Carried Away

By Feychild1225

7K 460 18

Prince Rain is the first omega crown prince in 200 years. He always knew he life could be in danger, that he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 2

884 63 1
By Feychild1225

Three Weeks Ago

"Let me get this straight." Phayu looks at Pai like he has lost his mind, "You, the head of the royal guard, want me to kidnap the crown prince? Are you insane?"

"Yu, if there was another way, I would do it but if we don't act quickly the prince is going to die. I would give my own life before I let that happen." Pai says.

"I have never heard of a plan where so many things could go wrong." Saifah put in. "Can you not just get a message to the prince to let him know he is in danger. What about through this companion of his, aren't you sleeping with him? Surely, he could take a message to the prince."

"And then what? The prince is surrounded by traitors. I trust Sky to the end of the earth but if I tell him and he tells the prince, who is the prince going to go to first? It could, and probably would be the very people planning to have him assassinated." Pai says.

"So when are we supposed to do this?" Saifah asks.

"Not we, you are not getting involved with this." Phayu says firmly.

"But we always work together." Saifah says.

"Not this time. Look Heam and you are expecting a baby any day now. You said it yourself so many things could go wrong with this plan and then what. What do you think would happen to someone caught trying to kidnap the prince? Being hung as traitors would be the most merciful thing. No, you aren't going anywhere near this mess." Phayu says.

"So does that mean you are?" Pai asks.

"If we die, I am never going to forgive you for this." Phayu tells him with a sigh.


Rain sits down boneless as if his legs wouldn't support him, "My uncle wants to have me assassinated?"

Pai looks at him with pity and says, "The thing is we don't think it's just your uncle."

"Then who else." Rain's eyes grow wide as he realizes. "No, it can't be. My uncle I can believe. He's always hated the fact that I am an omega. But not my...I mean why would he even? He's the one who named me as crown prince."

Sky says, "Didn't he name you crown prince because it's what your grandfather wanted? Besides you're so popular with the citizens he didn't have much of a choice."

Rain looks like he might cry at this, "But he's my father."

"Look," Sky says, "Do you have any proof?"

"That the king is involved, no." Pai admits, "but we do know the assassination attempt is real and that Rain's uncle is involved. We captured some of the people he hired personally."

"How was it supposed to happen?" Rain asks faintly.

"Your carriage was going to be attacked today. It was to look like bandits were responsible." Pai says.

"But the guards." Rain says.

"At least half of them are on your uncle's payroll. It's what made me suspicious in the first place. Many of my most loyal men were suddenly reassigned. I started looking into why and that's when I uncovered the plot." Pai says.

"So it was going to be today, and that's why my uncle suggested taking the path he did?" Rain asks.

"Did he?" Pai asks.

Rain realizes that he, his father, and his uncle had been alone at the time.

"How did you know where to find us?" He asks Phayu. "Pai didn't know the route we were taking, and he didn't have a chance to send a message."

"They were following us from the time we left the palace." Pai tells him. "I had a bad feeling when you were delayed by your uncle and father. So, I had Phayu and his men follow from a distance. Then when the tree was down across the road, we felt it was time to get you out."

"That wasn't you?" Rain asks.

"No it wasn't," Phayu answers. "We thought your uncle's men were going to make their move."

Rain is beginning to believe at least where his uncle is concerned, he refuses to entertain the thought that his father wants him dead. His uncle though. It had been uncharacteristic for him to call Rain in for a meeting, he seldom went out of his way to include Rain in anything. Then there was the subject of the meeting. The distribution of seeds to the local farmers so that they would have a variety of crops for the next year. It hadn't been anything urgent or that couldn't have waited until Rain got back if he needed to be involved. Then it had been his uncle that had suggested that they take the path through the forest to save time. Since when did his uncle even worry about such things? Everything points to what Pai says being true. About his uncle.

"You said you have no proof that it goes further than my uncle, why do you think my...I mean what makes you think the king could be involved?" Rain asks.

"It's mainly that your uncle doesn't have the authority to replace my men that is bothering me." Pai says, "I will reserve judgment for now that there could be another explanation."

Rain thinks this over. It's true as the head of his guard Pai has the authority to recommend one of his men be reassigned or recommend someone new for a post but that's all he can do is recommend. P'Pakin who is over all the royal guards has more power, but he can't reassign guards without permission. Rain's uncle is over many day-to-day operations of the palace but has no connections to the guards whatsoever. Only the king has absolute power to make changes in the ranks.

Still there could be another explanation, perhaps Rain's uncle somehow tricked his father into making the changes. "Okay we'll set that to the side for now. I guess the question is what happens next?"

"For now we need to keep you hidden away. I have people in the palace investigating, trying to find out everything they can about the plot and who will gain with Rain gone." Pai tells them. "Tonight, why don't you get some sleep, your highness, tomorrow we will move you to a more comfortable residence. This is some way from where we left your carriage but if the area around the forest is searched it wouldn't be hard for someone to stumble across this place. We need to move further away."

Rain nods and looks around the little cabin, the floor doesn't exactly look comfortable, but it seems to be the only place they can sleep. There aren't even any blankets to sleep on. The house is warm enough with the fire, but it would be nice to have anything to soften the hard dirt floor, even a bard would be better, at least there would be hay.

Rain lays his cloak down and spreads it enough for him and Sky to have a corner. The others are on their own.

Sky glares at Pai and says, "This isn't over, we will discuss this more in private later."

Pai gives the omega his best puppy dog eyes, but Sky just huffs and turns away. Rain thinks the alpha will have to do a lot of work to win Sky's trust back.

Speaking of, "Phayu, I owe you my thanks." Rain tells the man.

Phayu raises an eyebrow at this. "For kidnapping you?" he asks with some amusement. Rain has noticed the man has a tendency of teasing him. It's refreshing no one has dared tease him, except maybe Sky, since his mother passed away.

"I may not care for the method, but it seems like you saved my life." Rain says. "For that I am grateful."

"We aren't out of danger yet," Phayu says, "If we manage to make it through this and get you back to the palace where you belong then you can thank me."

Despite the hard floor Rain is asleep almost from the moment he lays down. It's been an exhausting day.

Phayu looks down at the sleeping omega, sharing his cloak with his companion. He would have been more comfortable folding it over and keeping it for himself. Now one would have blamed him; it would be his right to expect that much comfort as the prince. Instead, it had never even occurred to him. Phayu thinks that Rain has a naturally generous disposition. It's probably why his people love him so much. Phayu takes off his own jacket and lays it across the omega as a makeshift blanket even as Pai does the same thing for Sky.

Phayu has his men sleep outside, with assigned watches just in case. His men are used to sleeping rough when necessary. He and Pai sleep with their backs against the only door to the cabin. Rain seems to believe them, but Phayu doesn't believe in taking chances. If the omega tries to run, he would be in danger both from his uncle's men who must be searching for them and from the wild creatures that hunt the forest. Not to mention there are real bandits out and about.

The next morning after a small breakfast they pack up the horses and move away from the forest. Rain rides behind Phayu, but at least he gets to sit in a more dignified position this time. Sky reluctantly rides with Pai when the alpha glares down any of the other men who might offer to take him. He sits stiffly refusing to touch the alpha more than necessary.

They travel fast most of the day, barely stopping a short time to stretch and drink water at noon. By early evening Rain is having to cling to Phayu's waist to keep from falling off the horse in his exhaustion and even Sky is slumped against Pai. When they finally stop for the night Phayu has to help Rain down to keep him from sliding to the ground, again.

The best thing Rain can say about the house they stop at this time is it is larger, and it has actual rooms and furniture inside. Someone has also stocked the house with supplies.

Rain is all for going straight to bed without eating, he can barely keep his eyes open, but Phayu insists on them having dinner first. He bullies Rain into eating then takes him and Sky to one of the bedrooms. "Do I need to lock the door?" He asks.

"Where would we go?" Sky asks. "Besides, if we are going to trust you, shouldn't that go both ways?"

"That's fair." Phayu says.

"I only want my friend to be safe, and it seems like the safest place could be with you and your men." Sky says. "Now if you will excuse me, his highness is weary.

It seems as if weary is an understatement. Rain is already in bed, and from the sound of the soft snores fast asleep. Phayu smiles at the sight and gives Sky a slight bow.

After Phayu leaves Rain and Sky he goes to where Pai is sitting on the front porch.

"Are they asleep?" Pai asks.

"Prince Rain was when I left, and Sky looked dead on his feet, so I imagine he is by now. Those two are used to palace life, not harsh days of travel and roughing it." Phayu says with a frown.

"Don't let them fool you. It's been a rough two days for them, and it's true they are used to being surrounded by luxury, but they both have some steel in them as well. I have seen them both work tirelessly in the hospitals when other nobles lock their doors for fear of catching diseases. I have seen his highness face down a foreign diplomat and his army who tried to bully his way into a trade agreement. They can both be strong when they need to be." Pai says with admiration. He caresses his cheek where Sky slapped him and smiles ruefully.

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