Jenna No!

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"Wait, what do you mean Jenna and Jeremy are in danger Damon?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Katherine will stop at nothing to get what she wants and thanks to Stefan we know is an ancient moonstone so she'll kill anyone to get it. So you need to get them to drink vervain and you have to do to Elena because a vampire can easily rip a necklace or bracelet or what ever off so, mix it in your morning coffee or tea or something."

"Stefan" I say looking him straight in the eye.

"I'm sorry Elena, this is my fault. I'm the one that tricked her into telling me what happened in 1864." Stefan says folding his arms. I put my hands around his neck and say "you don't need to say you're sorry because none of this is your fault Stefan, okay?" He nods his head then looks over to Damon.

"Right, well Elena I brought you a little ow mother fffff. A little present."

"Vervain Damon?" I ask. Before anyone gets the chance to say anything else Alaric shouts "help" Jenna No, what have you done. Damon rushes over and gives her some of his blood. I pick up the phone and say
"Hello, is anyone there?"
A voice says "hello Elena, how's Jenna?"


"Yeah, me. I want you and Stefan to break up Elena or this little accident will be the first of many and Damon won't be there every time to save the people that you love. You see Jenna's been my little Spy for weeks now, so what are you going to do?"

I look at Stefan and Damon and they're just giving me this stare. So I say "fine, you win Katherine, congratulations you've got what you wanted no matter who it hurt." I hang up the phone and Damon says "Elena, I'm sorry earlier tonight I was provoking Katherine and I didn't think, I just didn't think that she would hurt Jenna." Tears start to fall and I say "it doesn't matter Damon, because she won Katherine won and she would've done this to Jenna anyway and it's not you're fault Damon it's mine. I'm just glad Jenna is going to be fine." Stefan goes over to her and Damon walks to me and I wrap my arms around him and I just cry. "I'm so sorry Elena" He whispers in my ear.

"I know, but remember you're not the one that compelled Jenna to stab herself." I whisper back. We let go and I go over to Stefan and I say "can I talk to you outside? No listening Damon." Stefan nods and he follows me out side closing the front door behind him.

"Will you just let me talk?" He nods and I continue to speak. "I've been selfish because I love you so much but." He interuptes me and says "don't. Don't say it." We both start to cry a little. I say "it's over it has to be. It has to be." I go to walk away but I turn around and I give him one last kiss and then I go up to my room and I sit against the door with the tears just pouring out of my eyes. She got what she wanted. Stefan and I are over and it breaks my heart but it's selfish of me to be with him if it's putting the people that I love in danger including him and Damon, so I can't do it. You're supposed to break up with someone because you don't love them not because you're evil, 500 year old vampire, doppelgänger forces you too. She'll pay for this. I have no idea how but she will. Katherine you won't get away with this. I promise and I don't break my promises.

"You okay?" I hear Damon ask from the other side of the door.

"I'm fine." I say wiping away the tears.

"I can here you crying you know. Let me in." I stand up and I open the door and he's just standing there with this look on his face. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. If I could take it back I would."

"I already told you, this isn't your fault Damon."

"Still, I wound her up. She retaliated to me."

"Don't you see it wouldn't have mattered what you'd done she was always going to do something like this. This time Jenna got lucky you were here to save her. Because if you she's going to be okay."

"I should get going, but I'll check in on you tomorrow." He gives me a quick hug before walking away.

I close my room door and I pick up the phone and call Bonnie. "Hey." She says and I just break down. "Oh my God are you okay?"


"What happened?"

"Katherine made Jenna stab herself and if it wasn't for Damon she'd be dead right now."

"I'm so sorry, is she okay though?" She asks sounding concerned.

"Yeah, she'll be fine. Damon fed her some blood to heal her. I just don't know what to say to her in the morning. When she asks what happened? Why there's no wound where she stabbed herself?"

"Maybe you should get Damon to compel her."

"Yeah maybe. I just hate having to lie to her. And Jeremy. I'm just glad he wasn't home when it happened."

"Yeah. How are you though?"

"I'll be okay. But Katherine got what she wanted. Stefan and I are officially over this time."

"I'm sorry. I wish I could help you."

"You already have. I love you."

"I love you to."

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