The Salvatore's

By miss_fanticy_No1

52.8K 1.2K 185

The Salvatore brothers have moved to town and they are hiding a secret. They are vampires. Damon and Stefan a... More

The Stranger
Meeting The Salvatore brothers.
Stefan a vampire?
Stefan ' s 1864 Story
I look like her
Am I Really Adopted?
25 Vampires Walking Around Mystic Falls
Stefan Is Out Of Control
You Are Back
Jenna No!
1000 Years
He's here
The Power Of The Moon
Its Been How Long?
Happy Birthday
Blood Is The Key
Plan A
Miss Mystic
The Sire Bond
The Cure - Part 1
The Cure - Part 2
Goodbye Jeremy Gilbert
New York
Bonnie Bennett


1.4K 38 1
By miss_fanticy_No1

"No, no, I don't believe this. That vindictive little bitch." Damon says throwing his glass of bourbon into the fire.

"What?" Stevan asks with his serious vampire look.

"Katherine is in Mystic Falls"

"Wait, what? How do you know this?" I ask.

"That doesn't matter because that bitch is dead." Damon says walking to the door.

"Damon wait, you don't want to provoke her. Don't you at least think that we should find out what she's doing here first?" Stefan says.

"Stefan you know as well as I do that you don't figure out what Katherine's up to until she wants you to know. So killing her is what I'm going to do so what do you say, help a brother out?" Damon says with a devilish grin on his face. "We can tag-team her." He says looking excited at the thought of killing her.

"Damon killing Katherine won't be the smart move and how would you even plan to kill her?" Stefan says folding his arms.

"Maybe not smart but you have to admit it brother it is a pretty good plan so let's stake her, rip her head off... Something poetic. A little brother bonding." At this point I chime in and say "Damon please don't go because if you kill her you'll feel good for like 5 seconds but then all of the anger that you have towards her will still be there so please stay." I start to walk towards him and I look straight in his blue eyes and at this point I know that he's not going to go.

"Fine, we'll do it you're way but if that psychotic bitch try's anything that I don't like then well plan Stefan and Elena is out of the window."

"Damon" I say.

"Don't worry Elena I'm not going to provoke Katherine, I'm just going to loudly talk to her okay so I'll see you two later." Before I get the chance to speak he does his vamp speed thing out of the door. Stefan takes my hand and says "don't worry he's not so stupid. He won't provoke her."

"That's what scares me. The fact the he knows how to push her buttons and he knows how she thinks." I take a deep breath.

"Do you trust me?" He asks.

"Of course I do Stefan."

"Then believe me when I say Damon knows what he's doing." I nod my head putting my arms around his neck. He kisses me on the forehead and then he just holds me for a while.

Dear Diary
I saw her. I saw Katherine.
Stefan's POV

"Stefan, how are you? I've missed you." Katherine says grinning at me

"What are you doing in Mystic Falls Katherine?" I ask folding my arms.

"Well, three reasons: you, you and you Stefan. I came back here for you because I missed you." She says and I know she's lying.

"You're a vindictive, manipulated, laying, bitch. And I don't believe a word that comes out of your twisted little mouth Katherine."

"Oh come on Stefan, you know you still love me I mean I've seen your girlfriend she practically me but I have better everything. If that isn't pining for me then I don't know what is." She says with a laugh.

She walks closer to me and she starts to kiss me and I kissed her back but I stab her in the back with vervain and she passes out.
I drag her down into the cellar and I tie her to a chair with ropes that've been soaked in vervain. In a cell where vervain plants are growing.

"Stefan what have you done to me?" She asks opening her eyes.

"I'm getting answers." I say pulling up a chair in front of her and I sit down.

"By torture Stefan? What's happened to you? When you loved me you would've never have done something like this to me. You've changed a lot since I saw you last."

"I never really loved you. You compelled my love. Now tell me why you're here."

"I already told you. I came back for you and that's the truth. There is no other reason for me to come back here. I mean the towns people did try to kill me an all."

I pull a pair of gloves on and I walk over to the vervain plant and I pick one off and I walk back to her and I stroke it along her cheek and she screams as it burns her skin. "I'm going to ask again; are you ready to tell me the real reason behind your return?"

"I'm telling you the truth. I'm back for you because I still love you Stefan. Even if you don't believe me I have always cared about you."

"Oh come on Katherine we both know that you are not telling me the real story so tell me or see that wooden chair in the corner that can easily become your death."

"Fine, I came back for a moonstone that belonged to me in 1864."

"That's  not even half the story so tell me the rest." I say sitting back down.

"It was the night of the founders ball that you were my escort for. I remember how hot you looked."

"Cut the crap and get to the story."

"On that night I spoke to George Lockwood because I knew that he had a werwolf gene and that he triggered the curse. It was the wolfs that were slaughtering locals and I know this because Henric came to me and said the violence was not the vampires and he asked me to leave Mystic Falls and I wasnt ready to leave without you and Damon, so I told George Lockwood that if he wanted to keep his secret then there was something I wanted from him. A moonstone. By this point I knew what the town were planning to do to the vampires. So He was very interested in what I had to say."

"So you sold out your friends. Some of the vampires you turned yourself. For a stone?"

"Better they die than I. I told George that if he let me out and gave me the moonstone then I would keep his secret."

"But you don't have the moonstone or you wouldn't be here. Would you?"

"You're getting ahead of yourself. The night before the round up I met up with George and he told me that he would let me out at the back entrance of the church and all I had to do was sneak away from the others. But you and Damon almost ruined the whole thing, by trying to be hero's. I mean God you two almost ruined what was the perfect plan because I escape and the founders think I die so they won't come looking for me so I can live how ever I please. But you two wanted to save me."

"So you wanted to fake your own death, but why? Unless you were running form something or someone."

"Don't try and understand Stefan. The night of the round up I did what George said and he let me out and I watched the church burn. He arranged a horse for me to escape on. I took it but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye so I rode to where I saw you laying dead on the road and I knelt down kissed you, told you that I loved you and that we'd be together again. Then I left and I didn't look back no matter how much I missed you but I did see you again many times but you didn't see me. Whether you believe me or not I love you Stefan."

I break the chair and point a steak at her heart but she burst out of the chains and says "I've played along with this for to long now so here's something that you should know: vervain doesn't hurt me any more Stefan because I've been sipping it every single day for over 150 years." Then she stakes me in the leg and she runs.
I walk into the sitting room and hear something behind me so I turn around and I gasped and she says "you must be Elena." Stefan did his vamp speed thing shouting "Elena" but when he got to me she was gone and Damon walked in and asks "what happened?"

"Katherine." I say.
Elena's POV
I hear a knock at the door and I open it and Damon and Stefan barge in and say "Jenna and Jeremy are in danger."

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