"I requite love"(jikook)/suga

De 22_97j

9.5K 691 99

Jungkook and Jimin are happily dating. But one day, their life changes when Jimin brings Yoongi (a cat hybrid... Mai multe

Puppy 1
Puppy 2
Puppy 3
Together bam
Yoongi 2
Fire (25)
I requite love
Whenever the Cherry Blossoms Bloom (Epilogue)


693 29 3
De 22_97j

Park Jimin - Age: 26, Human, working as a Vet

Jeon Jungkook - Age: 24, Human, working as a lawyer

Min Yoongi - Age: 28/29, a cat hybrid, homeless

[!] warning: this is a three-way relationship, so if you think that would make you feel uncomfortable, then don't read the story.

Bottom Suga is not really common, but it's my guilty pleasure xD

"Oh, Jimin-ah! You were still here??"

Jimin looked up from his phone and smiled brightly at the woman, which was at the front desk.

"Yes, I had some things to take care of. What about you, Noona? Why are you still here?"

The lady at the reception was in her early 50s, so she could totally pass for an 'ahjumma', but Jimin was used to calling her Noona, the woman always smiled whenever he greeted her like that, so it became a habit.

"Someone has to close down this place! And that lucky person happens to be me!"

Jimin could feel that the receptionist's words were laced with sarcasm. It was already 6pm, it was Winter, there was snow, it was freaking cold and the poor woman lived far away. She had to catch the bus and she wasn't a fan of wearing super thick and warm clothes, so she was probably going to freeze to death.

"Um... I can lock up the clinic today. If you want to?"

Jimin didn't sound very confident when he offered that. Mrs. Yang was a perfectionist and even though it was obvious that she was very eager to go home, Jimin wasn't sure she would easily agree.  It was just a suggestion, but the woman's eyes instantly lit up upon hearing it.

"Oh my, Jiminnie! Really??"

"Yeah, it's no problem really. I'm not in a hurry and the two of us are the only ones left here. Dr. Song left about half an hour ago and everybody else left at around 5pm."

Jimin had barely finished his sentence when he saw how the woman quickly got up from her chair, turned off her laptop and put on her coat in a hurry.

"You're a life-savior, Jimin-ah! I will treat you a coffee tomorrow!" Mrs. Yang chirped, as she patted the boy's shoulder, who simply smiled in response.

"It's okay, Noona. You don't have to-"

There was suddenly a finger, placed on his lips to shut him up.

"I'll add a muffin as well! I know how much you love sweets! See you tomorrow, my Angel!"

Jimin laughed when the woman referred to him as an angel and waved his hand as a goodbye. He looked at the desk and saw the keys, which he had to use. He grabbed them and headed towards the front door. He has locked up the clinic a few times before, so it really wasn't a big deal, but a warm coffee and something sweet sounded really good, so he was gladly going to accept them.

Jimin loved working at the clinic, it's been over two years since he joined the team. He was the youngest doctor there, but the others treated him as an equal, with respect and helping animals has always made him happy. It was his dream job, really.

He walked outside, his body slightly shivering because of the cold air, but he was going to be home soon, so it was okay. He locked the door and headed towards his car, which he had parked in a near-by alley. He preferred taking the bus, especially when the weather wasn't good, because he didn't feel like driving on icy streets, but using his car meant he would get home much faster and he preferred driving in poor weather instead of waiting for the bus.

His car was just a few steps ahead of him when he suddenly heard a loud noise, it sounded like someone had just fallen down. He looked around, the alley was pretty dark, but he could see a silhouette thanks to the street lamp. At first the noise which was made, made him believe it was an animal, which had crashed into the trash bins after running or something, but the silhouette definitely belonged to a human and Jimin's assumption was confirmed when he heard a voice.

"Damn it! There was no need for the stupid fucker to chase after me!"

The person was now walking right towards Jimin and even though the rather crude language surprised the boy, his lips parted in amazement when he could clearly see the other, who was actually... not a human.

Jimin had heard a lot about hybrids, but he had never seen one in real life, so he couldn't tear his eyes away from the black-haired creature. Hybrids looked pretty much like humans, the only difference was that they had a pair of cute, fluffy-looking ears and a tail. The most common kind of hybrids were cat and dog hybrids, though there were many other kinds as well.

The other was approaching and Jimin couldn't move at all, his eyes shifted from the black ears and the tail, towards the boy's rosy cheeks which had definitely changed their color because of the cold weather and then towards the other's attire – he wasn't even wearing a coat, but he wasn't shivering at all and finally Jimin's eyes fell on the hybrid's hand, which was covered in blood.

"What the fuck are you looking at?"

The voice startled Jimin who looked at the other's face and locked eyes with the rather sharp and cold-looking ones.

"Y-your hand..."

Jimin mumbled, not knowing why his voice gave in. The other boy didn't say anything and just narrowed his eyes at him.

It's a cat-hybrid...

Jimin self-noted, star-struck by the hybrid who just huffed, puffs of air leaving his red lips due to the low temperature.

The other started walking again, brushing past Jimin, whose hands reacted faster than his brain and he grabbed the hybrid's arm before he could leave.

"What the hell do you want??" The hybrid spat and he even looked angry now, almost ready to punch Jimin in the face if he didn't let go of him right that instant.

"I-I'm a vet!" He blurted out and unknowingly a smile appeared on his face.

"Do I look like I care??" The hybrid asked, his patience close to reaching its limit.

"My clinic is close-by and I, uh... I can treat your hand?" The statement definitely sounded more like a question and Jimin noticed how the hybrid gave him a once-over, he was now giving him a skeptical look.

"Like I would believe that... you look like a high-schooler."

Jimin didn't find that offending, a lot of people had told him that he looked quite young, but he was already 26, so being compared to a student didn't feel that nice anymore.

Jimin shoved his left hand in his pocket, while he was still holding onto the hybrid with his other hand and took out his ID card, so he could show it to the other.

"I'm not lying. See?"

He showed the card to the hybrid who leaned over, so he could read what was written on it. "Park Jimin, a vet at Cheonguk Animal Clinic?" The hybrid read out-loud and the human in front of him nodded his head.

"Yes! There's even a picture! That's me!" Jimin pointed to the photo on the ID card and then at his face. The hybrid seemed convinced now, but something told Jimin that the other still wouldn't come to the clinic with him. "The wound... it might get infected if it's not cleaned and treated properly." Jimin didn't even know why he was trying so hard... Well, it was just his nature – to help others. He couldn't turn his eyes away from someone in need when he could do something to help them and there was something about this hybrid... Jimin couldn't put it into words. He just wanted to help him, no matter what.

"Huuh, fine then."

Jimin couldn't believe his ears when the hybrid agreed to go with him and he stood still, which seemed to annoy the black-haired boy who slightly kicked the human's leg, making him snap out of his trance.

"Are we going or what???"

"Oh, y-yeah. Follow me."

"How did this happen?" Jimin asked, as he started cleaning the wound.

The hybrid who had been looking around the room until now, faced the other boy, who appeared to be really focused on treating his injury. "I fell."

It was a simple reply, a way too simple. It was an answer, which gave Jimin no information at all.

"I could tell that. But why did you fall?"

"It happens." Once again, a very-short and meaningless answer. The hybrid had no intention to say anything else, but the human boy had stilled his actions and was waiting for a proper explanation, so the cat-like person sighed and gave in. "I was running." He thought that was enough, more than enough, he was sure that human didn't even care, why was he so persistent about getting an answer anyway? The so-called vet was still looking at him, curiosity and concern written on his face. Or maybe the human was just a good actor, the hybrid didn't know, but he wanted to get this over with, so he decided to spill the beans. "I was hungry, I walked into a shop and I tried to steal food, but the owner saw me and started chasing after me. That old prick gave up a way too soon, but I just continued running, I wanted to be as far away as possible from the shop."

There, I said everything. Is he happy now?

The hybrid wondered and to his surprise he saw something like worry flash through the other's eyes. Why? Was he worried that he was helping a criminal? Technically, the creature didn't steal anything, but he was about to and that made him a potential criminal, so-

Jimin left the hybrid's side and rummaged through his bag. He soon found what he was looking for and took out a small packet of fish crackers. He handed them over to the hybrid, who frowned upon receiving them.

"Just because I'm a cat, that doesn't mean I like fish." Dumbass. The hybrid wanted to add, but somehow he decided to refrain himself from offending the other.

"Oh... these crackers are just my favorite and I always carry a packet around with me. But if you don't want-"

Before Jimin could finish what he was saying, the hybrid quickly snatched the crackers from his hands and opened the packet. The other instantly shoved a handful of tiny fish crackers into his mouth, while staring at Jimin, it looked like he was afraid that the vet would want to get his food back, but the human just smiled slightly and returned to his work.

"What is your name?" Jimin asked, as he continued cleaning the wound on the other's hand.

The reply did not come right away, but that was simply because the hybrid's mouth was full of food, which he had to swallow first before answering. "Min Yoongi." He said after a few seconds and the human just hummed in response.

"How old are you?" The boy questioned, as he inspected the now clean wound. The cut wasn't deep, it was going to heal fast.


The answer made Jimin look up and get a proper look at the other's face. He looked young, his skin was flawless and so white. Just now, Jimin noticed how fair the other's complexion was.

"Wow, really?? You're my Hyung then. You're two years older than me."

"Yeah, I guess... whatever."

Yoongi replied nonchalantly and looked away from the other's brown orbs, which were intensely staring at him. That vet was a way too nice, offering to clean his wound, giving him food... Yoongi was not used to kindness from humans. Well, only in the past few years. It wasn't always like that. He had a home once, a long time ago and now... he was just a stray cat. No, even worse – he was a stray cat-hybrid. People took in cats, but hybrids... they were a different story.

"Y-yah! What the heck are you doing?!" Yoongi hissed in pain, when he felt something cold touch his hand. "It stings!"

Jimin was startled, because of the other's yelp, he didn't mean to hurt the hybrid. "S-sorry, I was just applying some medicine. It will sting only for a few seconds. I promise."

Yoongi followed the human's every move now, he wanted to know what exactly the other was doing. Jimin soon finished applying the ointment on his wound and started wrapping a bandage around his hand. The vet's touches were gentle, he did everything with care.

"Hmm... this doesn't look that bad. I'm not very good at bandaging, but I think I did a decent job." Jimin commented when he was done, he was kind of proud of his work.

"Isn't this part of your job?" Yoongi asked when the human finally let go of his hand and he got a closer look at the bandage, which was indeed wrapped nicely around his hand – it wasn't too tight, but it wasn't loose either.

"Yeah, but there are nurses as well. They help with these things. Nurse Lee is the best one! But she works with Dr. Song, while I usually work with nurse Jung. "

"There are other vets here?" Yoongi asked, as he once again started looking around.

"Ah, yeah. But not right now. We are done for today. There are five vets including me and five nurses, Mrs. Yang who works at the reception desk, Mr. Kim – our guard and Mrs. Kang who cleans. They are all really nice, working with them is great and-"

"You're quite talkative, aren't you?" Yoongi cut in, making the boy shut up right away.


"And you apologize about everything. You should work on those things." Yoongi usually spoke like this, he was used to being honest, he didn't hold back and was usually rather harsh. But right now he hadn't said something that could be labeled as insulting or anything of the sort, so why was the human looking at him with those big eyes, filled with sadness?

"I wasn't scolding you or something. You can talk as much as you want... I guess. But apologize only when you have done something bad." Yoongi wasn't really good when it came to such talks, so he could only hope that whatever he was trying to convey was received properly by the now smiling vet, who was once again staring at Yoongi, almost making him feel uncomfortable because of the attention he was receiving. "What? You haven't seen a hybrid before?"

"I have... on pictures or on the Net. I've never actually been close to a hybrid before and it was my first time touching one as well!"

He sure sounds excited... what is there to be so happy about? I'm just a homeless hybrid... He is probably used to seeing well-dressed or well-mannered hybrids. That's what the media shows all the time, so shouldn't he look disappointed that he stumbled upon someone like me?

Jimin was now curiously looking at him and it took Yoongi a while to realize that the human was actually eyeing his neck.

"What now?" He asked, trying to sound annoyed when he was actually intrigued.

"You don't have a collar." Jimin commented and the hybrid made a disgusted expression.

"Fuck no! Of course I don't have something like that!"

The human's eyes widened a bit because of the F  word and Yoongi was about to correct himself when the vet actually laughed.

"Do you usually curse that much?"

"Even more... I'm trying my best to be considerate here..."

Jimin once again laughed, this hybrid was just wow.

"I just thought that hybrids wear collars." The human boy added, as he took the now empty packet of fish crackers and threw it in the bin next to his desk.

The snack disappeared rather quickly, Hyung must have been really hungry.

"Maybe before, but not anymore. I've never worn a collar in my life." Yoongi usually did not like sharing things about him, especially with strangers, but the words somehow rolled off his tongue effortlessly. Jimin had a strange aura, but not in a bad way, Yoongi found the other's presence nice, it had a calming effect.

"I see. Well, it's already rather late. Do you want me to drive you home?" Jimin inquired, as he put on his coat once again. He had taken it off, so he could properly move around and treat the hybrid's wound.

"There's no need." Yoongi replied, as he got up from the chair where he was sitting. He was grateful to the human, maybe he should say a 'Thank you.' before leaving? That was totally not his style, but he couldn't just leave like that. "Hey, I-"

"Can I at least walk you off to the bus station? Or you live around the area?" Jimin interrupted, not wanting to let the other roam the streets in the cold weather, all alone.

"I... don't live here. I mean-" How should he say this? And did he even have to explain himself to this human? Yoongi could just walk away without saying anything, like he always did whenever someone tried to talk to him. But he had even followed Jimin to the clinic, to his office, he told him his name, he was fed and taken care of and fine, he wasn't going to lie. "My home is in Daegu."

Home... that's not what Yoongi wanted to say, he didn't have a home, not anymore.


Yoongi put his hands over his ears, trying to shield them from Jimin's loud voice. "Yah! Don't scream! I have a super fine hearing, okay?! Shit, that high-pitched yell went straight to my brain!"

Jimin mumbled an apology under his breath, sheepishly smiling as he glanced at the hybrid and Yoongi found himself unable to look away from those big, beautiful eyes.

Ugh... humans are so damn weird.

Yoongi groaned in his head, it has been a while since he had to deal with someone from the human kind, which he was not very fond of, but somehow...

Park Jimin didn't seem that bad.


I don't know how this fic happened, honestly... the ideas always hit me when I'm about to fall asleep lol

Yoongi is a top for me, HOWEVER he's also a cute, little thing and cat!yoongi is my kink! No judging, okay? haha
& my heart craves for a whiny bottom suga from time to time, so... here it is <3

Jungkook will make an appearance next time and there will be more information about the hybrids in the future ^^

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