The Great Phoenix.

By irisadj

606 63 3

The Phoenix calls More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: Ice Shard
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19: Keys to a Grand Beginning
Chapter 20: My Trees
Chapter 21
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
Chapter: 24
Chapter 25: The Book
Chapter 26: Rise of the Undead
Chapter 27: True Demon
Chapter 28: Ember
Chapter 29: Crescent Moon
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: Arcadia
Chapter 32: The Serpent's Den
Chapter 33: Masenshi
Chapter 34: The South Attacks
Chapter 35: Carnage
Chapter 36

Chapter 5: The Phoenix

21 2 0
By irisadj

Luna, with her keen senses, detected an unusual disturbance during her journey to the city. The atmosphere shifted, growing warmer, while the once serene sky transformed into a fiery red canvas. The scent of burnt wood and scorched earth enveloped her, arousing her curiosity. Intrigued, Luna decided to follow the subtle cues, allowing her feet to guide her deeper into the wooded expanse. There, she stumbled upon a mesmerizing scene - the charred remnants of a magnificent phoenix nestled among the trees, engulfed in otherworldly flames. The bird's once-vivid feathers had turned to ash, and its beak lay shattered, yet its eyes emanated an ethereal glow, captivating Luna with their mysterious radiance.

Luna moved forward with caution, her heart bursting with admiration. The phoenix, an everlasting emblem of rebirth and renewal, appeared in an unusual and frightening state. Luna was taken aback by the magnitude of the crisis. To her surprise, the phoenix's remnants communicated with her, its voice a sweet, melodious whisper echoing within her consciousness.

"I am not yet defeated, Mage," the ethereal voice conveyed. "I am the guardian of the Phoenix's Flame, a wellspring of unfathomable power. Should you succeed in saving me, you shall be endowed with the might of the phoenix, wielding flames capable of purifying, creating, and destroying."

The weight of the phoenix's revelation weighed in the air, leaving Luna on the point of making a life-changing decision, where the fate of the guardian and the opportunity for tremendous power collided.

Luna's eyes widened in sheer amazement. The legendary power of the phoenix was before her, and the offered proposition proved irresistibly tempting. As she gazed upon the remnants of the majestic bird, Luna discerned a latent potential within its ashes—a formidable force capable of elevating her status to become the most formidable mage in the world. Despite already standing as one of the strongest individuals in her realm, the allure of harnessing the phoenix's unparalleled might stirred a profound desire within her.

A profound admiration for the creature and an overwhelming yearning to aid it surged through Luna. The opportunity to intertwine her destiny with that of the phoenix, and in doing so, unlock unparalleled powers, became an irresistible call that resonated deep within her being.

"What are you doing?" The sudden interruption of the man's words caught Luna off guard, provoking an immediate reaction. She pushed him to the ground with a fast gesture, prompting an audible expression of distress from him. "Ouch," he winced.

"Don't startle me like that," Luna reprimanded, her voice tinged with astonishment and fury as she spoke forcefully at him.

"If you choose to heal it, you will become even more powerful," he went on to say. Luna responded with a stoic, unreadable gaze, a calm contemplation settling in the space between them. His words hung there, encouraging her to consider the enormous implications of such a transforming deed.

"I thought you wanted to kill me," Luna said, raising an eyebrow. "Are you back to your senses now?" Her eyes switched to the fallen phoenix, the creature's distress grabbing her attention. "Unfortunately, I do not possess any healing skills," she confessed to him, acknowledging her limitation. Her following comments, however, contained a ray of hope. "However, I do possess healing potions."

"Release me, and I will restore it. And in exchange, the rewards will be yours," the man said, indicating the restraining ropes that bound him. His attempt to deceive Luna hung in the air, an offer tinged with dubious motives. Luna, however, remained skeptical, unyielding in her discernment as she saw through his ploy, refusing to be swayed by the allure of promised rewards.

"Can the health potions be helpful in this situation?" Luna inquired, her gaze shifting to her inventory as she assessed the array of healing potions at her disposal. A multitude of health potions awaited her use, presenting a potential solution to the challenge before her.

"Give it a try," the man urged. Armed with an array of health potions, Luna embarked on the endeavor to restore the phoenix. Despite the numerous potions she employed, the phoenix exhibited only marginal recovery, regenerating a mere handful of its feathers. "Use all at once," the man said. Luna, maintaining a vigilant stance with her sword drawn, silenced the man with a pointed glare. Complying with his directive, she unleashed the entirety of her potion arsenal. Rather than engulfing the phoenix in a consuming blaze, the flames surrounding it swirled and danced, undertaking a captivating spectacle of revitalization. Luna's magical essence merged harmoniously with the phoenix's, sparking a tremendous change.

The phoenix experienced a magnificent rebirth, engulfed in a dazzling conflagration of radiant fire. Its feathers burst forth in a breathtaking exhibition of vivid reds, oranges, and gold, creating a spectacle of resplendent beauty. Unfurling its majestic wings, the phoenix ascended into the heavens, unleashing a triumphant cry that resonated with the might of a thousand suns. Luna stood in awe as the phoenix gracefully circled her, its luminous feathers casting sparkling reflections on her face.

In a dance of wonder, the phoenix continued its orbit around Luna, the brilliance of its feathers imbuing the surroundings with an ethereal glow. "Mage, by saving me, you have fulfilled the promise, and as pledged, the power of the Phoenix is now bestowed upon you," proclaimed the phoenix in a voice that echoed with ancient wisdom and gratitude.

A burst of burning energy coursed through Luna's body as the phoenix extended a blazing wing toward her. It felt as if she had merged with the very essence of the phoenix at that instant. Her senses heightened to an extraordinary degree, and her magical prowess became infused with the potent strength of the mythical bird. The scope of her abilities seemed boundless, and an insatiable fire kindled within her, a force both empowering and indomitable.

"Remarkable," Luna murmured in awe as she unfurled her palm, summoning a mesmerizing ball of flames that hovered before her. The ambient temperature soared dramatically, creating an atmosphere that seemed to mirror the sun's scorching radiance within the grasp of her hand. A startled scream from the man prompted Luna to swiftly quell the fiery display, her gaze fixing upon him with a mixture of caution and fascination. To her surprise, a section of his attire had caught fire, prompting Luna to deftly extinguish the flames with a mere touch of her palm. 

Amidst the astonishment that welled within her, Luna contemplated the extraordinary possibilities afforded by her newfound ability. The realization of the incredible feats she could now accomplish filled her with a sense of wonder. "Onward to the city," she declared with a newfound confidence, poised to explore the extent of her enhanced capabilities. However, as Luna prepared to depart, the man urgently called out to her, imploring her not to leave him behind.

"Now that you're awake and capable of defending yourself, it's time for you to go your way," Luna stated, addressing the man. He gestured towards the restraining ropes that confined him. Luna proceeded to untie the knots, freeing him from his bonds. As the last strand of the rope fell away, Luna swiftly vanished into the surroundings, leaving the man in the woods.

"I have to hurry up and inform the others so that we will all go after her." The man stated.

While traversing the forest, Luna's path was illuminated by a radiant beam of light that parted the clouds in the sky. Abruptly, a luminous brilliance enveloped her, giving rise to the presence of an ethereal celestial creature. Bathed in the otherworldly radiance, Luna beheld the dazzling being before her, its form emanating a celestial allure. As the creature addressed Luna, its voice resonated with a harmonious symphony of celestial melodies, captivating her senses with the enchantment of its divine communication.

Celestial Being: "Luna, your display of extraordinary power and wisdom has not gone unnoticed, and you have ascended to a significant role as a guardian. We have been observing your journey with keen interest, noting your remarkable progress. The astounding strength you've acquired in a mere two days is truly exceptional and has left us in awe."

"A guardian?" Luna exclaimed, her astonishment palpable as the weight of the celestial being's revelation settled upon her. The unexpected acknowledgment of her role sparked a cascade of questions within her, adding an intriguing layer to her already remarkable journey.

"By resurrecting the Phoenix and attaining its power, you have ascended to the esteemed position of protector," the celestial being declared, shedding light on the profound significance of Luna's actions.

Compelling Luna's latent abilities to manifest, the Celestial Being triggered her skills and summoned the phoenix into existence. With majestic grace, the phoenix soared over Luna, making its way toward the Celestial Being in a display of celestial connection. The orchestrated convergence of forces unfolded, casting an ethereal glow over the transformative link between Luna, the celestial entity, and the mythical phoenix.

"Wait, how did you manage to do that?" Luna inquired with a mix of astonishment and a conscious effort to maintain courtesy. The celestial being then revealed that he belonged to the group responsible for creating this world. Absorbing this information, Luna composed herself and inquired, "Alright, what is it that you want from me?" The air hung with anticipation as Luna braced herself for the celestial being's response, navigating the intersection of her newfound powers and the enigmatic presence before her.

"I am a messenger hailing from the celestial realm, and I come bearing a proposition for you. In another universe, your extraordinary abilities are urgently required. We seek your assistance to catalyze a profound transformation there," the celestial being conveyed, casting a weighty responsibility upon Luna's shoulders while unlocking the portal to an unforeseen chapter in her journey.

"What specific change are you referring to?" Luna inquired, her curiosity tinged with a hint of caution. "As a divine being, why is it that you require my intervention and cannot enact this shift yourself?" Luna's question lingered in the air, but the celestial being chose to overlook it.

"In this alternate world, there exists a city subjected to centuries of oppressive rule by a cruel tyrant. The anguish of its people has surpassed intolerable thresholds. We aim to quell this tyranny, and we believe that you possess the capabilities to bring about this crucial change," the celestial being explained, shedding light on the dire circumstances that awaited Luna in the distant realm. The weight of responsibility and the call to justice resonated in the celestial being's words, setting the stage for Luna's potential involvement in a realm plagued by enduring suffering.

Luna nodded, unaware of the implicit weight in the celestial being's request, a realization that she was being tasked with decisions that involved the lives of many. "So..., you are trying to make me a hero in another world?" she mused, articulating her understanding of the proposition. The celestial being acknowledged her interpretation with a nod, a subtle smile gracing their features upon observing Luna's response to the gravity of their request. The unspoken complexities of her newfound role as a potential savior in a distant realm began to unfurl before her.

"We acknowledge your reservations, Luna. This request is not made lightly. Yet, this kingdom has proven impervious to prior attempts at liberation, and the cruelty of its ruler knows no bounds. We believe that by dismantling the existing power structure entirely, you can be the harbinger of hope and freedom for the long-oppressed," the celestial being explained with measured gravity, highlighting the formidable challenges that awaited Luna and underscoring the profound impact her intervention could have on a realm yearning for liberation.

"May I respectfully decline?" Luna inquired politely. The celestial being shook their head, leaving Luna taken aback. "If I have no choice in the matter, why seek me out?" she questioned, a blend of surprise and uncertainty coloring her tone.

"Get going," the celestial being urged, their ethereal presence emphasizing the immediacy and significance of Luna's mission in the alternate realm. The concise directive carried a weight that resonated in the celestial being's words.

"Wait!" Luna's desperate scream hung in the air, but the celestial being acted swiftly, teleporting her away in an instant. The phoenix, a companion in her journey, vanished alongside her. In the aftermath of the abrupt teleportation, a mysterious man materialized beside the celestial being.

The man questioned, "Why did you not just kill her or return her to her previous state?"

"I prefer to keep my hands clean," says the Celestial Being. "Ideally, people from the other world will take care of it," the celestial being said, adding a layer of intentional detachment to the conversation and leaving it tinged with uncertainty.

Shortly thereafter, Luna descended from the heavens, her surroundings undergoing a radical transformation. The familiar forest of her world vanished, giving way to an unfamiliar and awe-inspiring landscape. Luna descended gracefully, landing on the ground with a gentle touch and a small puff of dust. As she rose to her feet, a sense of disorientation gripped her, yet she remained unscathed in a realm unlike any she had ever encountered. "Skyscrapers?" she exclaimed in astonishment, her voice echoing the profound shift in the environment around her.

Surveying her new surroundings, Luna found herself thrust into a realm adorned with advanced technology and towering structures. It dawned on her that a mistake had occurred, and a wry smile played across her face as she comprehended the celestial being's hurried error. "He sent me to the wrong place," Luna mused, contemplating the unexpected turn of events. Uncertainty filled her as she pondered, "What should I do now? I don't know anyone here." Amidst the quietness of the unfamiliar alley, echoing footsteps prompted Luna to stride purposefully toward the source.

Approaching Luna were two individuals, their movements marked by an odd, unnatural cadence that suggested the influence of some hypnotic enchantment. Luna, maintaining her composure, offered a warm smile and a greeting. The two men, appearing disoriented, returned her gaze with hesitant smiles. "Hey," one of them slurred, "What's a beauty doing in a place like this at this hour of the night?" Luna discreetly shielded herself, concealing her reaction as the unpleasant odor emanating from the men reached her senses.

The first man observed with a sly grin, "Well, what do we have here, gentlemen? A lovely stranger gracing our alley. She certainly doesn't seem to belong around these parts, does she?" The atmosphere in the dimly lit alley grew tense as Luna found herself under the scrutiny of these individuals, their words suggesting an intent that heightened the intrigue surrounding her unexpected presence in this unfamiliar world.

The second man chimed in, his tone attempting a casual charm, "Nah, she appears a bit lost. Perhaps she took a wrong turn on her way to the tavern. How about a drink, lass?" His seemingly genial invitation hung in the air, the undertones of the encounter weaving a delicate balance between hospitality and an undercurrent of uncertainty in the dimly lit alley. Luna, discerning the subtle nuances, weighed her response carefully in this unfamiliar and potentially precarious situation.

Politely declining, Luna asserted herself, recognizing the peculiarity in the behavior of these locals. However, the first man displayed reluctance to let her depart so easily. Unsteadily advancing toward Luna, he remarked with a stagger, "Important business, eh? Well, we've got some important business too, and it involves pretty ladies." The undertones of the encounter shifted, taking on an unsettling dimension as Luna faced a situation that demanded her vigilance and quick thinking in this unfamiliar and potentially precarious environment.

Luna swiftly delivered a forceful punch to the man's chin, the impact propelling him skyward, a testament to Luna's unexpected strength. The remaining man staggered backward, visibly unsettled by the unforeseen display of power. Luna, now facing the unsteady figure, prepared herself for the next unfolding moments in this unexpected encounter.

The second man stammered nervously, "H-h-hey, l-look, I'm s-s-sorry," his stuttered apology reverberating through the tense atmosphere of the alley. Luna, discerning the shift in tone, assessed the sincerity of the apology against the backdrop of the unanticipated confrontation, a moment laden with uncertainty and potential consequences.

He turned and fled, despite his unsteady gait, leaving the alley in an abrupt hush, with Luna standing as the sole occupant. The unsettling sound of bones cracking echoed through the alley as the man crumpled to the ground, his fate sealed. Luna, her instincts kicking in, checked for signs of life, attempting to access her inventory in the process. To her dismay, the familiar interface failed to respond, revealing an unforeseen truth—that the functionality of most things from her world did not seamlessly transfer to this unfamiliar realm. Luna found herself grappling with the intricacies of this reality, a sobering realization amid the quiet aftermath.

Amidst contemplation, Luna sensed an object within her palm. Upon inspection, she discovered the map of the Phoenix still in her possession. A surge of astonishment overcame her as she murmured, "How is this possible?" To her intrigue, the marks and layout on the map had undergone a mysterious alteration, unraveling a layer of the enigma that surrounded Luna and the arcane connection between her newfound abilities and the celestial quest that lay ahead.

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