Crisis Core: Blades of Destiny

By lovelyjpark

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In the gritty, technologically-advanced world of Midgar, Cindy, an orphan from the slums, defies all odds to... More

Chapter 1: Training
Chapter 2: City Patrol
Chapter 3: The Hero
Chapter 4: Unveiling Vulnerability
Chapter 5: Trust
Chapter 6: Rumours of Desertion
Chapter 7: A Night Out
Chapter 8: Make a Wish
Chapter 9: SOLDIER Tension
Chapter 10: The First Mission
Chapter 11: Fort Tamblin
Chapter 12: Angeal's Gone
Chapter 13: Mako Infusion
Chapter 14: Another Night Out
Chapter 16: Banora
Chapter 17: My Weakness
Chapter 18: Contemplating
Chapter 19: SOLDIER 1st Class, Zack Fair
Chapter 20: Hollander
Chapter 21: Cereza...?
Chapter 22: Trip To Gongaga
Chapter 23: Confessions
Chapter 24: Back to Midgar
Chapter 25: Me? Gongaga.
Chapter 26: Modeoheim
Chapter 27: Goodbye, Angeal
Chapter 28: Distance
Chapter 29: Costa del Sol
Chapter 30: i love you
Chapter 31: Developments
Chapter 32: Junon
Chapter 33: Just Like Old Times
Chapter 34: Nibelheim
Chapter 35: Jenova
Chapter 36: I Can't Lose You
Chapter 37: How Could You?
Chapter 38: Wake Up
Chapter 39: Lost
Chapter 40: The End

Chapter 15: Feelings

85 8 0
By lovelyjpark

The cold night air wrapped around them like a familiar, chilly embrace as they stumbled out of the bar, their cheeks flushed and their laughter echoing into the night. The tequila shots they had consumed were gradually taking their toll, adding a pleasant haze to the edges of their senses. The world was a little more wobbly with each step they took.

Kunsel's excitement overflowed as he enthusiastically proposed, "Zack! Let's go hang at your place!"

Zack, feeling the warmth of the alcohol course through his veins, couldn't help but chuckle in response. "Yeah, okay. Let's do it."

They ambled through the dimly lit streets, the distant city sounds creating a soothing backdrop to their tipsy conversation. It was a calm and serene night, the kind where secrets and emotions were more likely to bubble to the surface. As the world seemed to sway around her, Cindy couldn't shake the feeling that there was something unsaid, particularly from Zack. Earlier, back at the bar, his demeanor had shifted, his normally buoyant personality giving way to something more introspective.

Their journey back to Zack's apartment was a blurry one. The world was a funhouse of wobbling buildings and giggling streetlights. One by one, they stumbled into Zack's apartment, a small haven of comfort in the middle of a bustling city. Shoes were quickly discarded at the doorway, the mundane concerns of the outside world forgotten in their hasty exit.

Zack, his movements more deliberate, switched on a lamp, its soft glow casting a warm ambiance over the living room. The room itself was a comfortable mix of organized clutter, a testament to the life of a SOLDIER. Stacks of books, posters, and a well-worn couch filled the space. It was a place where Zack could unwind and be himself.

Cindy, still under the influence of the alcohol, couldn't suppress her laughter as she took a seat next to Zack. Her newly green eyes sparkled with mischief as she playfully teased, "Kunsel, don't think tequila will make us forget about your girl troubles."

Kunsel, a wide grin on his face, joined them on the couch, his speech ever so slightly slurred as the alcohol worked its magic. "In two minutes, you'll forget all about it."

Zack's laughter resonated through the room as he relaxed into the couch, his sense of balance ever so slightly askew. He placed his feet up on the coffee table with an air of nonchalance. "He's got you there."

Cindy, feeling the camaraderie of their shared revelry, sat up a little straighter, her eyes locking onto Zack's. There was a mischievous glint in her eyes as she suggested, "We should give her a call before we forget."

Kunsel, perhaps the most intoxicated of the trio, responded with a mix of panic and amusement, his gestures frantic as if to prevent an impending catastrophe. "I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE DON'T."

As Cindy's laughter echoed in the room, their inebriated voices overlapping in joyous harmony, the idea of making a phone call became a hilarious and perilous adventure. The alcohol had a way of making the world seem carefree, a place filled with endless possibilities and humor. Yet, in their shared laughter, they also found a refuge from the complexities of their lives.

The alcohol had loosened their tongues, making them more candid, but it had also created a warmth that provided a temporary respite from their everyday responsibilities. In that fleeting moment, they could be just themselves, free from the expectations of the world.

As the night continued to envelope them in its comforting darkness, the effects of the tequila were in full swing, and the room seemed to spin with a drunken merriment. As Zack's mind wandered, he couldn't help but notice that Cindy was sitting rather close to him. In the midst of their tipsy camaraderie, he found himself wrestling with newfound feelings that had become difficult to ignore.

Now that he had finally admitted to himself the depth of his emotions for her, every moment in her proximity was both thrilling and unsettling. The warmth of her presence was a comforting embrace, but it also ignited a longing that he wasn't sure how to navigate.

Thankfully, Cindy decided to excuse herself and head to the bathroom, giving Zack a moment of respite. He watched her go, a mix of emotions swirling within him. The alcohol had loosened his inhibitions, but it hadn't clarified the path forward.

Kunsel observed Zack with a curious expression as Cindy disappeared from their sight. "What's up with you?"

Zack shook his head to clear his thoughts, but the alcohol-induced spinning sensation in his head only intensified. "Nothing, man. Just... drunk."

Kunsel wasn't ready to let it go, a sly smirk dancing on his lips. "Dude, I'm your best friend. I know when you're lying."

With a drunken sigh, Zack couldn't contain the truth any longer. He blurted out, "I have feelings for Cindy." The confession, unplanned and unfiltered, hung in the air, the weight of his admission settling over him.

Zack immediately covered his mouth, his eyes wide with realization. He had just revealed his feelings for Cindy aloud for the first time. Kunsel, however, was quick to react, his wide smile revealing his not-so-hidden secret. "I knew it!"

Zack's eyebrows furrowed as he turned to face his friend, a mix of embarrassment and frustration etched on his features. "What do you mean you knew it?!"

Kunsel slyly smirked and shrugged his shoulders playfully. "I don't know, man. There's a certain vibe between you two."

As Zack contemplated his friend's words, he couldn't help but sigh, his sense of uncertainty resurfacing. "She only sees me as a friend, and probably always will."

Kunsel, ever the playful provocateur, couldn't resist throwing Zack's earlier words back at him with a humorous twist. "Come on, man. The worst she could do is say no."

Zack chuckled and picked up a nearby pillow, playfully hitting Kunsel with it. The laughter in the room continued to flow, but the moment of levity was interrupted when Kunsel's expression grew serious.

In the midst of their inebriated chatter, Kunsel's words held a surprising clarity. "Zack, no matter what happens, that girl is a part of your life. Even if she doesn't see you that way, telling her how you feel could never ruin the relationship you guys have." He offered Zack a reassuring smile before adding, "You somehow convinced a girl who refused to even talk to you to become one of your closest friends, and fairly quickly. She trusts you with her life, and that isn't easily broken."

Zack took a moment to absorb his friend's words, fighting through the alcohol-induced haze to grasp their significance. Kunsel wasn't finished, and he concluded with a heartfelt sentiment. "If she's never thought about you in that way, at least give her the chance to."

As the weight of their conversation lingered in the room, Zack found himself contemplating the significance of his feelings for Cindy and the courage it would take to confront them.

The weight of Zack's admission lingered in the air, casting a thoughtful veil over their drunken camaraderie. They couldn't help but feel the shift in the room, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken emotions now laid bare.

Just as the gravity of the moment threatened to become overwhelming, Cindy re-entered the living room, her steps slightly unsteady due to the lingering effects of the tequila shots. She settled back onto the couch, her cheeks flushed with the warmth of laughter, and looked at Zack and Kunsel, who had returned to their jovial conversation.

With a playful grin, she couldn't help but tease them. "What are you guys talking about without me?"

Zack, his moment of vulnerability temporarily set aside, flashed a charming grin as he retorted, "Oh, just how Kunsel's never going to get a date." His playful tone lightened the mood, and the three of them shared a hearty laugh.

Kunsel playfully threw a pillow in Zack's direction, and the room was filled with cheerful laughter and teasing once more. They were lost in the camaraderie of the moment, and Zack found solace in the simplicity of their friendship.

As the night continued, their laughter resonated through Zack's apartment, defying the cold and harsh reality of their lives as members of SOLDIER. It was in these unguarded moments, filled with humor and affection, that they found a sense of normalcy, a fleeting escape from the expectations and complexities of their roles.

But despite the laughter and cheer, Zack couldn't help but ponder Kunsel's words about Cindy, about giving her the chance to understand his feelings. He knew it was a conversation they would eventually need to have. It was a chance he couldn't avoid forever.

The alcohol, with its comforting embrace and the haze it cast over their senses, served as both an enabler and a hindrance. It made it easier to admit feelings but also blurred the line between candidness and recklessness.

Yet, for now, Zack was content with the night they had, the laughter, the jokes, and the warmth of friendship. He pushed his thoughts about the future aside, choosing to live in the present, basking in the joy of the moment.

As the night progressed and the effects of the tequila began to wane, the trio found themselves nestled on Zack's couch, their laughter subsiding into contented sighs. The room was now illuminated only by the soft glow of the lamp, and the outside world was cloaked in the quiet of the late hour.

Cindy, her earlier teasing and laughter mellowed by the alcohol, leaned back into the cushions of the couch, her eyes heavy with drowsiness. She let out a soft yawn, covering her mouth with her hand, and then whispered, "I think I might fall asleep right here."

Kunsel, also feeling the exhaustion of the night, chimed in with a teasing tone. "Yeah, well, I'm not carrying you home, Cindy."

Zack, not immune to the weariness that had begun to settle over him, stretched his arms and stifled a yawn. "You guys can crash here if you want."

Cindy smiled warmly at Zack's offer, her eyes locking onto his. "That sounds nice. I appreciate it."

Kunsel, ever the joker, shook his head in mock disbelief. "Man, you're too nice. You know I've got my own apartment, right?"

Zack chuckled, his words tinged with amusement. "Just offering, buddy."

With the decision made, they found themselves slipping into a comfortable silence. The events of the night had brought them closer, their friendship strengthened by laughter and shared secrets. The complexities of their lives could wait until the morning. For now, they were content to rest, letting the world outside disappear, sharing the closeness that only true friends could understand.

As Kunsel succumbed to sleep on the couch, Zack turned his attention to Cindy. The cozy atmosphere lingered, casting a gentle glow over the room.

"You okay?" he asked, his voice a gentle whisper against the quiet of the room.

Cindy, her eyes heavy with drowsiness, managed a sleepily content smile. "Yeah... I'm okay." The alcohol-induced warmth still colored her cheeks, and a serene calmness settled over her features.

A comfortable silence settled between them, the quiet broken only by the soft sounds of the night outside. Zack, feeling a sense of responsibility, spoke up, "You can go sleep in my room if you want."

Cindy considered the offer, her gaze lingering on Zack for a moment. "That sounds nice, actually. Thanks, Zack." She slowly stood up, the effects of the alcohol still evident in her slightly unsteady movements.

Zack led her to his room, the dim light casting a gentle ambiance. The room, like the rest of the apartment, carried the mark of Zack's personality—organized chaos with a touch of warmth. He gestured towards the bed, "Make yourself comfortable. I'll grab you a blanket."

As Zack left the room briefly, Cindy took in her surroundings. She couldn't help but notice the traces of Zack's life scattered across the room—the books, the posters, the subtle reminders of his journey as a SOLDIER. The realization that she was now a significant part of his life brought a soft smile to her lips.

She picks up a photo off the dresser, a captured moment from a time when life seemed simpler. A younger Zack, vibrant and full of dreams, stood between two figures—his parents, the warmth of their smiles frozen in the frame. Cindy studied the photo with a gentle curiosity, feeling as though she was granted access to a more intimate part of Zack's life.

Zack, returning with a soft blanket in his hands, couldn't help but feel a twinge of vulnerability as he caught her gazing at the photo. It was as if she were stepping into his past, bridging the gap between the person he was and the one he longed to become. Setting the blanket down, he smiled, trying to mask the sudden surge of emotions.

As she carefully placed the photo back on the dresser, Cindy couldn't suppress a warm smile. "Your parents seem really nice."

Zack's eyes softened, appreciating the genuine interest in her voice. "They are. You should... come to Gongaga sometime."

A soft laughter escaped her lips, the memory of Kunsel's jests resurfacing. "Don't laugh! Kunsel doesn't know what he's talking about. Gongaga is a great place," Zack insisted, his defense accompanied by a playful chuckle.

The atmosphere shifted, the light banter giving way to a semi-serious exchange. Their eyes locked, and Cindy felt a connection that went beyond the playful camaraderie they shared. "I'd love to go," she responded, the sincerity in her voice echoing a willingness to embrace the facets of Zack's life beyond the bustling city they currently found themselves in.

In that moment, as they stood on the threshold between laughter and more profound emotions, Zack felt a renewed sense of courage. The vulnerability lingered, but it was accompanied by a burgeoning hope that maybe, just maybe, their journey through each other's lives was about to take a more profound turn.

Zack, breaking the gaze, cleared his throat, a nervous smile playing on his lips. "We'll plan it then, a trip to Gongaga."

Cindy's answering smile held a mix of anticipation and warmth. "I'm looking forward to it."

After a comfortable silence, the weight of unspoken words lingering in the air, Zack looked at Cindy with a deep admiration. "You've really changed."

Cindy, taking a moment to reflect, felt a wave of realization wash over her. The isolation and struggles that once defined her felt like distant echoes, fading into the background of her newfound life. The thought of her rough past hadn't crossed her mind in a while, and she realized there was no need for it to. In the realm of SOLDIER and the bonds she had forged, the past was but a stepping stone to the person she had become.

Lost in her contemplation, she finally answered, "Yeah... I guess I have." Her words carried a quiet strength, a testament to the resilience she had discovered within herself. The transformation, sparked by her journey within SOLDIER and the friendships that had blossomed, had shaped her into someone who could face the future with a newfound sense of purpose.

As Zack looked at her, he couldn't help but think back to their initial encounters. He recalled the guarded, distant woman he had first met, the one who had built walls around herself as a shield against a harsh world. The journey from that distant memory to the present moment, where she stood comfortably in his room, sharing a piece of his past, was nothing short of remarkable.

Realizing the significance of the transformation they both underwent, Zack felt a profound sense of gratitude. It took time and effort for Cindy to trust him, for their friendship to blossom into the carefree camaraderie they now shared.

He understood that the depth of their relationship, the trust they had built, was something to be cherished. Keeping his own feelings tucked away became a conscious decision, an acknowledgment that some emotions were better left unspoken. He wasn't willing to jeopardize the beautiful connection they had for the uncertainty of what might be.

With a soft smile, Zack redirected his thoughts to the present. "I'm just glad I met you, Cindy."

Cindy's eyes reflected a shared sentiment, an unspoken understanding of the value of their friendship. In that quiet acknowledgment, they found solace, appreciating the journey that had led them to this point. The unspoken tension from earlier seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of contentment that needed no further words.

As the night embraced them in its quiet serenity, Zack and Cindy settled into a moment of shared gratitude. The unspoken remained, but it was accompanied by a newfound awareness of the depth and significance of their connection—a friendship that had weathered storms and emerged stronger, a testament to the transformative power of shared experiences and genuine companionship.

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