In the end it is all a game (...

Autorstwa jaydendush

16.5K 375 52

In search of a powerful ally, she goes throughout the world at Elio's request to find a partner Więcej

chapter 1: the search begin
chapter 2: Bound by Fate
chapter 3: the resolve part 1
chapter 5:y/n origin: part 1
chapter 6: y/n origin part 2
chapter 7: y/n origin final
chapter 8: awaken trailblazer
chapter 9:echos of uncertainty
Christmas short part 1
Christmas short final
chapter 10:Frozen Destiny
valentine day!!
Chapter 11: Workshop Wonders
y/n and silver wolf shorts #1
chapter 12: return to underground
chapter 13: vagrant shenanigans
chapter 14:new yet old faces
chapter 15: a broken resolve

chapter 4: the resolve part 2

1.1K 22 4
Autorstwa jaydendush

Silver Wolf and Y/n strolled through Boulder town beautiful streets in the late morning, putting a warm glow on the picturesque hamlet. Silver Wolf couldn't help but wonder what their purpose for being in this town was in the first place

Silver wolf: y/n, could you remind  what's the reason for bringing us here ?

Y/n: Well, because I'm traveling to a faraway continent, I figured why not express my gratitude and farewells to the someone who tended  my wound and feed me in a bad state after being exiled from Belobog.

Silverwolf: gratitude? In this rundown place?

Y/n: Hey, I'll admit that's what I thought at first, but remember not to be impolite at their hidden base.

Silverwolf: hidden base?

Y/n: well you see..

Y/n couldn't help but feel a flood of nostalgia sweep over him as they approached their destination before he could finish his sentence. He felt a present, a familiar energy he'd felt, His steps slowed as he looked about for the source of this y/n come to a halt

Y/n: I guess we have to put our  conversation on hold for I right seele ?

Seele: one would expect from an over surface excaptain from the Silvermane corps. If you noticed anytime  later, I would have already knocked you out by now without hesitation.and must I inform you that your kind are not welcome here ? could you tell me what bussnies you have with us ?

Y/n:Oh come on seele, don't be too hostile. I basically know you from when I was a patient and you were younger, and I only need to make a brief discussion with the chief.

Silver Wolf couldn't hide her frustration and growled softly at Seele's demeanor. She was unimpressed by the apparent standoffishness.

Silverwolf:grrr this woman has some nerf and what dud she mean by cheif y/n?

Y/n: chill down silver wolf she's usually like this , let me introduce you to  a member of wildfire, seele, wildfire origination  are similar to Silvermane and the guard that protects citizens throughout the subterranean, and the person we're about to meet is their chief in charge

Y/n: and seele let me introduce to you an acquaintance of mine that has been following me around since yesterday.

As Y/n introduced  both Silver Wolf and Seele to each other , both of them extended their hands for a firm handshake. Their initial exchange carried a hint of tension, and their gazes bore into each other.

Seele: (slightly more accommodating) I'm not exactly sure what you're up to, but as long as you're not looking for trouble and you want to meet with the chief, who is currently in a room threating her patient, I'll allow you inside. Just this once

Y/n: (grateful) Thanks for the heads up, Seele. I knew there was some kindness in you.

With that, Y/n and Silver Wolf proceeded into the clinic, leaving a slightly blushing Seele behind in the bustling street outside.

As they entered the clinic,  and sure enough they witnessed the chief tending to a patient and momentarily as she's aware that there's some visitors on the front door as y/n and silverwolf waited for her to finish her task. Silver Wolf, however, couldn't contain her curiosity.

Silver Wolf: (whispering to Y/n) Why does the chief of Wildfire own a clinic anyways?

Y/n: Well, the reason is a bit complicated, but to put it simply,  she and I share the same goal of making this planet a better place in the future. However, we have different approaches. She aims to heal the wounded, while I have some unresolved issues with the higher-ups and a mission to rescue an old friend of mine from brainwashed,some may speculate  we both handle the issue the same way but the way I stand we both don't share the same ideal.

Silverwolf: I see that's why you seek help from stellorn hunters

Y/n:  me seeking assistance? Impossible I'm not like my old self anymore,if  the only thing that happened was that you guys were desperate to find me and I used it as my benefit.

Silverwolf:*click tongue* I didn't thought he would figure out

As silverwolf mumbled the person that they were waiting for had finished her patient check up and approached  to them

???: Sorry,for the hold up did I keep you guys waiting?I wasn't expecting from a sudden visit from you y/n.

Y/n:no worries ,you did not take any precious time from aiding a person in need ,It is great that you're  still pursuing your dream, Natasha.

Natasha:(chuckle)it's been 2 year ever since I last met you hasn't it ? The last time you visit here was when you brought Clara in for check up,how's that girl doing is she adapting to the facility yet?

Y/n:Her health has improved a lot thanks to your treatment. She's also enjoying exploring the underground on her own. It's a bit scary to think about how much potential a child has when we give them some we're speaking now she's roaming around rivet city with svorg.

Natasha: I see I'm glad she's enjoying her new life style.

As Natasha and Y/n continued their conversation, Natasha couldn't help but notice Silver Wolf standing beside Y/n.

Natasha: Oh, and who is this tiny one that is accompanying you? I haven't seen her  around town before, were you found by y/n?Are you from the outside town?

She had assumed Silver Wolf was just another child due to her height, which instantly ticked Silver Wolf off. She glared at Natasha, clearly displeased with being mistaken for a child.

Y/n: (trying to suppress a laugh) Actually, Natasha, this is Silver Wolf, an adult. She's just a bit vertically challenged.

Silver Wolf crossed her arms, clearly not amused, while Y/n chuckled at the mix-up. Natasha quickly realized her mistake and apologized to Silver Wolf, understanding that Silver Wolf's height resembled that of Clara. She felt a bit embarrassed for the mix-up but tried to make amends.

Natasha: (apologetic) Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry, Silver Wolf. It's just that you have a similar height to Clara, Y/n's younger sister.

Silver Wolf: (grinning) Well, I can't blame you for that then. But just for the record, I'm definitely not a child.

Y/n: (smug) maybe you shouldn't have skipped those morning stretching exercises. You might have been taller than Clara by now.

As y/n make those hilarious remark  silverwolf just stood on his toe

Silverwolf: are we here to get things done with or are we here to joke around.

Y/n:your right , Natasha I'm actually here to tell you that I won't be around this area for quite some time , I know this must sound crazy but I will embark across planet to strive what I accomplished for the world for a better place.

Y/n's announcement left Natasha in stunned silence. She fumbled for words, trying to process the audacious plan.

Natasha: (stammering) Across...planets? Y/n, you do realize that the Supreme Guardians have blocked all access to rocket travel, and seeking help from unknown planets is nearly impossible. It's incredibly risky.

Y/n: Let me clarify two things. Firstly, I'm not planning to seek help from an unknown planet. My journey is about traveling across this planet to stop the madness that the old guardian has initiated. And secondly, it's not impossible because I'll be joining a dedicated group of organizations  to assist me on this mission to  unravel everything.

Natasha:deticated..organization ? What do you mean

Silverwolf: to put it simply he's planning to eradicate every single stellron in the universe if by all means to join a criminal organisation that apparently has been interfering with the stellron activity  in other words  I'm a member who at work to recruit this guy.

Natasha: I see , I knew this day  would come by is there no alternative in settling our own country conflict ?

Y/n: Think about it, Natasha. Going to their territory and peacefully protesting won't work. They would eliminate us before we even get a chance to reason with them. How many more people have to suffer before you realize that there's no easy way out? You can't just keep fantasizing that everything will go your way by talking to the Supreme Guardian alone. It's like walking into a trap, like suicide. A woman, Should never risk their life like that.we've been over this for years now

Natasha: But risking your own life would resolve everything? What's the point of living if you don't get to see the person you care about live a long and happy life, how bout Clara don't you want to see her to the end?

Y/n: I... of course I do, but witnessing Clara's smile as her dream of seeing the surface comes true is also my responsibility. I'm willing to sacrifice everything to make her happy, not just for one child but for the entire galaxy.

As Natasha just smug across y/n

Natasha: then I'm not in anyplace to object to your pride and motto on what your doing just do what you think is best for you and I will do what I can do just don't hurt yourself y/n

Y/n: Thank you, Natasha, for believing in me, no matter if it's for a minute, a second, or an hour. Oh, and if there's ever a strange rumor about me being an evil tyrant or someone trying to make me look bad, could you at least comfort Clara when I'm gone? Not that it would do much to ease her feelings, as she would already expect that I asked you to do it before I left she's my smart sister after all.

Natasha:heheh... I will try my best to support her all I can in my own way so you don't have to worry about her while you're away.

As Natasha and Y/n continued their conversation, the atmosphere shifted abruptly. Seele, who had been outside, burst into the clinic in a state of urgency. She quickly approached Natasha and reported a concerning incident.

Seele: (urgent) Chief Natasha, I've just received a report that Rivet City is under attack by a dragon and a sword-like monster. It's an unprecedented threat, and our forces are struggling to contain it.

Y/n: hold on,being attacked how many minutes did it occurred?

Seele:I just received  a notice from one of our member so approximately  15 min ago it happened

(30 min before the incident)

(Clara pov)

Clara strolled through the picturesque streets of rivet town with a cheerful demeanor, a sense of purpose guiding her steps. She had a list of groceries to acquire for her brother Y/n, and with Svorg's assistance, she was making swift progress.

Clara: (checking her list) Let's see, we've got the fruits, vegetables, and milk. Oh, the last item on the list is some fresh bread. It shouldn't be too far from here.

Svorg: Clara, please remain within proximity. Venturing too far would hinder my surveillance capabilities.

Clara: Don't worry, Mr. Svorg. As long as I know you're right beside me, I'll feel safe wherever I go.

Clara and Svorg continued their journey, approaching the bread lady who had a variety of freshly baked bread on display.

Clara: good morning miss could I please get two sticks of bread ?

Bread lady: ohhh my well this is unusually I don't commonly get a cute lady like you as a customer ,are you doing and errand for your parents?

Clara: (smiling) No, I'm just helping out my brother, and we needed some bread for the house.

Bread Lady: Oh, I see. Given how young you are, I'll add an extra breadstick just for you, dear. Enjoy!

Clara: thank you miss!

As they walked away from the store, Clara triumphantly ticked off the last item on the grocery list.

Clara: And all done! Now all we have to do is wait for my big brother Y/n and Silver Wolf to join back with us here patiently.

As Clara sat at the playground bench  patiently waiting for her brother Y/n to return with silverwolf, Svorg couldn't help but be curious about something.

Svorg: Clara, why not engage with other children during Y/n's and his guest's absence?

Clara looked at Svorg, a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Clara: Well, Mr. Svorg, it's not that I don't want to play with them. It's just... I'm a bit shy around other people. Before I met brother and you, some kids used to make fun of me because I'm different. The only time I really had the courage to speak to another kid was when big brother  encouraged me to be friends with Hook, my first best friend.

Svorg: I understand, Clara. It's essential to feel comfortable when making friends. Y/n and I are here for you, and you're never alone.

Clara smiled at Svorg, appreciating his understanding and support. She watched the other children playing at the playground but remained content, knowing she had friends who accepted her for who she was.

As a few minutes passed, Svorg's alert systems picked up on unusual readings, causing him to display a red warning light on his interface. He swiftly turned his attention towards the source of the disturbance. Clara noticed Svorg's sudden change in demeanor and followed his gaze.

Svorg: Warning, warning, system error, danger detected! Clara, we must take cover immediately! This area is now deemed as dangerous!

Clara: Mr. Svorg, what's wrong? Why do you look so concerned?

Svorg: (pointing upward) Clara, look! There's something happening on top of the underground section. It seems like there's been a breach in the surface.

Clara then clung onto Svorg  as the ground above them crumbled, creating a gaping hole. They watched in alarm as dust and debris rained down, obscuring their vision. Through the haze, they saw the enormous head of a dragon-like creature peering into the underground area. It was a sight that none of the citizens had ever witnessed before.

To make matters worse, dual sword-wielding minions fell from the surface, crashing into the underground area. The sudden intrusion had thrown the peaceful sanctuary into chaos.

Svorg: Quickly, Clara, climb onto my shoulder. I'll help you get out of here and find Y/n while dealing with those creatures.

Clara: But what about the other citizens and kid in this town? We can't just leave them defenseless. They're unarmed and in danger.

Svorg: My primary directive is to prioritize your safety. Y/n's explicit instructions were to get you out of danger and reunite with him, regardless of the circumstances.

Clara: I can't possibly accept that. I know my brother would do everything to save everyone in this situation. We can't just leave them stranded in this crisis

As Clara look at svorg with determination,he finally give in to Clara

Svorg: Understood, Clara. I will support your desire to help others, but on one condition. If the situation worsens, I won't hesitate to prioritize your safety and find a way to get you out of harm's way.

Clara: Thank you,Mr svorg

Scorg: there's no need to be grateful just following orders.

(Back to present time)

(Y/n pov)

Y/n was taken aback by the sudden news of Rivet City being under attack, a mix of worried and concern clouding his face. The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air as he tried to process the urgency of the matter

Y/n: I guess Cocolia is getting desperate to complete her conquest and bring the planet to its end.

Seele: What exactly do you mean by that? And who's this cocolia you speak of

Y/n: No time to explain everything now, but if you're curious about who she is, Natasha will fill you in on Cocolia. Silver Wolf, hack into the surveillance cameras underground and find out what the dragon and sword minions are up to. If you can discover their names and weaknesses, that would be fantastic.

silver wolf: already on it

As a hologram of computer materialized from Silver Wolf's abilities, she quickly hacked into the surveillance cameras, seamlessly navigating the systems. In a matter of seconds, she presented a mini holographic screen displaying images of the two targets along with their names, effectively revealing their identities.

Silver Wolf: Those dual monsters are actually part of the Revengers under the Void Ranger group, not much of a challenge for the Stellorn Hunters. Dealing with them in outer space is quite common. What's concerning is the Doomsday Beast. I've never personally dealt with it, only heard about it in Blade's stories. If we can contact Blade, he might give you some tips on how to handle it, depending on his mood.

Y/n: There's no time to contact him now. I'll figure out a way to slay that dragon. Silver Wolf, can you help me pinpoint where Clara and Svorg are right now? Knowing Clara, I bet she's already sprung into action due to my influence on saving the innocent citizen and aware of the danger coming for her. Svorg had no choice but to follow her. I doubt my speed alone can reach them in time while dealing with those minions along the way. I'll try my best to keep my eyes on Clara while running.and give me their coordinate when you have found them.

Silverwolf: Okay, I'm working on it right now, and you should do your task as smoothly as possible. Partner

As soon as Silver Wolf uttered those words, Y/n disappeared in the blink of an eye. His form, once solid, was now nothing but a fleeting memory. With a swift and almost imperceptible movement, he was gone, leaving Silver Wolf to carry out her mission and fulfill the urgent task at hand.

(Present in rivet town)

The Doomsday Beast loomed ominously in the distance, its colossal form striking terror into the hearts of the citizens of Rivet City. It unleashed devastating energy blasts that tore through buildings, reducing them to rubble. Chaos reigned as people ran for cover, desperate to escape the devastation.

Clara and Svorg, however, were determined to save a young child whose leg had become trapped under the debris of a crumbling building. With great effort, Svorg extended his mechanical arm, swiftly and carefully lifting the heavy wreckage that pinned the child's leg. The child, scared and in pain, cried out as Clara tried to comfort her.

Clara: (frantically) Don't worry, we're here to help you! Mr. Svorg, let's free her quickly!

Svorg's powerful mechanical limbs flexed as he swiftly moved to lift the debris pinning the girl's leg. With incredible strength, he managed to free her, allowing the girl to scramble into Clara's arms for comfort.

Clara: (soothingly) It's okay, you're safe now.My brother is strong, and I believe he'll resolve this crisis quickly. Let's find a safe place for you to rest.

The girl clung tightly to Clara, tears streaming down her face. Clara exchanged a determined look with Svorg

Svorg:(urgently) im afraid is too late to find a safe area as the dragon is making its way to us right now as I'm speaking

The Doomsday Beast, with its exceptional sense of hearing, detected a sound in the vicinity and began making its way toward Clara and Svorg's location. Its massive form loomed closer, casting a shadow of impending danger.

As the Doomsday Beast drew nearer, its menacing presence sending shivers down Clara's spine, Svorg acted swiftly. He activated an energy barrier at full power, an ostensibly indestructible defense, capable of withstanding even the most formidable forces. It shimmered to life, enveloping the girl,Clara and Svorg within a translucent shield of energy.

The Doomsday Beast, undeterred by the barrier's shimmering presence, opened its maw wide, releasing a powerful and destructive beam of energy. The searing blast shot forward with tremendous force, colliding with the energy barrier in a cataclysmic display of power

Svorg is trying to restrict the power blast's impact as his barrier progressively depletes and his slowly  overheats.

Svorg: energy at 90% ,80%,60% I don't think I can last any longer.

Clara: (worried) Mr. Svorg, it's too strong! The barrier won't hold forever!

Svorg:no, I'm not going to give up y/n give me a goal to achieve, and I'll do everything in my power to achieve it.

With unwavering resolve, Svorg extended his arm, channeling all the remaining energy within it to reinforce the weakening barrier. The barrier shimmered brightly as it absorbed the relentless energy beam, glowing with a powerful, defiant light

As soon as the blast from the doomsday pass by , the energy force generate by svorg went offline.

Clara rushed to Svorg's side, her heart heavy with worry as she saw him kneel, depleted and missing one of his arms. She knelt beside him, a determined expression on her face.

Clara: (teary-eyed) Mr. Svorg, I can't leave you behind. I won't let that happen.

Svorg: (weakly) Clara, there's no time. Dragon is about to attack again. You must run. Call your brother, and make sure you're safe.thats it's my last request.

As Clara got up to her feet as the doomday beast is prepare for another attack.

Clara:I will never forget about you

As Clara holds on to the child's hand and dashes off in another direction trying to find a safe place to hide.

As Svorog braced himself for what seemed like his final moments, he recalled Y/n's words echoing in his memory.

Y/n:svorog what do you see in humans anyways what make you hostility against them?

Svorog: humans cast me aside in the past so I won't forgive them

Y/n:then why not try to find something that will satisfy you like for example helping others when they in need in help?  Maybe that will change your mind

As svorog finish reminiscing his past he was prepared to meet his end.

As the doomsday blasts the energy towards svorog direction

Svorog: so this is what it feels like  satisfaction

Just as the devastating energy blast was about to strike Svorg, an extraordinary occurrence unfolded. The blast disintegrated into shimmering cubes, and the energy seemed to teleport to the back of the Doomsday Beast's head. This sudden shift in energy drew the creature's attention, distracting it from its impending attack.

In that critical moment, a brilliant golden sword, crackling with electrified energy, streaked through the air at incredible speed. The sword pierced through the Doomsday Beast's head with astounding force, causing the colossal creature to collapse to the ground.

???: Forgive me for the slight delay in reaching to the scene. I had to deal with a minor nuisance that was causing distress among regular citizens who couldn't defend themselves. Thankfully, Silver Wolf managed to get in contact with me in time.

Svorg, with great effort, turned his head towards the source of the voice. To his immense relief, he saw Y/n standing atop a partially demolished building nearby. Y/n's presence radiated a sense of calm and assurance in the midst of the chaos, bringing hope to the dire situation.

As y/n hoped down of the building his on a get to the ground level as he saw svorg In a helpless state

Y/n: (sarcastic) Well, well, Svorg, it seems you had quite the spa day while I was away. Your arm looks like it's been to a five-star damage retreat.

Svorog: (robotic tone) The lateness of your arrival and my current arm situation are indisputably correlated. Data confirms the connection between tardiness and mechanical damage.

Y/n: I already apologise look as a reward I will make it up for you how bout I pay for next set of upgrade for you in return

Svorg: but that being said I'm glad you arrive in time friend.

Clara's heart raced as she spotted the dragon collapsing, and she saw her brother, Y/n, standing beside Svorog. Filled with relief and joy, she sprinted back towards them. Without hesitation, she launched herself into a tight hug, her arms wrapped around Y/n.

Clara:(tearfully) You're finally here. Big brother  I was really scared that I will lost svorog, but I did my best to make sure fewer people got hurt in the town.please don't scold svorg his just obeying my orders please do not scold him

Y/n:(stroking hair) There, there. As long as you're okay, that's what matters most. I must compliment you for being brave during this incident. But please promise me that you won't rush into danger like this again. Your safety is the most important thing.until your ready.

Clara:I'll be more careful, big brother. I promise to think about safety first.

Y/n:that's my sister for you

The Doomsday Beast, now immobilized and in pain, let out a deafening roar that reverberated through the underground area. Its agony was palpable, and the ground beneath them seemed to tremble with its distress.

Clara clung to Y/n's side, her eyes wide with a mixture of awe and fear. She couldn't help but speak up, her voice quivering.

Clara: (whispering) Is still alive ,is it going to be okay,big brother?

Y/n: Clara, don't worry. Even though the Doomsday Beast is still conscious, it can't move quickly because it's immobilized. It's tough, and the fact that it survived a 10,000-volt attack isn't surprising given its size. But I'm thankful it's not dead because I want to finish this once and for all. Clara, stay behind Svorg for safety. What you're about to see might not be pleasant.

As Clara nods and run behind svorg for cover

Y/n: I'm glad your still alive to give me the opportunity to finish you off , now feast your eyes on this doomsday beast as this is going to be your horrifying last ,you pick the wrong day the invade this town now  face the terrfic power of my extend

Y/n, closing his fist, gathered all the fire element into one spot, preparing to unleash a spell of epic proportions to demonstrate his power. He began reciting his chant, his voice resonating with power and determination.

Y/n: (reciting) oh great spirit of fire, let the spirit's vengeance roar with fury, let the path open toward its hatred and passion burn. 𝒱𝑜𝓃 𝐹𝓁𝒶𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓃 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝒸𝒽𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓃!

As Y/n has finished  recited the incantation, the air filled with fiery energy, and his spell intensified. The flames swirled around the Doomsday Beast and Y/n, enveloping the creature in a fiery vortex while it was  paralyzed.

Y/n drew a second sword from his scabbard and channeled fiery energy onto the blade, igniting it with flames. He then make a battle stance, preparing to launch himself toward the paralyzed Doomsday Beast.

With flames trailing in his wake, Y/n dashed toward the paralyzed Doomsday Beast. In a flash of blazing step ,he swung his sword with incredible force. The blade cut through the beast's colossal body, cleaving it in two. As the beast was severed, a delayed reaction of intense flames engulfed it, burning with ferocious heat. The Doomsday Beast let out a final roar of agony and anguish before succumbing to the searing flames, ending its reign of terror in a blazing spectacle.

As Y/n walked confidently back toward Svorg and Clara, his impressive display left Clara in awe. She couldn't contain her amazement at her brother's incredible abilities. Without hesitation, she rushed toward Y/n, her eyes shining with admiration, and embraced him in a tight hug.

Clara:big brother that was an amazing display of power, I wouldn't be terrified if I was to see you in action.

Y/n: (smirk)heh...well I couldn't put my sister in harm's way just to impress her wouldn't I ?

Clara: Brother, let's head back home. I've already taken care of the groceries that you told me to, so we can relax and celebrate our victory in comfort.

As y/n hesitate and whisper to her

Y/n:(whispering )forgive me Clara but I can't rest just yet which is why you going to despise me on what I'm about to do next


Before Clara could respond, Y/n swiftly silenced her with a quick blow, knocking her out cold
Svorg watched in panic as Y/n knocked Clara out. He was about to express his concern when, suddenly, his entire system abruptly shut down. His mechanical form went into hibernation mode, and he fell silent, unable to continue the conversation or take any action.

Silver Wolf appears nearby, nonchalantly blowing a bubble with her gum as she manipulated her hologram screen. Her actions had caused Svorg's sudden shutdown, and she appeared unfazed by the situation.

Silverwolf : i had anticipated that this would have happened if your supreme guardian had made it's first it all right if I hibernate him in 6 hours so he will reboot himself?

Y/n:yeah that would be convenient for me thank you,silverwolf for taking my lead.

Silverwolf: I don't mind going to the length to save people out of their own trouble we're members after all now what is the plan?

Y/n: for now

Y/n reach is palm out toward Clara and carefully transferred a portion of his ice elemental power into Clara, his expression filled with concern. This power would serve as a safeguard, allowing him to monitor her well-being when he isn't present, ensuring her safety in his absence.

Y/n: how bout I meet up with the rest of the stellorn hunters member and get things done with ?

Silverwolf:well that sound like a plan.

(Next day)

(Clara pov)

Clara slowly opened her eyes, feeling disoriented and confused. The last thing she remembered was being in Rivet Town with Y/n, Svorg, and the doomsday beast. She couldn't recall how she had ended up in Natasha's clinic. As she looked around, trying to make sense of her surroundings, she noticed a note on a table beside her. She picked it up and read the message from her brother.

Y/n's Note:
"Clara, I'm sorry for knocking you out earlier. By the time you read this, I would already be gone for the time being as I have some business to attend to a far place and won't be back so soon , You're in Natasha's clinic now. Please don't be upset with me. I'll explain everything when I return. Love, Y/n."

Clara clutched the note in her hand, her fingers trembling as she read the words Y/n had left for her. The realization that her brother was going to be away for a while hit her like a wave, and tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't help but sob as the emotions overwhelmed her.

Clara:(sobbing) big brother!

Chapter 4 end

Author: if your wonder why y/n need to recite a incarnation is because he has to do it for a bigger consummation power

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