Harry Potter and the Prince o...

By yushaaaaaaaap

112K 3.4K 649

Harry Potter was Sorted into Slytherin after a crappy childhood. His brother Jim is believed to be the BWL. *... More

Chapter 1: The Meeting Begins
Chapter 2: Halloween 1981
Chapter 3: The Reunion
Chapter 4: Meet the Potters
Chapter 5: Introductions on a Train
Chapter 6: Day One in the Snake Pit
Chapter 7: Potions and Process
Chapter 9: Study Sessions
Chapter 10: Flights and Duels
Chapter 11: Halloween 1991 (Part 1)
Chapter 12: Halloween 1991 (Part 2)
Chapter 13: Halloween 1991 (Part 3)
Chapter 14: Halloween 1991 (Finale)
Chapter 15: Meet the Longbottoms (pt 1)
Chapter 16: Meet the Longbottoms (pt 2)
Chapter 17: Interlude by the Lake Shore
Chapter 18: Quidditch and Mayhem
Chapter 19: Parent-Teacher Conference
Chapter 20: Student-Teacher Conference
Chapter 21: The Christmas Feast
Chapter 22: The Mirror of Erised
Chapter 23: The Sentinel
Chapter 24: Pairings
Chapter 25: Slytherin Maneuvers Pt 1
Chapter 26: Slytherin Maneuvers Pt 2
Chapter 27: Who Is the Prince of Slytherin?
Chapter 28: The Calm Before
Chapter 29: Final Exam pt 1
Chapter 30: Final Exam pt 2
Chapter 31: Questions, Answers & Unexpected Profanity
Chapter 32: The Death Eater Snape
Chapter 33: The End of the Beginning Pt 1
Chapter 34: The End of the Beginning Pt 2
Chapter 1: The Lessons of Summer
Chapter 2: Healers and Hospitals
Chapter 3: Mysteries and Revelations
Chapter 4: Meet the Weasleys (Pt 1)
Chapter 5: Meet the Weasleys (Pt 2)
Chapter 6: Ron's Day
Chapter 7: Countdown to a Birthday
Chapter 8: The Birthday Party (Pt 1)
Chapter 9: The Birthday Party (Pt 2)
Chapter 10: On the Importance of Emotion
Chapter 11: The Ice Cream Conference
Chapter 12: Meet Gilderoy Lockhart
Chapter 13: Modes of Transportation
Chapter 14: Ginny's Day (Pt 1)
Chapter 15: Ginny's Day (Pt 2)
Chapter 16: Lockhart's Little Quiz
Chapter 17: Team-Building Exercises (1)
Chapter 18: Team-Building Exercises (2)
Chapter 19: Team-Building Exercises (3)
Chapter 20: Pranks & Other Diversions, 1
Chapter 21: Pranks & Other Diversions, 2
Chapter 22: The Boggart (Pt 1)
Chapter 23: The Boggart (Pt 2)
Chapter 24: Family Dysfunctions (Pt 1)
Chapter 25: Family Dysfunctions (Pt 2)
Chapter 26: Quidditch & Mayhem Again
Chapter 27: Post-Game Developments
Chapter 28: Meet Peter Pettigrew
Chapter 29: Escalation of Hostilities
Chapter 30: The Dueling Club
Chapter 31: Aftershocks
Chapter 32: Home for the Holidays
Chapter 33: A Very Potter Holiday
Chapter 34: A New Year Begins
Chapter 35: Petrifications, Patronuses & Picnics
Chapter 36: Investigations Into Dark Matters
Chapter 37: Slouching Towards Endgame
Chapter 38: Slouching Towards End pt2
Chapter 39: The Final Lesson of Gilderoy Lockhart
Chapter 40: Endgame (Pt 1)
Chapter 41: Endgame (Pt 2)
Chapter 42: Revelations in a Disused Lavatory
Chapter 43: The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 44: The Riddle of the Diary
Chapter 45: Meet REDACTED
Chapter 46: Three Princes
Chapter 47: The Power of Friendship
Chapter 48: Goodbyes
Chapter 1: Theodore Nott and the House of Seven Gargoyles
Chapter 2: Hermione Granger and the Revenge of the Black Hand
Chapter 3: Jim Potter and the Beast of Shamballa (pt 1)
Chapter 4: Jim Potter and the Beast of Shamballa (pt 2)
Chapter 5: Ron Weasley and the Secret of the Naga
Chapter 6: Harry Potter and the Supreme Art of War
Chapter 7: Azkaban
Chapter 8: Reactions and Overreactions (pt 1)
Chapter 9: Reactions and Overreactions (pt 2)
Chapter 10: Reactions and Overreactions (pt 3)
Chapter 11: Reactions and Overreactions (pt 4)
Chapter 12: Back to School (pt 1)
Chapter 13: Back to School (pt 2)
Chapter 14: Back to School (pt 3)
Chapter 15: Feasts, Electives, and Student Organizations (pt 1)
Chapter 16: Feasts, Electives, and Student Organizations (pt 2)
Chapter 17: Feasts, Electives, and Student Organizations (pt 3)
Chapter 18: The Persistence of Memory
Chapter 19: Broderick Bode and the Chime of Calamity
Chapter 20: Hogsmeade (pt 1)
Chapter 21: Hogsmeade (pt 2)
Chapter 22: Hogsmeade (pt 3)
Chapter 23: Hogsmeade (pt 4)
Chapter 24: Random Moments of Weirdness
Chapter 25: Interlude in Ibiza
Chapter 26: Dreamscapes, Memories and Nightmares (pt 1)
Chapter 27: Dreamscapes, Memories and Nightmares (pt 2)
Chapter 28: Dreamscapes, Memories and Nightmares (pt 3)
Chapter 29: Dreamscapes, Memories and Nightmares (pt 4)
Chapter 30: The Blackest Day (pt 1)
Chapter 31: The Blackest Day (Best Enemies)
Chapter 32: The Blackest Day (The Women)
Chapter 33: The Blackest Day (Bella Unchained)
Chapter 34: Families at Christmas
Chapter 35: The Month of January
Chapter 36: Secrets Exposed
Chapter 37: What's Past Is Prologue (pt 1)
Chapter 38: What's Past Is Prologue (pt 2)
Chapter 39: Conspiracies in Action
Chapter 40: The Hunting of Sirius Black (pt 1)
Chapter 41: The Hunting of Sirius Black (It Gets Worse)
Chapter 42: The Hunting of Sirius Black (Even Worse)
Chapter 43: The Hunting of Sirius Black (Conclusion)
Chapter 44: Speaking of Time
Chapter 45: Redux (pt 1)
Chapter 46: Redux (pt 2)
Chapter 47: Redux (pt 3)
Chapter 48: Redux (Aftermath)
Chapter 49: Moving Forward
Chapter 50: Lords of the Wizengamot
Chapter 51: Potters and Blacks
Chapter 52: The King of Rats
Chapter 53: The Fall of the House of Potter (pt 1)
Chapter 54: The Fall of the House of Potter (pt 2)
Chapter 55: The Future All Around US, Waiting To Be Born (pt 1)
Chapter 56: The Future All Around US, Waiting To Be Born (pt 2)
Chapter 1: In Which Plans Are Made
Chapter 2: Marseilles, With An S
Chapter 3: Speaking of Harry Black
Chapter 4: Happy Birthday, Harry and Jim!
Chapter 5: A Series of Tense Conversations (pt 1)
Chapter 6: A Series of Tense Conversations (pt 2)
Chapter 7: Little Hangleton
Chapter 8: The Quidditch World Cup (pt 1)
Chapter 9: The Quidditch World Cup (pt 2)
Chapter 10: The Quidditch World Cup (pt 3)
Chapter 11: The Quidditch World Cup (pt 4)
Chapter 12: The Quidditch World Cup (pt 5)
Chapter 13: The Quidditch World Cup (pt 6)
Chapter 1: Headlines and Other Communications
Chapter 2: The Long Night
Chapter 3: Blast-Ended What?!?
Chapter 4: A Busy First Week
Chapter 5: Messages In The Night
Chapter 6: New Arrivals
Chapter 7: Meet The Visitors
Chapter 8: Dinner and Champagne
Chapter 9: The Goblet of Fire (Part 1)
Chapter 10: The Goblet of Fire (pt 2)
Chapter 11: The Goblet of Fire (Aftermath)
Chapter 12: Conversations at the Ministry
Chapter 13: The Imperius Curse
Chapter 14: The Weight of a Wand
Chapter 15: Here Be Dragons (Pt 1)
Chapter 16: Here Be Dragons (Pt 2)
Chapter 17: Here Be Dragons (pt 3)

Chapter 8: Meanwhile, in the Lion

1.7K 73 9
By yushaaaaaaaap

Meanwhile, In the Lions' Den

After leaving the Potters standing slack-jawed in front of the Headmaster's office, Harry sauntered into the Library looking for Hermione, who had invited him earlier to join her study group. Also in attendance were Neville and several other Gryffs clustered around Hermione like she was royalty. On the way in, Harry crossed paths with Theo, and he asked the boy to join them. Theo just looked back at the table (making eye contact with Hermione as he did). Then, he whispered a quick "no" and rushed out of the Library.

Shaking his head, Harry walked over to Hermione's table and introduced himself to the other Gryffindors: Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown and Dean Thomas. "I must say, I didn't expect this many people. I thought it was just three of us."

"Let's just say Hermione's popularity has skyrocketed in the last few hours," said Parvati smugly.

"Oh, stop!" said Hermione, blushing madly. "Now that the adrenaline's worn off, I feel quite embarrassed about the whole thing!"

"Well don't be!" said Neville. "You were incredible! That was what Gryffindor bravery is supposed to be about, not acting like ... like a braying ass." The other Gryff's laughed at that, until Madame Pince loudly shushed them all.

"What? For calling Jim out in Potions?" asked Harry.

"Oh, that was just the start. At some point, Harry, I'm going to borrow my Gran's pensieve just so you can watch the memory, because I'm going to treasure it forever," said Neville. "It all happened like this..."


Three hours earlier...

After the horrors of the first Potions class had ended, the First Year Gryffindors returned to their tower with mixed emotions. For Jim Potter, the dominant emotion was anger.

"Granger!" he bellowed as soon as he was through the passageway. "Gryffindors are supposed to stick together! What the hell do you mean by calling me a 'braying ass' in front of the whole class? And in Snivellus's class at that!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Potter," she said sweetly. "I'm only a humble Muggleborn still in awe of the wonders of the magical world. And when I see a braying ass magically disguised as a Hogwarts student, I CAN'T HELP POINTING IT OUT!"

"Why you little...! What were you so upset about anyway?! It's just house points! Nobody here cares about that except Little Miss Know-It-All!"

Hermione's eyes flashed dangerously, and she whipped out her wand. Startled, Jim fumbled for his own, but Hermione simply turned and walked to the stairs leading up to the dorms. There, she pointed her wand up each staircase and, to everyone's astonishment, shot off a series of loud popping fireworks before yelling "ALL PREFECTS TO THE COMMON ROOM FOR AN EMERGENCY MEETING!"

Seconds later, dozens of older Lions, including all six prefects were pouring into the room, where an angry Hermione Granger was standing atop a coffee table surrounded by the rest of the First Years who were staring at her in amazement. She still had her wand out and looked ready for battle.

Ralph MacMillan, the 7th Year prefect, was the first to speak. "What the HELL is going on down here?! Who called a prefects meeting?!"

"I did," said Hermione calmly. "You lot said if we have any questions, then we should ask a prefect! Well I have a question, and I want it answered right now!"

"Have you gone completely mental?!" exclaimed Ralph before a female prefect, Emily Rossen, put her hand on his arm.

"Easy, Ralph. Let me. Miss Granger, er, Hermione. You're obviously distraught. Why don't you put your wand away and step down off the table and we can talk about this?"

"Not until I've asked my question."

Emily took a deep breath. "Okay, then. What's your question?"

"The House Cup. Is it something Gryffindor House actually cares about? Something that we actually aspire to win? Or is it just a big joke that only 'Know-It-Alls' worry about? Something we should just laugh over whenever some idiot costs us dozens of house points at one go? Because if it's the latter, I promise you I can stop caring about the House Cup too! It will be a lot easier to pass my OWLS if I'm not dragging a lot of dead weight behind me!"

Hermione glared at Jim and Ron at the end, but Percy Weasley missed that and whirled around on his twin brothers instead. "Oh Merlin's pants, what have you idiots done now?!"

In unison, the twins put their hands up in a surrender gesture.

"Twasn't us, oh Perfect Prefect Percy." "We haven't lost any house points ... yet." "Haven't had time to do anything worth memorializing." "I mean, we did steal a toilet seat, but I don't think anyone's noticed yet."

"We've noticed," said Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet, almost in unison and with obvious displeasure.

Neville interrupted the discussion. "It wasn't the twins, Percy. It was Jim."

"Oh, thanks a lot, traitor," snapped Jim.

Hermione stepped down from the table and walked over to the confused prefects. "I don't know how things are going for the upper years. But among the First Years, it has taken Neville, Parvati, Lavender and myself a week to make up for the twenty points Jim Potter cost us on his first morning as a student."

Ralph coughed at that. "Yes, well. Admittedly that was a bad start for Potter, but hopefully, it's given him something to think about and won't happen..."

"Jim just lost us thirty-five points in Potions," she said calmly.

The room went quiet and all six prefects stared wide-eyed at the Boy-Who-Lived, who swallowed hard at attention that, for once, was not as favorable as he was accustomed. Then, the assembled Lions began murmuring their discontent. The twins were incorrigible, but a thirty-five point loss was what they might post in a week, not a single class. It represented nearly half the points the entire house had earned in the first week of school.

"Thirty-five points... in one class," said Emily weakly.

"Actually," said Neville tiredly. "Thirty-five points in under a minute."

"... HOW!" shrieked another of the prefects.

Lavender spoke up. She'd been very proud of those two points that she'd won in Charms the day before. The fact that Hermione not only remembered it at all but considered it just as important as the dozen or so the Muggleborn had won by herself instantly endeared her to the other girl. "Well, first of all, he mocked Professor Snape for his grooming habits to his face. Then, he went on a tear about how his father and Professor Snape hated one another and so his father basically told him it was okay to be disrespectful to the Professor. Then, he called Professor Snape 'Snivellus.' Did I forget anything?"

"Well," said Hermione, "it was patently obvious that Jim hadn't done the assigned reading, but that seems almost ... pedestrian after everything else."

"Of course," joined in Neville, "I'm sure he'd have carried on for longer and lost even more points had you not shut him up." He turned to the prefects. "For which she won us five points back, by the way."

Ralph waved that off and turned to Jim. "Why ... in Merlin's name, why would you deliberately insult a Hogwarts professor on the first day of class?"

Jim stiffened and looked around. He was dismayed and angry that most of the house seemed to be against him. "Because I shouldn't have to put up with abuse from someone who's had it out for my family since before I was born. I shouldn't have to be embarrassed with obscure questions no First Year would know."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Show of hands, please. Are there any other First Years who didn't know the answer to at least one of Professor Snape's questions?"

"I knew all three." "I knew two but didn't know the bezoar one." "Really? It was highlighted in bold in the side bar on page 3." "Oh! Darn it! I always forget to read the sidebars." Other than Ron, it appeared that all of the First Year Gryffindors knew the answer to at least one of Snape's questions. Finally, Jim snapped.


"The Boy-Who-Lived! Yes, we know," finished Hermione. "Harry was right about you with what he said last Monday. You really do think that the rules don't apply to you."

Jim blinked rapidly. Hermione almost started to feel bad seeing him on the verge of tears. Almost.

"I destroyed You-Know-Who! That should mean something!"

Hermione stepped forward to look Jim straight in the eye. "How?" she asked simply.


"How did you destroy You-Know-Who? I've read several books about the last war. They all just say You-Know-Who broke into your house, stunned your parents, and then tried to use the Killing Curse on you when you somehow 'vanquished' him. How did you do it?"

Jim stared at her, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"You don't know, do you?" she continued. "You've been internationally famous and universally beloved for something that happened when you were a baby, and you have no idea how it was accomplished. For all anyone knows, it could have been nothing but a magical fluke, but you expect to be treated like royalty for it." She shook her head and turned towards the stairs to her dorm room. At the edge, she suddenly whirled back around and smiled.

"You know, I just had the funniest notion! Wouldn't it be amusing if, for all this time, it had been Harry who destroyed You-Know-Who? And the reason your parents sent him to his Muggle relatives was to keep him hidden away while they put you forward and made you famous just to hide the fact that Harry was the real Boy-Who-Lived?"

As she spoke, Jim's face twisted into a mask of rage, and with a vicious snarl, he pulled out his wand. But before he could cast a spell, he was grappled by two older Gryffindors. That didn't stop him from screaming in a rage, though. "SHUT UP! SHUT YOUR FILTHY MUDBLOOD MOUTH!"

There were audible gasps around the room. Neville took an involuntary step towards Jim as if to strike him, but Hermione called his name sharply and he stopped, his fists still clenched. "Mudblood, Potter?" Hermione repeated. "I wonder what your mother would say to that. Perhaps we should ask her." She turned her head, and the rest of the room followed her gaze to the entryway in the far wall ... where Professors Potter and McGonagall stood completely aghast at the scene before them.

"Mu-Mum?" Jim asked.

"Not. One. Word. Come over here. Right now." Lily spoke quietly but with a frightening intensity. Slowly, Jim walked over to his mother, wiping his nose on the sleeve of his robe as he went. She placed her arm firmly around the boy's shoulders and guided him out of the common room. After they were gone, McGonagall exhaled slowly before turning to her Lions.

"I will not deduct any more points for what I have just witnessed. Mr. Potter will, instead, be serving detentions with me for the next week. Miss Granger? As I understand it, this marks the second time today you have stood up to one of the most famous and revered figures in our society and chastised him for his atrocious conduct. That is two times you have done what is right rather than what is easy. Professor Snape has already awarded you five points for the first instance, and I will match it for the second."

McGonagall surveyed the room. "I don't know what each of you thinks, but I for one wish very much to win the House Cup. It saddens me to think that any of my Lions lack sufficient pride in their house to share that wish. But while I cannot make you care, I assure you, I can make life difficult for you if you undermine others who do. Henceforth, any point deductions from a single individual in excess of five points in a day will be accompanied by detention, as well as any point deductions caused by willful defiance of or disrespect towards a Hogwarts teacher. Am I understood?" The chastened crowd indicated that she was. "Good. Carry on."


Three hours and ten minutes later...

Harry stared slack-jawed at Hermione as Neville finished his tale. No wonder Jim had seemed so subdued as he left the Headmaster's office. "I hope you won't think it forward of me, Hermione, but will you marry me?"

"Back off, Potter," said Neville with mock gruffness. "I saw her first."

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