How I write my stories

By PriskeBTuniverSe

151 16 2

This is a list with tips and tricks I do when I write. Feel free to follow them or not. It's up to you. :) More

How I write stories.
Your, you're, you?
They, They're, Their, There
Him or her?
Its vs. It's
Effect vs. Affect
Fewer vs. Less
Who vs. Whom
Then vs. Than
Farther vs. Further
Double negatives
Opposite words


12 2 0
By PriskeBTuniverSe

Aid - Assistance, Help, Support
Angry - Furious, Irritated, Enraged
Bad - Poor, Terrible, AwfulBeautiful -
Attractive, Gorgeous, Stunning
Beautiful - Gorgeous, Stunning, Lovely
Big - Large, Huge, Giant
Brave - Courageous, Valiant, Fearless
Brilliant - Dazzling, Shining, Radiant
Calm - Peaceful, Tranquil, Serene
Chase - Pursue, Hunt, Follow
Clever - Smart, Intelligent, Sharp
Cold - Chilly, Freezing, Icy
Cruel -Brutal, Heartless, Ruthless
Dangerous - Hazardous, Perilous, Unsafe
Difficult - Challenging, Hard, Complicated
Diligent - Hardworking, Industrious, Assiduous
Dishonest - Deceitful, Untruthful, Fraudulent
Eager - Enthusiastic, Keen, Excited
Eager - Keen, Anxious, Enthusiastic
Eager - Zealous, Fervent, Avid
Easy - Simple, Effortless, Basic
Excited - Thrilled, Eager, Enthusiastic
Famous - Renowned, Celebrated, Well-known
Fast - Quick, Rapid, Speedy
Fear - Dread, Fright, Terror
Fearful - Afraid, Scared, Terrified
Fragile - Delicate, Brittle, Breakable
Funny - Humorous, Hilarious, Comical
Generous - Charitable, Benevolent, Liberal
Gentle - Mild, Tender, Kind
Gloomy - Dismal, Depressing, Dreary
Good - Excellent, Great, Fine
Happy - Content, Joyful, Blissful
Happy - Joyful, Content, Pleased
Harsh - Severe, Rough, Stern
Honest - Truthful, Sincere, Genuine
Hope - Aspiration, Optimism, Wish
Hot - Warm, Boiling, Scorching
Idea - Notion, Concept, Thought
Innocent - Guiltless, Pure, Blameless
Job - Occupation, Profession, Career
Journey - Expedition, Voyage, Trek
Journey - Trip, Voyage, Expedition
Keen - Sharp, Intense, Acute
Kind - Benevolent, Compassionate, Gentle, Tender-Hearted
Knowledge - Wisdom, Understanding, Awareness
Lazy - Idle, Slothful, Inactive
Lively - Animated, Spirited, Energetic
Loud - Noisy, Boisterous, Racket
Magnificent - Grand, Splendid, Majestic
Mother - Mom, Mama, Parent
Narrow - Limited, Restricted, Tight
Near - Close, Proximity, Nearby
Noble - Honorable, Admirable, Virtuous
Obedient - Compliant, Submissive, Docile
Observe - Witness, Watch, Perceive
Optimistic - Hopeful, Positive, Confident
Pain - Ache, Suffering, Discomfort
Pleasant - Agreeable, Nice, Enjoyable
Ponder - Contemplate, Reflect, Meditate
Poor - Needy, Deprived, Impoverished
Quarrel - Dispute, Argument, Conflict
Quick - Fast, Swift, Rapid
Quick - Speedy, Swift, Fast
Reliable - Trustworthy, Dependable, Faithful
Reveal - Disclose, Unveil, Expose
Rich - Wealthy, Affluent, Prosperous
Rough - Coarse, Harsh, Unsmooth
Sad - Unhappy, Sorrowful, Miserable
Scared - Frightened, Petrified, Anxious
Serious - Grave, Solemn, Earnest
Slow - Gradual, Sluggish, Lethargic
Small - Little, Tiny, Miniature
Smart - Intelligent, Clever, Bright
Strong - Powerful, Mighty, Sturdy
Stupid - Dumb, Ignorant, Unintelligent
Sturdy - Robust, Strong, Firm
Surprise - Astonishment, Amazement, Startle
Talent - Gift, Skill, Ability
Tired - Fatigued, Exhausted, Weary
Tough - Strong, Resilient, Hardy
Turbulent - Chaotic, Stormy, Unstable
Ugly - Unattractive, Hideous, Repulsive
Unique - Distinctive, Exclusive, One-of-a-kind
Unite - Unify, Merge, Combine
Unusual - Rare, Unique, Peculiar
Vast - Immense, Extensive, Wide
Vivid - Bright, Lively, Colorful
Vivid - Graphic, Evocative, Clear
Wander - Roam, Ramble, Drift
Weak - Feeble, Frail, Fragile
Wise - Knowledgeable, Sage, Insightful
Yearn - Crave, Long, Desire
Yell - Shout, Scream, Roar
Youthful - Young, Juvenile, Adolescent
Zealous - Passionate, Eager, Enthusiastic
Zest - Enthusiasm, Gusto, Energy
Zest - Gusto, Relish, Excitement

If you have more please let me know and I will add them

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