PHC: More Breed Of Chaos | EN...

By ParkButterfly13

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Nor Fakhri, a boy, has enrolled in a new school called Kudrat, along with his female cousin Nur Fatin whom he... More

Final Chapter


115 5 9
By ParkButterfly13


"Maria...dia yang ugut aku..." Nurin answers even though she is in fear...


Maryam, who has been hiding all along since the fight broke out has finally come out of her hiding spot when she heard...those names...
"Maria? Sape tu?" Zarina asked Hani. "Dia Kapla kita 2 tahun lepas, sebelum Nisa naik. Pape je lah, baik kita cabut sebelum dia target kita. Jom! CEPAT!"

Hani pulled Lashira while whispering and shouting. Their gang left unnoticed as Auraisha and Nurin kept everyone busy. "Ugut kau? Ugut ape?" Auraisha nonchalantly asks as scratches her her nape with her index finger.

"Kau sendiri tahu siapa Maria tu kan? Dah berapa banyak student kena buang sekolah sebab dia, hanya semata tak ikut cakap dia!" Nurin raised her voice. "Tak. Aku tak tau. Aku muncul tahun lepas, bukan 2 tahun lepas." "Kau jangan nak bohong eh Auraisha." Arissa butt in.

Auraisha laughs like they're just making a joke while crossing her arms, to show a sign of arrogance. "Aku tak memang tak boleh tipu kau kan Arissa?" "Kau safe ha...MANA KAKAK AKU?!" Kahar shouted in anger as he walked toward Auraisha but Naim immediately held his wrist.

"Jangan...kau tak nampak ke air muka dia orang lain..." When Kahar heard Naim say that, he finally noticed the difference in his sister's behaviour. "Aku adalah kakak kau dan kakak kau adalah aku, cuma...

Nama aku Auraisha...salah satu dari tiga personaliti kakak kau..."

She said innocently as if it was nothing...Kahar was confused since he didn't understand anything related to psychology, and neither did the other boys. "Maksud kau?" Auraisha rolled her eyes in annoyance. Fatin helped Sofya stand up.

"Argh...nanti aku bagi tau kau, benda ni complicated sikit sebab ade kena mengena dengan cara otak dia berfungsi. Thank you Fatin." Sofya pat her shoulder and face Auraisha. "Tiga personaliti...siapa lagi sorang? Khai?" Auraisha click her tongue while winking and point her finger at Sofya, indicate that she was right.

"Dia keluar bila Nisa rasa sangat sedih. Sebab tu dia ade parut ni." Auraisha dramatically said and lifted her sleeve to show the cut scar on her arms. "Nisa...Auraisha dengan Khai ni tiga personaliti yang berbeza?" Fakhri asks. Auraisha nods her head. "Boleh negotiate pulak minah ni." Ayuni rolled her eyes.

"Luka terbakar kat tangan budak perempuan ni semua...kerja kau ke Auraisha?" Naim asks in curiosity and Auraisha laugh again when Naim mentioned those. "MEMANG SEMUA TU KERJA AKU!" She proudly admit.

"Semua kerja melibatkan darah yang berlaku dekat Kudrat ni memang kerja aku...bukan Nisa. Aku yang huru-hara kan keadaan lepas manifesto Fakhri dengan Kahar. Hahahahah, AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" SHE SUDDENLY LAUGH LIKE A MANIAC WHILE CLAPPING AND JUMPING IN HAPPINESS.

"AKU MINTAK MAAF! KALAU AKU JIBAM DEKAT CIKGU...semua ni takkan terjadi dekat kau..." Nurin burst in tears as she remembered her mistake for the past few years. "Asal kau nangis ni...Maria yang...jadi penyebab utama aku jadi macam ni."

"Tapi tak bermaksud...aku akan LEPASKAN korang semua...korang kena rasa sakit yang lebih menyakitkan daripada apa yang NISA RASA SEBELUM NI! Dasar manusia tak kenang budi!" "Kita orang tak tau pon ape yang jadi antara Nisa dengan Maria!" Sofya defend all of them.

"TIPU! KAU JANGAN NAK TIPU DIRI KORANG SENDIRI! KORANG NAMPAK APE YANG JADI DEKAT NISA! TAPI KORANG LANGSUNG TAK BUAT APE-APE...sebagai seorang manusia yang berwibawa...dah menjadi tugas aku untuk hukum korang..."

Auraisha wrapped the cloth on her shoulder around her hands. Mia held onto Naim's shirt tightly, afraid of Auraisha harming them. "Naim, dia nak bunuh kita semua ke..." "Kau jangan risau, aku takkan bagi dia sentuh kau."

Naim slowly removed Mia's hand and stepped forward, alongside Fakhri and Kahar. "Korang rehat dulu. Biar kita orang lelaki yang settle kan dia." With unwavering determination, Kahar gave the order, and Auraisha scoffed in annoyance before launching a fierce attack, fearlessly whipping the cloth at the boys.

The boys were about to attack Auraisha, but she surprised them with a sudden backflip, leaving them stunned. Zahrin grabbed a rod and swung it at her, but she managed to dodge it with ease. She then used the same move she had used on Sofya and threw the pole towards Naim, who narrowly avoided it.

"Berapa jam tinggal sebelum warden masuk?" Fatin asks Ayuni. "1 jam 30 minit. Dia orang kena cepat sebelum adzan subuh." Arissa began to flustered but she decided to sent the form 4 and 5 student from both gender back to their dorm, leaving only Nisa's and Kahar's gang, Ayam, Mia, Fatin, Nurin, Amilia and Alya.

The three males kept attacking Auraisha from different angles, but not a single blow landed on her body. "Eh dia ni...manusia ke ape...susah la!" Naim placed his palms on his knees while panting. Uraissa looked down for a while to think of something until she got an idea.

"Cuba korang aim kepala dia. 3 orang attack at the same place, mungkin boleh buat dia focus kat situ." The three men looked at each other, seemingly surprised by the idea. They rose once more and resumed their attack, now focusing on punching Auraisha's head.

Auraisha was so focused on protecting her head that Fatin used this opportunity to attack her lower body by kicking her waist. Nurin also kicked both of her legs, causing Auraisha to fall to the ground. Despite hitting her head, Auraisha did not lose consciousness as the impact was not strong enough.

"Ish tak pengsan pulak!!" Ayuni approached the two sisters with anger in her voice, whispering loudly. She attempted to kick Auraisha in the head, but Auraisha used her core strength to stand up and strike Ayuni's face, causing her right cheek to bleed.

Kahar scanned his surroundings, his eyes searching for a hard object to strike his sister's head with. In the distance, he spotted a brick, picked it up, and hurled it towards Auraisha's head. However, to his shock, Auraisha anticipated his actions and kicked the brick away, causing it to hit Sofya's head instead. "Alamak!! SORRY SOFYA!!!" Kahar apologizes in panic.

Sofya shakes her head, indicating that she's alright. "Takde pilihan lain, dia kena pengsan kalau tak lagi bahaya." Fakhri thought as he looked around him, it was chaos! "Tak boleh jadi ni!" Arissa joined them after she took a look at Sofya's injury and three males too, joined Arissa.

Suddenly, Alya splashes a bucket of water towards Auraisha, causing it to get into her eyes. Taking advantage of her temporary loss of focus, Naim and Kahar hold Auraisha's wrists while Fakhri snatches the cloth from her. The girls proceed to hit Auraisha repeatedly with kicks and punches all over her body.

"Smart la plan kau Uraissa..." Fahmi praised Uraissa with pride. Suddenly, Fakhri stepped back and let out a shout. He then punched both of Auraisha's cheeks and delivered a final blow under her chin. Naim and Kahar held her while he did this. Auraisha fell to the ground and lost consciousness instantly.


"Wey Jay...agak-agak, dia orang dah habis lawan ke? Senyap je." One of the boys asked Jay who appears to be Fakhri's close friend. "Kejap, aku check." He opens the door and takes a peek outside. He looks left and right before taking a step outside. "Aku rasa selamat la. Jom tengok dia orang." Jay and 3 more of his friends walk downstairs hesitantly.

As Jay looked ahead, he blinked several times in amazement and opened his mouth wide. He saw Naim being hugged by Mia, while Kahar was occupied with his friends. The girls were busy with Nisa, Fakhri, and Ayam. Jay approached them and asked a question. "Fakhri, kau okay ke?"

"Eh, Jay...aku okay. Korang semua okay ke?" Jay nods his head and his pupils move toward Nisa, who's lying on the ground, passed out. Fakhri looked where Jay was looking at. "Dia pengsan. Nanti dia bangun, Auraisha ni hilang kan?" Fakhri asks as he looks at the girls, apart from his cousin.

"Buat sementara waktu. Dia keluar bila Nisa ni betul-betul dalam kesakitan je...tapi selalu nya malam selasa dia keluar." Fakhri nods at Uraissa's word, then Kahar approach them. "Kalau boleh aku nak jaga kakak aku buat sementara waktu ni.." The girls look at each other before nodding their head.

Kahar picked his sister up the bridal way and headed toward his dorm. Fatin suddenly let out a low laugh and she sat on the bloody ground. "Haih...aku ingat hidup aku aman dekat Kudrat ni rupanya...makin kucar kacir. Nasib esok Sabtu." While the girls are talking to each other, Ayam sits beside Fakhri.

But before he could talk, Fakhri pull him into a tight hug. "Aku nak mintak maaf Yam...sorry sangat-sangat sebab hal sebelum ni." Ayam stroke his back slowly and his lips curve into a small smile. "Takpe la Fakhri. After all yang protect aku malam ni siapa lagi kalau bukan kau?" They break the hug and Fakhri smile in relief.

Fakhri looked at Naim and saw he was already looking at him. Nurin noticed the tension between them and decided to separate them both by bringing Naim back to his dorm. Fatin does the same thing for Fakhri and all of them go their separate ways.


"Kau duduk sini, aku ambik ubat jap." Nurin got on her knees and took out an emergency box under Naim's bed. While putting the ointment, Naim just stared at his cousin's face until he dared to ask her the question that had been lingering in his mind..."Nurin?"
"Hmm?" She answered without looking at him.

"Ape jadi dengan Nisa sebenarnya...? Betul ke kau bystander selama dia terseksa dekat sini...?"

Nurin stopped whatever she was doing and looked at Naim. "Kau betul ke nak tau?" Naim nods his head vigorously. Nurin sighed and put the ointment on the table beside his bed. She looks at Amir and he understands that they want some time alone.

"Kau rahsiakan benda ni Naim." He nods his head once again. Nurin sighed once again before continuing with a low voice.

"Dia bermula dari..."

To be continue...

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