate of assault rifle ammunition onto one of the cargo planes, Enary saw Kita coming towards her.

_"Hey, Enary. Sigma would like to talk to you. She's waiting for you in her quarters."

_"Thank you. I'm going." replied the valkyrie, immediately heading out of the hangar, under the eyes of the others.

Enary joined the section of the base where the staff dormitories were, and towards the back, the personal quarters of the main officers. She entered the one Sigma was currently occupying, and found her standing in front of the huge, thick picture window which looked out over the seabed of the Arctic Ocean. Just a few hours ago, they were in the dimension of Asgard and had managed to rally their remaining forces, under the command of the last god still alive, Thor himself.

_"Sigma... Did you want to see me?" Enary asked.

_"It's for soon." then whispered the female soldier, with a touch of uncertainty. "In a few hours, we will leave for what may be our last fight."

_"For my part, I have been prepared for this for a long time." admitted Enary, sure of herself. "A valkyrie worthy of her name will die without hesitation on the battlefield."

But as she spoke, Enary saw Sigma turn towards her and noticed that the latter was shedding a tear. Sigma came to Enary to hug her tightly.

_"Well, I forbid you from dying, it's an order." asked the female soldier.

_"Sigma, what's wrong?!" Enary asked.

_"I love you Enary, do you understand that? I have already lost too many people in my life as a soldier, and each time I had to use my strength to overcome this pain. But you... I couldn't bear to lose you. So I beg you to stay alive."

Despite her training and years as an elite soldier, Sigma showed fatigue and also sadness and uncertainty, understanding in the face of an enemy as inexplicable as the Great Ancient Ones. The Enary from before would have been outraged to see this, and would have called Sigma weak, a coward. But Enary wasn't like that anymore. Of course she had remained proud, strong and tough, but she had also learned to temper her judgments, to give feelings and humans a second chance by seeing Mr. Lordi and Emily but also by meeting Sigma. Yes, her encounters had changed her, and she had no regrets. With her armored fingers, she delicately took Sigma's chin.

_"Given the fight that awaits us, I could not keep such a promise." Enary admitted. "But I assure you that I will do everything in my power to make it happen."

Sigma was relieved to see that his girlfriend wouldn't play the suicidal warrior. The two women kissed each other lovingly, then carried away by their desires and without stopping the kiss, came to the bed to lie down together and share one last moment.


Ox still found it hard to believe what he was seeing. He was in the middle of the Egyptian desert, in the middle of an ancient city once swallowed by sand and now brought back. Amen had finally agreed to confront his past and reassume his role as god-sovereign. The pharaoh was currently in his palace, busy gathering the forces needed to fight the indoctrinated legions of the Great Ancient Ones.

In order to wait for this night, Ox had retired alone to the top of a large, half-ruined wall at the edge of the ancient city. Sitting on the edge, the minotaur contemplated, silent and pensive, the infinite expanse of stars which roamed the night sky. Then a familiar presence made itself felt and he looked over his shoulder. Awa had just arrived, smiling and came to sit next to him.

_"Glad you could come." Ox said.

_"I stopped by to see Sarah. Mana was with me and he left to join the others at the Genesis base. I then followed Enary and Sigma to Asgard and was able to save them in time from Thor's wrath. This done, I came to tell Amen about Paris, and he told me that I would find you here."

Ox agreed, having also been informed about Paris but seemed a little confused about this story of Thor and Asgard. For a few seconds, the minotaur and the countess remained silent, admiring the stars together. But Awa noticed that Ox's hand was trembling slightly, and it certainly wasn't from the cold.

_"Ox?" she asked. "Is it that...?"

_"Yes." he confessed. "I'm afraid. It's stupid, isn't it? I, a beast who has spent most of its existence killing, am trembling like a leaf. But it's not for myself that I'm afraid... It's for you, Awa."

_"How so?" she said, concerned.

_"You have seen like me what we have to face, and again, I am certain that these abominations have the worst in store for us." Ox explained. "We are preparing to fight the fight of our existence. There will be losses, it is inevitable, but how many? What is certain is that I do not want to count you among them."

Awa understood the minotaur's concern and was touched to see him so concerned by her fate, but she wanted to reassure him immediately, placing her hand on his cheek and looking into his eyes.

_"My big-hearted brute." She said in a gentle tease. "I understand your concerns, but you can't let them consume you. You know me, I'm not the type to give without fight. We've faced and defeated hell together before, and we will again."

Ox admired the determination Awa showed in her words.

_"I think that's what attracted me to you, Awa." Ox confessed. "This ability to find a balance between fighting and negotiating. You were truly made to be the ambassador of our people."

_"Maybe." whispered Awa, leaning her head on the minotaur's shoulder. "But today we face an enemy against whom any negotiation is non-existent. The only way is confrontation, unfortunately, but I go there with a reassured heart knowing that I will not be alone."

Their hands remained clasped together as they looked up at the stars again, taking in the calm and beauty of the landscape. But Ox also couldn't take his eyes off coming towards Awa. Seeing her, so beautiful, so peaceful despite these more than troubled times. With his heart pounding, Ox wondered if it was the right time to... he decided to try...

_"Awa... I..."

But the countess's gentle fingers on his mouth interrupted him and she made him understand by her smile and her look that she knew what he was going to ask.

_"Not now, Ox... For now, I would like us not to express ourselves only with words. That we take advantage of this calm that is granted to us, just you and me, together, with the stars to witnesses."

She was right. Ox accepted it without question and embraced the countess's slim body with his strong arms, while she wrapped her arms around his neck. Under the starlight, Ox and Awa fell into a deep, loving kiss. On this last night on the eve of the battle which would judge the destiny of the entire universe, hearts were expressed, loves were consumed, like a last appeal to the hope of a still possible future. 

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