
By tpwk776

2.1K 62 14

Being a girl is hard... being a girl in a boy band is harder. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

280 7 4
By tpwk776

"Danny what the fuck?!"

"Just fucking leave already!"

Never in a million years did I ever think I would be shouted at for doing nothing wrong.

Expect the unexpected.

"Pack your shit and leave!" My boyfriend stood in front of me with rage written across his face. He was leant with both his hand flat on our kitchen table staring into my soul with his dark brown eyes. Danny was an extremely tall and a strong man, he stood at around 6foot and had massive arms that where covered in tattoos. So he looked intimating without being angry, but with the look of disgust on his face right now, makes me terrified of him. "Get out Brilyn! Are you fucking deaf or something?!"

No Danny, not deaf, just fucking confused.

"So your the one who cheats on me, but I'm the one who has to leave like it's my fault?" I actually had no idea what was going on. Why am I being screamed at? Surely I should be the one shouting at him?

"Maybe if you had been a better girlfriend over the past three years I wouldn't have cheated. So yeah this basically is your fault." He let out a stupid little chuckle with this statement which made my blood boil. He didn't give two shits about this hurting me or not, he simply slugged down onto one of the kitchen chairs and pulled out his phone.

I've never been the confrontational type, I actually hate arguments and shouting. But what just came out if his mouth felt like a stab in the back. I had done everything for this man, granted we've been together since we where 17 and over these three years I have looked after him, gave him a home after he was kicked out, done his washing , cooked for him, cared for him, loved him...

"Okay fuck you!" I felt the rage in the pit of my stomach, but this wasn't the rage that would be expressed in shouting, I could feel the tears start to fill up my eyes. I refused to let this man see me cry so I turned and ran up the stairs to our bedroom. I got in and stormed straight to out wardrobe pulling out a black duffel bag to start shoving my things into. Anything that was mine that I saw I shoved into my bag: clothes, underwear, shoes, jackets, chargers. Anything that was in my point of view was thrown into the bag until I couldn't fit anymore.

I felt the tears run down my face. I was angry at Danny for treating me this way, I thought he loved me. He said it enough for it to be believable. Mostly I was hurt. After everything him and I have been through he decides to treat me like shit and blame me for it.

After running around my room like a headless chicken, tears still spilling out of my eyes I saw my phone on charge on the bedside table. I sat down on the bed staring at my phone deciding what I wanted to do next. I knew I had no choice in leaving, but I didn't know who I wanted to bug to come and get me. I hate being a burden in peoples lives. Eventually, I picked up my phone and rang my best friend- Amelia.

The phone rang three times before she picked up.
"Hey babe what's up?" Amelia sounded so happy and so relaxed on the other end of the phone.
"He cheated Amelia, he fucked someone else, I have to leave," I felt the words spilling out of my mouth at a hundred miles per hour.
"Whoa Brilyn slow down, take a breath. What did you say?" She easily knew how to calm me down, all I need to do is talk to her for a second and I'm pulled out of my state.
"It's Danny he cheated on me and now he's kicking me out."
"Im going to kill that man I swear. Get some shit together and I'll come pick you up." With that she ended the phone and I just flopped back onto mine and Danny's bed.

Around 10 minutes later Amelia texted me saying she was outside so I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I really did not want another interaction with the heartless man that was in the kitchen but he heard me come down the stairs. "Brilyn. Where are you going?"

It confused me why he asked that, did he just forget he kicked me out?

"Im going to Amelia's, I'll get the rest of my stuff tomorrow or something," I stood in the doorway of our kitchen while he stayed sat at the kitchen table, exactly where he was sat before I went upstairs 30 minutes ago. However this time there was an empty glass and a bottle of whiskey on the table.

Danny had always drank alcohol, ever since the day I met him. Me on the other hand, I stayed away from it, unless I really felt the need for it. Right now might be one of those feelings.

I heard a honk from outside so I knew that Amelia was getting impatient and that was my queue to leave. I turned around, picked up my key from the hooks next to the door and left. I didn't say anything else to Danny. If I'm honest I don't want to say anything to that man ever again.

I got into Amelia's car and before I even put my belt on she put the car in drive and sped off the driveway. She was angry, I could see it in her eyes. She's been my best friend since year three, I couldn't imagine my life without this girl. She truly is my saviour. "Im so fucking pissed at him." She finally murmured gripping the steering wheel tightly. "I can't believe her would do this to you, you've done nothing but be an amazing girlfriend to him."

"Im confused to A, all I've wanted to do is looking after him."

"I know girl, I swear if I ever see him, it's on site, I am beating the shit out if him." She laughed about it but I knew that she was dead serious. Amelia has always been protective over me.

"I just wanna get drunk and forget that he ever existed and that I wasted three years of my life with a scum bag." I wiped my eyes, I had stopped crying but my eyes felt strained.

"Shit bri, he's really done it this time, are you sure you wanna drink. You haven't touched alcohol in like 6 months?" Amelia questioned me because she know I didn't like alcohol, I never really have. I don't like that I'm not in control of what I'm doing, it freaks me out.

I nodded and we continued to drive with just the sound of the radio faintly in the background. We were in silence but that was until Amelia broke it with a question, "have you told Louis yet? He's going to be fucking raging."

Oh yeah how could I forget, did I mention my last name is Tomlinson.

Heyyyyyyy writer here!!!!
This is my first story so please give me a chance. I am sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes but I'm going to try my hardest and I hope you guys will enjoy what I've written!

Next chapter very soon!!!!

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