I Bite Hard

By Ssspirit5611

556 13 10

You all know the story of Lucifer the Fallen Angel, but what happens after he falls? Well..... He created his... More

Chpt 1: Just The Beginning
Chpt 2: Waking Up
Chpt 3: First Date
Chpt 4: Marked
Chpt 5: The King
Chpt 6: A Leech In With Mutts
Chpt 7: Origin Stories
Chpt 8: That Demon
Chpt 9: Realizing Somethings
Chpt 11: Pack Called
Chpt 12: Feelin' The Pull
Chpt 13: Research
Chpt 14: High Meeting
Chpt 15: Plans, Plans, Plans
Chpt 16: Full Moon
Chpt 17: Save The Pack
Chpt 18: Hello RoadTrip
Chpt 19: Mystery Magic
Comments? /writer's note

Chpt 10: Friends

26 1 1
By Ssspirit5611

Isaac wakes up from screaming in his ear. Shooting up seeing skade peacefully asleep next to him and this grey and white tiger striped cat meowing at him. He gave the cat a hard look and growling. The cat just stood up with her tail whipping behind her strong and fast. She walks over to a sleeping Skade and nozzles her nose. Waking Skade up, Skade pets the cat's head smiling.

"Where did this cat come from?" Isaac spat out. Werewolves hates cats.

"This is Cleo she ventures outside alot of the time"

"You have a cat?!"

"Yes, she my soul pet"

Isaac just stared didn't know what to think, wondering 'what is a soul pet, why a cat of all things, can the cat just leave and never return, '

"Soul pet is a deep spiritual connection between them and you" she explained.

"So then is this your only friend?"

"No but the only one I fully trust"

"Cats can't be trusted" Isaac rudely said

"Now Your just being biased" she argued back

Cleo the cat screamed in Isaac's face. Isaac gave her a snarl. Skade punched him in the arm so With that Skade gets up to the attached bathroom in her bedroom as she's walking in ,"when I get back Cleo better still be there breathing"

She walks to the sink turns on the water grabs her tooth brush extending her fangs to brush them clean. Isaac comes in watching her "I rather watch you than babysit a cat" he laughs. " I didn't know vampires brush their fangs"

"Why wouldn't we? They don't necessarily get dirty often but keeping good hygiene you know" still brushing her fangs.

"You're super cute, and them fangs are super sexy on you"

"What are you trying to do?"

"You wanna dirty up your fangs?" He asked in a deep sexy tone with a wink. Skade rinse her mouth out and sat the toothbrush back in it's holder on the sink. She stared at him and then smiles with two pointy teeth peeking out.

Isaac's picks skade up with her legs wrapping around his waist them kissing as Isaac takes her to the bed, but then he got that wriff of the cats smell, he growls. Skade already knew what he was thinking 'is this cat really staying here and watching us the entire time'

"Oh don't be like that. If you want me, she with me too"

"Fine, do you communicate with her, like maybe tell her to give us some privacy"

"Yeah I could tell her but she does what she wants."

"Can you read animals mind?"

"I can but it's nots words, they be picturing things in their minds"

"So what are you seeing from her"

"That's your an evil dog trying to dominate me" skade laughs at the mental imagine from her soul cat.

"Well maybe she's right" he winked at skade, while grabbing and squeezing her butt with her still on him. Hungrily kissing her.

She had her hands playing with his shaggy very light brown hair. Kissing him back with their tongues wresting one another. Skade then takes her hands underneath his shirt pulling it up and over Isaac's head breaking their kiss only for a second to be making out again. Still her legs wrap around him tight.

*Knock* *knock*

Snapping them outta their intense trace. Isaac growls, skade sighs jumping off of him and in lighting flash was opening the door saying "what the hell do you-"

Revealing a maid who was super nervous blankly staring at her. "Yes?" Skade said snapping her out of her trance

"Princess, your presence is required in the Throne Room at this time"

Skade P.O.V.

I sigh, always something stupid. I shut the door in her face. All I read from her mind was her handing my father a letter and after he read it, he told her to come get my presence there now.

"Can I come?" Isaac asked putting his shirt back on.

"Sure, it's probably something stupid anyways"
With that we headed towards the Throne Room. He held my hand walking there. Electric Sparks shooting up in my arms to the rest of my body. This was definitely something different to me that I never felt before. I actually felt warm from just his touch. He's somehow integrating me.

Opening the big doors that only strength can provide to my father the king standing at his throne with the letter in his hands, I can't ever read my father's mind anymore, he has learned to close his mind up to me since I come into his life specially after my mother died.

"We got word that Lucifer wants alliance with us now" he started out saying. I wasn't very impressed but only to know that Lucifer has a plan of sorts.

"You should declined" I said with Isaac behind me

"Why?" Curiosity peaked in my father

"Cuz he wants to get close to us" I simply said.

"Do you know what happens if I declined?" He questioned her

"All out war, I know. But he is already planning war with or without a treaty"

"And how do you know all this?" He questioned me already knowing I'm up to something. That is my father for assuming things, specially with my past.

"I may have killed some of his people on werewolf territory"

His facial expression went from thinking I'm up to something to a very hard glare letting his thoughts flow free intending for me to hear them
'that is the most utterly unthinkable thing you've done a in while time, what are you trying to accomplish?'

Isaac interrupted,"King, if I may say, my father has plans for Skade, he trying to use her to his benefit of having a demon protect his Pack against other demons."

"What did you do Skade?" A fatherly tone pretty much saying that she was suppose to stay low, and let no one know about her demon side.

"Of course my wolf mate's father is going to be suspicious of his son's vampire mate" she gave a taunting snarl

"Well if that's the case, do you actually know his intentions?" Giving her something to think about.

"Of course I do and I'm handling it, but the question is how are you going to handle Lucifer?" Skade remarked

"We will accept but with terms and conditions in place." The king demanded

"Just don't let him get to close, not to only me but to our kind, I sense something big going to happen."

I thought bout it a minute and realized this could work perfectly in my favour. Lucifer making the alliance instead of me doing it after I rule. Then the demons can't be angry and try to rebel.


Then all of a sudden the huge doors widen for the Prince coming in along with another man.

"Staz!!" Skade screams happily running into the man at the door hugging him making him stumble wrapping his arms around her "Skade" he smiles.

Isaac comes closer. skade and the man broke the hug apart, looking at Isaac.

The man extended his fangs got defensive. Isaac's snarl ready at any point for when the man launches.

Skade interrupted smacking her hand to the man's chest
"Calm down Staz, this is my mate Isaac"

Staz's fang retracted back in, his eyes went widen in shocked, his mouth left open. "What? When? How? Who?"
He was speechless. Isaac also calm down and was smirking. "He's a mutt tho..."

"Yeah... He is" She said in a low manner. Isaac started to not care what think of his wolf.

"Skade can I talk to you... In private" Staz glared at Isaac, but also looking softly and bowed to the King and Prince. They were all like family now.
Skade turned toward Isaac "I'll be back" without another word the two zoomed out.

Skade and Staz were out in the garden on a bench.
"So are you going to explain to me what has happened since I've been gone"

"Well alot actually, starting with I found secrets the Hunters have planned in their lair. They now have witches working for them, foxes too. Their technology have evolve along with them themselves. They managed to capture me, but I got away landing in the mutts' territory and that's when he found me."

"Whoa, you gotta give me more details than that. You hated mutts so what changed, even with one being your mate, I would never have thought you would still go for it"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, you still my everything Staz. I've tried to run him off, but he truly wants this to work."

"So what is 'this' exactly"

"I don't know yet, he's actually kinda growing on me"

"Then how do you actually feel?"

She thought for a moment. She didn't know why she felt the attraction towards her wolf mate. Why she felt the need to satisfied him, the need for him to be around her, the need to feel the tingles, and how his blood was all she needed on top of of all that.

"I feel just like a mate should feel"

"You don't even know how to put the feeling into words"

"Of course I don't, it's all so strange and new to me, you know me Staz, I don't be feeling these feelings ever, I never wanted them"

He looked down at a dark red flower "But you don't have these same feeling for me anymore?" His sadness controlled his voice.

"I don't know where I stand right now"

"Then We might not be intimide anymore but you will be mine forever even if we are now only friends, I'm not going to take you away from your mate. You know i see it in your eyes, your violet eyes I've never seen before but only heard in stories."

"You still got time to find yours"

"Yeah another 800 more years according to you finding yours almost 1000 years later." Staz laughs with Skade following along with her laughter.

"Yeah after 400 years I gave up, I didn't care to have a mate and I still didn't when he found me, but the time we spent together positive and negative ones, I don't know.... Its actually pleasurable."

Staz pluck the red flower from the ground handing it to her. "I'm always gonna be here for you, no matter what the outcome is and never forget that"

"Langsdorffia flower, you know me so well" she smiles.

"So you gonna tell me about what happen to you with the Hunters, sounds like they are a serious problem now"

"They are, their weapons are stronger than ever. And scientist taking samples to enhance their equipment and knowledge. They used me to do their bidding knowing I'm not a normal vampire. But they didn't get any further than that before I escaped."

"How bad did they get you?"

"Weakest I've ever been in my entire life, they came up with this device to kinda control me that went into the back of my neck connecting to my spine. They wanted mermaids for their healing abilities, so I killed every single one so they didn't get their DNA. And that's when I escaped."

"You ended the mermaid race?"

She nodded "not that I'm happy about it but something needed done. If the Hunters got to them our life as we know it would no longer exist leaving the humans and Hunters to rule the Earth."

"Does your Father know?"

"He does, but there's not much more to be said"

"I really missed you Skade. I hated that the King sent me away for 3 years to deal with the terrorist." He put his hand and cupped her cheek. Skades eyes flickered from violet to black. That's when Staz knew that his touch no longer affected her the way it used too "Come on let's get you back to that mutt, I have a feeling he's not too happy and will be willingly to slash out my throat. You haven't told him about me, have you?"

"When did things become difficult?"

"Only you can find your way out"

Skade gets up, along with Staz walking back into the Throne Room. Isaac instantly looks at them. He felt there was something between them. Skade walks up to him, grabbing his hand. The King watching, and seeing for once that Skade is opening up her heart again. He smiles for how good that felt seeing her not in rage constantly. Prince Colt felt the same way.

"So I was hearing Isaac's story on whats been happening in the wolves' territory. Should I call a meet with them to get to the bottom of this?" The King speaking not wanting Skade to see what he was thinking about.

The question directing mostly to Skade. "I told you I got it handled"

"I warn you again Skade, Do Not invadilate the treaty" the King warned her and will keep warning her.

"I won't" Skade said that looking at Isaac. "I promise" They both smiling. The King was shocked to hear her say that, she hasn't made promises in centuries. It actually comfort him knowing she most likely meant it.

"See to it be dealt with" the King ordered.

Skade nodded zooming isaac out.

"Colt and Staz, watch over her. I don't know what is going through her mind" the King again ordered them before they left.


*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Skade gets up from where she was on top of Isaac in just her bra. "Hold on, you aren't going to open the door looking like that are you?"

"Are we gettin jealous?" She smirked and in a flash opening the door to a man staring her up and down.

"Hey" "Hey" Staz and Skade greeted each other very softly

Isaac got his tanned muscly body up, grabbing a shirt from the ground going towards the door handing skade her shirt as she put it on with a grunt.

"Isaac" Staz greeted him definitely not with a warm smile. Isaac gave him a dirty look, on the verge to growl.
"Anyways The King Wanted me to give you the new and improve vape since you lost your last one again" handing her a vape. Isaac looked at it suspiciously.

"How improved?" She questioned.

"Better and stronger additives I was just told"

"Thank you Staz" she softly smiled

"My pleasure" He smiles so tenderly but gave a smirked to Isaac before leaving.

Closing the door, skade took a big rip from the vape. Her eyes changed to a deep red colour as she held it in, finally releasing her inhale.

"What exactly is that?"

"Something to help me in control. My hunger is fairly often so my father had his scientist invent something for me to be satisfy for a little bit"

"What's in it? Is it like a drug?"

"No, it has some blood traces and probably some herbs to calm my demons down"

"How does it help if your inhaling it?"

"My lungs absorb it leaving me in a state like after I feed. The trances of blood in it kinda tricks my brain that I feed, having the other chemicals and herbs to ease my hunger, pain, and stronger emotions down"

"You really do think you're in control but you still have to find ways to be in control?"

"Look I have a taste for destruction, I could tear this world apart if I wanted too,but I don't, and that's having control, but it's does take alot of my energy to not lash out. So to make it easier I do find ways to be in control so I can conserve my energy." She paused "anymore questions?"

Isaac studied her for moment, his thoughts going to him wanting her to drink from him to learn control. He still didn't understand why vampires are so bent on being powerful cause of greed, and how the red liquid control them. But he guesses one will never know if they are not one of them.

"Yeah actually, how come you don't fe-?"


"No what? I didn't even finish my sentence"

"Just no, ain't happening"

"Ohhh right, mind reading. It's not like you haven't done it before"

"You put too much trust into me" shes was feeling regret. All those times she's been gruel, all the time she feed from him then went to massacre other beings, what she did in her past to his people. It was actually all getting to her for the first time in this moment. She doesnt remember this feeling.

"I do and should trust you. You're mine" Isaac growled trying to prove to her that he was claiming what's his.

"You barely know me, you shouldn't trust me, because you absolutely do not know my thoughts and my emotions" she gave him a dark tone

"I wish you would tell me!" Isaac raised his voice

Skade took an inhale from the vape and as she sat down she exhales.

"Your scent smells so astonishing to me, it overwhelms me to make me lose control. Too just sank my teeth into your smooth tan thick skin, to pierce it to let the warm sweet metallic liquid touch my tongue flow through my body giving me an energetic comforting feeling" shes been walking up to him slowly making him backup into the wall til the last word as her fangs extended out, her eye turning golden sparkle bright red colour.

"Is that enough for you to understand that, that's all I want is your blood and that I would drain you in minutes."

Isaac had backed away hearing the torture that vampires have to deal with. They were almost nose to nose and Isaac's face soften and the next second he cups her face bring her closer to kiss her

'its okay to lose control with me' Isaac thought to her.

She then deepens their kiss, lips on top of each other, tongues slides in wrestling each other. She threw her hands in his shaggy black hair. He moves his arms around her waist pulling his body to touch his. He then grabs her shirt and rolls it up over her breaking the kiss. Pulling her back to his bare chest and abs. Rubbing each other with their skin on skin. She inhaled his scent and can no longer keep away from it. She gave kissing pecks from his lips cross his jawline over to his ear nibbling it. That moment Isaac moaned, and whimpered to keep going, he wanted more, he wanted her to touch him in everyway possible. He felt like a girl falling into her touch. She continued to go down onto his neck then found a sweet spot on the crock of his neck slowly piercing his skin as she said. Her eyes closed as the warm sensation of feeding on him. Isaac gripped her tighter into his bare chest. He moved his head slightly to give her kisses on the mark he gave her and that when she moaned loud.

She managed to pull away, licking her fangs and lips. She then pulled away to undo his pants and pulled them down. Coming back up to devour his mouth bringing her tongue out licking his lips dragging her tongue to the side of his mouth down his neck and pecks, down his real nice 8 pack to his V line down to his stem over his and the tip of his dick. He moaned and melted into her lick down his body. She wraps her mouth nice and tight around his big dick, sucking it moving his head and twirling her tongue around the hole making him moaned. She moved her hands playing with his balls, as she going back and forth licking them and sucking on them. She stopped and gets up right when he's about to cum making him edge.

In a blink of an eye she had him pinned on the bed, the rest of her clothes off in that time. She got on top of him in cowgirl style. Positioning herself on him and going at it.

She couldn't understand why her sexual intentions were so strong towards him, besides them being mates. She was barely able to control her blood lust for him but now her sexual lust for him and him only. She was lost on to why she felt completely different around him. She didn't know if this is what mate were suppose to feel or not. But either way she didn't want this to only be the mate bond. She definitely didnt want him or anyone to know how he was starting to be her weakness.

With this in the back of her mind while bouncing on him. She had a very overwhelming feeling of claiming him. She continued moving her hips as she slowly lean down towards his neck kissing it and and then her gums were hurting, longing to push out long canines. She couldnt hold them in any longer, sanking her fangs into his neck again, but this time she felt her vemon consuming her bite. Isaac was taking more control now underneath her, pounding faster moaning.

She finally pulled back realizing what she had just done. She stopped and instantly got off, looking in horror. She was gone in seconds

Isaac sat there wondering what happen. Why did she disappear again specially in a good moment like this.....

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