OmniVersus - The Great Tourna...

De KiddoIsTheBest

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After a young god became one of the Enlightened Deities, he was gifted with the ability to manipulate the Omn... Mai multe



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De KiddoIsTheBest

On the island, three warriors were building rowboats to leave the island while the other two warriors were guarding the unconscious Magneto, who is encased in rocks, and conversing with one another. Katara and Korra were enjoying their conversation about the past and future, mostly Katara was enjoying it.

"So I have kids with Aang... that's a bit... embarrassing to know," Katara said while twirling her hair. "So my eldest son inherited Aang's airbending while my daughter inherited my waterbending."

Korra nodded, "Yep. And your youngest son didn't have any bending until the Harmonic Convergence, a supernatural phenomenon that occurs once every ten thousand years. He is an airbender now."

"Huh, I don't think Aang knows about that phenomenon," Katara said while her mind was occupied with her future children and grandchildren. "This is unbelievable! I don't know if I'm dreaming or not, but the fact that I'm meeting my future husband's incarnation is baffling!"

"You have no idea! I get to meet a young and prime Katara!" Korra exclaimed happily. "Perhaps you have any water-bending tricks that aren't taught in my Tribe or the academy!?"

"Maybe I do." Katara would be happy to help the future Avatar.

"It seems you two have been enjoying yourselves," Madison said while smiling. "The old man still hasn't woken up yet?"

"No, but I wish he was already! I'm still pissed that I was captured by him and was about to be tortured if you guys didn't find me!" Korra exclaimed while glaring at Magneto angrily.

"If it weren't for Tanjiro's amazing nose, it would've taken a while to find you," Madison said. "It's very helpful when surviving in the wild. We will know about the incoming dangers."

"Yeah, though it's a bit 'freaky'. He could sense our emotions as well, which still shouldn't be possible." Katara pointed out.

Tanjiro chuckled, "I get that a lot."

"Oh, Tanjiro. Are the rowboats finished?" Madison asked.

Tanjiro nodded, "Yep. Percy is currently testing them with his water powers. Now that I think about it, I'm surrounded by people that have superpowers. It's honestly amazing."

Madison laughed, "Did you forget that you attacked us suddenly because you thought we were demons?"

Tanjiro blushed from his mistakes, "I'm sorry about that. I haven't seen anyone using powers besides demons back in my hometown."

"Wait! You don't have any 'powers', Tanjiro? Then how are you able to move so fast, slicing thick metal, and... summoning water from the blade...?" Katara asked with confusion.

"Oh! It's because of the Breathing Styles, swordsmanship styles practiced and taught by members of the Demon Slayer Corps in Japan." Tanjiro answered before unsheathing his katana. "There are five styles, but I used the Water Breathing Style. It mimics water, specifically the flow, flexibility, and adaptability of the liquid, and replicates it with my movements, techniques, and abilities."

"Wait, so you're saying those feats you performed... are from breathing?" Katara was confused and bewildered by the explanation.

Korra chuckled, "Your reaction is the same as ours."

"And the water that you saw wasn't really visible to anyone. You were feeling the flow of the water from the blade." Tanjiro added.

"Is that so?" Katara understood his superhuman feats slightly.

"If you want, I can teach you guys. The breathing style will also help your internal bleeding heal a bit faster, learn it from... yeah..." Tanjiro went silent after almost mentioning Rengoku, which his companions noticed.

"I would love to." Katara accepted the offer to be taught, as it's really interesting to learn. She turned her attention to Madison. "What about you, Ms. Rocca? Your ability is a bit unusual."

"Well, it's because my power is magic. I'm part of the 13th Generation of Power Rangers called 'Mystic Force'. We're the only team that has fancy capes and magic, compared to others." Madison answered, which amazed Katara. "My magic is the ability to control water. And that isn't just my ability. I have a 'Battlizer' that increases my magic and I can turn into a giant mermaid."

"Wait. What?" Katara was confused by the last part.

"You'll see in the future." Madison understood their confusion as they probably hadn't seen a Zord before.

"Ooookay..." Katara said before staring at Percy who was walking towards them after testing the rowboats. "And you, Percy? Tanjiro mentioned that you're a... demigod?"

"Yep. I'm the Son of Poseidon, God of the Seas." Percy answered. "I am one of the Prophecy of the Seven... blah blah blah."

"What's it like being the son of a... deity?" Katara was curious about the difference between an ordinary mortal and a godly mortal.

"There's not much difference. I still have dyslexia and ADHD, but I can manipulate all kinds of water, including blood anytime albeit with difficulty." Percy answered.

"Wait. Blood? You don't need a full moon to manipulate it?" Katara isn't a big fan of bloodbending, but she was surprised that Percy can manipulate blood anytime.

"Uh... no?" Percy wondered if the residents in Katara's and Korra's world needed a full moon to 'bloodbend'.

"In my timeline, there are few people who can bloodbend in broad daylight, but it's still rare for waterbenders to use that bending in daylight," Korra said, which horrified Katara that Hama's method is being used in the future.

'She must've taught others secretly before me.' Katara speculated. "So..."

Magneto regained his consciousness and groaned, "What happened?"

"Ah, so you're finally awake! Good! " Korra cracked her fingers before forming a fist. "I need to return the favor!"

"Korra, that's unnecessary," Katara said, which made Korra pout. "Let him speak. Why did you attack and kidnap Korra?"

"I needed information. And if anything, she attacked me first." Magneto answered as Korra raised her eyebrow. "I was roaming around the island to find where on Earth I am. I killed those monsters that were infesting in the area. When I entered the cave, I went to one of the tunnels. After killing the same monster, she immediately went after me because she thought I brought you and everyone here. Such assumptions can lead to misunderstanding."

Madison stared at Korra, "Is that true?"

"Well, I-" Korra doesn't know how to get out of this one, as the reason she attacked Magneto was because he was a suspicious person. "He was suspicious, okay!?"

"I guess you haven't heard the term never judge a book by its cover," Percy said teasingly, which Korra looked away from embarrassment. "Anyway, you still attacked us, boomer. You should've explained that you were misunderstood instead of preventing us from rescuing Korra... probably."

"You expect me to trust you? Each one of you is different. You aren't Mutants." Magneto pointed out, as everyone stared at each other by the term. "What are you?"

"A demigod," Percy answered.

"A mystical ranger," Madison answered.

"A demon slayer," Tanjiro answered.

"A waterbender," Katara answered.

"...Avatar," Korra answered reluctantly.

"So you're all humans, except for you." Magneto pointed at Percy. "Yet at the same time, different. Some of you must know where I am, yes?"

"It's a speculation, but we're in another universe because each of us is from different worlds that we don't recognize," Madison answered. "And please don't say that such ridiculousness doesn't exist, Udonna told us about Power Rangers from another universes."

"Power Rangers? What a more ridiculous name than X-Men!" Magneto then pondered about his current situation. "Another universe, huh? Then perhaps the Sentinels aren't here... yet."

"Okay, what is a Sentinel... and what are mutants!?" Korra demanded an answer before Katara calmed her down.

"Fine, since you're uneducated about my world." Magneto reluctantly agrees to inform them while he's planning his escape. "Mutants are superior beings that are born with a genetic mutation called an 'X-Gene' that causes their bodies to develop abilities that pathetic humans are unable to. The majority of mutants develop these abilities, which vary from person to person. I can control anything that involves metal and iron."

"So mutants are evolved versions of humans, is that it?" Percy questioned. "It's a lot different than demigods."

"I can't believe your species is much more evolved than mine and humans." Magneto disdains the idea of another species being superior to mutants before continuing with his explanation. "Over the years, the humans feared our existence so they created the Sentinels to hunt down all the mutants on Earth. Currently, there are only a few mutants who were killed by a single Sentinel, but soon, we'll be extinct."

"That's horrible!" Tanjiro exclaimed angrily at the thought of his kind killing innocent mutants because they were different. It was the same when all of the Demon Slayer Pillars wanted to execute his sister because she was a demon until they eventually warmed up to her.

"Yes, that's how humans are. They fear something different for which they don't understand." Magneto insulted the humans before staring at Tanjiro who was an oddly different human than the rest, but he shook his head at the thought. "Now that I informed you, I must escape this island."

"In case you forgot, you're encased in stone right now." Korra pointed out while smirking.

Magneto smirked, "Am I now?"

All of them were caught off guard when the Nichiren Blade and Riptide flung out of Tanjiro and Percy's possession. The two blades sliced the rock, which freed Magneto. They proceeded to attack him head-on to prevent him from escaping, but something came out of the ground and imprisoned them inside. They were imprisoned inside a giant metal square prison.

Magneto cracked his head before walking towards the prison while the two swords were floating behind him, "I apologize for the rudeness, but I don't have time to deal with humans."

"Get us out of here!" Korra ordered him angrily while trying to escape using firebending, as she couldn't bend other elements due to no sources for them, but the flames were ineffective.

"Don't bother trying to burn them down. They are made out of pure tungsten. I'm sure you're gonna have a hard time manipulating these types of metals as well." Magneto said as the weapons behind him dropped to the ground. "I despise humans. I would've killed you all without any hesitation, but you provided me an escape from it as a distraction."

"A distraction?" Percy questioned while trying to use his strength to break the metal, but it was pointless.

"The Sentinel, of course. I can feel that it's coming for me, but it won't find a mutant when you guys are here. It'll assume that all of you are mutants. Anyhow..." Magneto then levitates in the air thanks to the magnetic properties of his armor before leaving them. "Toodles."

"That damn old man!" Korra was irritated by the mutant tenfold.

"We don't have time to deal with him! We need to escape from this prison before the Sentinel kills all of us!" Percy said. "Korra, try to concentrate on bending the metal!"

Korra nodded, "I'll try my best!"

"The rest of us will prepare for the mutant killer's arrival! There's no doubt it'll rip through the metal easily if Korra hasn't provided us an escape yet!" Percy added.

"Wow. You're really calm during an intense situation, kid." Madison complimented Percy.

"Well, I fought strong and terrifying enemies before such as the Minotaur, Cerberus, and Gigantes," Percy told them about his fights, though he was too terrified to engage in combat with Cerberus at that time, whom Heracles even struggled against. "It's not really a big deal, you know."

Tanjiro sniffed, "Guys, the Sentinel has arrived."

"WHAT!?" All of them exclaimed.

"You can still smell, even though we're inside this metal prison!?" Katara was in disbelief even more by the insane nose that Tanjiro had.

"Yeah," Tanjiro said. "We need to..."

Before Tanjiro could finish his sentence, a destructive energy ray went through the tungsten prison. All of them barely dodged the attack. They went out of the prison immediately and saw the Sentinel. It was a highly weaponized giant robot and largely changed in physical design, jet-black in color with huge, heat emitters. It was staring at them intently.

"What is it doing?" Percy asked before picking up Riptide from the ground slowly, along with Tanjiro with his Nichiren Blade.

"It's scanning us... to find which of us are mutants... I think." Katara answered, preparing to manipulate the water from the beach.

The Sentinel was confused by these unknown warriors. Neither of them was a mutant and an ordinary humans. They were different species from them. It doesn't know whether to leave them alone or eliminate them because they possess similarities to mutants, meaning they're dangerous to mankind.

After a quick calculation, it decided to eliminate these unknown species for they are a threat to the world like the mutants. It opens its face to unleash another energy ray at them.

"It considered us a threat!" Korra exclaimed.

Korra threw a giant boulder from the ground at the Sentinel's face immediately, which moved its head, and the energy ray was fired in a different direction. She then used firebending to throw fireballs at its face before using the airbending to knock over its feet.

It stood back up immediately before releasing an energy ray in an instant. Korra used earthbending to create six thick walls to block the attack, as the energy ray went through all of them and hit her, but it didn't penetrate through her body due to the walls delaying the attack.

"Korra!" Madison ran towards her companion worriedly.

Korra groaned, "I'm fine..."

While the Sentinel was distracted with Korra and Madison, Katara manipulated the water to encase the mutant killer in a giant ball of water before turning it into ice as she did with Azula, but the heat within from its body melted the ice. It then was covered in flames, which surprised all of them.

Katara was then moving her body fluidly, as the water on the beach went towards Sentinel, but it was releasing fire from its right hand which crossed streams with the water.

"Go! I can't handle this much longer!" Katara told Percy and Tanjiro.

Percy ran towards the Sentinel while it was busy preventing the water from attacking it while Tanjiro stayed behind with his eyes closed as the concentration string wasn't aligned yet. Percy hopes that the Riptide works against a giant killer robot before leaping towards it and trying to slice off its left arm, which is a success.

The Sentinel was then struck by the water before glaring at Percy, who prepared to leap towards it again. Then, Tanjiro saw the concentration string before running towards the mutant killer with superhuman speed and sliced off its right leg, which was another success as the Sentinel fell to the ground.

Percy sighed in relief, "Thanks. I thought I was going to be killed."

"I wasn't just going to let you get killed in front of me," Tanjiro said. "Come on, it's not over y-"

"Watch out!" Katara and Madison warned the two of them when the Sentinel released an energy ray.

Percy and Tanjiro dodged the attack in time. As both of them landed on the ground, the Sentinel jumped toward Percy and pinned him down brutally by grabbing his neck. It wasn't the first time Percy had been pinned down by something big, as he tried to lift its hands off him, but he felt something was wrong when he couldn't.

"Percy!" Tanjiro ran towards the Sentinel, preparing to use the Water Breathing Style. 'Total Concentration! Water Breathing!'

Madison noticed something odd about the Sentinel before staring at the beach where the water was bubbling, "Katara, Korra! Are either of you using your waterbending!?"

"Not at the moment. Why?" Katara and Korra answered in unison.

Madison widened her eyes, "The Sentinel is absorbing Percy's powers!"

"WHAT!?" Katara and Korra exclaimed.

"Huh!?" Tanjiro canceled his technique accidentally, as he stumbled on the ground and felt pain in his heart for breaking away from the breathing concentration recklessly.

'Damn! It's absorbing my powers!? That's why it's much stronger than me currently! I'm basically fighting a demigod right now!' Percy exclaimed in thoughts while he was drifting away from the living world, as the Sentinel continued to choke him.

"Percy!" Korra exclaimed worriedly.

Korra stood up immediately before stomping on the ground, as a giant wall appeared below the Sentinel which launched him into the air. When Tanjiro recovered from his brief pain, he ran towards the Sentinel and attempted to use his breathing technique before it reached the ground. He needs to concentrate this time, otherwise, he will end up dying from using his greatest ability.

'Total Concentration! Water Breathing!'

The Sentinel regrew its arms and legs by using the water from the beach as its new limbs. Katara tried to prevent it from creating water limbs, but it was too late. When the Sentinel was about to reach the ground, it saw a young boy who was in front of it in a millisecond. It was about to attack Tanjiro, but it was too slow for him.

'First Form: Water Surface Slash!' Tanjiro generated enough momentum to create a powerful single concentrated slash at the Sentinel.

As Tanjiro landed on the ground smoothly and sheathing his blade, the head of the Sentinel fell on the ground. All of his companions were amazed by his speed and technique. They thought that the Breathing Styles were something hilarious that people from his world created, but they underestimated how powerful it truly was.

Katara was eager to learn the Water Breathing Style more than ever, as it would help her in the fight exponentially. She found a second teacher and her brother might be jealous of her if he found out how powerful Tanjiro was.

Tanjiro sighed before sniffing for enemies, "It isn't over yet! There are still more of these guys out there!"

"You've got to be kidding me!" Korra complained.

"How many of them?" Madison asked while helping Percy stand up.

"...Eight," Tanjiro answered, which horrified everyone.

"How far are they?" Madison asked.

"About two miles away... I think." Tanjiro answered, unsure whether the Sentinels were near or far.

"We can't fight all of them! These things are strong and can absorb our powers!" Percy then stared at his hands while clenching them. "Thankfully, it didn't fully absorb my power! I feel like my strength is returning to me!"

"We need to get off this island now," Katara said. "We have an advantage in the water anyway."

"Yeah, but it's gonna be a bit difficult when two people need to row two rowboats while the other three need to fight them," Percy said.

"It's a risk we're going to take. We need to get off this land as soon as possible." Madison said, preparing her Mystic Morpher for an intense fight soon.

"We need to hurry. I'll row one of the rowboats." Tanjiro offered his help.

"And I'll do the other," Percy said.

As the five of them went to the rowboats, they escaped from the island momentarily. They were grateful that Magneto didn't destroy the boats, though they wondered if he didn't bother destroying them, or rather, why he didn't use them to escape the island.

They wondered if he had another way of escaping from the island like creating a giant metal ship. Korra was still frustrated by Magneto that she intends to improve her metalbending to overpower him with the ability he relies on so much in a fight.


Earlier, Magneto was roaming around the forest when a Sentinel flew past him in the air. He wondered if his unusual captors could survive the Sentinel, which would be unlikely. They would've been great allies if he hadn't sacrificed them, but he doesn't trust humans or... demigods. He needed to find his friend, Charles Xavier, anywhere on the island or in the unknown world.

A minute later, there was a fight happening afar, which means that the Sentinel has engaged in combat with the five warriors.

"Good luck defeating that thing." Magneto wished them luck sincerely.

As Magneto reached somewhere far on the island, he concentrated on using his magnetic powers to get anything metal-related from underground to the surface world. After numerous metallic objects were lying on the ground, he was about to build a ship until he went into hiding immediately after hearing a familiar whooshing sound in the air. In the distance, eight Sentinels were flying towards the island which they shouldn't be here unless...

"Did they defeat the Sentinel? They survived." Magneto was slightly impressed by their feats, but as a result, the rest of the Sentinels were aware of their location.

As the Sentinels flew over Magneto, one of them was ambushed by a horde of Demogorgons. He was extremely annoyed as there was a high chance he'd be found by it because it'd detect that there was a mutant nearby.

After the Sentinel disposed of all of the Demogorgon easily, it was about to join back with its brethren until it detected a mutant nearby. As it walks towards his location, Magneto levitates all of the metal around him to strike the mutant killer before making a run for it.

When the Sentinel was getting closer to Magneto, he immediately threw all of the metal at it and wrapped it around its body. It was about to release an energy ray from its face, but he covered the face by wrapping another metal around it.

He then lifted the mutant killer due to the metal around it before throwing it into the sky. He then ran to another area of the island, as the Sentinel was bound to be back for him. He was frustrated that one of them managed to find him until he realized something.

"Hold on! Aren't they a bit too advanced!?" Magneto questioned the Sentinel's design. "Are they Mark IX versions or something!? Did those humans manage to create a different one in a matter of weeks!? That isn't possible!"

After attempting to escape from the Sentinel for a few minutes, Magneto was resting behind a tree while panting from exhaustion. He isn't young anymore, so his running speed has diminished over the years. He then continued walking towards a familiar location, which was an abandoned metal warehouse.

The roof, walls, and floors were a bit missing because he used them to attack those five fools a while ago. When he entered the warehouse, an energy ray went past him and destroyed parts of it.

"You caught up with me already!" Magneto exclaimed angrily before clenching his fist quickly, as the metals on the ground formed a ball.

As the Sentinel landed on the ground, Magneto threw the giant metal ball at it. The Sentinel used its energy ray to blast through the ball simply, as Magneto dodged the attack again albeit barely.

He then ripped everything from the warehouse apart before throwing all of the metals at the mutant killer, but it sliced all of the metals with its fingers which transformed into spiky ones like Lady Deathstrike. He then used the remaining metal to try to restrain its feet but jumped over it before slicing them in half.

Magneto smirked, "Fool."

When all of the tiny metal shards that Sentinel sliced were levitating in the air, Magneto used them to attack it with quick precision. The Sentinel was deeply annoyed by the shards that were constantly flying all over its face.

As it was briefly distracted by the shards, Magneto levitated a cantilever and threw it at the Sentinel's feet, but the plan failed when it destroyed all of the tiny shards with energy rap and jumped over the cantilever and destroyed it with the same attack.

It then glared at Magneto intimidatingly.

Magneto gulped silently, "You're much more formidable than the rest."

Suddenly, a huge white bear with spikes on its body and red marks around its eyes ambushed the Sentinel from behind before it could release an energy ray at Magneto. The bear was flinging the mutant killer around like a toy before slamming it on the ground. He was then ripping its arms and legs off before it could get back up quickly.

The Sentinel released an energy ray through the bear's stomach without any hesitation, as the bear collapsed on the ground.

"What kind of bear was t-" Magneto couldn't finish his sentence when the huge bear got back up seconds later while the hole in the stomach was healed immediately with some paper-like wrapping.

The huge bear ripped off its head without any effort. As the Sentinel was destroyed easily by an unknown bear species, Magneto levitated numerous small metallic objects behind him when the bear was staring at him.

He was about to attack but stopped instantly when the paper-like wrapping appeared around the bear and shrank down. When the wrappings disappeared, there was a young boy in front of him.

"A... boy?" Magneto questioned. 'Is he a mutant?'

The young boy has white hair, a pale complexion, and green eyes, wearing a short, brown fur cloak, a light blue shirt, and pants with fur boots. There was a rope leash on his right wrist, as well as an infected wound on his left leg. His name is Fushi, which means 'immortality'.

Fushi tilted his head when he was witnessing metal objects floating behind the old man. He walked towards him cautiously, as Magneto lowered the objects.

"Hello. Are you okay?" Fushi asked worriedly.

"Uh... yeah... I'm fine..." Magneto answered, confused by the boy's change of personality.

"How can you do that?" Fushi asked about the old man's magnetokinesis.

'So he hasn't heard of me, which means he isn't a mutant, but what is he? He could shapeshift into a bear.' Magneto wondered about the boy before answering me. "It's my power. I can manipulate anything that is metal."

'He never mentioned that there's someone else like me.' Fushi wondered if his 'father' was hiding something like this from him. "I'm Fushi. What's your name?"

"Uhm... Mag-Erik. Erik Lensherr." Magneto introduced himself with his birth name. "Why is a kid like you alone on the island?"

Fushi tilted his head, "I don't know. I was here suddenly. What were those monsters? They don't look like Nokkers. Also, I'm not a kid."

'Nokkers? I don't know what they are. And he's not a kid?' Magneto questioned the information from the boy. "That was a Sentinel. They hunt mutants like me. I'm confident that it would've hunted you as well."

"Mutant? What's that?" Fushi asked curiously.

"I don't have time to tell you! I need to leave this island!" Magneto said before walking away from him.

"Can I come?" Fushi asked as Magneto stopped in his tracks. "I don't know where else to go."

Magneto was suspicious and cautious about the boy, but considering he managed to destroy an advanced Sentinel, he would be a great weapon to have. "All right. Just don't get in my way, understand!?"

Fushi nodded, "Got it."

As Magneto and Fushi walked somewhere on the island, both of them were witnessing a massive fight on the sea from afar. Fushi wanted to help them, but they were too far away and they'd probably be dead by now. Magneto could see that the young boy had the heart of a hero like most members of X-Men, but he was impressed that he didn't go after them to help because he was thinking logically.

A few minutes later, Magneto went back to his original plan to build a metal ship while Fushi was protecting him from the Demogorgon, whom he turned into one, much to Magneto's surprise.

'So he can shapeshift like Mystique, except he is a bit different than hers.' Magneto said. "Let's set sail to the mainland, young man, to find more trustworthy allies."

Fushi nodded, "Agreed."




Sentinels: Sentinels are mutant-hunting robots created by Bolivar Trask and developed by Trask Industries. The current Sentinels are Mark X. While hunting down the last remaining mutants in existence, they were transported to the Battle World. I chose the version from the X-Men: Days of Future Past because they're more terrifying than the comic versions for me.

Fushi: Fushi is the main protagonist of To Your Eternity. He is an immortal being created by The Beholder and placed on Earth to preserve the world. While he isolated himself on an island for a couple of years, he was transported to the Battle World and destroyed a Sentinel upon landing.

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