By kobakkc113

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When he was but a young boy, Ragnvaldr was forced to watch as a roving band of Elvish Mercenaries put his vil... More

A Night To Remember
To Slay A Beast Most Foul
Terror of Tal'Dorei
The Pale Elf
A Slayer and The Hound
Demons at the Door
Prove Yourself

The Traitor In Our Midst

796 32 20
By kobakkc113

Inside the grand Palace of Emon, General Krieg stood at the foot of the Sovereign's golden, overbearing throne with his armour scorched and blackened while his crimson cloak and lining were all but singed to nought but a crisp. His usually immaculate blonde hair and moustache were bedraggled and coated with a thin layer of ash along with his paled complexion. The illustrious General had clearly just undergone a horrific ordeal of his own, being one of only thirty survivors of the military detachment deployed outside the walls in some ill-fated attempt to slay the beast that burned their lands and slaughtered their people.

"And you saw it?" Uriel interrogated as the scarred soldier before him bowed his head, ashamed to look his ruler in the eye. "What did this?" he demanded, surrounded by the other members of the Council, including both Lady Kima and Allura whom had safely made her way back to the keep aboard the Skyship.

All eyes bore down upon the once mighty warrior as he picked himself up and straightened his fatigued posture. "The beast, is a blue dragon, sire. Only a few of us managed to escape." he growled sorrowfully unleashing a rasping breath as the faces of the dead and dying clouded his mind.

Atop his throne anguish shuddered through the Sovereign's soul as a horrified look fell on his face. "My Gods. Allura, you've dealt with such creatures in the past. How do we fight it?" he questioned glancing toward both the human Councillor and her armour wearing, halfling companion stood side by side.

"Oh, that was a red dragon, years ago." she began as her eyes darted between the many members of the Council. "But to my experience, dragons are fiercely intelligent, calculating creatures. Their machinations run deep." she revealed tearing her worrisome gaze to the floor.

Suddenly, the towering entrance door to the chamber clanged open as quiet footsteps trudged toward the raised platform. As quickly as his legs would carry him, Sir Fince made his way toward the raised platform, coming to a stop before it looking up at the few Councillors present. "Ah, Sir Fince finally joins us. I hope this crisis hasn't kept you from your skulking." Krieg sneered at the pale skinned Drow draped in his usual black clothing.

Fince stood firm against the humans insults, refusing to acknowledge them, "I've been gathering intelligence we sorely lack. Seems your band of fools has gone missing." he twitched, locking both hands behind his scrawny back. "Safe to say you've sent Vox Machina to their doom?" he questioned venomously. However, just as Krieg opened his mouth to reply, the chambers pearly doors once again swung open as the battle weary party in question strutted through, stopping just behind the sullen Drow.

"Doom? We don't know the meaning of the word." Scanlan called out as Fince's smug expression twisted to one of contempt, dropping his shoulders ever so slightly as he along with the other nobles turned to face them.

As usual, the party's resident, ashen skinned knucklehead leaned forward, standing between both Keyleth and Percy quirking a confused eyebrow at the overdramatic Gnome. "Uh, I certainly don't." he uttered in confusion receiving no reaction from both the Air Ashari or Gunslinger alike.

Scanlan, having seemed to have taken the role of the groups mouthpiece took a single bounding step forward. "Sovereign, hold on to you goddamn crown. We've discovered that the monster is none other than..." The bard paused for a few tense moments, his habit of making everything a performance shinning through as he dramatically dabbled his finger tips against his forehead and outstretched one of his arms toward the expectant Council. "A blue dragon!" he announced proudly pointing his stubby finger toward the Sovereign himself.

The Council and Uriel alike simply wore unsurprised looks upon their faces, "We know!" every one of them spoke at once, deflating the Gnomes now pointless bravado, much to the pleasure of the parties newest addition.

Lady Allura, still being the most forward with the mercenaries cut through the other nobles questioning mutters. "Did you kill it?" she questioned as her overbearing gaze bared down upon the party, her eyes darting between all awaiting an answer. However, none took notice of the noblewoman's attention laying on Ragnvaldr for a moment longer than his companions.

Gripping her wooden staff in her gentle grip and bracing her meagre weight upon it , Keyleth shrugged her shoulders nervously. "I wouldn't say 'kill,' really..." she uttered politely still unsure of the predicament Vox Machina found themselves in, glancing toward Pike for help in explaining themselves.

"We're still kind of working on that part." The scarred, white haired Cleric stated, biting her lip ever so slightly. She too struggled to put into words what herself and the rest of the party had witnessed.

A deep chortle interrupted the worrisome Gnome as Krieg reeled back slightly unleashing a near unbearable laugh. "I can't believe you made it out alive. How did you survive?" he questioned oddly, thoroughly entertained at the prospect of the rather motley crews survival. A simple question, that of course, made the honour bound Oldegårdian seethe with rage, gripping his hands into tight fists as the Councilman's true feeling came to light.

Standing tall above the rest of his friends, seemingly uncaring of the current situation Grog simply dipped his sausage like pinky into his ear scratching away as Scanlan continued on, prancing forth once again and placing one hand upon his hip. "Mm, trade secrets, I'm afraid, Kriegy." he dismissed quickly, trying his best to give himself and his companions an air of professionalism.

Although, the illusion was quickly shattered when Ragnvaldr's bitingly aggressive voice cut through the echoey chamber once again finding himself at Vex and Vax's side. "We hid and the bastard flew away. Any other pointless questions general?" he drawled crossing his arms one over the other, still wielding his hand axe like it were nothing, furthering the guards nervousness at the prospect of facing such an opponent.

Scanlan of course threw out a silent warning to his new found rival, wheeling around and pointing aggressively toward him, only to slouch over as Grog chuckled, agreeing with his fellow Barbarian and shattering what little shadow of competence the party had.

Bounding laughter filled the Council's chambers as Grog pressed one had against his stomach, however, it quickly faded as a single realisation burrowed its way into his head. "Wait. How did we survive that?" he inquired folding one massive arm over the other, shooting his eyes to floor, trying to make sense of it. As the party mulled over the Goliath's rather sensible question, just as it had on their previous visit, a throbbing, mind piercing ringing stabbed through Vex's skull.

Both Ragnvaldr and Vax shared a worried glance toward the She-Elf braced a hand against her head, trying desperately to hide the ever continuing pain of her affliction. Strangely, the seemingly uncaring red-head next to her heard the hushed grunt of pain and silently placed a frim but comforting hand upon her shoulder, a hint of worry laced upon his features. "These blabbering fools are useless, sire. Perhaps if we made an offering to the dragon. Gold in exchange for peace." Fince suggested, all while darting a singular scowling look back at the Mercenaries.

Not even a second passed as Ragnvaldr, having grown tired of the Council's constant mulling, stood tall in place beside the twins, releasing Vex as he gritted his teeth ever so slightly. A small part of him wondering whether or not the criminals in all but name alone gave this much thought when deciding the fate of his family and village. "This beast defiles your lands and slaughters it's people you all vowed to protect. Yet your first instinct is to bargain with it? Pathetic..." he sneered, holding every fibre of his being back from striking the Councilman down were he stood.

Immediately, before the silent Council had a chance to react Vex stepped ahead of the fuming Oldegårdian placing her gloved hand gently upon his chest, a silent but otherwise noticed sign to calm himself. "A dragon cannot be bartered with. If it desires Emon's destruction, it will not relent." she argued insistently.

"You heard her, sire. You know what must be done." The battle weary General ushered in agreement, twisting his bulky, armour wearing torso toward the Sovereign. Communicating his position on the matter, though his eagerness after clearly facing said beast head on and loosing so many men, raised a buried suspicion in Ragnvaldr's mind.

Thankfully, despite the hardened appearance portrayed by Lady Kima, while gripping her gauntlet fist broke in before Uriel could reply. "But what if it attacks the city? We'd be sitting ducks!" she exclaimed, begging her leader to see reason, much to Ragnvaldr's relief. At least one of them could see things as they were.

Uriel leaned his elbow against his thrones armrest, pressing an impatiently closed fist to his balding forehead. "What would you have me do? Let it burn more farmland, slaughter more innocents?" he exclaimed bashing his hand violently against glorified arm chair quickly turning his frustrated gaze toward the accusing Outlander. "No. We will bring the fight to it. On our terms." he stated determinedly, standing to his feet and staring down his commander. "General, you may move our soldiers at dawn." he finished, all while Krieg attempted to hide a strangely content expression.

"But sire, you know as..." Lady Kima began again only to be silenced into submission by the Sovereigns demanding glare. Unwittingly, Tal'Dorei's illustrious leader would be sending his all too valuable army to their deaths.

"I have made my decision, Lady Kima." he said, silencing for good the Councilwoman's all too real concerns over the citizenry's safety. Something which her fellow nobles seemed to all but lack in. "This Council is adjourned..." Uriel uttered silently turning and marching off deeper into the heavily guarded keep. However, not before he sent a quiet nod to his Palace Guard, ordering the unpaid Mercenaries on their way.

Without a moment to spare, the heavily armed spear wielding Guards descended upon Vox Machina, ushering them out like a pack on stray dogs. "All right, you heard him. Clear out." their captain ordered as he and his men began pushing the group toward the large doors behind them.

"Hey, hey, hands off. I'm leaving... Geez..." Pike sighed as the short Gnome shrugged one of the guards hands from her shoulder. Meanwhile, as the party were pushed to the ever looming exit Vex kept her suspicious gaze on the sly Drow standing before the throne. Still he hadn't turned his full attention upon the group, merely giving them an eerie side eye as he stood with both hands planted firmly behind his back.

Scanlan weaved and ducked underneath a looming guards outstretched hand as he leaned his body from behind the humans legs. "Uh, don't kill it before we do. Y-Your offer's still on the table, right?" he called out barely avoiding the impatient guard who simply gripped the bard by his head and pushed him needlessly hard backward from where he came.

A guard shorter than Ragnvaldr approached him, intently looking to usher the already frustrated Oldegårdian from the chamber. Unlike his cohorts however, Ragnvaldr stubbornly refused to budge shooting a simple glare toward the Mainlander not to touch him. "Lady Kima speaks true. If you face such a beast in the open, the army will be cut down in moments, leaving the city and everyone in it defenceless." the muscled man called out as Uriel came to a stop turning his attention toward him. "You simply cannot afford what General Kreig proposes. Send us instead, we understand what's at stake. We've seen what it can do. There's no use in sending thousands to their deaths when they're needed elsewhere." he uttered refusing to tear his unwavering gaze from the ruler above.

Standing firmly upon the Chambers central floor, a poignant silence fell upon the chamber as both Lady Kima and Allura alike turned their attention to the unspeaking Sovereign, praying he saw sense while Krieg held his self satisfied smirk. "The decision has already been made. Guards!" he stated ascending deeper into the palace with his head bowed refusing to meet any of the Council's expectant gazes.

A shuddered breath hitched from Ragnvaldr's chest as his broad shoulders dropped, he had hoped his words would force Uriel to see sense, but it seemed just as he suspected, instead of reason, madness ruled in the heart of Tal'Dorei. "You have rocks in your head? Move Outlander!" the demanding guard ordered taking his spear and shoving the Oldegårdian backward corralling him toward the doors trailing behind the rest of Vox Machina. Without another word, Ragnvaldr growled in frustration as he turned on his heels and marched out of his own accord.


The pair of towering, pearly white doors trudged open as Vox Machina piled into the welcoming light of the glistening morning sun. Ragnvaldr was last to follow, an overzealous guard quickly took his chance and shoved the Oldegårdian out. Turning around Ragnvaldr scowled at his fellow human as the doors shut tightly once again behind him. Unleashing a heaving sigh, he puckered his limps together and whistled shrilly calling Moonless from where ever she had wandered off too.

However, his call received no reply as he looked to his right to see a pair of guards stood either side of Trinket, with the bear in question being showered in unending affection. "Yes, you are... Oh, yes, you... Oh!" both men cooed as they patted the animals muscled, furry hide. Although, as soon as both realised Vox Machina spotted them, the pair instantly stepped away taking up their abandoned spears and standing at attention like nothing had happened.

Moonless meanwhile, lay on her back happily squirming without a care in the world as another soldier rubbed her undercarriage, her tounge lolled out the side of her mouth, but much to her disappointment, the guard hesitantly releasing the Dire Wolf of his unending love and returned to his post. Lazily Ragnvaldr's white furred companion flipped herself back onto her stomach, pushing her self up and seemingly awaiting her bear friend to do the same. Lumbering onto his paws Trinket joined her side as the two traipsed toward their respective two legged owners. Both of which stood together as well.

"I felt it again, that same feeling I had around the dragon." Vex began, crossing one arm across her chest and leaning her free hand upon her chin. "There must be a connection. One of them is working with that fucker." she bristled as her hand reached to scratch at Trinkets snout while Moonless barged between Ragnvaldr and Percy, nearly knocking over the concentrated, white hired noble.

Of course, just like always Scanlan, quiet literally slid across the refined stone beneath his feet arms crossed in thought and his chiselled chin between both fore finger and thumb. "Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. I bet..." he uttered strutting toward Grog who was squatting downward, posed the exact same way as his friend. "I bet it's Allura. I never trust anyone prettier than me." he revealed twisting around to face the rest of the displeased party.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh. I knew it." the simple minded Goliath agreed, smashing his massive clenched fist into his open palm. Of course, the strange pairs rather blockheaded conclusions were met with Percy's usual, piercingly judgemental glare, followed by Ragnvaldr whom simply chuckled at their incompetence. All while Vex still nursed her ever burning headache.

Vex released a tired sigh as she rubbed her fingertips against her head, "No, you dipshits. Fince." she hissed tiredly, exhausted by the two males antics.

"The creepy one." Percy gladly remined as he crossed both arms, for once being the one to gaze down on Grog. "Looked like a withered piece of scrap leather?" he reminded quickly. His annoyance clear in his tone alone.

Grogs squared jaw shifted as his mouth morphed into that of an 'o', the realisation hitting him like a tone of bricks. "Oh. I didn't catch anybody's name." he chuckled heartily, looking down at his miniature bard friend, whom still, stood at his full height was shorter than the squatted Goliath.

Ragnvaldr stepped in, tearing both Vex and Percy's attention away from the blockheaded brethren. "What about their General, Krieg. For a man who survived a dragon attack he's strangely unscathed." he began, catching the parties questioning looks. "It just doesn't make sense. He was one of the only survivors of the last attack. He knows, just like us how deadly this fucker is. Why is he so eager to go out and face it again, using the exact same strategy, leaving the city conveniently undefended?" he mulled suspiciously, glancing toward the ground in thought as his mind began racing, knowing full well if the general had turned traitor their task would become even more daunting.

Nodding along with the Oldegårdians rather understandable hypothesis Percy allowed his mind to open to the possibility, "It may be a possibility. But that doesn't exonerate Fince either. Did you see how he looked at us. Like we were dirt on his shoe, or interfering with his plans. And the gold, why offer up something the dragon clearly doesn't want." Percy argued with both eyebrows quirked ever so slightly, pleasantly surprised by the normally grunting Barbarian.

Ragnvaldr, hummed ever so slightly agreeing with the gunslinger stood next to him. "You could be right. But basing it off a scowl or two, have any of you ever met a Drow? All of them are sullen bastards." His companions, all hummed in agreement. None could fault him for saying what he did.

"Still, as soon as he glanced at us, that feeling pierced through my skull. There's something off about both of them both it seems." Vex cut in as the three conspirators talked amongst themselves, seemingly forgetting about their other five, fellow adventures.

Meanwhile, Stood by herself right at the edge of the descending stone steps Keyleth, with her staff gripped closely turned toward the brainstorming Mercenaries. "So, what do we do next?" she questioned as Trinket trotted toward the Air Ashari, desperate for someone to continue with what the dotting guards gave. However, the poor bear didn't get any as Vex too joined her side.

"Vax and Pike go to Gilmore's. Buy us a weapon that can kill a dragon." she commanded glancing between both her brother and the Cleric as they stood either side of the she-elf.

Vax leaned a casual elbow against his siblings shoulder, "Uh, with what? We're flat fucking broke." he uttered bracing a hand against his hip just a sly, mischievous grin splayed across her rose coloured lips, leaning herself toward Vax so no one could hear.

"Please, with the way that man dotes on you, I'm sure you can work something out." she chuckled as Vax's smug smirk immediately fell from his lips, awkwardly rubbing his head and tearing his eyes from his sister, he alongside Pike descended the steps, both the Half-Elf and Gnome alike joking and messing as they went.

Having now assumed defacto control of their ragtag group for the moment, Vex turned to the others as Pike and Vax disappeared from view. "The rest of us will split up and search for either Fince or Krieg. If you find either, don't let them out of your sight." she said, eyes darting between the remaining party members.

Both Grog and Scanlan began their own investigation as the two set off together, however not before the bard spoke up, "That sounds like a plan. But, uh, you're not the only one with ideas, Vex." he confidently declared as Keyleth and Percy left as well, leaving him with his barely clothed rival and the devious Half-Elf with their animals.

"Is that so? Please Scanlan, tell us yours." she motioned between herself and the Oldegårdian, smugly leaning against Trinkets armoured hide. The bear in question gritted his teeth together and growled viciously scaring the daylights out of the snack sized Gnome, making him yelp fearfully.

Quickly shuffling away from the angry ball of death, the bard chuckled nervously as Moonless, surprisingly remained passive at the behest of Ragnvaldr. "Uh, I'll tell you, when I have one." he uttered popping his hands into his pockets and slouching off as quickly as his little legs could carry him in pursuit of Grog and escape Trinket and his taunting mistress.

Leaving both Vex and Ragnvaldr alone, the human straightened himself as he idly ran a hand through long, unkempt hair, brushing a few loose strands from his face. "So. Which one of us does the talking, and which one does the beating? That's usually how these things work, isn't it?"" He inquired curiously as his usually gravelly voice took a slightly smoother tone, something which the Half-Elf was not deaf too.

"Personally, I'd much rather avoid violence were we can." she began glancing up at the much taller man, doing her damndest not to gawk at his sculpted figure, a reality of which he of course was blind to. "But if I need you, I won't hesitate to scream. For now though, all either of us needs is for you to stand back and look pretty." she joked, falling into step beside him as they too descended the steps into the winding streets below.


Meanwhile, as the mismatched pair of animal lovers traversed the streets of Emon. Both Pike and Vax had finally made it to they desired destination. A small single story building with a domed roof stood amongst the many drably pale bricked shops and stalls of the market district. The entirety of the structure was slathered in neatly applied bright purple paint from top to bottom with a standing tented foyer just beyond it's doors with a large sign hanging above which simply read 'Gilmore's Glorious Goods' in beautifully hand drawn cursive.

It's owners obvious passion for aesthetics continued in it's interior as both Vax and Pike drifted through the purple curtains hanging in the door way topped with crisscrossing golden beads. The shop floor itself was unlike anything most citizens of Emon had ever seen, a pair of neatly arranged display tables lined either side of the open space with even more bookcases and shelving upon the walls with squared counter placed squarely behind the displays, which rather oddly remained empty.

"You have entered a realm of mystery, of magic, of marvel." a flamboyant voice spoke up with a hint of mystic layered in his welcoming tone. Quickly a dark skinned man stood at the top of the wooden stairs twisted excitedly toward the newcomers to his shop, "Welcome to Gilmore's Glorious Goods!" he exclaimed shooting his arms into the air as small pink waifs floated all around, some going as high as the dozens of lanterns hanging on the rafters.

Sunil Malhotra as Shaun Gilmore

'The Lovable Merchant'

The mans open chested purple robes with golden lining along his shoulders, collar and cuffs stood out against his mocha coloured skin, highlighting his purple eye shade and the crimson gloss on his lips. Every inch of his appearance screamed fabulous from the golden tassels tying off the braids framing the sides of his face and the single, much smaller one on his perfectly trimmed beard tying a single tight braid beneath his chin. Even his hands weren't safe as two fingers on each were decorated with golden rings a topped double bracelet to boot.

"Enchanted curials and magical artefacts at discounted prices. I take gold, silver, platinum...." he listed off swooping his way down the stair to stand in front of the counter, although as soon as his sparkling eyes landed upon the handsome Half-Elf as single gasp puffed from his broad chest. "Why, if it isn't the mysterious Vax'ildan?" he hummed with a spine tingling chuckle as he approached the man in question, both too preoccupied to acknowledge Pike whom stood right beside her friend.

Quietly, and rather awkwardly the Priestess watched as the shops curious owner pounced toward Vax and wrapped his arms around his neck, locking the Rouge into a tight yet welcoming hug. "Oh, I was hoping you would swing back through again." he laughed resting his hands on Vax's shoulders and pecking both the Half-Elf's cheeks on at a time, to which the more than willing recipient let out a chilling laugh.

"Glad to see you haven't lost you charm, Gilmore." he uttered as both men released their holds on one another, Gilmore not yet satisfied rested his arm upon his best and most handsome customers shoulder.

A toothy smile spread across his painted lips as he reeled back playfully, "Oh, listen to you. Don't stop. I can't take it." Gilmore uttered pressing his hand against Vax's chest and near instantly closing the already short gap between them. Barely an inch remained between the two men as seductive smile grew across their respective faces, "I've missed your visits." he purred smoothly running a gentle finger up and down Vax's charcoal tunic.

Although, both rather forward men hadn't taken into account the much smaller presence in the room, as Pike quickly broke the two apart with a simple clearing of her throat, catching their attention. Innocently Pike, with an unnerved expression waved her hand in greeting. "Hi..." she drawled uncomfortably, meeting the tall humans curious gaze.

Wordlessly, the shop keep turned on his heel and marched down the centre of his precious store. "So, are you here for business of pleasure?" he hummed using his magic to float a trio of ornate swords from one of the many display case, suspending them blade down in the air, then as he passed a book laying upon the opposite table, used the very same spell to prop it up ever so slightly opening it at a random page. It's cover was in no way subtle on it's subject matter, the hard backing depicted a burly, black haired Half-Orc with a blue skinned Tiefling woman leaning passionately into his chest.

Their lack of clothing becoming all to clear as Pike's eyes nearly shot from their sockets from reading a single passage from Gilmore's selected page. Of course, just as the holy woman tore her eyes from the book, she spotted the title printed upon it's front and spine alike. 'Tusk Love.' it read. Luckily though, before she could become too engrossed the men's conversation quickly regained her attention.

"Uh, business, I'm afraid. We need information on blue dragons." Vex began following his long time friend and possible lover, "Particularly, how to kill them." he finished, was Gilmore nodded in understanding swirling behind the oaken counter and reaching beneath it.

Knowingly, another widened smile stretched across his lips, "Well, for 20,000 gold, I'll sell you this..." he began as he shot up straight and conjured a large spear tipped lance with a gold encrusted, wing like decoration at its hilt, showing it off to Vax. "Handy-dandy magic Lance of Dragon Slaying. A fantastic bargain." he hummed, cracking his bracelet covered wrist.

Pike and Vax eyed the towering, ornate weapon, eyes wide with astonishment only for a nervous chuckle to escape through Vax's lips. "We can't presently afford such a weapon, but perhaps some advice for a tiny fee?" he begged as Gilmore took the Lance from it's place in the air and set it on one of the long shelves beneath his counter.

"Hopefully what you're offering isn't too tiny." he said, quirking a single eyebrow and plopping himself down into his chair, folding one leg over the other and bracing his arm against the counter top. However when Vax reached into his pocket and tossed two puny silver coins at the man, his expectant smoulder dropped instantly. "I-I suppose size isn't everything." he uttered quickly darting to examine his nails.

Stepping forth, Vax was adamant leaning both hands on the opposite side of the counter top. "We need to know if blue dragons have any weaknesses." he said hastily, leaning closer to the now seated shop keep.

"Weakness, eh? Well, to start, they're egomaniacs." Gilmore began, softly pattering his impeccable nails against the wood of his counter. "They hate being insulted and have tremendous vanity. Not that I can relate." he chuckled, his dark eyes glinting with excitement as a sly smile stretched across Vax's face. The Half-Elf in question leaned his elbow slightly upon the counter, closing the gap ever so slightly between them, an action Gilmore was more than happy with.

Once again, to prevent the pair of lust driven men from leaping atop each other Pike popped her head up over the edge of the counter, having now managed to tear herself away from the smutty literature. "Hi, still here. Is there anyway to stop them?" she demanded quickly bring their attention back to the matter at hand.

Gilmore twisted around to face them properly, his legs disappearing beneath the counter as he folded his sleeve covered arms. "Honestly, there's no simple way to kill a dragon. Even in tomes of old, legends of their destruction are largely poetic drivel." he sighed clicking his fingers and summoning the old gold encrusted book with an ornate dragon roaring welded upon it in a clod of purple smoke. The rare tome plopped down between them as Gilmore delicately held it in both hands, and taking a deep breath, unleashing a plume of air and blowing centuries of dust from the books cover.

Both the Cleric and Rouge alike were struck by the cascade of greyed particles, both doing little to prevent themselves from unleashing retching coughs as Gilmore flicked through the many hundreds of passages. "Ah, here we are. 'The Wyrm shall only find defeat, in the gorge where the twin rivers meet.' " he composed shooting dramatically to his feet as if he were reciting lines from a grand ballad, though as he finished, while his hand glided down the ancient parchment, Vax caught sight of a simple boldly drawn illustration resembling that of a fork in the road. "See? Cute, but..." Gilmore stated only to be cut off by his muse.

"Useless..." The Half-Elf sighed turning the opened and flicking through the pages himself, hoping to all the Gods he noticed at least something.

Meanwhile, Gilmore sat himself down on the thin, sanded edge of the counter, leaning over ever so slightly. "While dragon anatomy is a topic for many a scholar, anyone close enough to find out seems to get themselves snapped up." he remarked conjuring a small illusionary dragon and swishing it toward Vax's head, which puffed from existence as soon as it made contact. "Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but you get what you payed for." he pouted, turning his attention back to filed nails, a balancing one of the coins between his many gold encrusted fingers.

"Gilmore, this all very helpful. Even the bullshit. If we survive this..." Vax began straightening himself up with an oddly inviting smile, "I owe you dinner." he laughed quietly, all while Pike stood silent next to him.

Flicking the coin right into his palm, quick as a flash Gilmore braced his elbows atop the counter and interlocking his fingers, flattening his hands and bracing his chin against them. "You owe me more than that, my handsome Half-Elf." he moaned, lidding his eyes as Vax shot the man one last flirty wink.

"All right, you two, foreplay's over. We should probably go find our friends." Pike quickly intervened, intent on not watching their courtship any further. Gripping her small hand on Vax's wrist she yanked him away with a surprising amount of strength and marched back towards the building door, all while Gilmore kept his flirty eyes locked upon the Half-Elf one last time.


"It all happened so fast... Never even got a good look at the thing, before it..." A young, blonde haired soldier babbled, his near catatonic eyes spoke a thousand words to both Vex and Ragnvaldr listened to his account of the previous nights battle. The Oldegårdian sat himself beside the scarred man while his partner in crime stood standing with their animals either side of her. "Oh, Gods... None of us stood a chance. Most were dead before they even hit the ground. The General warned us, but I never thought it would end like that." he uttered as he bowed his head in his hands.

All around the noise of the Tavern luckily drown out their conversation making it difficult for anyone to hear their current conversation. The three had nestled themselves in the furthest corner of the homely room at the table surrounded by a multitude of wooden chairs, and got to talking after buying the soldiers next few rounds to try and loosen his tounge.

At the mention of Emon's illustrious General, both Ragnvaldr and Vex shared a knowing look. "Where was Krieg during all this?" the Outlander inquired trying his best to stifle his usually demanding tone, keeping his rather sympathetic gaze on the young warrior.

The young man swallowed deeply as he glanced between the two, "Don't know. I lost tack of him during the battle. Only saw him after when we were gathering the survivors. Why do you ask?" he sniffed, slightly confused by the strange interrogators. Neither the Half-Elf nor the Oldegårdian answered as he sighed and pushed himself to his feet, grabbing his axe from it's place propped against the leg of his chair.

"Nothing to concern yourself with. Get some rest, you've earned it." Vex's nurturing tone cut in, as Ragnvaldr once again joined her side. Both hid their worried looks well as they turned on their heels and marched out of the lantern lit Traven and into the blinding light of the packed, winding yet glossy streets of Emon. "What do you make of it? Those we've spoken with have all said the same." she began with a hint of impatience growing in her voice at their severe lack of progress, as the two marched away from the sloped roofed building and down the street.

Thinking for just a moment, Ragnvaldr released a steady calming breath through his nose. "The part I can't help but think about is what they say of Krieg. Why, in the heat of battle would he vanish? The man doesn't strike me as a coward to turn tail and run. You heard him in the Palace." he motioned his axe wielding hand upward to gleaming pointed towers of the keep. "Perhaps he sacrificed his soldiers to save his own hide. But still doesn't explain why he came back, instead of cutting his looses and fleeing." he uttered pursing his lips together, the more they investigated, the more Vex's suspicious of Fince collapsed.

"Guilt, maybe. Probably couldn't face it and returned once it was over." she replied as the pair weaved their way through the crowds aimlessly, having run all their leads dry.

Ragnvaldr scoffed at her words, scratching the side of his face which was beginning to become peppered with light bits of light stubble. "Speaking from experience, those types don't return to a battle. Even if it is over, most would rather flee than face the consequences of their cowardice." he grunted, nearly trampling a short Gnomish woman trotting by, minding her own business. Of course, the Oldegårdian ignored her gasp of fright as he and his partner disappeared further into the crowd.

The She-Elf simply quirked a curious eyebrow at the mans words, 'Speaking from experience' what was he referring too. First the mention of his home beyond the mountains, the mark on his neck now that. Vex knew he wasn't telling the full story, not that she could blame him, after all they had only met mere days ago. A comfortable silence fell between the two as they wandered the many pathways scattered through Emon.

While travelling the city without the company of the others, the way some elders and young reacted to the mere sight of him became all to clear to her, sending the passing man hateful glares or outright avoiding him further raised her suspicions. Vex herself was no stranger to such looks, being a Half-Elf in Syngorn, she too knew the bigotry others were capable off. Yet something about this, felt off. Releasing a preparing sigh, she glanced up at the much taller human. "You've been with us almost a full week, yet none of us know much of anything about you." she stated catching the man's rather surprised expression.

"I don't plan on staying with your group much longer, remember? There's no point in getting attached, only makes things harder when the time comes to depart. It's better this way." he insisted quickly and effectively shutting Vex's seemingly innocent line of questioning. "All I need's her for now." he finished nodding toward the large Dire Wolf keeping pace with the two.

However, the woman wasn't done as he curious eyes scanned down toward his heavily battered axe. "Haven't thought of investing in a new one?" she chuckled motioning toward the weapon clutched tightly in his hand.

"No. This belonged to my father, and his grandfather before him. It would take a hundred men to wrestle this from me." he uttered raising the weapon waist high and gripping his other hand nearest the iron head. "Besides, why replace something that works so damn well." he grinned slightly slapping the wooden handle in his off hand playfully, as he newfound companion nodded silently in agreement.


Meanwhile, sat on the stone steps of slightly raised pavilion at the centre of one of Emon's many residential areas, Scanlan sat on the lower step situating his small form between Grog's large legs, the look of sheer dumbfounded boredom clear on his face as he let out a dreary sigh. His eyes started blankly ahead as the city's residents swarmed all around them, going about their daily lives like any other day, completely ignoring the fact that a Gnome bored right to death and a clueless Goliath again pocking and scratching at his ear sat close by.

"So, um. What were we supposed to be doing, again?" Inquired to his miniature companion as he flicked away a dead piece of ashen skin, turning his bald head to look down at the Bard between his legs.

The Bard simply dropped his shoulders as he pushed a deep groan from his lungs, "I don't know, searching for Fince or something. Gods! This is boring." he bleated leaning himself on the inside of Grogs muscled thigh, the Goliath in question not caring in the slightest. A pair of rather beautiful buxom women, one blonde, one with brown hair passed by the tow males as they giggled quietly, making the Gnome's pointed ears perk up. "Hold up. You know where that creepy little taint-raisin would be?" he questioned looking up at the oblivious giant as he grew one of signature, shifty smiles.

"The brothel. Oh, yeah." he announced shooting to his feet and pacing back and forth, glancing at the floor, appearing to be deep in thought. However, the very same courier Scanlan had, 'relieved' himself on the night they took up the contract wheeled a small cart containing four barrels of ale right next to them, propping it against the floor, rubbing his aching neck, the young man simply sauntered of as a wide grin stretched across Grog's face. "Yeah, we can investigate there for hours if we need too." Scanlan concocted as his friend simply lifted the barrel like an oversized tankard, tore of it's wooden lid with ease and began gulping it's contents straight from the source.

"But won't Vex and that other guy be kind of pissed, if we ain't doing what they said to do?" he inquired, dropping the edge of the barrel from his lips as his distracted gaze fell upon the so called master planner.

Instantly, Scanlan jumped to his own defence pointing his stubby finger accusingly at the Giants tattooed head. "I don't give a wet fart what her or her boy toy think. Clearly, I'm the brains of this operation." he chittered bracing both hands sassily against his hips, with a proud smirk.

Grog reeled back slightly, raising a confused eyebrow as he dulled eyes darted between the stone work floor and the arrogant Gnome. "Really? 'Cause she told me you have 'dick for brains,' Which doesn't seem possible." he uttered, wrapping his head around the She-Elf's words.

Scowling, Scanlan gripped his fists tightly as he paced back and forth, even more agitated than before. "You know what, screw Vex and her stupid feather head. And forget fire-crotches impeccable abs. I'm going to the brothel." he declared confidently, only for his heart to sink and his eyes widen, as his gaze landed upon a conspicuously hooded figure approaching them amongst the crowd. Beneath it, Scanlan caught sight of Fince, looking more shifty than ever as he inched closer to the two Mercenaries. Gasping in shock, the Bard bent his legs in panic as his head darted side to side grasping for somewhere to hide.

A stammer passed through his lips as the desperate Gnome leapt head first into the perfectly sized barrel of ale Grog happily held, splashing it's golden brown contents over the stone steps. As conspicuously as he possibly could Grog slowly brought the keg to his face and hid it away slurping what remained of the now Scanlan flavoured alcohol. Thanks to the Goliath's quick thinking, Fince payed them no mind as he passed the two, by, making his way to his unknown destination.

Keeping the bottom of the barrel in line with were the Drow was, Scanlan poked the cork from the hole peering through it as the remaining ale drained from within, further drenching him the foul tasting beverage. Narrowing his suspicious eye the Bard spoke, his voice muffled within the his wooden hiding place. "It's that thin-lipped crypt keeper. Come on." he ordered shooting out of the barrel as held it from his face, unleashing an ungodly loud belch that echoed across the square catching Finces attention.

Wordlessly Fince, slowly turned to face the commotion behind him all while the two men panicked, quickly rolling across the ground and hiding behind the small cart, that barely concealed Grogs arching back. Peeking around it's corner both the Bard and Barbarian alike watched as the Councilman turned away and trotted on. Sharing a look, the two nodded as they emerged and followed as quietly as they could.


Weaving their way down the winding back alleys of the residential district and the towering arched walkway's of the upper ring, Scanlan and Grog tailed the Drow from a distance doing a rather fantastic job of staying undetected, leaving Fince none the wiser to his unseen company. Eventually, among the gleaming mansions and gardens the mismatched pair pressed themselves against one of the properties tall perimeter walls, watching as Fince passed through the gateway and onto the property, trudging his way along the winding path toward the grandiose home.

Thinking on his feet, Scanlan clambered onto Grogs broad shoulders and peeked over the wall while the towering Barbarian simply accepted his new job. "Hey, can you see him from up there?" Grog called out loudly as Scanlan quickly shushed him, girlishly slapping the man's bald forehead repeatedly.

"That way. Across the street." The Bard demanded, extending his arm and pointing toward his right. Cautiously the Goliath pressed himself against the walls smoothened brick work and shuffled his way to their destination all while Scanlan kept a close eye on their target. However, he may have perhaps been too preoccupied as he straightened himself up on Grogs shoulders, unaware of the hanging sigh post quickly closing in on him. "He's sneaking to that fancy manor." he uttered only to collide face first with the sign, unleashing a loud clang. "Oh! The fuck... fuck...." he cried catching Fince's attention as he himself wheeled around to investigate.

In a flash Grog yanked the pained Gnome from his shoulders and covered his mouth refusing to let Scanlan reveal their location. Holding him closely to his chest Scanlan let out muffled howls of pain as his tiny legs flailed back and forth widely, struggling against Grog's incredibly strong grasp. Eyeing the wall sinisterly, Fince drew a small blade from his sleeve and pushed open the large double doors, steeping inside and locking them behind him.

As soon as the locking mechanism clicked back into place, Grog released Scanlan as the bard in question hopped free of his grasp. "Okay. That skanky goat groper is up to no good. You keep an eye on that house, I'll go get the others." He ordered bolting back down the narrow walled street, ye not before the Goliath made a rather inappropriate request.

"Right. Can you pick me up a sandwich on the way back?" he requested casually, almost as if the two hadn't caught Fince red-handed.

Whirling around the Gnome slid to a stop, "What? A sandw.... no!" he hissed, mouth agape in absolute astonishment. "I'm not going on a food run, dummy." he insulted. Grog simply let out a soft whimper, as his eager form dropped slightly.

"Please?" he pleaded, almost like he were a begging child.

Turning his head, Scanlan dropped his arms limply at his sides, sighing in defeat. "What do you want?" he groaned as Grog's saddened expression shifted to one of happiness as he did his best to not cheer like a madman.


Happily, Grog held a fat sandwich in his hands as he sat on the front steps leading toward the mansion humming with pleasure as he tore into the meat filled feast, muttering sweet nothing as he chewed away, all while Moonless sat before him on her hind legs, watching hungrily as well. All of Vox Machina now gladly reunited stood staring at the pair of locked double doors leading inside. A perplexed Scanlan, lute in hand examined the overbearing golden lock crafted into the door itself. "Sturdy lock. Nothing a little magical song can't handle." he muttered quickly placing his fingers on each of the cords and prepared himself, strumming both middle cords and loudly clearing his throat.

"Open your back door, baby"

"Loosen your hinges I'll show you my key."

He sang quickly turning to the lock and unleashing a bolt of purple magic toward the tightly secured lock. As soon as it struck, however nothing happened as the magic simple dissipated in cloud of thin smoke. "Damn. That usually works." he hissed, instead just choosing to try with all his puny might to push it open, which of course did not work.

"You're surprised? That's the front door, not the back you moron." Ragnvaldr deadpanned, frustratingly crossing one arm over the other as the Bard's naughty innuendo filled sonnet flew right over his sharp, yet oddly naïve head.

Approaching his dejected form, Keyleth took her place beside his, wiggling her fingers eagerly with a bright, near mischievous smile on her face. "What if I heat the metal and melt the lock?" she questioned, bending down slightly to examine the keyhole, only to straighten herself and use her Ashari magic and staff to attempt to turn the lock to mush. However, Scanlan, being lost in his own world still attempted to push open the door, shoving his shoulder dangerously close to the unaffected, now scalding lock.

Predictably, a small section of the Gnome's sleeve caught fire instantly as he leapt away and desperately snuffed the tiny flame with his hand. "What the hell, Keyleth? This is imported silk!" he cried out with an obvious panic laced in his wavering tone. The Druid reeled back apologetically as the Gnome continued his berating grunts only to be interrupted by Pike who used her God's guidance to detect the presence of any magic.

The white haired Gnome pressed her finger tips against her forehead, shutting her eyes tightly and reaching her other hand toward said lock. "The lock doesn't seem magical. I'm not sensing anything." she strained, immediately dropping her hands and opening her eyes.

"Can you people do nothing right? It's just a damn door." Vex hissed turning to face the struggling three, with her bow in hand prepared in case someone had tailed them or was preparing to attack them.

Next to give it a try was Ragnvaldr, who scoffed humorously at the trio's misfortune. "All it takes is a good hit or two, stand back, all of you." he ordered as Keyleth and Pike watched with expectant looks upon their faces. Of course, the bard refused to move leaving the human to simply push him effortlessly to the side. "This is how a warrior does it. Right Grog?" he called out only to be met with a muffled agreeing grunt as the Goliath stuffed his face. Without a moments hesitation Ragnvaldr raised his axe above his head and unleashed a mighty roar bringing his axe down upon the lock, only to watch as he blade simply scrapped against the contraption, still unscathed after the parties attempts.

"Um. Give me a moment." He uttered, a near unmissable embarrassed blush upon his pale cheeks. trudging to take a place beside Vex, he turned once again to face the impenetrable door charging head long at it and raised his foot to kick the doors open once and for all. However, instead of bursting open like he had planned, the doors shook violently as a mighty crack echoed across the Mansions idyllic courtyard, making everyone wince in pain. "Ow! You gold plated chuckle fuck!" he yelped loudly, stumbling back and dropping his axe to the ground, hopping away holding his ankle pathetically. Falling on his back next to Vex.

"A warrior, hmm? Very impressive." she laughed quietly only to be met with the shifting Oldegårdian raising his middle finger up to her.

"Bugger off..." he grunted nursing his twisted foot on the floor. Even though it wasn't broken, Pike simply trotted up the groups newest addition and used her healing power to ilvaite his throbbing pain. "Thank you." he uttered in defeat, staying on the ground as if too ashamed to stand up.

Finally having enough of his friends tomfoolery Vax effortlessly swopped past Grog, swiping the olive topped toothpick stuck into the top of his sandwich. "Not everything can be solved with the simple swing of an axe. Sometimes you have to be more subtle." he informed stepping over the astonishingly embarrassed Oldegårdian's outstretched legs. Silently, the Rouge bent down and pressed his ear against against the front doors lock plucking the green olive from the toothpick with his teeth and inserting the small stick into the keyhole. Within the ornate lock, as the Rouge jimmied the pick back and forth, the heavy mechanisms twisted and clanked slowly coming apart as he quickly removed the improvised lockpick and shoved the now unblocked entrance open with a loud creak.

"All it takes is a little finesse. Amateurs." he groaned with a deathly bored expression, tossing the needless toothpick away and trotting inside, leaving behind his less than enthused companions as both Scanlan, Keyleth and Ragnvaldr glared daggers at the casual Half-Elf. Vex turned and helped the formerly wounded man to his feet as himself and the others followed Vax inside, Ragnvaldr of course made sure to grab his axe along the way as well.

Grog however, sat stubbornly on the steps still munching away as he too turned to the Mansions grand entrance. "That was my toothpick." he whined as his sandwiches meaty touch slid from between the puffy white buns and slapped onto the ground. Though it didn't mean that it went to waste as Moonless, with her insatiable appetite shot forth and lapped up the half eaten meat, immediately following her master like nothing happened and leaving behind a rather justifiably heart broken Goliath who reluctantly abandoned his food and entered into the darkened abode.

Inside, the daylight which poured through the doors illuminated the ornately decorated foyer. As soon as they entered, the Mercenaries were met with a a grand smoothened stone stairs covered by an ascending crimson carpet along with the wood topped bannister. The perfectly cut staircase split on both the left and right leading to two separate rounded wooden doors either side of the second floor. Whoever, the painting hung on the wall as the grand designs centrepiece made it all too clear to whom the property belonged to. "This place is fancy." Keyleth spoke as she looked around in abject wonder of the architecture laid out before her.

The painting itself depicted the mighty General Krieg in all his egotistical glory, posing heroically in his gleaming steel armour and holding his sword with it's sharpened tip rested against the poignant green grass beneath him. "Apparently Krieg lives here. And has dreadful taste in art." Percy insulted locking his alerted form on the fantastic yet horribly self centred portrait.

"Oh, shit. I bet Fince is here to assassinate his ass." Scanlan hissed pushing himself as always to the forefront of the group, desperate to one up his already apparent usefulness thus far, much to Ragnvaldr's annoyance.

Unleashing an angered grunt the human glanced down at the short Gnome, "No. he's probably just here to give the 'illustrious' General a hug, Scanlan!" the man quietly hissed in a venom laced tone. "That's why he brought the bloody knife." the man finished impatiently, tapping his fingers eagerly against the wooden pommel of his axe.

Before the pair's argument could once again escalate Vex's scolding voice cut Scanlan off before he could reply, "Both of you shut up!" she chittered turning to both Percy, Keyleth and Ragnvaldr. "Why don't you three head to the second floor? Scanlan and Grog will search the attic. Vax and I will start here." she ordered only for said orders to fall null and void as a soft shuffling filled the room followed by a high pitched clicked.

Turning their attention to the source of the noise, Vox Machina's gaze once again fell upon Vax as he kneeled on the wooden floor with a section of carpet lift from it, revealing a trap door. "Or maybe we all just go check the cellar." he whispered as the groups single Oldegårdian nodded in agreement.


Fince cautiously stood by one of the many shelves light by a single dangling latern, picking and choosing a myriad of worn scrolls and shoving them, as wistfully as he possibly could, careful not to draw any unwanted attention from his seemingly unethical action.

As quietly as luck would allow them, Vax pulled open the hidden trap door descending into the pitch darkness of the cellar. A faded light poured through the man made hole, illuminating portions of the surrounding bookcases stacked with what seemed like hundreds of years worth of books and parchment alike. Immediately the Bard broke any sense of advantage the group had gained by shouting toward the shifting Drow. "Aha! We caught you blue-handed, chicken humper!" Scanlan announced like he were some sort of overblown hero in some badly told story while the others levelled their own weapons toward Fince.

Without a hint of hesitation the Councilman drew his blade from his belt and twirled on the spot, raising it ever so slightly to face the motley crew of adventurers. "Drop your blade!" the Bard demanded wielding his lute in both hands, ready to use his magic should the need arise.

"What? No, no, you don't understand. I'm not stealing anything." his biting voice defended, cutting through the musty dust filled air of the unused library as his grip on the handle of his blade grew ever tighter.

"Of course your not. And that dagger isn't to murder General Krieg with, either, right?" Pike interrogated, pointing accusingly at the elderly sullen, cloak wearing Drow.

Not sensing his long time friend and companions sarcasm, standing tall behind her the axe wielding Goliath crouched to her level and peeked over her shoulder. "Pike, I think it is." he mumbled quietly, thinking that he had cracked the case of their assailants true plans.

In no time at all, Fince's face contorted with panic as he lowered his small dagger to his side to show some kind of civility in the already tense situation. "You must listen to me. These documents are evidence. General Krieg is planning to..." as he pleaded with the party, the same searing feeling once again shot through Vex's skull, the difference this time being that it felt as though her skull might implode as she dropped her bow with making it clatter to the cobbled floor and collapsed to her knees writhing in pain as it grew worse and worse with ever passing moment, as if someone, or something was closing in on them.

An open, doorless passage lay behind Fince, what lay beyond it was completely shrouded in overbearing darkness, that was until Ragnvaldr caught sight of appeared to be a momentary glance of a pair of dull silted eyes peering over the Drow's shoulder from within. Without a moments hesitation as the distinct sound of a sword being drawn from it's leather scabbard echoed through the cellar, and wasting not a single second the Oldegårdian rushed forward pushing Fince effortlessly to the side as the very same long sword depicted in the painting thrust from the darkness, narrowly missing the Drow's exposed back.

Toppling to the floor Fince watched on as the alleged savage tribesman deflected the sword's gleaming blade with his worn iron hand axe, grappling the would be killers weaponless, armour plated forearm and with great strength wrenched him forward into the lanterns fading light revealing the attacker to be, much to Vox Machina's surprise General Krieg himself. Frozen on the spot they watched as Ragnvaldr dashed Krieg's sword wielding arm against the wall forcing him to drop it, and without a hint of Mercy nor hesitation raised his chipped axe and dug the blade right into Krieg's broad shoulder giving Fince enough time to flee to Vox Machina's side.

Being smashed with such reckless abandon, Krieg's gleaming steel pauldron cracked and immediately shattered as the iron edge of the axe broke through and split into the blonde haired 'man's' flesh, forcing thick droplets of blood to spew forth from the open wound. Horrifically, Krieg let out not but a yelp as he regained his composure from the lighting fast attack, gripping his gauntlet hand onto Ragnvaldr's wrist and tearing it from his axe's handle with ease gripping his other tightly around the Oldegårdian's throat forcing him lower to the ground.

An arrogant smile stretched across the General lips as his darkened eyes bared down on the sputtering red-headed human. "You really think an insect like you could kill me? Pathetic..." he drawled lifting the similarly tall man by his throat and tossing him like a ragdoll at the feet of the rest of Ragnvaldr's companions. The floored man rubbed his neck as he unleashed a series of unruly, horrendously vicious coughs, watching as Krieg gripped his axe and pulled the weapon with a sickening squelch from his gaping wound, quickly pressing his large hand to try and to stop the bleeding.

Vex having barely recovered from her ordeal shot open one singular eye as realisation dawned on her. "He's the one, in league with the..." she grunted painfully as Krieg spat a glob of darkened blood from his mouth.

"Of course it was me." he coughed dropping the axe with a clatter to the floor as he stumbled to pick up his precious sword once more. "I-I championed you because you're a bunch of witless oafs, who no one gives to shites about. You've been lucky so far, but you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into." he hissed levelling his blade toward the intrepid Mercenaries. Even with his gushing wound, the man was confident he could still take on the party's superior numbers.

Clawing his way back to his feet Ragnvaldr stood at the forefront of the group, he to now completely unwilling to back down from the mainlanders challenge. Clenching his bare fists the enraged man went to charge once again only for Vax to come to his comrades aid. "I've got him." the Rouge announced leaping past his sister and launching a flurry of sharpened daggers, of which Krieg swung his sword and dashed them from the air, limply clattering to the floor beside Ragnvaldr's axe.

Twisting on his feet, the General growled and stormed off back through the darkened entrance way and into the next room. Fince being the only non-combatant cut his losses and scurried back up the steep wooden steps toward daylight, intent on informing the Sovereign of Krieg's betrayal. "Finesse, huh?" Keyleth uttered behind Vax as himself and the rest of Vox Machina charged into the unknown, with Ragnvaldr leading from the front, recovering his axe and bounding into the next room.

Rushing in, himself, Vax and Vex slid to a stop as they glanced around the alchemists lair, it's shelves lay stacked with a macabre series of jarred specimens and artefacts never before seen by any of them. "Krieg! Show yourself coward!" the dangerously enraged Oldegårdian yelled as his grip on his bloodied weapon increased tenfold. Darting their eyes to the ground for any sighs of a blood trial, their hearts dropped as no liquid lay spattered on the wooden floorboards. The General, seemingly, had all but vanished from existence.

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