
By ahokarmaa

510 4 0

The sequel to Lycoris Radiata! Dahlia is about Karma's recovery and healing from his husbands passing. It's... More

Easy Love
Teen Dad
The Letter


66 0 0
By ahokarmaa

      A month has passed. Nabi got time off for family visitation and we took a train to Russia. We had to go through Finland first, and we didn't have to show our passport for some reason. But once we got to the train station in Lemi, Finland, we had to Uber to the border. Rowan was good on the train as well. She used to have an attitude, so it's weird that she doesn't anymore.

Nabi got to sit next to Rowan on the train. I took pictures of them together, and then one of all of us. Nabi and I fucked with each other the whole time. And I kept noticing that he had his hand in Rowan's car seat the whole time as she held onto his finger while Nabi and I talked. It was so sweet. I never took him as a baby person, but him having kids really changed him. It wasn't the military that changed him, it was his family.

Once we got off the train, we Ubered to the border of Russia. We had to wait a few hours for our grandmother to get there, but she managed. We had to sign papers, get our passports approved, get our identities approved to show we were related to her. It took hours. But we officially got into Russia. We were really tired, but Nabi stayed up to talk to our grandma in the front seat. We stopped in St. Petersburg to get a hotel since we were just not going to make it to Vladimir, which is near Moscow, at that time of night. Especially since my grandma was driving, but once we got set up in a hotel room, we found out that foreigners can drive for up to 6 months in Russia. Nabi knew that but completely forgot. So I drove the rest of the way in the morning as my grandma sat next to me. My grandma was overjoyed to finally meet Rowan.

"She is such a sweet malysh!" My grandma said.

"She really is." I replied. Nabi was knocked out in the back seat.

"I've never met your son either. You guys have to come visit me some day. I'm too old for travel anymore." She explained.

"I can get you into first class with an excellent airline. You just need a Visa." I explained.

"I'd have to renew mine. The last time I was in the states was for your wedding." She explained.

"Hey...isn't my mom hurried here?" I asked.

"She is. Zarechye Cemetery." She replied.

"We're gonna see her, right?" I quietly asked.

"Of course. I visit my daughter all the time. About twice a month." She replied to me.

"What's that sign say?" I quickly asked. I can't read Russian, so obviously she has to tell me what they say.

"That's the speed limit." She explained.

"It's fucking 90!" I exclaimed.

"Hey! No cussing!" She said as she lightly hit my arm. After many hours of driving, we made it to her house. It was nice. Why are my grandparents so rich but I grew up poor? ANYWAYS. We slept comfortable that night. And in the morning, oh my god, Russia is beautiful. It's absolutely beautiful. I called my dad once I woke up, and he was with Junji.

"Daddy, daddy! I made a friend!" Jun exclaimed, "he's coming over tomorrow!"

"Really? I'm so proud of you!" I replied, "I miss you Junji." That's when I realized Prince was in the background.

"Hey dirtbag, what are you doing!" I yelled. Prince jumped and looked at me. He had no shirt on...around MY child?

"Hey!" He waved as he approached the phone.

"Put some clothes on, my son is here." I joked.

"Look what I got." He said as he turned around, he got a tattoo! Wow, earlier then I got one.

"Wow dad, you yelled at me when I got mine at 16." I replied.

"I'm too old for yelling. Plus, his sister did that for him." His sister? She's around my age. She's got some talent.

"Tell her I want some ink from her when I get back." I asked. I'm not really close with his older sister, even through she's my step sister. I've only met her a handful of times. And then his two younger sisters are too obsessed with me, even though they don't listen to my music. They just feed off of the fact that their step brother is a famous musician. But Prince? He's respectful. He didn't burst the second he saw me. He waited to ask for pictures. He didn't sneak pictures of me. He actually spent time with my daughter rather than just being there for me. Plus, he's an actual fan of mine. And I get along with him! He's a lot like me.

"Zack is letting me stay here with him." Prince said. Oh yeah, my dad is staying at my house while I'm gone to keep up with the house and take care of the animals. Our cats are at Jared's parents house but the dog is still there. And so is the bird and snake. Although I like the snake... Prince won't stop holding it and literally loves it to death. I might just let him have it. He has a bearded dragon, so he has some experience with reptiles. It's weird because I absolutely love snakes, but this one isn't a fan of me. he's not aggressive, he would rather me not hold him. But he loves Prince!

But that bird is the funniest thing in the world. It cusses like a sailor and she can freely fly around. She doesn't like being outside and she goes into her cage to shit n stuff. Jared trained her well. It calls me a bitch when I get home or when I pass her cage. That's what Jared taught her. He was mad at me for a silly little fight and instead of making up, he thought it'd be better if he trained the bird to call me a bitch, and it worked! I got un-mad the second I heard it and I started laughing.

"I taught her that." He sternly told me. I kept laughing as I just hugged him tightly.

"I thought we were mad at each other." He told me as he put his arms on my shoulders, smiling.

"Well, your bird calling me a bitch just fixed it." I replied with a smile. He giggled and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back as I held tightly.

"You bitch!" The bird squawked. I began to laugh again as I continued to kiss Jared.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you more." He replied. I responded by picking him up and hanging him over my shoulder as I walked into the living room.

"Hey! Stop! Put me down!" He laughed as he started kicking his feet. I had ahold of his legs through and I threw him on the couch as he continued to laugh.

"You trained the bird to call me a bitch! You owe me!" I joked. I got on top of him and aggressively cuddled him. Anyways. I went back to talking with Junji. His friends name is Jax Ochoa. My eyes widened.

"Ochoa?" I asked. You guys remember my ex that treated me like shit? Ozzy? That's his last name. Although, Ochoa is a common last name.

"Yea! I went to his house today, and now he's coming here!" He exclaimed.

"Does he have a dad?" I asked.

"Yeah! He's really funny but also sorta mean." Jun replied.

"Do you know his name?" I asked. My dad gave me a weird look.

"Ambrose! He told me in the car!" He told me. Ambrose Ochoa. Or I should say, Ozzy Ochoa. That's my ex. The ex that face-raped me with his friends in the bathroom. The ex that only dated me for pleasure.

"I know his dad!" I replied with a fake smile. I hate his dad.

"Really!" He asked with a big smile.

"Yes sir!" I told him. After that, I went on with my day in Russia with my moms side of the family. Nabi and I were all the talk in the family and many people were coming over to meet us. Even from hours away. But near night time, I called my dad. But luckily, I was right on time. Junji was waiting for his friend to come over.

"How much longer grandpa!" Jun yelled.

"5 minutes!" He yelled back. I continued to talk about my day with my dad, and then, the doorbell rang. My dad got up with me still in his hand and answered.

"Hello, my son is here for a play date? This is the right address, right?" A male voice said. My dad looked stunned.

"Y-yeah, with Junji?" Dad replied.

"Yup, must be it." The man replied. The little boy stepped inside the house and Junji immediately began playing around with him. I was speechless as my dad has me, who was on face time, in his jacket pocket.

"Are you alright with me coming in? Just to see who my son is going to be around." Ozzy asked.

"Oh, of course! Come in." My dad replied as he allowed Ozzy inside. Nabi was next to me as we were holding back our laugher. My dad took his phone out of his pocket as he sat down with Ozzy.

"Oh god, I forgot I was on the phone with you." He said as he picked up his phone again. He looked at Ozzy, "Sorry, my sons who are in Russia are on the phone. I forgot to hang up. Let me finish up." He quietly said to Ozzy.

"You have kids in Russia?" He asked.

"Yup, visiting their moms side of the family." Dad replied.

"How old are they?" Ozzy questioned.

"28 and 27." My dad said.

"Is Junji not your son?" Ozzy asked with a confused smile. That's when I started laughing hard with Nabi. My dad chuckled a little.

"I probably should've explained this to you! Junji is my grandson. My son whose in Russia is his dad." He replied.

"Oh! Makes more sense. So, he's Junji's dad?" Ozzy asked. My dad nodded, "may I introduce myself?" He asked. My dad handed him the phone.

"Hello! I'm Jax's dad! My name is Ambrose." He said.

"Hold on let me turn on the light." Nabi said in the background. Once the light flashed on, he saw my face. His eyes widened.

"I know who you are." I said.

"Karma?" He asked.

"Indeed." I replied. I will admit, I was kinda high, so was Nabi. Nabi started laughing in the background.

"Wow. What a coincidence. That's why your dad looked familiar." Ozzy replied.

"Wait what?" My dad asked.

"Dad, that's Ozzy. The guy I dated in freshman year." I said.

"Holy shit, our kids are best friends." Ozzy replied as he covered his face.

"I guess so." I said.

"Um, we don't still have bad blood, do we?" He quietly asked.

"Ozzy, it may have been over 10 years, but you honestly fucked me over on my 14th birthday. I can't forgive you, but it's not like I'm gonna stop my kid from having friends. We can be nice to each other, but I won't ever count us as friends." I explained.

"Yeah, I deserve that." He said as he handed the phone back to my dad, "Well, I trust you guys enough. I'll pick up Jax at 4, I'll leave you my number." Ozzy said to my dad.

"He's safe with us! And thank you. I'll text you and let you know it's me." My dad replied to him. They said goodbye and Ozzy left.

"So, is that the ex that harassed you in the school bathroom and got you into weed?" He asked.

"Yup!" I replied.

"I knew he looked familiar. Man, he's a dick hole." My dad said.

"He seems nice now. I wouldn't hate on him too much." I said.

"Yeah, I guess so." He replied. While I was sound asleep, sleeping away my highness, Ozzy went to pick up Jax.

"No! Can't he stay for a little longer?!" Junji asked my dad.

"Please dad! Can I stay for a little longer!" Jax asked Ozzy.

"Son, I'm already here. You can't, I'm sorry." Ozzy replied.

"What are we doing that's sooo important that I can't stay here for a little longer! Their house is so cool!!! They have a room full of instruments, a pool, a bird and a snake! Come on dad, pleeeaaassseeee!" Jax begged. Ozzy crossed his arms.

"I don't mind, so it's up to you." My dad said.

"I guess so. You have 30 minutes." Ozzy said.

"Yay!!! Thank you thank you!" Jax laughed as he went to go hug Ozzy.

"Grandpa, can we show his dad the bird!" Junji asked.

"Sure." My dad said as he went to go sit on the couch. So Ozzy came in, and Junji was talking non-stop about the bird and snake.

"We also have a doggie! She's really old though. She mainly just stays up stairs." Junji explained.

"Are these your pets?" Ozzy asked.

"No, the bird and snake were my dads..." Junji replied, he got a little sad.

"Karmas?" Ozzy asked.

"No, my other dad." Junji replied.

"Other dad?" Ozzy asked. That's when he took a good look at the place. He realized I had gotten with Jared. He saw the pictures on the walls. Our wedding picture. He saw Jared's shrine in the living room. And realized, they were in Jareds office.

"Is his name Jared?" Ozzy asked.

"You know my dads!!" Junji asked.

"Yeah. A really long time ago. I didn't think they'd still be together." Ozzy replied.

"Not exactly." My dad said from the living room.

"What?" Ozzy asked as he walked back into the living room.

"Ambrose, Jared uh... passed away a few months ago." My dad sadly said as he pointed at the shrine.

"Oh my god... he's dead?" He quietly asked.

"Yeah. Organ damage. Back when he got kidnapped when he was 15. He was starved. It caused him to have permanent organ damage. Killed him years later." My dad explained.

"Oh my god, I feel horrible. How'd Karma handle that?" Ozzy asked as he sat down next to my dad.

"He didn't. He tried to kill himself. He laid in bed for almost 2 months and barely ever ate. That's when I got fed up and forced him to go live with his grandma and aunt in Sweden for a while, just to get away from everything. He was a wreck, and he still is. He can't sleep at night unless he's drunk or high, he cries every time he's alone, he even quit his band." My dad explained.

"Holy shit." Ozzy said, "I feel horrible."

"Yeah. Junji got pretty messed up too. But, he's a kid. He's not over it, but he's been able to move on a bit. He still cries in my arms every now and then, but, he's okay." My dad explained.

"That's good. Um, how's Elle?" Ozzy asked.

"Oh my god, she's 14 now. She's gorgeous. She's absolutely ruined over Jared's death. She cries about it still, and she's just... sad. I'm really worried about her. I think she's even been harming herself." My dad said.

"I... I can't believe it. It's actually unreal. I didn't even think they would last long, but they got married, and had a kid together-"

"Two kids." My dad interrupted.

"Sorry, Elle counts." Ozzy said.

"Well, yes. But together, they had two kids. Junji has a baby sister. She went with Karma. She's not even a year old." My dad said.

"Wow. That's insane. I only have Jax. My girlfriend and I plan on keeping it like that." He explained.

"How's your life been?" My dad asked.

"Hm, well, when Karma and I broke up, I avoided him. And senior year was when Jared went missing. But once he was found, I realized they would hold hands and hug at school. I didn't even know Jared was gay. I honestly got jealous. Really, really jealous. To where I got angry. But, I graduated and I got into college. I forgot about Karma. Until, he got famous. All of a sudden, his songs were on the radio, posters of him getting sold in stores, my friends talking about the band. I never told a soul that I dated him, mainly because I don't deserve to. I treated him horribly. I was a crazy person back then, and I saw Karma as easy prey. Which was...horrible of me. Anyways. I went to college and got my doctorates degree for psychology. It took a good 6 years, but I did it. But obviously, I got a girlfriend my second year in college, and I had Jax with her when I was 24." Ozzy explained.

"How old are you know? Karma and Jared were 21 and 22 when Junji was born." My dad asked.

"Im 30! I know, 30 is a big number." Ozzy joked.

"What ever. 30 is totally soooo old. I'm 53!" My dad replied.

"Ancient." Ozzy replied. That's when Prince and Elle came home from school. They like walking home. It's only 10 minutes, but today they stopped for food. I love that they're friends. He may be her some-what uncle, but I'm just so glad they're friends. Bonnie was even with them!

"Hey kids! We have company, but they're leaving in about 20 minutes." My dad announced.

"Okay. We will be upstairs." Elle said as they all went up stairs.

"Prince, Elle, wait. I want you to meet someone." My dad said.

"Hm?" They said in sync.

"This is Ambrose. He used to date Karma. They broke up the day you were born, though." My dad announced.

"Holy shit. I only saw you at school and in the ultrasounds. It's crazy how old you are now." Ozzy said to Elle. She just awkwardly smiled.

"And this, this is Prince. My step-son. So, he's Karma's step-brother." He added.

"Wow. You're the third ex I've met of Karma's. Are you the last one?" Prince joked.

"Depends on who you've met." Ozzy said.

"Brooklyn, Oliver, and now you." Prince listed.

"Sounds right." Ozzy said, "but I'm just gonna admit it, I treated him horribly. So I'm the ex we don't like, alright?"

"Then why are you here?" Elle asked. That's when Jax and Junji ran out of Junji's office, laughing and chasing each other.

"My son is friends with Junji." Ozzy said.

"Sissy! Uncle Prince! This is my friend Jax!" Junji exclaimed. They both waved at him. Bonnie came back down with a towel wrapped around her.

"Hurry up you two! I thought we were going swimming!" Bonnie exclaimed.

-Princes POV-

Elle and I ran upstairs, I went into the bathroom and changed into my swimming trunks as Elle changed into some swimming shorts and a t-shirt. We went down to the pool and... god. I hate to admit it, Bonnie is hot. She has a nice body. But, I'm also interested in this boy at school.

She took her towel off to reveal a two piece swimsuit.

"How are you aloud to wear that!" Elle joked as she slowly stepped into the pool.

"My mom doesn't know I have it!" She replied as she got in the pool as well, "Prince! Get in!" Bonnie yelled. I shook my head, but then she got out and hugged me from behind, restricting my arms as she pushed me toward the pool.

"A-stop! Not yet!" I yelled. But she threw me in anyways, and jumped in after me.

"Holy crap, I need to use the bathroom. I'll be back!" Elle yelled as she got out and ran to the house. It was just me and Bonnie.

"Sooo... Prince." Bonnie said as she got closer to me. She started to touch my hair. I won't lie, I got hard.

"You've got pretty hair, how long have you been growing it?" She asked.

"U-uh... like... 4 years..." I said. She pressed herself up against me and began to look at my tattoo.

"Elle usually take forever in the bathroom. How about..." she said as she put her hand down near my bottom half.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"You know." She said as she looked down.

"They have c-cameras...you know..." I said.

"Okay, then let's wait for Elle in the bathroom, say that we needed to go, wait for her to go back, and we go in together?" She asked. Holy shit. So we did just that. And...she gave me head. The best fucking head. I've gotten it from a guy before, but she did amazing. But I think she only wanted a fling or something.

"I mean, I know you. You're nice, and I think you'll be a good way to try things out." She explained.

"Bon, we are 14, I'm 15. We shouldn't even be thinking about this shit." I said.

"Oh shut up. I've had sex before. I've heard you talking to Elle about your one night stand with some guy." She said. She got me there.

"Got me there." I giggled. She crawled over to me, and I still had my thing out, and she sat on my lap.

"Just...pull out." She said. I nodded, and uh...we did it. It only lasted for 2 minutes because we needed to hurry... but I didn't like it. But it was a nice try! Now I know I don't enjoy s*x with girls!

Anyways... some days passed. I'm still talking to a guy. He's nice and caring. He told me he's gonna ask me out at some point, just needs time until it feels right. I CANT WAIT!! <3333

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