Their Thirst For Pride

By talia_kiwi

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Each year, the Queen of Emavaria hosts an annual game where citizens are invited to compete and show off thei... More

1 - The Archer Meets Her Match
2 - Inventions & Disdain
3 - A Swordsman's Promise
5 - So It Begins
6 - Painted Red
7 - A Warning & A Betrayal
8 - An Irresistible Jewel
9 -The Queen's Regret
Lyra Vered - Five Years Ago
10 - Winslow & Amaryllis
Forrest Winslow - Four Years Ago
11 - Scars
River Cadman - 9 Years Ago
12 - Broken Hearts
13 - Stinging Reminiscence
14 - Last One Standing
15 - Bittersweet

4 - To Live In A Shadow

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By talia_kiwi

Bracelets, necklaces, and rings glittered in the warm candle light of Trinity Flint’s bedroom. She looked into the mirror, gently combing her hair as she listened to the quarrel in the room just beside hers.
“No one is going to take you seriously, Benjamin.” Said a woman’s voice.
“It’s never going to happen,” Returned another voice.
Trinity set down her comb once silence filled the house and stepped outside to peer into her brother’s old room. He too was doing his hair whilst arguing with their mother. The two were concerned with the means of Benjamin’s relationship status.
Mrs. Flint looked over to the doorway and glared at Trinity, walking over to shut the door on her.
Trinity Flint had always lived in the shadow of her older brother. He used to be a suitor of the queen. Of course, the potential relationship ceased to exist as someone else had won the honor of marrying the queen. Her home life always was tense in some way, seeing that they had to seem perfect and put together. Benjamin Flint was among some of the most respectable men in the kingdom of Emavaria and he was still seeking a potential wife. Trinity grew tired of the lack of respect and attention she received with her lower status in the family so she decided to take up jewelry making which hadn’t become relevant until today.
For the games, she prepared a wilted rose necklace with a short, gold chain. She’d paired it with earrings of the same theme that she had made a couple years prior. She remembered putting those earrings together, only dreaming of entering the competition, and since she was twenty-one years old this year, she could finally fufill that dream.
Once Trinity finished getting ready, she grabbed the boots that sat on the floor just at the foot of her bed and slipped them on, lacing them up, and grabbing her jewelry. She set the pieces in a case and left her room.
“Father?” She said, walking up to the only member of her family who seemed ready to go.
“Yes, Trinity?”
“I’m ready. Do we have to wait for mother and Ben?”
“I am afraid we do,” He sighed, “I’m ready to let Ben go off on his own. He can’t expect your mother to help him find a woman forever.”
“But he has his own residence.” Trinity responded.
“Correct, but-”
The door of the empty bedroom opened and out stepped the arrogant Flints.
“We’re ready.” Mrs. Flint said.
“Then we’re off.” Mr. Flint replied, walking toward the front door.
Trinity immediately separated from her family once arriving at the center of the kingdom. All of the lights in the sunset and the chatter and set ups mesmerized her. The games were ending in just and hour so she made her way to the jewelry stand and submitted her set. The last of the games she spent walking around, trying food every now and then and watching the archery competition. She would’ve loved to see fencing but that was just what her brother had come to do and she refused to be around him today.

“Lyra… you’re doing it again.”
The queen sat up in her chair, relaxing her expression, “What?”
“That face you keep making? Pull yourself together!” Her lady in waiting said.
“Look who’s up there.”
“You know you could get rid of the games if they bother you so much? You’re the queen for crying out loud.”
Lyra sighed, “I can’t just do that, Autumn.”
“Why? You know your mother would want what makes you happy.”
Lyra tensed up, looking around at the crowd behind her. “I need to go.”
Autumn watched as she walked away, deciding to leave the matter alone. Instead, she looked up at the stage in front of her, smiling for all of the winners. They all stood up there, some seemed happy, some nervous.
Forrest Winslow, the artist. There was a distinguished mix of feelings that filled him, hearing the news that he’d won the art competition. For one, he did in fact put a lot of time and effort into his painting and he was glad that someone had finally acknowledged his skills but part of him didn’t believe anyone actually cared. He wasn’t so surprised that he’d won, being that he was engaged to the queen. Ah, the queen. She had her own part in his blend of emotions. Anger. She, herself didn’t do anything to make him win but he still didn’t love the fact that he had to spend a couple weeks in her home all because the judges felt the need to choose him, believing that there was no better choice than Mr. Winslow. All he’d appreciate was a true recognition for his talent. Would he ever get that?
Esme Fletcher, the archer. Her archery skills had finally come to their full light. This was it. This was just what she needed, a break from teaching and a place to just have fun. She’d done so well on her first attempt that she’d made it to the final three. There, she only had one arrow to shoot and shot it right to the bullseye, the others were close but she somehow won the competition and now she was finally able to relax and let go of her stress. And if she won the second half of the games, there was no telling how much better her life would be.
Lex Garvish, the alchemist. His charm had certainly come to his aide for this years potion competition. He sold not only the most potions, but also the largest variety of them. No wonder he had the most potions, he’d studied the making of different potions almost his entire life. Was it the money he wanted? Well,  yes, but it was more the ladies he wanted… Speaking of women, he made sure he looked his best on stage with his belt of potions slung over his body like a sash and his hair and clothes seeming the best he could come up with. Of course, he couldn’t forget his usual prideful smile.
River Cadman, the swordsman. She would’ve been more happy if she’d gotten Barrett that potion and the very man that denied her one wasn’t standing next to her on stage. She almost wanted to push him down. She tried to keep a straight face but that proved itself difficult when all she could see out of the corner of her eye was some man posing like he was a model. To look on the bright side of things, River couldn’t have been more proud of herself. She had defied the odds and won a tournament. She actually did it. Becoming a female sword-fighter at fourteen years old wasn’t easy but she ignored the comments from her family and even partially self taught herself for this. Her only problem now? Barrett. She was going off to participate in the most anticipated event of the year and hadn’t fulfilled her promise to him.
Vardaan Galle, the potter. That vase won him the competition? When he’d received the news, he wasn’t entirely sure how to feel, how to react. Pottery in general just made him feel so uncomfortable. The day his father died was the day his passion died too, he couldn’t bear the thought of taking on the only thing his father had going for him. But with the prize that was promised for the games, how could he refuse? If he got that money, he’d finally be able to help his mother with finances, his parents’ fighting from so many years ago would be faintly resolved. And the rose he’d incorporated into the ceramic, the judges had said that the queen loved it. His life was finally coming to something good thanks to his father’s sharing of skills.
Trinity Flint, the jeweler. Who knew winning a competition the first year was so easy for her? When she was told she’d won she felt something she’d never felt before. Pride. Her mother was so proud of her, telling her how happy she was, and how good it could be for their family. Impressing her mother was near impossible for her. Behind all of her pride and joy was a kind of nervousness. What if she didn’t win the second half of the games? Her work would go to nothing and her mother would no longer be proud of her jewelry. Luckily, she had some kind of knowledge of different things since she’d observed so many people growing up thanks to never being allowed to do something herself. Maybe she could win.
Claire Amaryllis, the poet. All she did was frown. Listen to the chatter around her. He was there, up on the stage with her. How did this even happen? Forrest wasn’t from Emavaria, he was from Chirene. She writes a poem about him for the games and he waltzes right back into her life. She felt no excitement over her win, just anguish… and sadness. How did he win? She just couldn’t understand it, why would he be there?
Orion Blakesmith, the engineer. Any regret that was there before had vanished. That sad little hour glass he’d modified won him the competition and now he got a chance at winning the games. He wasn’t really worried about winning the second half of the games, he wouldn’t mind losing, he was just happy to rekindle his passion for engineering. Perhaps, this would give him the motivation to create better things next time. An hour glass that signals half an hour wasn’t great but it helping him win was.
The winners who had submitted physical pieces for the competition were given back their creations to take home. Forrest’s painting of a landscape was returned, as well as Vardaan’s vase, Trinity’s jewelry, Claire’s poem, and Orion’s hour glass. Before they all could leave for the night, Queen Lyra entered the stage to give a statement, as she had in previous years. A tradition.
“Ladies and gentlemen, before we come to a close for the games tonight: Lyra Vered of Emavaria!” Announced one of the workers, gesturing to the queen who stood off to the side, anxiously.
The crowd clapped as she walked to the center.
“Good evening, everyone. I hope you all enjoyed the fifteenth annual games this year. This day always remains close to my heart as my mother, Mackenzie Vered was the one who began it all.” She took a breathe. “I wish you all the best and I hope to see some of you in the competitions next year. Now as for you eight,” She said, turning around to face the competitors. “Rest well and be ready to leave tomorrow, you will be spending the next couple weeks in my palace, competing to win the final prize.”
Everyone was dismissed. They all went home, some excited, some nervous, some unenthused, and packed for the games. As for Lyra, she did not sleep well. She dreaded the games every year for plenty of reasons. Her lady in waiting just couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t call them off. Perhaps she needed to call them off but as usual, Lyra refused.

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