Luna Felix

By big19boss

19.7K 1K 469

She is an Alpha's daughter, trained to become a Luna her whole life. And prepared to take the alpha's place i... More

0.3 | What to find in this book?
0.5 | How my werewolf kingdom works?
1 | Luna Felix
2 | What will happen tomorrow?
3 | The King's Test
4 | The Lady Questions
5 | Reasonable Demands
6 | The Secret Is Out
7 | The Letter
8 | Secret Codes
9 | Special POV Part 1.
10 | The Throne
11 | Heart to Heart
12 | Council of the Seven Nations
13 | Let's show them the real you
14 | What's going to happen now?
15 | The Unfair Battle
16 | Disappointment is worse than anger
17 | The truth of our relationship
18 | The Beta speaks up
19 | The King has arrived
20 | Strangers and Crash Course
21| When trouble comes knocking
22 |Its not just me anymore
23 | Feeling like King
24| Pitch Black
25| Felix and her threats
26 | The search
27| Relief and Regrets
28| Passenger Hell
29| Why do you even have this?
30| Pity the prisoner
31| Special POV Pt. 3
32| Time to ruin the sleep cycle
33 | Something is missing
34 | The curse
35 | Your anger isn't anyone's fault
36 | When will these problems stop
37 | Should I go?
38| It's an Order
39| Why are we always interrupted?
40 | It's time to test them
41 | How do I say this?
41.5 | Continued
43 | The Frost and The Foreboding
44 | Shenanigans in the labyrinth
46 | Move, we have places to be
47 | The Second Challenge
48 | How Long is this going to take?
49| The Last Challenge?
The new cover
50 | Mirrors and Maniacs
51 | I can't, I can't
52 | The Traitor
53 | Desperation
54 | Till Death....

45 | The First Challenge

139 9 3
By big19boss


Someone was knocking. Knocking? Why knocking? What?

I force open my eyes to refocus on my surroundings. I was in a small room somewhere in the castle. The furniture was the bare minimum, the chair I was sitting in, a table and some bottles of water. By the looks of the scenery outside the window, it was dead of the night and somewhere near the throne room of the castle. 

Incessant knocking brings back the noise that interrupted my sleep. I say 'come in'  to that person, because for some reason I couldn't sense them. 

Minister Conti entered the room and said, "Orief you better be ready, the judges have come. Behave yourself."

Pissed at the complete disrespect from one of my ministers, I expressed my anger at him, "Maynard Conti it seems you have gotten tired of living. How dare you talk to your King like that?" 

Minister Conti looked at me wide-eyed for a second and then burst out laughing in disbelief, "So they were right, you have gone crazy. I am not surprised you haven't been sane since then anyway."

Before I could call the guards to drag Maynard Conti away he started walking towards me, "You have failed your country. You are hours away from your last public trial. Orief you are no longer a King, you are nothing more than a prisoner. Wake up to your new reality.  Now please, I have begged to give you one last chance, don't mess up in front of the judges."

It was when Maynard said 'wake up' that I realised I was not in reality, I was in the maze with Felix. We had just discovered the second artefact and were planning to attempt it. When we touched the object we both were thrown away from it with an overwhelming force. We realised that only one of us can touch it at a given time. So, I volunteered to go first while Felix looked after my body which would be defenceless. But for the love of the goddess I can't remember the artefact. I was trying my hardest to remember but it was like something was blocking me from remembering it. 

I figured it must be the part of the test. For the challenge, I decided to go along with the act of an insane defeated king to gather more information. "Mayanard Conti, you better explain yourself clearly. What is this nonsense?" 

"This isn't nonsense. It's your failure looking right into your eyes. Forget it. Let us go it is getting late. "

So I did, I kept shut and followed down to what I assumed would be my trial. All the while my mind tries to understand how this happened and how I will get out of here. As I follow Maynard downstairs to the training grounds I see the horrendous site of my castle, it was in shambles.

Every ornament, vase, and furniture was broken like someone took their anger out on them. The walls had splatters of blood on them and I don't even want to imagine who was attacked so brutally that the blood splattered so high up the wall. There were multiple dead bodies which were covered with white sheets. 

And the most chilling aspect of this illusion was the dead silence. You don't hear anything, not the animals, the insects, the people, the breathing, the heartbeats. Nothing. That's how I knew this was an illusion. But it was causing me distress like no other. I have always been hyperaware of everyone. I always felt the existence of life more than anyone. And it's jarring not to feel it anymore. 

The entire atmosphere was driving me crazy. My mind was running faster than it ever had to figure out what happened. Why was I dubbed crazy? What is this test about? One thing was for sure it was messing with my brain and inducing me in perpetual sadness. But I refuse to spiral down, refuse to give up, refuse to let this sadness get to me. 

When we reached the training grounds I was shocked to see rows upon rows of people, all protesting against me but I couldn't hear them. I wanted to feel what they were experiencing so I decided to use some of my energy for that but unfortunately for me, this test had put some kind of block over it. So here I was standing in front of my people, looking at them in distress and unable to understand them. 

As I was dragged to stand on the shabbily made platform, I couldn't see anyone from my family there. A man who looked to be a young judge stood on one side of the platform with his face covered, he was looking calmly at the protesting people who had gotten even more agitated from the moment I was onstage. Some warriors in weird uniforms were trying to contain the crowd and get them to quiet down. There were high torches of fire lit around the field to provide light on such a night. 

"Former Alpha King Orief Rei Vadeus, are you ready to start your final trial?" Asked the young judge once the crowd mellowed down. His voice sounded awfully a lot like Flynn. But why would Flynn be here? Still, I fought through the oncoming emotions and nodded my head in agreement.

But it was Flynn. And to my surprise when he removed his mask there was no trace of his usual innocence. He looked stone cold, just like his sister when I met her the first time. I haven't seen Felix so far in this illusion, and now I am afraid to ask anyone about her. Because I can guess the answer and dread those words even though I know this is all false.

"We all trusted you Orief," Flynn's words snapped me out of my thoughts, "We put our life in your hands and what did you do? You played with it. You were the one who sent Luna Queen Felix, my sister, my happy happy, our only hope to that country," his voice gained decibels as he delivered my worst fears to me, "you didn't bat an eye when she died, you were the one who refused to investigate her death properly, you were the one who refused to mention her because you were too weak to live a reality without her."

He paused to take a breath, and so did I. 'It's all a lie', 'It's all a lie', 'It's all a lie', 'It's all a lie', I keep reminding myself. But it was getting harder to breathe with each sentence. But unfortunately for me, Flynn continued dishing out my failures, "She left you clues, she left you messages, she left you letters. But you didn't read any single one of them. If you did we won't have been a defeated nation right now."

My shock might have reflected on my face because Flynn scoffed at my face, "You don't remember. Of course, you don't remember, how fucking convenient. Why would our hell be any worth to you? All you care about is yourself. Your carelessness ended up getting your parents killed in an ambush." 

Breathe Orief, Breathe Orief.

"And what were you doing, you were at the borders my sister was trying to warn you about, asking for help. The same nation which was about you assassinated you, but you were lucky. But no you left your brother and best friend behind, they were the ones who died. And between your indecisiveness, the nation is burning and you still don't remember anything. You know what happened to Lilly-"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" I was so suffocated, how did this happen, how did life get here, how how how How HOW. I didn't look back and ran. I just need to know I had to be away, I can't be there, I just can not be there. I didn't see where I was going, I just ran wherever I saw an exit, I threw anyone who tried to stop me not caring who it was. I just ran and ran and ran. I didn't stop. I ran till my legs gave out, till my heartbeat was louder than my fear, till my physical pain brought me back to reality. 

Yes, they are alive. She is alive. But god knows how much danger she might be in alone in that maze, protecting my body and herself. I need to get myself together. Just because this is my nightmare doesn't mean it can defeat me. I need to get out. But I need information for them. 

I know that I need to remember the name of the artefact to at least have some idea of the way out. I took stock of my surroundings and tried to identify where I was. I ran so deep into the forest that I could almost make out the border of the capital a mile away from my hiding place. It's good that my mind kicked in when it did or I would have walked straight into the guards. 

Luckily for me, there was one more good thing about coming here. I picked myself up from the ground and dusted the shabby clothes I was wearing. I looked around for a stable tree that could give me an overview of the area. So I started my quest to enter the castle again. 

Yes, I know it is stupid to walk back. But I also know that the one place no one will look for me is the castle. But remember I mentioned the lucky thing. So there is an underground tunnel which was built by my father the year I was born for me to play in. If this simulation is a replica of my memory, the opening would still be here somewhere. It leads straight to the basement of the castle. 

I need to know what happened to Everyone. And for that, I need to go back. Just as I was about to climb the tree I realised that two men had followed me till here, but they were yet to spot me. So I hurried and climbed up the tree. 

Man one said, "Did you see where his majesty went too, I swear I saw him running here?" To which Man Two replied, "Hey why are you still calling him his majesty?" 

The first man turned and said, "Did you see the distress on his face? No one can fake such an expression. Did you see his strength? there were hundreds of us there but no one could stop him. This might be the first time I have seen so expressive."

"I agree to it, but" Man Two replied, "I have lost my family to this war, and I need to live, and if the enemy nation says they would let us live if we sacrifice our King, then I am selfish enough to do so. I have a daughter, she is so cute, I don't want her to die in front of my eyes like I watched my wife die. I can't. The king might have lost his mate and family but so have I. I will do anything to protect them."

When I heard them, I gave up on fighting them. I would let them pass and once I learn what is going on, I will surrender. I am ready to die if it means my people lived. Even if all this is fake. 

I climbed down when they left and carefully made my way to the secret tunnel opening. It didn't take me long to find out, I had some difficulty opening the trap door because it's been years since I came down here, but I will be sure to bring Felix to the real-life version of this tunnel. 

It took me 30 minutes to walk back to the castle when it took me hardly 10 runs so far. Shows how desperate I was to escape. This tunnel leads me to the back of the west wing of the castle, right below my study. From there on it's a 30ft ladder that I need to climb up the castle walls, it will land me in a small room behind my bookcase. If I had known beforehand I might have made this tunnel to the east wing or the weapon storage unit. But alas this was the idea of fun for me and my father back then.

Before I pushed open the bookcase, I heard voices talking on the other side. I stilled, trying to hear their voices. 

"How's the search for His Majesty going on Mr. Conti?" Came Flynn's voice sounding a lot like his usual self. 

"It still under works Flynn. I swear will catch him by morning." He sighed, "If he just did what I explained he would have been able to plea for his imprisonment instead now he has angered to the public more. What are you doing with Felix's letters?" Conti asked.

"I missed her a lot today. I mean I didn't even get to look at her one last time. I hate him for that. But she loved him a lot and that is why I just wanted him to read it, it's the last memory of my sister," Flynn answered.

"I know it was cruel of Orief to not allow anyone to see her. But as far as I have heard, anyone who saw her body couldn't eat for days, it was that bad. He was just protecting you all. Don't make him suffer anymore, why don't you open it yourself?" 

This time Flynn sighed, "Because it's sealed. Only the person it is meant to can open it. Alas, that man doesn't want anything from her. I just hope he doesn't create any more chaos."

"I told him to a few tears maybe the public would have not decided to execute him. But what can we do? Let's go and try to find him before anyone. Leave the letter here, maybe we can sneak him the letter and a nice last meal before execution."

They left the room but I was frozen, Maynard's words ran a chill down my spine, as if I was about to remember what I forgot but my brain won't let me. I forced myself to move so I could read Felix's letter. This world's Orief doesn't deserve anything from her but I am selfish, I know it would get me out. She always gets me out even when she isn't here. 

I creaked open the shelf making as little noise as possible, it's a tough task when the world around you is perpetually silent. My study looked a little different but for the most part, it looked the same. I scanned the room to see where was Felix's letter. I ironically found it on her favourite armchair. The letter looked old and there were her fingerprints on it. But those were no ordinary fingerprints, they were dark rusty red, hinting that her hand was bloody when she held them. I suppressed the ominous feeling I had and braved through the envelope and opened the letter. 

Rei,Everything here is okay, I am fine. You know changes are tough, remember the first day I spent in the castle and I kept getting lost but later I learnt my way, it's the same here too. But I know I will figure it out. I love you and I miss you. Meet soon okay? Take careYour, Felix

The letter was simple which is expected, she was hoping to hide something, but what? Our first night together was when Acimer did that and she tried to wake me up with- 

Like a light bulb, I understood what the trick was. I held the letter against a lamp; sure enough, tiny raised dots were disguised under each line. It took me a minute to decipher the morse code she wrote. 

It's not your fault. I am not sacred anymore. I know I am going to die. But I will try to delay them as much as I can. Protect our people. I love you. I am sorry. In the next life, find me faster. 

Your, Wife

I didn't know when the first tear left my eye. I didn't know when I started crying. Not caring they could hear me. She said it wasn't my fault but it was. I let go of everything. I let her sacrifice go to waste. My fefe she was so brave even in the face of death. And her I am her coward, running away from my feelings, my people. 

The door burst open with warriors but I didn't care. I realised at that moment what that artefact was. It was the crown of tears. From the beginning the illusion wanted me to learn grief but I tried to suppress it. I thought my tears were my weakness, my feelings an imperfection. But I was just scared. And so as the warriors cuffed me, I didn't do anything. I just cried. Cried for my parents, my brother, my best friend, his wife, and little Lilly. Cried for this land, and these people, lost their lives because their King was blinded. 

And I cried for my love. My Fefe. 

When they carried me through my people. I didn't hide my eyes. I could see Maynard Conti running towards me. But he never reached me because I could already see the world around me breaking. As I sat there still sobbing till I could feel the snow under me, the sun shining on me and Felix shaking me. 

And I cried again, this time clutching onto her, not knowing what my voice sounded like or where I was. I had her in my arms and that's all that mattered. That was all that mattered to me.


I struggled a lot with this chapter. I still don't think I did it justice. Especially the grief, but this was inspired by my favourite character Cale-nim. I hope he will be proud.

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