By scorpiostarlight

63K 3.6K 828

"How about a million for a dinner with me?" ☆☆☆☆☆ After years of living abroad, Kim is coming home to take ov... More

⁜ author's intro ⁜
Chapter One ⁜ The Offer
Chapter Two ⁜ Fascination
Chapter Three ⁜ Tiger's Eye
Chapter Four ⁜ Conditions
Chapter Five ⁜ Black Heart
Chapter Six ⁜ Embracing the Fall
Chapter Seven ⁜ The Price For Peace
Chapter Eight ⁜ Promise
Chapter Nine ⁜ Never Letting Go
Chapter Ten ⁜ Trust
Chapter Eleven ⁜ The Closest to Heaven He'll Ever Be
Chapter Twelve ⁜ Lust & Jealousy
Chapter Thirteen ⁜ Uncontrollable
Chapter Fourteen ⁜ Dark Light
Chapter Sixteen ⁜ Cutting Edge
Chapter Seventeen ⁜ The Sweetest Kind of Sin
Chapter Eighteen ⁜ Two Weeks
Chapter Nineteen ⁜ Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter Twenty ⁜ Fire on Fire
Chapter Twenty-One ⁜ Husbands
Chapter Twenty-Two ⁜ Deal
Chapter Twenty-Three ⁜ The Offer He Didn't Refused

Chapter Fifteen ⁜ Mafia Prince

2.2K 139 11
By scorpiostarlight

Kim didn't want to fall asleep after Chay left him alone. He wanted to stay up and wait for Chay to come back just to be sure that everything was okay. That he wasn't sleeping peacefully while his Chay was in danger.

But, here Kim is now. Eyes slowly fluttering open, he can hear a shower running in the bathroom. His room is dark just like it always is and from behind the drawn curtains, he can see that it is dark outside as well. That must mean it's still the night... and his Chay came safely back to him. Knowing that Chay is right next to him, that he is safe, makes Kim immediately feel better. It's as if two invisible pairs of hands that had been straining Kim's body since Chay had left, suddenly disappeared.

Slowly, Kim turns around and checks the time on his phone. Almost midnight. It's a good thing that he woke up now. Despite how much he had tried not to fall asleep, he must have fallen asleep because of some medication that the doctor gave him, but whatever, Chay is safe and is here with him and it's just the right time for Kim to be the first one to wish his sweetheart happy birthday.

Chay's birthday. Kim frowns a little, patiently waiting for the door of the bathroom to finally open. Chay's birthday was supposed to be the day when they would do everything Chay would want. The day when Kim did hope that they would spend some quality time in bed, but not by lying around and hoping that Kim's wounds would heal as soon as possible. But the thing is, Kim isn't bothered by pain that much. If he were buried deep within Chay and he would hear Chay moaning his name in pleasure, the pain would be the last thing that Kim would feel at that moment. But Kim knows that Chay cares about him and doesn't want to do anything that would hurt him in any way. So, Kim might just say bye-bye to his birthday plans for Chay. Or he should just stop thinking about sex. But it's Chay. Kim wants him in all the ways possible. But what he wants can now go aside. What matters is what Chay wants. Kim can just stay in bed and listen to Chay talking and it would be the best thing Kim would ever do in his life.

Kim is so deep in his thoughts that it takes him to feel the bed moving before he gets back into the present and realizes that Chay is already out of the bathroom, making his way towards him. Kim can already smell his own shower gel, now mixed with the natural scent of Chay's body it makes his head dizzy. Chay smells so good-Kim wants to bury his nose into Chay's hair and stay like that all night. Can he do that? Maybe he can.

"Hey, sweetheart," Kim whispers, his voice a little raspy from sleeping.

"Hey, did I wake you up?" Chay asks, and even though it's dark around, Kim can still see a little pout that appears on Chay's pretty lips.

"Not really," Kim shakes his head. "It's good that I'm up because it's already midnight and that means-"

"That means you should be sleeping," Chay interrupts Kim playfully.

"No," Kim protests with a smile, "that means that I should kiss you happy birthday."

Kim can feel Chay closing the gap between them, one of Chay's hands slowly caressing over his hair-it sends pleasant shivers all over Kim's body. Chay's breath fans over Kim's lips, "are you feeling a little bit better?"

"Now when you are here... way better."

Chay's giggle is one of Kim's favourite sounds. He wants to hear it every day. Always. As Chay giggles, his fingers tangle deep in Kim's hair and tug on it a little, bringing Kim's lips even closer to his own. "I mean it-how do you feel, babe?"

This. This is exactly what Kim meant by Chay caring about him... he cares about Kim so much that he wants to waste time by random talking when they could be already kissing and kissing and kissing...

"Whatever pills the doctor gave me are working well. Don't worry, I'm more than ready to kiss you..."

Chay huffs a quiet laugh, "you'll be dying and all you would want to do is to kiss me..."

"You know me well," Kim whispers and finally connects their lips. He doesn't have to wait long for Chay to kiss him back. Chay's lips are eager and pliant to every move Kim's lips make. Kim takes his time exploring Chay's lips from outside. He nibbles on Chay's plump bottom lip, pulls it with his teeth and when it bounces back he licks it over with his tongue. Then he moves up, just an inch, just to kiss the corner of Chay's lips, he presses a little more, feeling Chay's fingers in his hair tightening the grip. He pushes Chay's body down to bed, his hands by both sides of Chay's head, holding himself up. There is a faint pain spreading all over his body, coming from the area of the right shoulder blade, but Kim can't care less. Maybe it hurts more than just a little, but he doesn't feel it. All he feels is the heat and the softness of Chay's body. The sweetness of Chay's lips and the love with which Chay is kissing him back.


Chay loves him back. Why does Kim still feel like he is just dreaming? Like he can't be this lucky. He can't have everything he wants. And yet, Chay truly loves him. He is here in Kim's house, in Kim's room, in Kim's bed, in Kim's life... he is here willingly and he wants to stay. Wants to stay with Kim.

Kim flicks his tongue over Chay's bottom lip and deepens the intensity of the kiss, making Chay moan and just like that allowing Kim to show his tongue inside. Kim hums in delight at the perfect feeling as their tongues meet and starts exploring every corner of Chay's hot mouth.

It's crazy how with Chay, kissing is enough to make Kim feel high. Feel as if he has lost all the control over his own body and he doesn't even care. It was never like this before. Kim has kissed a lot of men. Some just for fun... well, all of them just for fun actually, and not once, not even once it felt like this. When he kissed someone, it was just something he did to gain something else or because it was a fun way to pass the time. But now... now there's nothing funny about kissing Chay, nothing at all. It makes Kim feel alive. It makes Kim feel better. It's like an addiction. The good kind. The kind that Kim would rather rip his chest open and bleed out than ever give up.

He hears himself wince out of nowhere and before he can even try to cover it up with some other noise to just please please keep Chay from breaking their kiss, he feels Chay gently pushing on his chest, and as they slowly sit up and Chay's hand carefully caresses his back, without Chay ever breaking the kiss, Kim doesn't mind anymore that they have to change their position. As long as Chay keeps kissing him it's all fine.

It's hard for Kim to tell the time, but by the way his lips ache they have been kissing for a while. And he still doesn't want to stop, but the pain in his back is finally breaking through his mental barrier or maybe it's just that the medication doesn't work anymore, but it's getting really hard to stay still without feeling like he wants to scream in pain.

And it's as if Chay knows that because he slowly stops the kiss and pulls away. In the first moment, Kim wants to protest, but then he is glad because now he can move a bit and maybe Chay can give him the medication as well. Anything to stop the pain.

"That was the best birthday wish ever. Thank you," Chay smiles and presses a quick kiss on Kim's shoulder.

"I want to kiss more but..." Kim bites his tongue, why is it so hard to admit how much his injury hurts?

But once again, Chay knows him more than well. He gets out of bed despite Kim's quiet whines of protest and says, "I'll turn on the light for a moment, okay?"

"Okay," Kim mumbles and when the room turns from dark to way too much light for Kim's liking, he has to close his eyes for a moment and slowly let them adjust to the sudden change.

Chay walks to the small coffee table in the room which has a jug of water and two glasses prepared right next to it. He pours Kim a glass of water and takes a pill from Kim's bedside table, "this one's for the pain. You took one before I left so it should be okay for you to take one now."

"I'm sorry," Kim says as he takes the pill from Chay's hand and gulps it down with the water.

"For what, babe?" Chay sits down next to Kim, hand gently caressing Kim's arm and shoulder.

"It's your birthday-we should be having fun, but instead you have to take care of me."

"So you want to tell me you didn't enjoy the makeout session we just had?" Chay cocks his eyebrow and if he wasn't smiling as well, Kim would think that he made Chay unhappy.

He quickly shakes his head, "I enjoyed it too much. I always enjoy kissing you. You should know that."

Chay smiles even more, "see? We still can have a good time together. I told you I don't want anything for my birthday and you already gave me this," Chay raises his hand and shows Kim the engagement ring. "We are engaged, Kim. You already made me happier than I thought I could be... and you saved me. If you think that taking care of you during my birthday is boring for me then you should see me last year-you know what I was doing on my birthday? Trying to put together this huge five-thousand-piece puzzle of a golden retriever. And I was alone, because hia was away."

Okay, that makes Kim feel better. But the image of Chay alone on his birthday simultaneously sadenss him. Part of him wishes that he would met Chay sooner. Maybe if he would return home sooner... whatever, it doesn't matter now. But one thing he wants to know...

"Did you manage to put it all together?"

"What?" Chay asks.

"The golden retriever," Kim clarifies.

Chay puts on a proud face, "you bet I did! And then I slept for twelve hours because it got me that tired."

Kim laughs and pulls Chay into a kiss, "I promise that I'll make it up to you once my back doesn't hurt like hell."

"Oh, I'm sure you will," Chay hooks one of his hands around Kim's neck. "You can't hide it really well, Kim. I can see it in your eyes how much you want to fuck me."

"Sweetheart," Kim breathes out, but it's almost like a whimper. The power Chay has over him... with one word Chay could ruin him completely. And Kim would let him. Always let him.

Chay smirks, "if you are going to be a good boy, you might be able to do it in a couple of days. You know, I need your back to be healed so I can leave my own marks there..."

Kim's entire world is spinning, he grabs Chay by his nape and crashes their lips together. Not caring about the pain he swiftly presses Chay down into the sheets and keeps kissing him until their breaths run out. When he pulls away, Chay's lips are glistening so prettily it makes Kim pray that he will remember this moment forever.

"That painkiller works like magic," Chay giggles.

"I love you, Chay. You have no idea how much I love you," Kim says watching as the playfulness in Chay's eyes changes into love.

"I love you too," Chay replies after a moment and then he opens his mouth to say something more, but then closes it again as if he is hesitating.

"Say it, sweetheart," Kim prompts him to speak. "You know that you can tell me anything."

Chay nods and takes a deep breath, "so, umm... will you love me the same if I tell you that I did something kinda serious without asking you first?"

"You can do whatever you want," Kim smiles reassuringly. "But okay, tell me, what did my pretty fiance do?"

"I have ordered Big to kidnap Miranda."

Okay, Kim can't say that he isn't surprised, but he isn't mad at all. Why should he be? The corner of his lips curls into a smile as he shrugs, "well, Pol told me that Miranda wants to come see me anyway. I was thinking that it would be better if you talked to her because something is telling me that you will be able to send her to hell better than I ever would so, do whatever you please, sweetheart. Just don't kill her because that would only get us into even more problems."

"So, I didn't make a mistake? It's okay? You aren't mad?" Chay's adorable frown is making it hard for Kim to not kiss him again, but Kim figures that right now instead of another kiss, Chay needs reassurance that he didn't fucked up anything. Kim can only imagine how hard and confusing it must be for someone who didn't grow up in the mafia to suddenly be right in the middle of it and especially to have as much power as Chay now rightfully has.

So, Kim takes Chay's hand and kisses his knuckles, nuzzling his cheek in it. "You didn't make a mistake, Chay. If anything," Kim smirks, "I'm proud of you, my little mafia prince."

To be continued...

P.S. Chay: I've ordered the kidnapping of Miranda

Kim: *holding his phone, filming Chay* You are doing great, sweetheart! 

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