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By blxckdxliah_

27.9K 981 2.5K

20 years had passed since William Afton was springlocked, and your friends were avenged. You finally got to l... More

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1.3K 49 218
By blxckdxliah_

Long ass chapter ahead.


"There you are" you recognised Mike's voice. He sounded relieved.

His face turned into worry as he saw your state. "Holy shit, what happened?"

"I got attacked, but 'm fine" you slurred. "I also kinda started a fire. It'll spread quickly if we don't m-move" That's when you fell into Mike, he caught you and kept you steady.

He inspected your wounds "You lost a lot of blood. We need to get you outta here" He looked up and down the hall and once he knew the coast was clear, he threw your arm around his shoulder and gripped your waist. "Just stay with me, okay?" You nodded weakly.

As you both limped down the corridor, you spoke up "Did you spread a lot of gas for this to work?" He nodded "Yeah, lots, don't worry about that"

As you walked, you tried to keep steady and conscious, but you felt so weak and dizzy. Your vision was hella blurry. Mike kept on mumbling things in your ear, such as "Come on, you got this" or "Stay with me Y/N" and it really was pushing you to be strong.

You just managed to make out the exit sign in red lettering, and you felt relieved. Mike stopped in front of the boarded up door and inspected it, then looked at you, your head drooping to the other side.

"Hey, i'm gonna let go of you now, okay?" he claimed, then you nodded. He slowly pulled your arm from around his shoulder, and gently sat you down on the floor, leaning you against the wall. "Just keep your hand over your wound, okay?" he picked up your hand and placed it on there for you, and he pushed down, making you hiss in pain. "You need to keep applying pressure"

You forced out a "mhm" and it came out as half a groan at the same time. He let go of you, and you only just noticed he had the crowbar.

He pushed it underneath one of the wooden boards, and pushed down on the crowbar, hoping to pry it open. As he was doing that, you pushed down on your wound, trying so hard to stay conscious at the same time.

There was a loud snap, but you didn't have the energy to look over. Mike let out a small laugh of relief. You guessed he had pried one of the boards off.

You saw something coming down the corridor. It was just a black silhouette to you. You squinted hard and focussed. "H-hey Mike," you mumbled, barely audible, so he didn't hear you.

"Mike" you said again, a bit louder, but he was too busy prying off the wooden board. You looked harder at the figure, and to your luck, it was Afton, wielding his knife. He was nearing quite close now.

"Mike, look out!" you called. You mustered up most of the energy you had to call that out. You shifted uncomfortably on the floor, unable to keep your eyes open. You were gonna pass out.

Mike whipped his head around faster than lighting, and moved just in time before Afton sliced his throat, instead cutting his upper arm.

Afton held his foot out and Mike actually tripped over it, landing right on his stomach. The crowbar flew from his hand and across the small room, landing right in front of you, but you were unconscious.

Mike noticed and got worried "Hey..hey Y/N wake up" No response from you. "Now that..is unfortunate." Afton spoke from above him, chuckling. Mike tried crawling to you, but he grabbed his ankles and dragged him back.

Afton jabbed his knife quickly into Mike's shoulder blade, making him yelp. The sound echoed in your ears, making you fling your eyes open.

Afton grabbed Mike's shoulder and flipped him over on his back, and held the knife under his neck "You were always such a disappointment"

Mike looked a bit hurt. Afton continued "First, you were always a little shit" he snapped "Second, you got your younger brother killed"

Mike looked and felt as if he just had his heart ripped out.

"And third" he paused "your little girlfriend is gonna die. And i'm gonna make you watch" he said through gritted teeth. That angered Mike. He would rather die then see you get hurt.

"Before that though, i'm gonna make you go through the pain I went through" he fumed, and put the tip of the knife on Mike's chest.

You saw the crowbar laying at your feet, and without thinking about how much pain you were in, you lunged for it. You needed to help him.

Afton started pushing slowly on the knife, the tip piercing Mike's chest, making him yelp, and writher around uncomfortably.

You let out a small groan as you lifted yourself up from the stool, and unfortunately, Afton heard you. But, as he lifted his head up, you whacked the crowbar around his face. He tumbled onto his back.

You limped over to Mike and kneeled down next to him. You helped him sit up. "Are you alright?" you both asked each other at the same time. You giggled as Mike answered "Yeah, yeah i'm okay, this isn't deep at all anyway" then he pulled the knife out of his chest.

"We need to go to th'other exit" you slurred. Mike got up quickly, and helped you to your feet, the crowbar still in your hand. You put your arm around his shoulder again as he gripped your waist, then you both limped out of the room quickly.

But Afton suddenly grabbed your ankle. "Shit!" you cursed, trying to wiggle your foot free. Mike kicked his hand hard, and finally he let go, and you both scurried out of the room.

On your way, the fire had spread quickly, but it wasn't blocking your way, or the exit thankfully. Not yet, anyway.

You made it surprisingly quickly to the other exit, the one next to the office. "Can you stand?" Mike asked, as he slowly let go of you. You waved him off "I'll be fine, you get to it". You handed him the crowbar, and he nodded.

You leaned against the wall, and pressed down on the wound on your shoulder, throwing your head back in pain. Mike got straight to prying, but he seemed to be struggling.

He pushed down with all his might, and the first board was off. There were three on the door.

As he got prying on the second board, you noticed something out of the corner of your eye. You looked over, and saw the flames seeping through the vent in the office.

"Uh oh" you mumbled aloud, but Mike didn't hear. You forced yourself to head quickly inside and grab your belongings. Your bag and Mike's. That's it. You headed back to your spot against the wall and leant against it.

You put the hairspray and lighter back in your back, and instead got out your pistol. This could be more useful. You put it in your waistband, then you swung your bag on your back, and held Mike's bag in your uninjured hand. You nearly jumped when you heard yelling coming from somewhere in the building. You couldn't really tell what Afton was saying, it sounded more like he was screaming.

This time, you did jump when you saw Afton though the window of the office, limping down the corridor. He must've had to fight through the fire, he looked a tad burnt, like a shish kebab. That thought made you giggle out loud.

You heard a snap, looking over Mike was now on the last board. "You better hurry, because the fire is spreading, and Afton is limping down the hall" Mike whipped his head around, and muttered a "For fucks sake"

You sighed, and slipped the bag off your back, and put yours and Mike's bag in the corner, next to his left foot. Afton rounded the corner and was now heading straight for you.

"Can I borrow that for one second?" you asked quickly, hinting to the crowbar. He furrowed his brows, and before he could say "Are you sure?" you snatched it from his hands, and before Afton was about to plummet the knife into your face, you plummeted the crowbar in his eye. He let out a yell of agony.

You ignored the pain surging through your entire body, and twisted the metal bar in his eye, making him yell out more. You then pulled it out aggressively, pulling out his eye at the same time, and kicked him into the office that was now half on fire.

He tumbled back into the flames, and you handed the crowbar back to Mike. He looked amazed at your actions, then quickly got to prying.

Afton quickly got up from the flames, flailing about like crazy, in hopes to get the flames off of him. He shouted obscenities at you both, like "I'm gonna fucking kill you!" or "Your both dead". Your favourite was probably "I'll cut your fucking throats!"

You started to get really hot, as the fire was spreading as fast as the speed of light down the corridor. It made you even more woozy than you were before, but you powered through it.

"I'd really like it if you hurried!" you declared to Mike. "I'm trying!" he huffed, pushing down on the crowbar with all his might.

Afton was now flame free, but as he came speeding at you, you got out your pistol, calling "Fuck youuuu!" and shot him in the chest repeatedly, until the ammo had ran out. You used your last bullet and aimed right at his animatronic balls, which made him wail in pain. His whole body jerked at each shot, and he then fell backwards into the now fully alight office.

Mike snapped off the last board just in time, and barged his shoulder into the door with all his strength, and to your delight, the door burst open. You snatched both of your bags, as you both hurried out of the burning building.

Afton desperately tried to crawl out of the office, his whole body alight, and his eyes, well, eye, widened once he saw the both of you had escaped. Thinking quickly, Mike slammed the door shut, and there was a dumpster on wheels nearby, so he pushed it in front of the door.

You sat down against the dumpster, and so did Mike, both of you out of breath. Aggressive thumping on the door made you both jump. You heard the fire inside the building sizzling and crackling. It must have spread over the whole place by now.

You nearly jumped when Afton shouted from inside.

"MICHAEL! Don't leave me here!" he coughed and banged on the door again. "Michael!" he spluttered. "MICHAEL!" he raged.

"You fuckers!" he shouted. He coughed again "Y/N get me out of here!" he wheezed.

"Go to hell!" you yelled back.

There was more aggressive thumping on the door. "HELP ME" he coughed. "Michael! Your my son for fucks sake!"

The banging stopped, and was replaced by a fit of coughing "I am going to kill you both" he angered. "And i'm going to make it hurt"

His death threats never effected you, but you looked over at Mike, and he looked distraught. He was looking ahead of him, his lip slightly quivering.

There was more coughing and banging for a short while, and then, it suddenly stopped, now only hearing the sound of the sizzling fire.

You couldn't imagine how Mike felt right now. Yes, the guy was a child serial killer, but he was also Mike's father. He grew up with him. Maybe even admired him at one point (you doubted that). And the things Afton said to him earlier, was that thing about his brother true?

You decided you weren't gonna ask. He was going through enough already, plus you didn't want to get too involved in his private life if he wasn't comfortable telling you.

Putting a hand on his shoulder comfortingly, you squeezed gently and looked at him sadly. You were highly taken aback when he embraced you in a hug, but you weren't gonna push him away, because 1. that would be horrible after what he's just been through, 2. he needs it, let's be real.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your chest, as you wrapped your arms around his back, stroking his hair.

"Everything's gonna be okay" you whispered.



or is it 😏😏


anyway. i am planning on writing an epilogue, explaining the aftermath and everything, and i'm HIGHLY considering writing little bonus chapters, probably about Y/N's and Mike's lives (together 😏)

on a more sadder note, i'm devastated these stories have come to an end, because i have absolutely LOVED writing them for you guys. tearing up just thinking about it istg.

thank you SO MUCH to EVERYONE for your love and support, and just EVERYTHING. you really kept me going!

reading all your comments in a morning either make me want to cry with happiness, giggle hysterically, or raise a brow in questioning. (i love reading your comments no matter what)

now that i've finished this book, im going back the first fnaf book and rewriting some flaws i made, it won't be a MAJOR change, but because of my amateur writing back then, i never noticed the flaws i made and if i did i just left them, and reading back on that story, there are some bits where i CRINGE.

i'm considering writing a security breach fic, but still not sure yet. i'll let you guys know!

wrapping this up, thank you so much again for all your love and support on my stories it means so much to me 💗

i love you all

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