Moony Kitty ~~ !Yandere...

By Nameles3_

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y/n was teamed with monkey King known as Sun Wukong y/n is known as the cat moon who lives in the moon for a... More

Chapter 1~ A Hero is born
Chapter 2~ Bad weather
โ˜… Love interest โ˜…
Chapter 3~ Duplicatnation
Chapter 4~ Coming home
Chapter 5~ Noodles or death
Chapter 6~ Calabash
Chapter 7~ The Great Wall Race
Chapter 8~ impossible Delivery
Chapter 9~ Skeleton key
Chapter 10~ Macaque
Chapter 11~ The End is here!
Chapter 1 S2~ Revenge of the Spider Queen
Chapter 2 S2~ Sleep bug
Chapter 3 S2~ Dumpling Destruction
Chapter 4 S2~ Ping Pong Panic
Chapter 5 S2~ Sweet 'n Sour
Chapter 6 S2~ Minor scale
Chapter 7 S2~ lost in mind
Chapter 8 S2~ Game on
Chapter 9 S2~ Shadow play
Chapter 10 S2~ To Catch a Leaf
Chapter 11 S2~ 72 Transformations
Chapter 12 S2~ This is the End
Chapter 1 S3~ On the run.
Chapter 2 S3~ Great Grand Dragon of the East
Chapter 3 S3~ Smartie kid
Chapter 4 S3~ The winning side
Chapter 5 S3~ Amnesia Rules
Chapter 6 S3~ The First Ring
Chapter 7 S3~ Cooking with Chang'e
Chapter 8 S3~ Benched
Chapter 9 S3~ The King, the Prince, the Shadow
Chapter 10 S3~ The Samadhi Fire And Solar Eclipse
Chapter 11 S3~ This Imperfect World
Chapter 12 S3~ The Corrupted King
Chaotic Story (NOT A CHAPTER)
โ˜… Love Interest PT2! โ˜…
Chapter 13 S3~ Time to Be Warrior
Chapter 14 S3 Ending~ Destiny Fulfilled
Chaotic Story PT2 (NOT A CHAPTER)
Chapter 1 S4~ Familiar Tales
Chapter 2 S4~ In the Past

Chapter 3 S4~ New Adventures

535 21 2
By Nameles3_

Centuries ago, on Flower Fruit Mountain.

msystical creatures sat at the large dinner table filled with plates and bowls of fruits of all the sort.

DBK slammed his fist into the table, letting out a chuckle as he turned to wukong.

DBK~ Tell them what you said next!

Wukong stood up on the wooden table with confidence and pride as he took a deep breath before pointing up to the sky confidently.

Sun~ You dare insult me, you old cad?! I shall henceforth-- be known, as the Great Sage Equal to Heaven!

DBK, peng, and yellow tusk all chuckled. as wukong continued his speech.

Sun~ I will muck out your pony stalls.. no longer!

Wukong exclaimed.

Sun~ Monkey King out!

Wukong held up a peeled banana forward, before dropping it onto the table.

The table erupted into laughter.

Yellow tusk~ Wukong!

Yellow tusk chuckled, looking towards wukong.

Yellow tusk~ We're to believe you gave the Jade Emperor such lip?

Sun~ Well.. I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea!

Wukong shrugged.

Sun~ They're calling it the 'Havoc in Heaven'!

Peng chuckled with amusement as he looks up and down at the monkey.

Peng~ What an insolent, little chimp you are.

"..You're really going through with this? "
The dark-furred monkey at the table spoke up.

Macaque. (yipppeeee!!)

Sun~ Correction!

Wukong grinned, taking a drink before sliding over to Macaque.

Sun~ We're really going through this. Like always!

wukong smiled towards macaque excitedly.

Sun~ Monkey bros plus cat getting into some cheeky mischief!

Macaque frowned, sighing.

Macaque clenched his fists, eyebrows furrowing.

Macaque~ ..But crossing the Jade Emperor is gonna have consequences and...

Macaque looks up at wukong to see he wasn't even listening to a word he just said.

Macaque~ ..aaand you're not even listening.

Peng~ You always were the most cowardly of the bunch, Macaque.

Peng turned to Macaque with a smirk.

Peng~ Slinking around in the shadows like a rodent.

Yellow tusk~ Indeed.

Yellow Tusk nodded.

Yellow tusk~ The Jade Emperor and his followers have lorded long enough with no regard for those they rule.

DBK~ The realm is well overdue for new leadership.

DBK chimed in.

DBK~ ..and I think we all know the best man for the job.

Wukong's eyes shone, beaming with stars at the bull's words.

Sun~ Aw, when did you become such a big sweetheart?

Wukong grinned as he slide over to DBK.

DBK~ Not you!

DBK yelled.

Wukong pouted, slowly sliding back to his seat.

They all paused as the room soon turned cold, blue smoke filling in the room.

Wukong gasped as his eyes sparkled.

Light blue eyes glowing in the dark as a familiar cat comes out, their eyes turning back to normal.

Xie Wu(known as y/n)~ And I'm guessing that would, big, strong and handsome, like dear Azure Lion?

Xie smirked as all attention goes to them.

Macaque~ look who finally wanted to show up.

Sun~ XIE!! You came!

Wukong yelled in excitement.

Peng~ Always making the room cold and showing up with a smile.

Peng chuckled.

Peng~ And yet again, what they're saying is true. Azure would look perfect on the throne!

Yellow tusk~ An ideal figurehead indeed.

Yellow Tusk added, nodding his head.

Everyone's eyes were now on the lion, who sat in silence for a moment, surprised by their words.

He chuckled as he stood up.

Azure lion~ I'm flattered, truly, but we're it not for Sun Wukong bringing us together, right?

Azure lion explained with a warm smile.

Azure lion~ Without you, none of this would be possible. Your courage to stand up to the Celestial Host has inspired us to finally take a stand. Right Xie? Xie?

Azure looks over to xie who was rubbing their forehead.

Xie looks up at him, and smiled.

Xie Wu~ Of course, he's a very energetic monkey I've ever met. None of us would be able to stand without him.

Wukong's eyes widened at Azure lion and Xie Wu's words. Surprised and inspired but he kept quiet.

Azure lion~ To make a true difference in the world. And I could think of none other more suitable to lead us on our conquest than you, brother.

Azure lion spoke as he smiled at wukong.

Everyone erupted into short laughter, expect for two, Macaque and Xie Wu, as wukong only smirked.

Sun~ Alright if you insist.

wukong sat back down onto his chair with a smile, but his smile so on vanished at the sight of macaque sending a glare towards his direction and xie's serious but worried face.

Sun~ Relax buddies!

wukong reassured.

Sun~ When this is over, we'll be back here, basking in the sun, getting fat on fruit for the rest of... well, forever! Like we always wanted!

Macaque's glare slowly disappeared as he turned towards Xie who sighed, before smiling.

Xie Wu~ Just be careful.

Sun~ I'm always careful! Once this is all done, we'll have what we dreamed of.

Macaque chuckled.

Macaque~ Whatever you say, wukong..


Mk and the others stood in an old room with a somewhat destroyed table in the middle, surrounded by old chairs.

Tang hummed, looking off in the distance, before turning to MK.

Tang~ ..So, you're saying you unlocked a cursed scroll and were attacked by DBK, Iron Fan, Spider Queen, Nezha, Xie Wu, and some other demons you've never seen before?

Mk~ No.. I'm saying we were attacked by Ink version of DBK, Iron Fan, Spider Queen, Nezha, Xie Wu, and all those other ones you said.

Mk corrected.

Mei~ And that Monkey King was sucked into an ancient scroll that you found in his room full of junk?

Mei chimed in.

Sandy~ And now you're thinking Mr. Tang's gon a use his newfound powers to free out Mystic Monkey!

Sandy added.

Sandy~ Right?

Pigsy rolled his eyes.

Pigsy~ And uh.. if that amazing plan doesn't work?

Tang turned to pigsy, glaring at him.

Tang~ Hey!

Mk chuckled nervously.

Mk~ Don't worry about it guys! I figure this is just another cheeky, little adventure! If fighting Lady Bone Demon was a marathon, this is like a.. half marathon!

Mk said, glancing to the side.

Mk~ ideally less, you know? Short sprint.

The others noticed Mk's odd behavior.

Mei~ Uh, Mk? You okay, my guy?

Mei asked, giving the boy a worried look.

Mk~ Yep!

Mk quickly replied before dashing off into the next room.

The others all followed after Mk's quick movements, arriving back at the massive treasure room that Mk and y/n were cleaning out hours.

No ink demons appeared in sight.

Mk~ No ink demons,

Mk sighed with relief.

Mk~ When we get Monkey King out, we're gonna look back and laugh. Oh, how we'll laugh!

Mk forced a laugh still not fine.

Pigsy sweatdropped.

Mei~ Whoa!

Mei gasped, looking around the massive room.

Mei~ Monkey King... is a hoarder.

Mei turned to Mk.

Mei~ Uhm.. Mk. You said y/n was there with you, right?

Mk~ Yes..

Mei sighed.

Mei~ Is it only me or.. I have a bad feeling about y/n not being with us.

Tang~ You want y/n to protect us?

Tang chimed in.

Mei~ No! I mean.. Sure if they can! But look I have a really really bad feeling!
Y/N is always around to like watch or judge.. But them being gone for like.. Too long is kinda. Weird.

Mk~ Do you mean like.. Something happened to them?

Mei nodded.

Pigsy~ That's not possible, and even if it is, they're Y/N, they can handle it.

Mei sighed, glancing off to the side

Mei~ If you say so..

Sandy~ Hey, I think I found the scroll!

Sandy grinned, picking up a familiar scroll.

Mk snapped his attention towards Sandy

Mk~ Sandy, wait--!

Mk yelled.

The scroll in Sandy's hand rolled open, as cyan Huw surrounded the room, the ink began to drip out from the open scroll.

Sandy dropped the scroll, taking a step back.

They quietly had a stare down with the demons for a brief moment.

Mei~ Aight tangy! you're up!

Until mei raised her arms before suddenly grabbing tang's shoulders and pushed him ahead.

Tang adjusted his glasses, before confidently pointing towards the ink demons.

Tang~ Uh, give our Mystic Monkey back, or you're going to learn why they call me Mr. Tang!

Tang hold his hand out and attempting to summon his golden abilities.

absolutely nothing happened (GREAT WORK!)

Pigsy~ Anytime now!

Pigsy yelled out.

Tang~ Give it a minute!

The ink demons merged together, transforming into a familiar monk holding a khakkhara.

Tang stumbled back, as another puddle formed a large figure resembling Sandy. More large puddles formed around all of them, transforming into a familiar ancestors.

Each of them prepare to fire their weapons towards all of them.

Tang~ Uh, I'm not sure my sweet magic moves did the trick,

Tang sweatdropped.

Pigsy~ You think?

Pigsy glared.

Mk pushed mei out the way, before they were both swallowed by darkness.

The ink exploded, sending mei and mk flying backwards.

Tang's glasses landed in front of Mk, as mei and mk could only look back to see their other three friends dragged into the ink.

Mk~ No--!

Mk yelled.

The ink demons screeched down at Mk and mei, preparing to charge after the two of them next.

Suddenly a large gust of wind filled the room.

glowing slashes flew past the two of them, landing directly on the massive ink demons, shattering the forms they once held. Light return back into the room as ink flew in all directions.

Mei~ What the..

Mei gasped.

The large figure that resemble a lion but with light cyan skin and purple eyes. He spun his sharp blade in his paw before slamming it into the ground.

Mei~ ..I want that!

Mei eyes sparkled looking at the lion's sword.

The lion's eyebrows furrowed angrily towards the dark ink puddle, which took form of a familiar elephant and bird.

"Brother, we are fallen!"

"You swore to save the world!"

The lion sighed, pulling his large sword up from the floor.

???~ Forgive me, brothers.

The lion raised his sword, summoning those glowing slashes from his blade and sending them straight into the attacking ink figures. Directly hitting them, as the forms of the ink all splattered apart, as the lion hold out his paw to the scroll.

The scroll landed directly into the lion's paw, who looked down at the conflicted.

Mk felt uneasy, as he turned to the side to see a random mirror.

Y/N appeared on it-- they crossed their arm together as they looked the scroll, before smirking to mk.

Mk know what they met as he turned back to the lion.

The two turned towards the distracted lion, running over to him as they both sent a direct kick into his back, knocking the scroll out his grip.

The lion fell backwards, but quickly stood back up, catching his sword.

???~ Hand over the scroll children.

The lion demanded.

Mk huffed as he points the scroll towards the lion.

Mk~ No, you hand over the scroll, or--

Mei~ We've got the scroll.

Mei whispered to Mk.

Mk~ --We've got the scroll!

Mk corrected himself.

Mk~ Now free our friends, and we don't have to get physical.

The lion glared at both of them.

???~ You expect me to believe you were not responsible for stealing the scroll despite it being in your possession?

Mk/Mei~ Yup!

The two spoke in unison.

Mei~ We don't even know what this friend napper is, so there's that.

Mei shrugged.

The lion stared for a moment before bursting out into loud laugher.

Mei~ He's laughing.

Mei seemed offended by the lion's laughter

Mei~ Hey! Why are you laughing?!

???~ Okay, okay.

The lion puts(sheathed) his sword away, before wiping his tears.

???~ Let's start again. You must be Mk the Monkie Kid and Mei the White Horse Dragon Girl, and I believe there was supposed to be three of you here..

Mei~ We don't even know what that means, but tell us who you are, guy, before we mess! You! Up!

Mei demanded as she threatens the lion with a bunch of air punches and kicks.

???~ I've gone by many names.

The lion chuckles.

Azure Lion~ . Perhaps the one you are familiar with is... the Azure Lion!

Azure did a dramatic pose, but the two only stared at him with confusion.

Azure Lion~ Or.. not, okay.

Azure lion sweatdropped.

Azure Lion~ In any case, I am here to help. The item that imprisoned your friends is a fragment of the Scroll of Memory, an ancient artifact stolen from The Underworld. If not by you, then presumably by your Master, Sun Wukong.

Mk~ You know Monkey King?

Azure Lion~ Everyone knows the Monkey King. But yes, he was once my sworn brother.

Mk~ Hmm, I see. Interesting,

Mk hummed.

Mk~  You know who else was a sworn brother of Monkey King? You might have heard of a little guy called Demon Bull King?!

Azure Lion~ Ah, well,

Azure frowned.

Azure Lion~ Sun Wukong isn't exactly the easiest person to get along with. He has quite a habit of keeping people at arm's length. The only person I could think of that can handle and keep Sun Wukong in place.. is Xie Wu..

The two shared a glance towards each other.

Azure Lion~ We were young, mistakes were made... and some mistakes can't be undone.

He looked off to the side in shame.

Mei slid over to Azure Lion, grabbing the end of his hair pulling him close.

Mei~ Yo! So does that make you Mk's sworn uncle?

Mei jumped back over to Mk.

Mei~ Mk, you didn't tell me you had an Uncy Lion!

Mei grinned.

Mk~ Hey, Mei, you know Monkey King's not actually my dad, right?

Mk sweatdropped.

Azure Lion~ The only reason I can imagine Monkey King would have 'borrowed' the scroll is that he has become sentimental in his old age. After all, that scroll contains the memories of his Journey to the West.

Mk gasped as he looks down at the scroll in his hands.

Mk~ You're telling me that I'm holding the Journey to the West legend in my hand right now?!

Azure Lion~ That, and the great many tales, I'm sure.

Azure Lion confirmed.

Azure Lion~ Everything that has ever happened, every  deed, every word has been recorded in the Scroll of Memory. it's a prison, designed to contain wicked souls, forcing them to relive their past misdeeds over and over again for all eternity.

The two looked at each other.

Azure Lion~ In order to contain it's prisoners, a powerful protective curse was cast upon the scroll to prevent those imprisoned from escaping and ensnare any who would seek to free those locked inside, trapping them forever. Left unchecked that curse would have spread, consuming everything until nothing remained.

Azure sighed.

Azure Lion~ I thought I arrived in time to contain the curse but based on your expressions, I would hazard a guess that Sun Wukong has already been consumed, along with your friends.

Mk~ But it's fine, right? We'll just pop this bad boy open and get them back!

Mk questioned

Azure Lion~ It's too late to save them.

Azure frowned.

Azure Lion~ We can't risk unleashing the curse into the world.

Mk~ You don't know, we'd risk it for sure! I won't abandon them when they need us. If your friendship with Monkey King meant anything to you--

Azure Lion~ It meant everything to me.

Azure lion interrupted, before sighing.

Azure Lion~ If your friendship is as strong as you say it is, then.. perhaps there is a way. But we need to move now.

Azure moved his foot in a circle around him, making a pattern in the sand before sitting down in the middle.

Mk~ Wait, for real?

Mei~ You're actually gonna... help?

Mei questioned.

Azure Lion~ We're brothers. Nothing could ever change that.

The two cheered running around in circles, as Azure stared at the both with confusion.

Mk~ We'll just go in after them, find our boys in a bunch of cheeky little adventures, beat the curse and bing-bam-boom, we're done!

Mk declared as Mei nod in agreement.

Azure Lion~ I'll open the scroll long enough for you to get inside.

Azure nodded.

Azure Lion~ But finding your friends, that'll be up to you.

Mk~ We've got this!

Mei~ Let's go!!

Mei cheered.

Azure Lion~ In order to escape the scroll, you'll need to defeat its protective curse, but it's going to take all your strength combined.

Azure explained.

Azure Lion~ Now, hand me the scroll. If we're going to do this, we need to trust each other.

The two shared a glance to each other but decided to trust Azure Lion.

Mk and Mei grabbed onto each other's hands.

Mk stepped closer, still holding mei's hand as he passed the cursed scroll into Azure's paw.

Azure gave them a smile.

Azure Lion~ Look out for one another. You can do this.

Mk~ Thank you so much, Uncy Lion!

Mk beamed as Azure chuckled.

Azure Lion~ Alright. Ready?

Mei~ We're ready.

Azure Lion~ Good luck.

Azure Lion unraveled the scroll as the ink immediately got out and emerged into a massive ink dragon that flew into the air, before flying down straight towards Mei and Mk.

The two shut their eyes, as everything went dark.

They both opened their eyes to see their surroundings had shifted into an ancient town.

They heard someone walk up behind them, as they both turned around to see who it was..

Xie Wu~ Hello!

With Y/N..

Y/N sat down, looking around, before staring at their palm.

YN~ This day.. couldn't get any worse-

"It can get worse!"

Y/N's ears perked up as they stood up and looked around.

"I'm not even gonna ask why you let yourself get capture, but was that really a good idea? Alone with me?"

YN~ There was a reason to it. Which I'm never gonna say.

"Hilarious! You clever cat, always have tricks up your sleeves, huh?"

YN~ Don't tell me you're here just for my..

"You're right! I couldn't care less about what happens to you.."

Y/N heard motions behind them as they immediately jumped away, nearly getting hit by a pink sword.

"Woohoo! Guess you weren't lying about you having eyes everywhere.."

YN~ You're acting like a coward here, show yourself if you dare.

Then all went silent..

"Let's begin.."

Y/N immediately actives their shield as a sword nearly hit them, a pink figure holding it.

"I'm gonna make you wish that you never have took the peach from macaque."

Y/N eyes widened as their shield was cracking.

"Aw, what's wrong? Losing power already? You really suck at using that."

The pink figure swings its sword again, causing the shield to get smaller and crack.

YN~ Let... let me ask you this..


YN~ What are you so afraid of..? That you're gonna have to kill me to get your godly body and it's godly powers, hm?

"I'm not..

The pink figure swings again.

Afraid of anything."

YN~ Yeah, right.. Like I'll believe that. A villain always has its fear, hidden in their heart.

Y/N chuckled.

YN~ And I'll find a way to crush that ruthless heart of yours, so you better be ready. Because I'm ready.

The pink figure swings again harder causing the shield to crack and exploded.

Smoke filled, covering y/n's body.

As pink eyes glowed in the smoke, the smoke slowly clearing.

Y/N walks out, their eyes glowing pink, as they laugh.

YN~ You can try and crush my heart, dear, but you'll never get rid of me.

"Because I'll always come around."


Finally donee, sorry it took so long, I was taking my exam and I actually passed PHEWWWWW

anyways pictures plus memes time.

That's it, thank you reading. See you on the next chapter and don't let the BOOGY MAN BITE

3338 words.

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